Official Receiver's Agents (Remuneration) Rules, 1966

Government Notice 65 of 1966

Bankruptcy Act

Official Receiver's Agents (Remuneration) Rules, 1966

Government Notice 65 of 1966

  • Published in Tanzania Government Gazette
  • Commenced on 1 March 1966
  • [This is the version of this document at 31 July 2002.]
  • [Note: This legislation has been thoroughly revised and consolidated under the supervision of the Attorney General's Office, in compliance with the Laws Revision Act No. 7 of 1994, the Revised Laws and Annual Revision Act (Chapter 356 (R.L.)), and the Interpretation of Laws and General Clauses Act No. 30 of 1972. This version is up-to-date as at 31st July 2002.]
[Sections 121 and 123; G.N. No. 65 of 1966]

1. Citation

These Rules may be cited as the Official Receiver's Agents (Remuneration) Rules, and shall come into force on the first day of March, 1966.

2. Interpretation

In these Rules, unless the context requires otherwise, "agent" means and includes any person, not being a member of the Official Receiver's staff, employed by the Official Receiver for the purpose of taking and keeping possession of or selling any property, movable or immovable or employed by the Official Receiver for the collection of rents or for any other purpose connected with the management of property, movable or immovable, of which the Official Receiver is in possession in his official capacity.

3. Remuneration

The remuneration of an agent shall be in accordance with these Rules and the Schedule hereto.

4. Official Receiver's fees

Where the duties of an agent are performed by any Government official the fees or remuneration prescribed by these Rules shall be leviable and shall be credited to the public revenue as Official Receiver's fees.

5. Expenses payable by agent

Save as provided for in section 6 hereof, all expenses of advertisement, inventories, catalogues, insurance and all necessary charges for safe-guarding property shall be payable by the agent out of his remuneration and shall not be charged for additionally.

6. Official Receiver may allow additional claim for expenses

(1)The Official Receiver may in special circumstances, on the application of an agent, allow all or any of the said expenses to be charged for additionally.
(2)Where the Official Receiver has refused an agent's application to allow any of the said expenses to be charged for additionally, the agent may within thirty days after the receipt by him of the notification of such refusal appeal to the High Court against such refusal by way of chamber application.
(3)Where an agent makes an application under paragraph (2) such application shall be lodged and disposed of in accordance with the rules relating to applications made in civil suits in so far as such rules may be applicable:Provided that no application made under paragraph (1) shall be disposed of by the High Court unless the Official Receiver has been given an opportunity to be heard thereon.

7. Fees

The fees prescribed in Table C of the Scale of Bankruptcy Fees and Percentages, shall not apply to agents employed by the Official Receiver.

8. Revocation

[Revokes G.N. No. 300 of 1943.]

Schedule (Rule 3)


[Fees omitted: Subject to variation. Items for which fees may be levied are listed below.]
(a)On taking possession of movable property and keeping possession of the same for 15 days or any lesser period
(b)For keeping possession of such movable property for each day after the fifteenth day
2.On taking possession of immovable property—
(a)In respect of each property owned by the debtor in which he or his relatives (not paying rent) reside and continue to reside
(b)In respect of each other property.
3.On sale—
(a)On movable property
(b)On immovable property
4.On valuation, where the valuer is not otherwise employed as an agent for taking possession and/or sale
5.On collection of rents, for each property
6.On any other work carried out.



[Editorial note: The forms have not been reproduced.]

