Private Hospitals (Standard Guidelines for Health Facilities) Regulations, 1997

Government Notice 233 of 1997

Private Hospitals (Regulation) Act

Private Hospitals (Standard Guidelines for Health Facilities) Regulations, 1997

Government Notice 233 of 1997

  • Published in Tanzania Government Gazette
  • Commenced on 1 July 1997
  • [This is the version of this document at 31 July 2002.]
  • [Note: This legislation has been thoroughly revised and consolidated under the supervision of the Attorney General's Office, in compliance with the Laws Revision Act No. 7 of 1994, the Revised Laws and Annual Revision Act (Chapter 356 (R.L.)), and the Interpretation of Laws and General Clauses Act No. 30 of 1972. This version is up-to-date as at 31st July 2002.]
[Section 30; G.N. No. 233 of 1997]


These regulations may be cited as the Private Hospitals (Standard Guidelines for Health Facilities) Regulations.


In these Regulations, unless the context requires otherwise—"the Act" means the Private Hospitals (Regulation) Act1;1Cap. 151"commencement date" means the 1st day of July, 1997;"dental clinic" means a clinic owned by a registered or licensed dental practitioner which offers oral health care;"dental laboratory" means a laboratory where the construction of dental and maxilla facial prostheses takes place;"dispensary" means a health facility which offers health services on outpatients basis and may include maternal, child health and laboratory services;"health centre" means a health unit which offers services;"health facility" includes a maternity or nursing home, a dental clinic or laboratory, dispensary, health centre, hospital or medical clinic, where health services are provided;"hospital" means a health facility which offers services to both outpatients and in patients and includes maternal and child health services;"maternity or nursing home" means a home established by higher level professional nurse or midwife to provide restorative, rehabilitative, curative and recuperative nursing care to individual family and community;"medical clinic" means a health facility which offers health services by specialists and only on outpatient basis.


(1)No person shall establish, manage, operate or cause to be managed or operated a health facility unless the facility complies with the relevant standards guidelines set out in the Schedule to these Regulations.
(2)Any person who contravenes or fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of these Regulations commits an offence against the Act.


(1)Notwithstanding paragraph 4, no person shall own a health facility unless that person is authorized by a competent authority to do so.
(2)No medical practitioner or dentist who is in the full time employment of the Government or any other employer shall own a health centre or hospital, save that such a medical practitioner or dentist may own a clinic or dispensary and may work only on part-time basis in any health facility.

Schedule (Paragraph 3(1))

