National Parks Regulations, 1970

Government Notice 255 of 1970

National Park Act

National Parks Regulations, 1970

Government Notice 255 of 1970

  • Published in Tanzania Government Gazette
  • Commenced on 4 September 1970
  • [This is the version of this document at 31 July 2002.]
  • [Note: This legislation has been thoroughly revised and consolidated under the supervision of the Attorney General's Office, in compliance with the Laws Revision Act No. 7 of 1994, the Revised Laws and Annual Revision Act (Chapter 356 (R.L.)), and the Interpretation of Laws and General Clauses Act No. 30 of 1972. This version is up-to-date as at 31st July 2002.]
[Section 25; G.N.s Nos. 255 of 1970; 19 of 1977; 103 of 1980; 343 of 1986; 351 of 1989; 25 of 1997; 50 of 2002]

1. Short title

These Regulations may be cited as the National Parks Regulations, and shall apply to all national parks.

2. Interpretation

In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—"Act" means the National Parks Act 1;1Cap. 282"camping site" means any site within a Park which has been declared as such by the Director or by the Warden;"Director" means the Director of Tanzania National Parks, and includes any person duly authorised by him;"lodge" means a place of public accommodation declared by the Director to be a lodge;"non-resident" means a person who is not a resident;"observation place" means any place which has been declared as such by the Director;"Park" means a park declared under section 3 or by section 5 of the Act to be a National Park;"prescribed fee" means the appropriate fee specified in the First and Second Schedules to these Regulations;"resident" means a person ordinarily residing in the United Republic of Tanzania;"road" means any road, track or demarcated route for motor vehicles within the boundaries of a Park and includes any bridge, culvert, crossing or drift, but does not include a public highway;"Warden" in relation to any Park means the Warden of the Park and includes any person duly authorised by him.

3. Entering a national park

(1)Subject to the provisions of section 21 of the Act, no person shall enter or be within a Park otherwise than under and in accordance with a permit.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this regulation the Warden may order any person to leave the Park, if, in his opinion, presence of such person in the Park is or would be detrimental to the proper management and control of the Park, or such person has committed an offence against the Act or these Regulations.
(3)No permit shall be issued in respect of any motor vehicle carrying goods or designed primarily for the carriage of goods, unless:
(a)in the case of vehicles carrying goods, whether or not they are designed primarily for that purpose, the goods are—
(i)the personal effects of the occupants of the motor vehicle or of the occupants of any other motor vehicle travelling in company with such first mentioned motor vehicle;
(ii)camping equipment, utensils and stores for the use of the occupants of such motor vehicle or of any other motor vehicle travelling in company with such first mentioned motor vehicle; or
(iii)trade or other goods destined for any hotel, shop lodge, or camping place within the Park or for use by any person within the Park; or
(b)in the case of a vehicle not carrying goods, entry of such vehicle into the Park is solely for the purpose of transportation within the Park or removal from the Park of any goods specified in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph.
(4)No permit shall be issued to any person who has been forbidden to enter the Park under the provisions of regulation 18.

4. Permit to camp in the Park

Except with the special permission of the Director, no person shall stay, camp or be in any camping site for any period between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. otherwise than on payment of the prescribed fee.

5. Closing of portions of Park to persons and traffic

(1)Where, on the authority of the Director, any portion of the Park or any road has been closed to the public or to any kind of traffic or to any class of vehicles, no person shall travel on such portion of road or cause the prohibited class of vehicles to travel thereon.
(2)For the purpose of this regulation, any portion of the Park or road, or any part of a road, whereon by the authority of the Director or of the Warden or of any other servant or agent of the Trustees duly authorised in that behalf, there has been placed a notice, sign mark, fence, gate, barricade, or line of stones, indicating that it has been closed to the public or to any kind of traffic or class of vehicles shall be deemed to be closed.

6. Restricting traffic to certain roads

The Director, or on his authority, the Warden may forbid vehicles to travel except on roads or specified tracks in any portion of the Park.

