Arusha International Conference Centre (Establishment) Order, 1983

Government Notice 51 of 1983

Public Corporations Act

Arusha International Conference Centre (Establishment) Order, 1983

Government Notice 51 of 1983

  • Published in Tanzania Government Gazette
  • Commenced on 30 June 1978
  • [This is the version of this document at 31 July 2002.]
  • [Note: This legislation has been thoroughly revised and consolidated under the supervision of the Attorney General's Office, in compliance with the Laws Revision Act No. 7 of 1994, the Revised Laws and Annual Revision Act (Chapter 356 (R.L.)), and the Interpretation of Laws and General Clauses Act No. 30 of 1972. This version is up-to-date as at 31st July 2002.]
[Sections 3, 4A and 10; G.N.s Nos. 51 of 1983; 470 of 1987; 115 of 1995]

1. Citation

This Order may be cited as the Arusha International Conference Centre (Establishment) Order.

2. ***


3. Interpretation

In this Order, unless the context requires otherwise—"Board" means the Board of Directors provided for in paragraph 7;"Centre" means the Arusha International Conference Centre established by paragraph 4;"Managing Director" means the Managing Director of the Centre referred to in paragraph 10;"Minister" means the Minister responsible for Foreign Affairs;"prescribed property" means all the premises and the lands the control and management of which is vested in the centre by virtue of the provisions of paragraph 5.

4. Establishment of the Centre

There is established a public corporation to be known as the Arusha International Conference Centre.

5. Centre to control and manage prescribed property

(1)For the purposes of performing the functions conferred upon the Centre by the provisions of this Order, the Centre shall, by virtue of this order and without further assurance, control and manage—
(a)all the premises which are collectively known as the headquarters complex of the East African Community and all the other premises and the lands situated in Arusha Town specified in the Schedule to this Order;
(b)any other premises and lands which may, be specified in the Schedule to this Order;
(c)any other premises and lands which the President may specify by written directions;
(d)any other premises and lands which may be prescribed by any written law.
(2)The Centre shall exercise in relation to the land comprised in the prescribed property all the rights necessary for the performance of its functions which the owner of a right of occupancy may lawfully exercise over land comprised in right of occupancy granted to him, and the fact that no right of occupancy has been granted to the Centre shall not affect the validity or anything done or omitted to be done by any person in the execution of his duties under this Order.

6. Functions of the Centre

The functions of the Centre shall be to—
(a)control and manage the prescribed property;
(b)control and manage any other premises or property which may be vested in the centre;
(c)provide facilities and services in the premises comprised in the prescribed property for purposes of conferences, meetings, seminars and other similar activities and to promote the use of the premises, facilities and services for purposes of those activities;
(d)establish or cause to be established any facilities which may be necessary to be established in a conference centre and to provide or cause to be provided the services which may be necessary to be provided in connection with the use of facilities established in a conference centre;
(e)encourage and assist local and international organisations to establish offices or carry out activities connected with their affairs in the premises comprised in the prescribed property;
(f)provide office and residential accommodation in the premises comprised in the prescribed property for use by local or international organisations;
(g)provide facilities and services for local and international organisations which may establish offices or carry out any activity connected with their affairs in the premises comprised in the prescribed property;
(h)act as an agent for any corporation, company, firm or other body engaged, whether within or outside Tanzania in the performance of services or the provision of facilities of a kind similar or complementary to those performed or provided by the Centre;
(i)manage the affairs of any corporation, company, firm or other body the interests of which are transferred to the Centre or acquired by the Centre under the provisions of the Public Corporation Act1 or of this Order.1Cap. 257

7. Board of Directors

(1)The management of the Centre is vested in a Board of Directors.
(2)The Board shall consist of—
(a)a Chairman who shall be appointed by the President;
(b)nine other members who shall be appointed by the Minister.
(3)The Board may appoint any employee of the Centre to be Secretary of the Board.

8. Vice-Chairman

The members of the Board may elect a Vice-Chairman of the Board from amongst their number who shall, subject to his continuing to be a member, hold office for a term of one year from the date of his election, and shall be eligible for re-election.