Standard guidelines for all health facilities

1.General guidelines for private health practice
1.1The owner has to be a Registered/Licensed Medical/Dental practitioner or an organization with a Registered/Licensed Medical/Dental practitioner approved by the Minister of Health.
1.2Practitioners employed full time by the Government and other organisations are not allowed to own health centres or hospitals. They may own clinics or dispensaries. They are allowed to work on all types of health facilities on a part-time basis.
1.3Practitioners must have a working experience, excluding internship, of Medical/Dental practice for not less than 3 years in a recognised health institution.
1.4A suitable facility must be available to cater for the establishment of a clinic (Medical/Dental) dispensary, health centre or hospital only. The health facility should not be in the same building with living premises, hotel, bar/restaurant, hair salon and other entertainment activities.
1.5The building should be easily accessible by road.
1.6The premises should have adequate supply of safe water, effective ventilation and adequate lighting system.
1.7The premises should have good and proper functioning toilets, shower or bath rooms, sluicing room or washing slab. Health Centres and Hospitals must also have an incinerator for waste management.
1.8There should be an effective communication and referral system including transport for emergencies and a telephone if the area is served by the telephone system.
1.9There should be adequate space for all the rooms offering different kinds of services.
1.10Each facility shall keep records on patients and other health information and produce reports on disease morbidity and mortality promptly as required by the Ministry of Health through the District Medical Officer.
1.11Only those drugs allowed at that level of the health facility should be available. Drugs must be stored according to the manufacturer's recommendation, should always be accompanied with records showing the source, proof of purchase, manufacturer, date of manufacture and date of expiry. Expired drugs should not be dispensed and should not be kept in the facility for more than three months after the expiry date.
1.12One's limitations should be clear and therefore high risk cases should be identified early and referred immediately to a facility which can handle such cases competently.
1.13Provide and maintain good quality care of patients. Laboratories must meet minimum standards in the national quality assurance schemes.
1.14Any professional malpractice, misconduct or gross negligence may result in closure of the premises or health facility plus any appropriate disciplinary action taken by the Medical Council of Tanganyika.
1.15Health facility will be allowed to operate after the premises have been inspected by the District Medical Officer, an application has been approved by the Private Hospitals Advisory Board and a Certificate of Registration issued by the Registrar of Private Hospitals. This registration shall be renewed annually.
1.16.There shall be a fee charged yearly by the Private Hospitals Advisory Board to any Medical/Dental practitioner or an approved organization owning a health facility.
1.17The Registered/Licensed Medical/Dental practitioner are strictly not allowed to be used as an umbrella either by a person or any organisation to establish a private health facility. Where this has occurred in the past, the practice should be sold to a competent practitioner or be closed.
1.18An appropriately registered/licensed practitioner or at least a clinical officer or a dental therapist should always be available at the health facility whenever it is open. The registered/licensed Medical/ Dental practitioner who owns the facility must always personally be present at the registered health facility for a minimum of 2 hours twice a week.
1.19The private health facility must employ the minimum number of health workers according to these guidelines.
1.20Those running these private health facilities will always be using guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health from time to time.
1.21The private health facilities must have essential equipment and supplies before offering different kinds of services.
1.22The costing mechanisms for various health services provided should be made available to the Ministry of Health on demand. Patients have full right to get an invoice with full details on how the total cost was reached. Each charged component must be shown separately and not only the total final cost.
1.23There should be no advertising either in mass media or through posters or signs. Any signs should not be more than 300 metres from the health facility itself and should only be for directional purposes.
1.24Facilities offering inpatient services should own an ambulance or there should be working arrangements for emergency transfer of patients.
1.25Independent pharmacies and laboratories are not allowed to examine and prescribe to patients.
1.26Operations requiring regional or general anaesthesia should only be done in a health centre or hospital and under a trained anaesthetic officer (Assistant Medical Officer or Doctor).
1.27Every private health facility must be insured against malpractice.
1.28Private health laboratories (those not part of a dispensary, health centre or hospital) will be covered under a separate Act.
1.29Private pharmacies (those not part of a dispensary, health centre of Hospital) are covered under the Pharmaceuticals and Poisons Act2 and are managed by the Pharmacy Board.2Cap. 219
2.Medical clinic
2.1DefinitionThis is a health facility which offers health services on outpatients basis only by specialists.
2.2Services offeredDepends on specialty and activities but the complete range of services within the specified specialty should be offered.
2.3StaffingThe only staff will include the specialist him/herself plus any registered nurses.
2.4PremisesThe premise should have a minimum of three rooms:ReceptionOne working roomToilet facilities
2.5Essential equipment and suppliesThese should include all those required to provide all the specialist services for which the unit is registered (see appendices).
2.6No drugs will be stored or dispensed in a medical clinic except for emergency or diagnostic purposes, when specialist drug administration is required, or where dispensing authority has been granted by the Ministry of Health.
3.1DefinitionThis is a health facility which offers health services on outpatients basis including Maternal and Child Health services and laboratory services. It may offer observation services for selected patients for less than 12 hours. The maximum number of observation beds is four.
3.2Services offeredTreatment of common diseases on outpatient basis. A few patients are observed for not more than 12 hours.Maternal and Child Health services including immunisations and normal deliveries.Keep records on patients, Maternal and Child Health, disease statistics and other health information and produce reports on disease morbidity and mortality promptly as required by Ministry of Health through the District Medical Officer.Health education/health promotion to people being served by a dispensary.Laboratory services. Recommended tests to be performed at this level include:Blood - thick or thin smear for blood parasiteshaemoglobin estimationwhite blood count total and differentialblood glucosesickling testsyphilis screeningUrine - for glucose, proteins and sediment for microscopic examination.Stool - Direct microscopy with saline and iodine for organisms, ova and occult blood.Skin snips.Pus/exudates - Gram staining procedures and wet preparation Sputum for Acid Fast Bacillus (AFB) investigation (Z-N Stain).Preservation and posting of specimen to a higher laboratory (optional). Using Stewart's transport medium. The specimens include pus swabs and pap smears.