7. Prohibition of certain acts in the Park

Except with the special permission, in writing, of the Director or of the Warden, or of any other authorised servant or agent of the Trustees, no person shall—
(a)enter or leave the Park elsewhere than at a place approved by the Director as an entrance or exit;
(b)enter the Park (other than the Gombe National Park) or any portion thereof, otherwise than in a motor vehicle having four or more wheels, and having a net weight not exceeding 2,000 kilos or be within the Gombe National Park unless he is accompanied by a person authorised by the Warden;
(c)be within the Park or any portion between the hours of 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. unless he is in a camping site or lodge;
(d)be within the Park (other than the Gombe National Park) unless he is within 25 metres of a motor vehicle or is within an observation place;
(e)knowingly alight from a vehicle in the Park within 200 metres of any live animal (other than an insect or bird), unless he is in an observation place;
(f)exceed a speed of 50 kilometres per hour in a motor vehicle within the Park;
(g)sound a motor horn within the Park;
(h)cut or set fire to any vegetation or otherwise damage any object of geological, prehistoric, archeological, historical or scientific interest in the Park;
(i)introduce any animal or vegetation into the Park;
(j)remove from the Park any animal or vegetation whether alive or dead other than any animal or vegetation lawfully introduced into the Park by the person removing it;
(k)remove from the Park any object of geological, prehistoric, archeological, historical or other scientific interest;
(l)destroy or deface any object, whether animate or inanimate in the Park.

8. Disturbance

(1)Except with the special permission of the Director or of the Warden, or of any duly authorised servant or agent of the Trustees, no person while within the Park, shall molest, provoke, feed or disturb any animal.
(2)For the purposes of this regulation, any person who approaches or follows any animal, or makes any sudden movement, or noise, or flashes a light or does anything else in such a manner as intentionally to cause an animal to move away from where it is, or to change its direction of travel, or to increase its pace or speed, or to become frightened, or to stampede, shall be deemed to have disturbed an animal.

9. Discharge of weapon

Except with the special permission of the Director or of the Warden, no person shall intentionally discharge any weapon, or release any appliance so that a projectile therefrom passes over any portion of, or falls within, the Park.

10. Restriction on fires

Except with the special permission of the Director or of the Warden, or of any other duly authorised servant or agent of the Trustees, no person while within the Park shall—
(a)light a fire, or cause a fire to be lighted;
(b)leave any fire which has been lighted, or which he has caused to be lighted, unextinguished;
(c)discard any burning object.

11. Notices and trading

Except with the special permission of the Director, or of the Warden, no person shall—
(a)display any notice or advertisement within the Park, or at any entrance to or on the boundary of the Park;
(b)collect any money from members of the public or sell any goods, or offer any goods for sale, or carry on any trade within the Park.

12. Fences and signposts

Except with the special permission of the Director or of the Warden, no person shall—
(a)place, erect, damage, move, loosen, alter, break, cut, destroy, or in any way interfere with fencing, fence post, gate, beacon, boundary of the Park;
(b)place, erect, mark, spoil, damage, disfigure, alter, bend, cover, move or remove any sign board, notice board, or notice within the Park or on any boundary of the Park.

13. Nuisance

No person while within the Park shall—
(a)discard any refuse or litter or in any other way disfigure the Park;
(b)unnecessarily cause or make any noise, or do any act, which is likely to disturb, or annoy any other person.

14. Control of drivers of public service vehicles

(1)No person unless he be a bona fide tourist himself driving a vehicle hired for visiting the Park, shall drive a public service vehicle within a Park, except under and in accordance with a permit issued by the Director or Warden.
(2)The Director or Warden may without assigning any reason refuse to issue such permit or endorse, suspend or cancel any such permit already issued.
(3)Where the permit has been suspended or cancelled, the holder when applying again for the issue of that permit, shall disclose the fact of such suspension or cancellation.

15. Aircraft

Except with the permission of the Director, or of the Warden or of any other servant or agent of the Trustees duly authorised in that behalf, no person shall—
(a)unless in an emergency, land any aircraft in a Park except at an airfield at which landing of aircraft has been generally authorised by the Director;
(b)except for the purpose of landing or taking off or in an emergency fly any aircraft at an altitude of less than one thousand five hundred feet above ground.

16. Personation

(1)No person, other than a servant or agent of the Trustees, shall make use of or wear any badge, uniform or emblem authorised to be worn by any servant or agent of the Trustees.
(2)No person shall—
(a)make use of or wear any badge, uniform or emblem so nearly resembling such badge, uniform or emblem aforesaid as to be calculated to deceive; or
(b)unlawfully hold himself out as being a Warden or any other servant or agent of the Trustees.

