Statutory Bodies (Change of Names) Act

Chapter 383


Statutory Bodies (Change of Names) Act

Chapter 383

  • Published in Tanzania Government Gazette
  • Commenced on 11 August 1967
  • [This is the version of this document at 31 July 2002.]
  • [Note: This legislation has been thoroughly revised and consolidated under the supervision of the Attorney General's Office, in compliance with the Laws Revision Act No. 7 of 1994, the Revised Laws and Annual Revision Act (Chapter 356 (R.L.)), and the Interpretation of Laws and General Clauses Act No. 30 of 1972. This version is up-to-date as at 31st July 2002.]
[Act No. 24 of 1967]An Act to enable the President to substitute the word "Tanzania" in the names of statutory bodies.

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Statutory Bodies (Change of Names) Act.

2. Interpretation

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"statutory body" means any corporation, board, committee, council or any other body of persons, whether corporate or unincorporated, established by or under any Act or Ordinance.

3. President may by order change name

Where the name of any statutory body includes the word "Tanganyika" or any derivative thereof the President may, by order published in the Gazette, change the name of such statutory body by substituting for the word "Tanganyika" or its derivative the word "Tanzania" or its derivative.

4. Effect of change of name

Where an order is made under section 3 in respect of any statutory body—
(a)all Acts and Ordinances in which the former name of such corporate body occurs shall be construed as if there were substituted for such former name the new name specified in the order and where such former name occurs in the title of any Act or Ordinance such title shall be construed accordingly;
(b)the change of name shall not affect any right or obligation of the statutory body or render defective any legal proceedings by or against the statutory body, and any legal proceedings that might have been continued or commenced by or against it by its former name may be continued or commenced by or against it by the new name;
(c)no deed, instrument or other document whatsoever shall be held to be invalid or defective by reason of it having been made or executed by the statutory body in its former name.
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History of this document

31 July 2002 this version
11 August 1967