Clinical cadre

Assistant Medical Officer 1 (Supervisor). The supervisor should spend at least two hours twice per week at the dispensary.Clinical Officer (MA) 1Clinical Assistant (RMA) 1

Nursing Cadre

Registered Nurse Midwife 1Public Health Nurse (PHNB) 1 or trained nurse at all times the clinic is open.MCH Aides 1


1 trained Laboratory Assistant
3.4PremisesThe building should have the following rooms:Reception and records roomConsultation roomLaboratory rooms -1 (Reception cum Main Working Room)Dressing roomInjection roomDispensing room cum drug storeObservation room(s)StoreMCH room (optional)Toilet facilitiesWashing slabIncineratorA minimum total of 8 rooms (excluding MCH services).
3.5Essential equipment and suppliesSee appendices
4.Health Centres
4.1DefinitionThis is a health unit which offers services to both outpatients and inpatients including Maternal and Child Health services. The inpatients shall not exceed 15 beds.
4.2Services offeredServices offered at health centre level are similar to those offered at dispensary level. However, health centres offer more specialized services including inpatient department with a maximum of 15 beds. The approved drug list is longer than that of a dispensary but the conditions for storage and dispensing are the same as those for a dispensary (see 3.2 above).[Note: The laboratory tests and essential laboratory equipment are the same as those of a dispensary.]

Clinical cadre

Assistant Medical Officer 1Clinical Officer 4

Nursing cadre

Registered Nurse Midwife 2Public Health Nurse B 2MCH Aides 2


Pharmaceutical Assistant 1. A trained nurse is an acceptable alternative until there are enough trained pharmaceutical personnel.


Trained Laboratory Assistant 1Medical Attendants 2
4.4PremisesHealth Centres should have the following rooms:Reception or records roomConsultation roomLaboratory rooms -1 (Reception cum Main Working Room)Observation roomDressing roomInjection roomDispensing room cum drug storeMinor theatreMCH room: antenatal & FP, under-fivesFemale WardsMale WardsMaternity WardOther Sections - Office of person in charge of Health CentreOffice of person in charge of Nursing SectionStoreToilet facilitiesWashing slabIncineratorA minimum total of 15 rooms (excluding Maternal and Child Health).
4.5Essential equipment and suppliesSee Appendices.
5.1DefinitionThis is a health facility which offers services to both outpatients and inpatients including Maternal and Child Health services. It is a first referral centre from dispensaries and health centres. The minimum number of inpatient beds is 16 and must include major theatre, laboratory, pharmacy and blood bank with or without X-ray services.
5.2Services offeredAll Medical services including dental and any specialist care depending on type of clinical cadre present at this level.Conducting on job training for all health workers in the hospital.Keep records on patients, Maternal and Child Health, produce reports on disease morbidity and mortality and other health information promptly as required by the Ministry of Health through District Medical Officers.Conduct preventive/promotive and rehabilitative services.Laboratory and blood bank services.Recommended tests in addition to those at the dispensary/health centre level include:Blood - ESRPlatelet countBleeding timeClotting timeReticulocyte countBlood/SerumGlucose, bilirubinProteins, ALAT, ASATCreatinine/UreaCell countC.S.F. - Glucose and proteinsWhite cell count, total and differentialOrganismsBlood - ABO and Rhesus groupingCompatibility testingHIV screening and testingSyphilis and Hepatitis B screeningUrine - Bile pigments (Fouchet's test)Urobilinogen (Ehrlich's test)Pregnancy test (by agglutination)Ketones (Rothera's test).Autopsy - Medical - Legal autopsies.

Clinical cadre

Medical officers - 3 including medical officer in chargeClinic officers - 6

Nursing cadre

(a)Shifts - 3 (morning, afternoon and night).
(b)Ratio - Registered nurses 1/3 beds/shift, (including at least one Nurse A for each morning and afternoon shift).