17. Orders and directions

(1)The Director, Warden and any other officer of the Trustees authorised in writing in that behalf may issue orders, notices and directions, either orally or in writing, for the purposes of—
(a)directing traffic in the Park;
(b)prohibiting the use of any part of the Park or any road;
(c)prohibiting visitors to the Park from using any gramophone or radio set or musical instrument or restricting the use;
(d)preventing any damage or injury to any animal or plant, or any behavior on the part of any person in the Park which is likely to disturb or provoke any animal.
(2)It shall be a condition of any person's entry into the park that he shall comply with any lawful order or direction, whether verbal or written, given or issued by the Director or Warden or any other authorised servant or agent of the Trustees.
(3)If any person fails to comply with or contravenes any direction or order lawfully given to him under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Warden or Assistant Warden may either verbally or in writing, forthwith cancel such a person's entry permit, without refund of any fees paid.

18. Prohibition of certain persons from entering the Park

If in the opinion of the Director, the presence of any person within the Park would be or is detrimental to the proper management and control of the Park, the Director may forbid him from entering the Park for a period not exceeding one year.

19. Fees

(1)For the issue of a permit or granting of a permission under these Regulations, the appropriate fee specified in the First Schedule to these Regulations shall be charged:Provided that the Director or the Warden may exempt any person from the payment of the whole or any part of such fee.
(2)The fees specified in the First Schedule to these regulations shall be paid for the taking of photographs within a Park, where such photographs are intended for sale or public exhibition or for any other purpose from which monetary rewards, gain, commission or profit will or is intended to result:Provided that the Trustees may in their discretion refund the whole or any part of such fees:Provided further that no fee shall be payable in respect of any photographs taken by an employee of the Government for the purposes of his employment.
(3)In this paragraph "photograph" means picture, image or likeness, whether cinematographic or still, obtained by means of a camera.

20. Penalties

Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of these Regulations commits an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine not exceeding four thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months or to both.

21. Revocation

[Revokes the following Regulations 22G.N.s Nos. 434 of 1960; 17 of 1961; 488 of 1964; 8 of 1965; 70 of 1968; 172 and 209 of 1969; 514 of 1958
(a)The Serengeti National Park Regulations 3;3G.N. No. 434 of 1960
(b)The Lake Manyara National Park Regulations 4;4G.N. No. 17 of 1961
(c)The Mikumi National Park Regulations 5;5G.N. No. 488 of 1964
(d)The Ruaha National Park Regulations 6;6G.N. No. 8 of 1965
(e)The Arusha National Park Regulations 7;7G.N. No. 70 of 1968
(f)The Gombe National Park Regulations 8;8G.N. No. 172 of 1969
(g)The National Park (Control of Drivers of Public Service Vehicles) Regulations 9;9G.N. No. 209 of 1969
(h)The National Parks (Fees for Photography) Regulations 10.]10G.N. No. 514 of 1958