9. Powers of the Centre

In the performance of its functions, the Centre shall, subject to the provisions of this Order, have power to—
(a)administer the properties and the funds of the Centre;
(b)charge and collect rent, fees or other charges for office and residential accommodation, facilities and services provided by the Centre:Provided that the rates of any rent charged in respect of any premises comprised in the prescribed property let by the Center shall be determined by the Board in consultation with the Minister;
(c)do any thing which, in the opinion of the Board, is necessary to facilitate the proper and efficient carrying on of the activities of the Centre and the proper performance of the functions of the Centre.

10. Director

(1)The President shall appoint a Managing Director who shall be the principal administrator and chief executive officer of the Centre and shall be responsible to the Board.
(2)The Managing Director shall hold office upon the terms and conditions which may be specified in relation to his office.

11. Appointment of other employees of the Centre

The Board may from time to time, appoint such employees of the Centre whom it may think necessary for the performance of the functions of the Centre.

12. Funds of the Centre

The funds of the Centre shall consist of—
(a)the sums as may be provided for the purposes of the Centre by Parliament;
(b)the sums of money as the Centre may receive as rent, fees or other charges for office and residential accommodation, facilities and services provided by the Centre;
(c)the sums of money as may vest in the Center in any manner.

13. Salaries, etc., to be paid out of the Funds of the Centre

The Centre shall apply its funds for the following purposes:
(a)the payment of all salaries, fees and other allowances payable to the members of the Board, the Managing Director and other employees of the Centre;
(b)the payment of the expenses and other charges incurred by the Centre or for which the Centre may become liable in the management or administration of the Centre;
(c)the maintenance or development of the property controlled and managed or administered by the Centre;
(d)any other purposes which the Board may approve.

14. Tenure of appointment of members of the Board

(1)A member of the Board shall, unless his appointment is sooner terminated by the appointing authority, or he ceases in any other way to be a member, hold office for a period specified in his terms of appointment or, if no period is so specified, for a period of three years from the date of his appointment, and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
(2)If any member of the Board is, without the permission of the Board, absent from three consecutive meetings of the Board, he shall, unless the appointing authority otherwise directs, cease to be a member of the Board.
(3)Any member of the Board may at any time resign his office by giving notice in writing addressed to the appointing authority, and from the date specified in the notice or, if no date is so specified from the date of the receipt of the notice by the appointing authority, he shall cease to be a member.

15. Meetings of the Board

(1)The Board shall meet at least once in every three months any may meet at any other times which the Chairman may think necessary for the transaction of the business of the Board.
(2)All meetings shall be convened by the Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, who shall appoint the time, place and date for the meeting.
(3)The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, shall preside at every meeting of the Board.

16. Quorum and procedure at meeting of the Board

(1)A simple majority of the total number of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Board.
(2)All acts, matters and things authorised to be done by the Board shall be decided by resolution at a meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present.
(3)Every member of the Board shall have one vote and in the event of an equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his deliberative vote.
(4)A decision of the majority present and voting at a meeting of the Board shall be deemed to be a decision of the Board.

17. Minutes of meetings of the Board

Minutes of each meeting of the Board shall be kept and submitted to the Board at the next meeting and if confirmed by the meeting, shall be signed by the Chairman of the meeting.

18. Official seal of the Centre

(1)The official seal of the Centre shall be of such shape, size and form as the Board may determine.
(2)The official seal of the Centre shall be affixed by the Managing Director, the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman and witnessed by one other member of the Board.

19. Execution of documents

All instruments or documents executed by or on behalf of the Center shall be sealed with the official seal of the Centre and shall be signed by—
(a)the Director; or
(b)any member of the Board or any employee of the Centre authorised in writing in that behalf by the Board.

20. Accounts and audit

The Board shall cause to be provided and kept proper books of accounts and records with respect to the—
(a)receipt and expenditure of moneys by, and other financial transaction of, the Centre;
(b)assets and liabilities of the Centre, and shall cause to be made out for every financial year a balance sheet showing the details of the income and expenditure of the Centre and all its assets and liabilities.

21. Reports

The Board shall cause to be prepared a report of the activities of the Centre in each year and submit it to the Minister.