Pharmacist 1Pharmaceutical Assistant 2For hospitals with less than 20 beds a trained nurse is an acceptable alternative to a pharmaceutical assistant for the pharmaceutical services. For hospitals with up to 50 beds, a pharmaceutical assistant is an acceptable alternative to pharmaceutical technician. Hospitals with more than 50 beds should have a registered pharmacist in charge of the pharmacy, but a pharmaceutical technician is acceptable where the beds do not exceed 100.


Laboratory Section Laboratory Technologist - 2Laboratory Assistant - 2Radiographer 1 where X-Ray facility services exist.
5.4PremisesVital rooms in the hospital are:Reception roomMedical officers in charge of the hospital roomNursing officers in charge of the hospitalConsultation room(s) at least oneMCH rooms: antenatal & FP and under-fivesInjection roomDressing roomDispensing roomObservation roomMinor theatreMedical Ward - Male and FemaleSurgical Ward - Male and FemaleMaternity WardMajor Operating Theatre2 changing rooms for doctors and nurses (Male and Female)Laboratory and blood bankStore for hospital supplies and equipmentLibrary/teaching room, for continuing educationLaundrySeparate toilet facilities for staff and patientsKitchenIncineratorMortuaryA minimum of 20 spacious rooms is required for a hospital and a functioning incinerator for waste management.
5.5Essential equipment and suppliesSurgical equipment to perform the following interventions:Traumatology including tractionHernia repairRepair of abdominal traumaBowel resection and anastomosisSplenectomyAppendectomyTubal ligationEctopic PregnancyHysterectomyAdnexectomyTotal hysterectomyCurettage and evacuationVacuum extractionCaesarean sectionCraniotomy/DecapitationVesical puncture, urethral dilation and hydrocelectomyAspiration of pneumothorax, drainage of pyothoraxOther minor surgical procedures e.g. circumcision.The appendices show specific items required for various surgical procedures.
6.Dental clinic
6.1DefinitionThis is a clinic run by a registered/licensed dental practitioner which offers oral health care.
6.2Services offered
6.2.1Emergency oral health care:Simple and complicated extractiondraining of abscessescontrol of acute and chronic oral infection with appropriate therapies, andfirst aid for maxillo-facial trauma.
6.2.2Restorative care:Class I, II, III, IV and fillingsscaling and polishing of teeth and denturesoral Health Education for individuals or groupsprosthodontics (partial dentures, full dentures, crown & bridge)
6.3StaffingDental surgeon 1 or Assistant Dental officer 1A Dental Surgery Assistant 1A Dental Therapist may assist the Dental Surgeon or Assistant Dental officer
6.4Working space (minimum of 2 rooms)
a.A room of area 5m x 3m with at least one large window which is dust proof.
b.Wash-hand basin
c.Fluorescent light in the middle of the room
d.Walls with oil paint from floor to height of at least 1½m
e.Easily cleaned floor
f.Waiting room.
6.5Equipment/Instruments (see Appendix A)
7.Dental laboratory
7.1DefinitionThis is a laboratory where the construction of dental maxillo and facial prostheses takes place.
7.2Services offeredConstruction of dental and maxillo-facial prosthesisRepair of dental and maxillo-facial prosthesis.
7.3StaffingDental Laboratory TechnologistAt present there is no dental laboratory assistant and no training is envisaged.
7.4Working space (minimum of 2 rooms)Same as dental clinic.
7.5Equipment/Instrument (see Appendix A)
8.Nursing/Maternity homes
8.1DefinitionHomes established by higher level professional Nurse/Midwife to provide restorative, rehabilitative, curative and recuperative nursing care to individual family and community.
8.2Proprietor has to be a registered nurse/midwife "A" level and above.
8.3Must have a working experience of nursing/midwifery practice for not less than 5 years in a recognized health institution.
8.4Must have a suitable facility to cater for the establishment of nursing/maternity services safely.
8.5The building should be easily accessible.
8.6The premises should have good supply of water, effective ventilation and natural lightning system. The premises should have toilets, shower, bath rooms, sluicing room, or washing slab and an incinerator.
8.7There should be established effective communication and referral system for the premises.
8.8There should be adequate space for rooming, recuperation, delivery room, sterilization, injections and minor treatments.
8.9There shall be a register book maintained to record attendance and re-attendance, inpatients, deliveries and also vital signs charts.
8.10Only drugs allowed for midwives should be stocked and any prescriptions should be limited to those specific drugs.
8.11Homes' limitations should be clear, and high risks cases identified early and referred immediately.
8.12Provide and maintain quality care within limits of Nursing/Midwifery profession and adhere to nursing ethics.
8.13Any professional malpractice, misconduct or gross negligence may result in closure of the premises and any other disciplinary action may be taken by the council with a possibility of being removed from Nurses/Midwives register.
8.14The registered nurses/midwives will be allowed to practise after the premises have been inspected by the District Medical Officer, approval from the Tanganyika Nurses and Midwives Council and a certificate issued by the Register of Tanganyika Nurses and Midwives Council.
8.15There shall be a fee charged by the Tanganyika Nurses and Midwives Council to any nurse/midwife engaged in private practice as specified by the Tanganyika Nurses and Midwives Council from time to time.
8.16Services offeredProvided comprehensive professional nursing care (including rehabilitation and recuperation therapy) to patients in a homely atmosphere.Provide Maternal and Child Health care services.
8.17StaffingRegistered Nurse A 1Registered Nurse B 1PHNB 1MCH Aide 1 for MCH Services.Where the facility offers inpatient care, there should be at least one registered/licensed nurse for each 8 hours.
8.18Premises (to be used solely for this purpose)Floor Plan or layout of physical structure.Building should be durable, safe and of permanent materials i.e. concrete blocks or bricksWell-ventilated roomsAdmission cum reception roomA sterilization room for injectionRoom for dressing and minor treatmentsAnte-natal roomDelivery roomPost-natal roomRoom for general observationsAdequate sluice room and for laundry or concrete slabSmall pantryStore for linen, equipment and appliancesStore for drugs, dressings and cupboardOne changing room and utility room for staffTwo toilets with two bathroomsIncinerator
8.19Essential equipment/supplies (see Appendices)