First Schedule

Fees 11

11This Schedule substituted for First and Second Schedules by G.N. No. 25 of 1997.Fees for the period commencing at the time of arrival and ending after twenty four hours on the following day or part of such period and for each following period of twenty four hours or part thereof spent in the Parks.
A.(1)Arusha, Tarangire and Lake Manyara National Parks.
 (a)Of or above the age of 16 yearsShs. 1,000/=USD $ 25
(b)Between the age of 5 years and 16 yearsShs. 500/=USD $ 5
(c)Children below the age of 5 yearsFreeFree
(2)Kilimanjaro and Serengeti National Parks.
 (a)Of or above the age of 16 yearsShs. 1,000/=USD $ 30
(b)Between the age of 5 years and 16 yearsShs. 500/=USD $ 5
(c)Below the age of 5 yearsFreeFree
B.Permit for the entry of each person in the:Katavi, Mikumi, Ruaha, Rubondo and Udzungwa National Parks:
  TanzanianNon Tanzanian
(a)of or above the age of 16 yearsShs. 1000/=US $ 15
(b)between the age of 5 years and 16 yearsShs. 500/=US $ 5
C.Permit for the entry of each person in the Gombe Stream National Park:
(a)of or above the age of 16 yearsT. Shs. 1,500/=US $ 100US $ 40
(b)between the age of 5 years and 16 yearsT. Shs. 500/=US $ 20US $ 10
D.Permit for entry of each person in the Mahale National Park.
(a)of or above the age of 16 yearsT. Shs. 1,500/=US $ 50US $ 20
(b)between or above the age of 16T. Shs. 500/=US $ 20US $ 10
(c)below the age of 5 years oldFreeFreeFree
E.Permit for each motor vehicle:
  Tanzanian RegisteredForeign Registered
(a)Tare weight up to 2000 kgsT. Shs. 1,000/=US $ 30
(b)Tare weight between 2,000 kgs. - 7,000kgsT. Shs. 10,000/=US $ 200
(c)Tare weight above 7000 kgs.T. Shs. 15,000/=US $ 200
(d)Vehicle accident fees—
 (i)Tare weight up to 2000 kgs.T. Shs. 50,000/=T. Shs. 50,000/=
(ii)Tare weight over 2000 kgs. (Maximum 10 tons)T. Shs. 100,000/=T. Shs. 100,000/=
(e)Long term permit for citizens non-commercial vehicles/trailers boats and aircrafts—
 (i)Tare weight up to 2000 kgs.T. Shs. 50,000/=T. Shs. 50,000/=
(ii)Tare weight from 2000 kgs. — 7000 kgs. Minimum is payable quarterly and part thereafterT. Shs. 100,000/=T. Shs. 100,000/=
(iii)Tare weight over 7000 kgs.T. Shs. 200,000/=T. Shs. 200,000/=
(iv)Tractors, trailers and boats per annum.
Minimum is payable quarterly and part thereafterT. Shs. 5,000/=T. Shs. 5,000/=
(v)Aircraft per annum.T. Shs. 200,000/=T. Shs 200,000/=
Minimum is payable quarterly and part thereafter
NB: A foreign motor vehicle is any vehicle coming from outside Tanzania and bearing a foreign registration number.
F.Permit for camping in any one period of twenty fours or part thereof:
  Tanzanian T. Shs.Non-Tanzanian US $
1.On established campsite:
 (a)above the age of 16 years1,000/=20
(b)between 5 and 16 years old100/=5
(c)below 5 years oldFreeFree
2.Special campsite:
 (a)above the age of 16 years2,000/=40
(b)between the age of 5 and 16 years100/=10
(c)below the age of 5 years oldFreeFree
G.Guide fees:
 (a)fees for the service of official guide500/=10
(b)fees services of official guide who accompanies the tourist outside his normal working hours1,000/=15
(c)walking safaris guides5,000/=20
H.Special sport fishing applicable only at Gombe, Mahale and Rubondo Island National Parks (Sport Fishing allowed between 7 and 5 p.m. only).
  Tanzanian T. Shs.Non-Tanzanian US$
(a)each person above the age of 16 years2,000/=50
(b)between the age of 5 and 16 years1,000/=25
(c)children below the age of 5 yearsFreeFree
I.Huts, Hostels, Rest Houses fees:(Rates are payable per head per night)
 (a)Kilimanjaro National Park: Mandara, Horombo and Kibo1,000/=40
(b)Meru-Miriakamba and Saddle800/=20
(c)Other Huts - Manyara, Ruaha, Mikumi etc.3,000/=20
(d)Hostels - Marangu, Manyara, Serengeti, Mikumi, Ruaha and Gombe, strictly for organized groups with permission of Park Wardens in charge500/=10
(e)Rest houses - Serengeti, Ruaha, Mikumi, Arusha, Katavi5,000/=30
(f)Rest house - Gombe2,000/=20
J.Rescue fee Mts. Kilimanjaro and Meru:
 The Park shall be responsible for rescue between the point of incident to the gate on any route. The climber will take care of other expenses from the gate to KCMC or other destination as he chooses.
 Tanzanian T. Shs.Non-Tanzanian US$
Rates payable per person for trip2,000/=20
K.Permit for landing of aircraft and heilcopters
  PrivateT. Shs.CommercialT. Shs.
1.Locally Registered:
 (a)Up to 4 seater2,000/=5,000/=
(b)5 - 12 seater5,000/=15,000/=
(c)over 13 seater10,000/=25,000/=
2.Foreign Registered:
  US $US $
(a)Up to 4 seater40100
(b)5-12 seater100150
(c)over 13 seater150300
L.Filming fees:
 The following filming fees are applicable to each person per day and cover entrance, camping and filming fees. Filmers are not segregated into Tanzanian and non-Tanzanian categories—
(a)all parks except Gombe and MahaleUS $ 100
(b)GombeUS $ 180
(c)MahaleUS $ 130
M.Hotel concession fees:
 Fees of 10% per person on half board (bed/breakfast and a meal) shall be payable by the owner or proprietor of a hotel or lodge in respect of each person who lodges or stays in such a hotel or lodge.

Second Schedule

A – Special sport fishing applicable only in Rubondo Island National Park between 7.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. for bona fide Park Visitors

Shs.Cts.US Dollars
(a)of or above the age of 16 years2,000005000
(b)between or above the age of 161.000002500
(c)below the age of 5 years oldFreeFree
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History of this document

31 July 2002 this version
04 September 1970

Cited documents 1

Legislation 1
1. National Park Act 74 citations

Documents citing this one 0