List of forms

Adjournment of Petition22
Admission of Debt by Debtor or Bankrupt30
Affidavit by Special Manager163
Affidavit in Support of Application of Committal of Debtor for Contempt under Section 24111
Affidavit in Support of Application for Enforcement of Provisions of Composition or Scheme80
Affidavit of Justification21
Affidavit of Non-Compliance with Order under Section 100(2)119
Affidavit of a Person Interested in Composition for Committal110
Affidavit or Certificate of Postage of Notices of First Meeting38
Affidavit and Certificate of Postage of Notices (General)47
Affidavit of Service of Bankruptcy Notice6
Affidavit of Service of Petition14
Affidavit of Trustee under Section 53(5)112
Affidavit of Truth of Statement in Petition11
Affidavit of Truth of Statement in Joint Petition12
Affidavit on an Application to Set Aside Bankruptcy Notice7
Affidavit verifying Trustee's Account158
Affidavit verifying Trustee's Trading Account161
Affidavit by Bankrupt whose Discharge has been Granted Conditionally as to After Acquired Property or Income105
Application by Creditor for Order for Trustee to Pay Dividend Withheld and Order thereon156
Application by Receiver for an Order Appointing a Sitting for the Public Examination of the Debtor59
Application by Receiver for Adjudication84-88
Application by Receiver for Adjudication (Summary Case)87
Application by Trustee for Committal of Bankruptcy or other Person109
Application by Trustee for Release165
Application for Directions by Trustee147
Application for Enforcement of Provision in a Composition or Scheme79
Application for Extension of Time for Holding First Meeting and Order thereon32
Application for Interim Receiver13
Application for Order of Discharge94
Application for Summary Administration30
Application to Annul Adjudication91
Application to Court to Appoint a Day for Approving Composition or Scheme73
Application to Court to Appoint a Day for Approving Composition or Scheme in Summary Case74
Application to Extend Time for Approving Composition or Scheme, and Order thereon72
Authority to Deputy to Act as Chairman of Meeting and Use Proxies40
Authority to Trustee to Pay Dividends to Another Person155
Bankruptcy Notice5
Bond on Stay of Proceedings, Security, etc19
Certificate by Committee of Inspection as to Audit of Trustee's Accounts157
Certificate for Removal of Disqualification106
Certificate of Appointment of Trustee107
Certificate of Number of Creditors95
Certificate of Postage of Notices (First Meeting)38
Certificate of Postage of Notices (General)47
Certificate of Approval of Composition or Scheme82
Consent of Bankruptcy to Judgment being Entered under Section 29103
Creditors' Petition9
Creditors' Petition for Administration of Deceased Debtor (Section 120)10
Debtors' Petition3
Declaration of Inability to Pay2
Disclaimer without Notice141
Disclaimer of Leasehold Property after Notice to Landlord, Mortgagees, etc.142
Disclaimer, with Leave, of Lease143
Dismissal of Petition23
Dismissal of Petition (Stay of Proceedings)24
General Proxy57
General Title1
Judgment to be Entered Pursuant to Consent104
List of Creditors Assembled to be Used at Every Meeting51
List of Creditors at Meeting to Consider Composition or Scheme52
Memorandum of Adjournment of First or Other Meeting43
Memorandum of Advertisement or Gazetting170
Memorandum of Proceedings at First Meeting (Summary Case)42
Memorandum of Proceedings at Adjourned First Meeting (No Quorum)44
Memorandum of Public Examination of Debtor72
Minutes of Meeting for Receiving Resignation of Trustee, etc.50
Notes of Public Examination of Debtor when Shorthand Writer Not Appointed61
Notice by Debtor of Intention to Oppose Petition17
Notice for Gazette of Intention to Transfer Separate Estate to Joint Estate169
Notices for Gazette170
Notice in Gazette of Substituted Service of Petition or Bankruptcy Notice15
Notice of Application for Committal under Section 18 or 23113
Notice of Application for Committal under Section 24114
Notice of Application for Committal under Section 53(5)115
Notice of Application to Set Aside Income of Property of Bankrupt Married Woman135
Notice of Disclaimer Without Leave of the Court144
Notice of Disclaimer of Lease With Leave of the Court145
Notice Requiring Question of Disclaimer to be Brought before Court146