22. Delegation of powers

(1)[Superseded by section 7 of the R.E. Cap. 257.]
(2)The Minister is hereby designated as the Minister for the purposes of the provisions of section 35 of the Public Corporation Act, which relates to the accounts of the Centre

Schedule (Paragraph 5(1))

Plot No.L.O. No.Title No.
47 Moshi Road11699055021/28
46 Moshi Road14763055021/27
90 Haile Selassie Road116917268
94 Corridor Area5052117148
52 Serengeti Road18269055030/27
58 Serengeti Road19891055030/31
56 Serengeti Road19280055030/33
7 Serengeti Road5082917192
13B Corridor Area5435013402
5 Corridor Area4826316856
91 Corridor Area4811816851
113 Amani Road23622055011/1
75 Corridor Area3778215103
3 Corridor Area4826516845
106 Vijana Road16420055036/12
25 Range Road10379055030/6
104A and B Vijana Road16418055036/10
122 Youth League16920055031/12
112 A, B, C and D Amani Road16857055032/3
38 Corridor Area5102017234
24 A and B Barabara ya Kanisa8805055021/9
116 A and B Amani Road1683605531/3
138 A and B Amani Road16827055031/24
96 Kaunda Road  
80/81 Kaunda Road  
28 Range Road  
109 Vijana Road  
73 Corridor Area  
7 Corridor Area  
95 Corridor Area  
28 Corridor Area  
31 Corridor Area  
90 A Corridor Area  
90 B Corridor Area  
257 Kijenge  
104 B Vijana Road  
114 E Amani Road  
26 A Corridor Area  
26 B Corridor Area  
175 Naura Road  
Site A (Reg. Plan No. 13993), 15 Acres, Headquarters complex building.
Site C (KIBLA) (Reg. Plan No. 14267 and 14283), Junior Houses and 255 Nos. D1 Junior Houses, but excluding the western part of this area.
Site E (Kijenge), including 7 Houses of Grade B3 and servants' quarters and garages.
Site D1 (Kijenge) (Reg. Plan No. 5-4664), 45 Acres, including the whole of the undeveloped area.
Plot No.LocationHouse NumberStreet/Road
1.1Block 111MoshiRoad
2.27Block 1127Moshi Road
3.44Block 1144Moshi Road
4.45Block 1144Moshi Road
5.37Block 11173Off Serengeti
6.1Block V192Naura Road
7.4Block V126Naura Road
S/No.No.House No.LocationStreet/Road
1424ABlock IKanisa Road
22727Block IMoshi Road
34444Block IMoshi Road
44545Block IMoshi Road
54646Block IMoshi Road
64747Block IMoshi Road
780/8180/81Block IMwandamo Road
89090Block IH/Selassie Road
99696Block IKaunda Road
10104104ABlock IVijana Road
11106106Block IVijana Road
12109109Block IFuraha Road
1311Block IIMoshi Road
142828Block IIMtoni Road
152525Block IIRane Road
1637173Block IIOff Serengeti Road
175252Block IISerengeti Road
185656Block IISerengeti Road
195858Block IISerengeti Road
2077L.D.A.Themi Hill
2133CorridorCorridor Area
2255CorridorCorridor Area
2377CorridorCorridor Area
241313CorridorCorridor Area
251326ACorridorCorridor Area
262626BCorridor Area
272828CorridorCorridor Area
283131CorridorCorridor Area
293838CorridorCorridor Area
307373CorridorCorridor Area
9090ACorridor Area
329290BCorridorCorridor Area
349494Amani Road
9595Block E 
35 112A  
36 112D Amani Road
37113113Block EAmani Road
38114E114Block EAmani Road
116116ABlock E 
39 116B Amani Road
 138138ABlock IIAmani Road
40 138BBlock IITwiga Road
41122122Block IINaura Road
421192Block VNaura Road
4126Block V
1.SITE "A" Registered Plan No. 13997 - 14.89 Acres - Headquarters.
2.SITE "C" (Kibla) Registered Plan No. 14267 and 14283 - about 36 acres.
3.SITE "DI" (Kijenge) Registered Plan No. 54664 - 45 Acres.
4.SITE "E" (Kijenge) Registered Plan No. 16077 - 48.2 Acres.
5.SITE "F" (Kijenge) Registered Plan No. 1644 - 42.9 Acres less Hotel 77 fenced area.
6.Plot No. 94A Block E (Industrial Area) Registered Plan No. 17247.
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History of this document

31 July 2002 this version
30 June 1978

Cited documents 1

Legislation 1
1. Public Corporations Act 52 citations

Documents citing this one 0