Public Prosecutors (Appointment) Notice, 1943

Government Notice 137 of 1943

Criminal Procedure Act

Public Prosecutors (Appointment) Notice, 1943

Government Notice 137 of 1943

  • Published in Tanzania Government Gazette
  • Commenced
  • [This is the version of this document at 31 July 2002.]
  • [Note: This legislation has been thoroughly revised and consolidated under the supervision of the Attorney General's Office, in compliance with the Laws Revision Act No. 7 of 1994, the Revised Laws and Annual Revision Act (Chapter 356 (R.L.)), and the Interpretation of Laws and General Clauses Act No. 30 of 1972. This version is up-to-date as at 31st July 2002.]
[Section 95; G.N.s Nos. 137 of 1943; 382 of 1943; 202 of 1947; 18 of 1952; 120 of 1959; 375 of 1960; 164 of 1962; 245 of 1965; 379 of 1967; 276 of 1968; 77 of 1970; 182 of 1973; 38 of 1974; 163 of 1977; 83 of 1992; 423 of 1992]


This Notice may be cited as the Public Prosecutors (Appointment) Notice.


The persons holding the titles specified in the first column of the schedule are hereby appointed Public Prosecutors for the area set of out in the second column in respect of any proceedings instituted under the laws specified in the third column of the Schedule hereto.


(1)(a)Principal Water OfficerThe whole of Tanzania MainlandWater Utilisation (Control and Regulation) Act (Cap. 331).
(b)Regional Water EngineerWithin the region of which he is in charge 
(c)Deputy/Assistant Regional Water EngineerWithin the region of which he is in charge
(2)Secretary of the Rent TribunalThe whole of Mainland TanzaniaRent Restriction Act (Cap. 339).
(3)(a)Tax Inspectors of Ministry of Finance(b)Finance Officers of Ministry of FinanceThe whole of Mainland Tanzania(a)Probate and Administration of Estates Act (Cap. 352) in relation to estate duty matters;(b)Entertainments Tax Act (Cap. 104);(c)Stamp Duty Act (Cap. 189);(d)Motor Vehicles (Tax on Registration and Transfer) Act (Cap. 124);(e)Hotel Levy in relation to Hotels Act (Cap. 105);(f)Business Licensing Act (Cap. 208); and(g)Institute of Development Management Act (Cap. 93).
(4)All Registrars Deputy Registrars and Assistant Registrars appointed under the Companies Act(a)Companies Act (Cap. 212);(b)Business Names (Registration) Act (Cap. 213);(c)Patents (Registration) Act (Cap. 217);(d)Trade and Service Marks Act (Cap. 326);(e)National Industries (Licensing and Registration) Act (Cap. 46). 
(5)All Health Inspectors, Health Officers, Health Education Officers and Environment Health Officers under the service of the Government, or a local government authority(a)Food (Control of Quality) Act (Cap. 344);(b)Public Health (Sewerage and Drainage) Act (Cap. 336);(c)Infectious Diseases Act (Cap. 96);(d)Local Government (District Authorities) Act (Cap. 287);(e)Local Government (Urban Authorities) Act (Cap. 288);(f)Mosquitoes Control Act (Cap. 99);(g)Intoxicating Liquors Act (Cap. 77);(h)Dairy Industry Act (Cap. 262);(i)Internationally Notifiable Diseases (Prevention) Act (Cap. 73).
(6)All Collectors of CustomsWithin the region in which they may be stationedCustoms (Management and Tariff) Act (Cap. 403).
(7)Medical Officers and Health InspectorsWithin the region in which they may be stationedInfectious Diseases Act (Cap. 96);Food (Control of Quality) Act (Cap. 344);Minor Settlements Act (R.L. Cap. 102);Mosquitoes (Control) Act (Cap. 99).
(8)Every gazetted officer of the Police Force and every officer of such Force not being below the rank of Sub-Inspector with authority to actThroughout TanzaniaPolice Force and Auxiliary Services Act (Cap. 322).
(9)Sampling Officers Food (Control of Quality) Act (Cap. 344).
(10)Inspectors Explosives Act (Cap. 45).
(11)Principal Immigration Officer and other Immigration officersThroughout TanzaniaImmigration Act (Cap. 54).
(12)Chief Inspector of Weights and and all other Inspectors of Weights and MeasuresThroughout TanzaniaWeights and Measures Act (Cap. 340).
(13)Senior Forest OfficersThroughout TanzaniaForests Act (Cap. 323).
(14)Senior Labour Officer Grade ISenior Labour Officer Grade IILabour Officer Grade ILabour Officer Grade IISenior Labour InspectorLabour Inspector Grade IThroughout TanzaniaWorkers' Compensation Act (Cap. 263).
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31 July 2002 this version

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