Notice of Dividend154
Notice to Landlord of Intention to Disclaim Leasehold Property Not Sub-let or Mortgaged139
Notice of Intention to Disclaim Leasehold Property Sub-let or Mortgaged140
Notice of Meeting (General Form)46
Notice of Meeting to Appoint New Trustee49
Notice of Receiving Order, etc.170
Notice of Rejection of Proof of Debt56
Notice of Sureties20
Notice to Bankrupt under Section 55134
Notice to Creditors of Adjourned Meeting37
Notice to Creditors of Application to Approve Composition or Scheme75
Notice to Creditors of Application to Approve Composition or Scheme (Summary Case)76
Notice to Creditors of First Meeting33
Notice to Creditors of Meeting to Remove Trustee and to Fill Vacancy48
Notice to Creditors of Application for Discharge97
Notice to Creditors of Intention to Declare Dividend151
Notice to Creditors of Intention to Pay Composition153
Notice to Creditors of Intention to Apply for Release164
Notice to Creditors of First Meeting where No Offer for Composition (Summary Case)34
Notice of First or Other Meeting where Debtor Submits Offer of Composition or Scheme35
Notice to Creditors of Meeting where Debtor Submits Offer of Composition (Summary Case)36
Notice to Debtor to Attend First Meeting of Creditors39
Notice to Debtor of Intended Application for Adjudication83
Notice to Official Receiver of Application by Debtor to Court to Approve Composition or Scheme77
Notice to Receiver and Trustee of Application for Discharge96
Notice to Receiver and Trustee of Application for Amendment or Remission on Payment of Debts in Full93
Notice to Persons Claiming to be Creditors of Intention to Declare Final Dividend152
Order Annulling Adjudication92
Order Appointing Time for Public Examination of the Debtor60
Order Adjourning Public Examination62
Order for Administration in Bankruptcy of Estate of Deceased Debtor on Petition149
Order for Discharge from Custody on Contempt121
Order Dispensing with Public Examination of Debtor63
Order for Examination of Afflicted Debtor64
Order for Production of Person in Prison for Examination before the Court122
Order for Enforcement of Provisions of Composition or Scheme81
Order for Payment of Income of Property of Bankrupt Married Woman138
Order for Production of Person Apprehended under Section 28 for Examination before the Court133
Order for Summary Administration31
Order of Adjudication89,90
Order of Committal under Section 18 or 23116
Order of Committal under Section 24117
Order of Committal under Section 53(5)118
Order of Court that Examination is Concluded64
Order of Court for General Meeting of Creditors45
Orders as to Discharge98-102
Order on Application of Trustee for Directions148
Order on Application to Approve Composition or Scheme78
Order Restraining Action before Receiving Order25
Order Setting Aside Bankruptcy Notice8
Order Setting Aside Pay, Salary, etc. under Section 55(1)136
Order Setting Aside Pay, Salary, etc. under Section 55(2)137
Order to Pay Admitted Debt131
Order to Postmaster-General under Section 27126
Order to Stay Proceedings on Petition18
Order for Substituted Service16
Profit and Loss Account160
Proofs of Debt53-55
Proposal for Composition67
Proposal for Scheme68
Receiving Order (Creditors' Petition)27
Receiving Order (Debtor's Petition)26
Register of Bankruptcy Notices166
Register of Petitions167
Register of Receiving Orders168
Report of Appointment of Trustee to Fill Vacancy108
Report of Official Receiver on Proposal for Scheme or Composition and Voting Letter69
Request for Issue of Bankruptcy Notice4
Resolution Accepting Composition70
Resolution Accepting Scheme of Arrangement71
Resolution where Adjudication Resolved on41
Return by Bankrupt Every Three Months171
Search Warrant123
Special Proxy58
Statement of Affairs29
Statement of Accounts under Section 87162
Statement to Accompany Notice of Dividend or Application for Release150
Subpoena Duces Tecum128
Summons under Section 28129
Trustee's Trading Account159
Voting Letter69
Warrant against Debtor about to Quit Tanzania125
Warrant of Committal for Contempt120
Warrant of Seizure124
Warrant to Apprehend Person Summoned under Section 28132
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History of this document

31 July 2002 this version
01 March 1966