Appendix A

Essential requirements for assorted places

1.Records and reception room1 Office table and 2 chairsLarge notice board 1Large benches 2Small bench 1Bucket, foot-operated 1, or any provided it has a lid or coverShelves for patient's cardsClock - Wall (Optional)
2.Consultation room

General and medical furniture

1 Office table with drawer and 3 chairsSmall bench 1Small wooden step 1Medicine cupboard 1Screen four folds 1Examination couch 1

Equipment and instruments

Sphygmomanometer, aneroid 1Stethoscope 1Clinic thermometer 2Small jar with tongue depressor 1Diagnostic set "Min" 1Vaginal examination tray 1Hand torch 1Hurricane or pressure lampSink with running water or hand wash basin with soap dishDust bin or bucket, foot-operated 1
3.Dressing Room

General and medical furniture

1 Office table with 2 chairsSmall medicine cupboard 1Small instrument cupboard 1Dressing stool 1Small notice board 1Small bench 1Wooden step - four folds 1Dressing trolley 1Screen - four folds 1Bowl stand 1Examination couch 1 for patients with perineal/genital wounds

Equipment and instruments

Sterilizer electric or stove 1Instrument tray ss large 1Instrument tray ss medium 1Instrument tray with lid ss large 1Instrument tray with lid ss medium 1Instrument tray with lid ss small 1Kidney dish ss large 1Kidney dish ss medium 1Kidney dish ss small 1Gallipot 3Bowl lotion large 1Bowl lotion medium 1Bowl lotion small 1Jar forceps with Cheadle forceps 1Dressing drum deep large 1Dressing drum deep small 1Dressing drum shallow large 1Dressing drum shallow small 1Forceps bowl 1Dressing tray 2Buckets, foot-operated or dustbin 1Sink with running water or hand washbasin with soapdish 1Necessary disinfectants/antiseptics
4.Injection room

General and medical furniture

1 Office table with 2 chairsSmall bench 1Small medicine cupboard 1Small instrument cupboard 1Dressing trolley 1Medicine trolley 1Bowl stand 1Examination couch 1Register books

