Electronic Transactions Act, 2015

Act 13 of 2015

There are outstanding amendments that have not yet been applied. See the History tab for more information.
Electronic Transactions Act, 2015

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History of this document

22 March 2024 amendment not yet applied
01 December 2023 amendment not yet applied
15 December 2019 amendment not yet applied
25 April 2015
Assented to

Cited documents 0

Documents citing this one 45

Judgment 43
1. Magnus K.Laurean vs Tanzania Breweries Ltd (Civil Appeal No. 25 of 2018) [2021] TZCA 578 (12 October 2021) 3 citations
2. Joanita Joel Mutalemwa vs Christina Kamugisha Tushemeleirwa (PC Criminal Appeal 3 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 9866 (30 May 2022) 2 citations
3. Standard Chartered Bank Ltd vs Justin Tineishemo (Revs Appl No. 184 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLD 1084 (15 November 2022) 2 citations
4. Aman Yohana Mwandemile vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 22 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 9520 (17 May 2022) 1 citation
5. Amina Mohamed @ Fani Mohamed vs Gulam Hussein Dewji Remtullah @ Gulam (DC Civil Appeal Case 5 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 14417 (30 September 2022) 1 citation
6. Gabriel Mathias Michael & Another vs Halima Feruzi & Others (Civil Appeal No.28 of 2020) [2023] TZCA 17484 (10 August 2023) 1 citation
7. Ngika Igembe & Others vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 48 of 2018) [2022] TZCA 131 (22 March 2022) 1 citation
8. Onesmo Nangole vs Dr. Stephen Lemomo Kiruswa & Others (Civil Appeal No. 117 of 2017) [2017] TZCA 137 (31 August 2017) 1 citation
9. Tanzania Union of Industries and Commercial Workers (TUICO) vs Serengeti Breweries Limited (SBL) (Labour Dispute No. 07 of 2022) [2023] TZHCLD 1292 (3 April 2023) 1 citation
10. Tanzania Union of Industries and Commercial Workers (TUICO) vs Serengeti Breweries Limited (SBL) (Labour Dispute No. 07 of 2022) [2023] TZHCLD 1296 (29 May 2023) 1 citation
Manual 1
1. Criminal Prosecutions Case Manual
Speech 1
1. Hotuba ya Mhe. Jaji Mkuu Prof. Ibrahim Hamis Juma Siku ya Sheria Nchini, Dodoma Tarehe 2 Februari, 2022 Maudhui: Zama za Mapinduzi ya Nne ya Viwanda: Safari ya Maboresho kuelekea Mahakama Mtandao

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