Equipment and instruments

Sterilizer electric or stove 1Instrument tray ss large 1Instrument tray ss medium 1Instrument tray with lid ss large 1Instrument tray with lid ss medium 1Instrument tray with lid ss small 1Kidney dish ss large 2Kidney dish ss medium 2Kidney dish ss small 2Gallipot 3Bowl lotion small with 2 bowl forceps 1Jar forceps ss with 2 Cheadle forceps 1 (each in its own jar)Dressing drum ss deep small 1Dressing drum ss shallow small 1Forceps or needle/Syringe holder 2 dissectingRubber tourniquet 1Sink with running water or hand wash basin with soap dish 1Bucket foot operated or a bucket with a lid
5.Dispensing room

General and medical furniture

1 Office table and 2 chairsLarge bench 1Medicine cupboard 1High stool 1Small notice board 1Medicine trolley 1Bowl stand 1
6.Laboratory room

Dispensary / Health centre level

Binocular powered microscope (electrical or light)Centrifuge machine (electrical or manual)Haemoglobinometer / Lovibond comparatorWeighing scaleWater filterTimerSpirit lampRack stainingTally counterBoxes for microscope slidesCover glass for HaemoglobinometerDifferential counterSpecimen flasks (vaccine carriers)1 refrigerator with freezing compartment for reagents and vaccines.

Hospital level

All equipment found at lower level health facilities plus:ELISA Washer - ManualELISA readerCentrifuge - electricalFuchs-Rosenthal ChamberCalorimeter variable wavelengthAutoclave / pressure cooker and kerosene stoveWater bathHot air ovenWater DistillerTimer with second handMaximum/Minimum thermometerSterilizerPhotometerElectric stabilizer for sensitive equipmentWestergren rackstandRefrigerators - one with freezer compartment for reagents one for blood bankAutopsy dissecting set.

Essential laboratory chemicals/reagents up to Primary Level (Hospital)

Acetic Acid Glacial (99% - 100%)Acetone pureBenzoic Acid ARD-Glucose ARO-Toluidine ARThiourea ARBovine albumin 30%Cupric sulphate pentahydratePotassium iodide ARSodium Potassium tartrateSodium oxideHydrochloric acidSodium hydroxide pelletsPotassium dihydrogen phosphateDipotassium hydrogen phosphateNonidet P40Sodium carbonate (anhydrous)EDTA - DisodiumPhenolStandard haemoglobin cyanideFormaldehydeBromocresol green (water soluble)Basic fuchsinCreatinine anhydrousPicric acidTrichloroacetic acid ARImmersion oil (Tropical grade)Methylene blueCrystal/Gentian violetNeutral redLysolSodium nitroprussideSodium acetateSodium sulphate anhydrousSulphosalicylic acidSulphuric acid concentratedAlcohol absoluteBuffer tablets pH 7.2Buffer tablets pH 6.8IodineMethyl alcoholSodium fluorideSodium metabisulphiteAlbustixXylene, sulphur freeField stain AClinistixBrilliant Cresol blue powderSodium citrateField stain BLitmus paperPotassium ferricyanidePotassium cyanideSodium bicarbonatePotassium oxalateSodium nitriteSulfanilic acidCaffeineSodium benzoateAmmonium oxalateAnti AAnti BAnti DMultistixAZOSTIXHaematestCalcium hypochloriteBarium chlorideFerric chloride4-dimethylamino benzaldehydeAmmonium sulphateSodium chlorideSodium azideLeishman stainVDRL Carbon artierHIV kitPregnancy reagent kitWidal reagents:Salmonella antigenSalmonella O antigenBrucella abortus antigenOx-19 antigen
7.Observation room

General and medical furniture

1 Office table and 2 chairsSmall notice board 1Standard white hospital bedBedside locker for each bedMedicine cupboard 1 with emergency drugsPatients stool for each bedBack rest 1Dressing trolley 1Medicine trolley 1Screen four folds 2Drip stand 1Bowl stand 1Bed elevator 1

Equipment and instruments

Electric sterilizer or stove 1Suction machine-foot operated or electric 1Clinical thermometer 2Sphygmomanometer 1Stethoscope 1Foetoscope 1Resuscitation kitOxygen apparatus (complete set) 1Nebulizer with adaptor (Optional) 1Instrument tray ss large 1Instrument tray ss medium 1Instrument tray ss small 1Instrument tray with lid ss large 1Instrument tray with lid ss medium 1Instrument tray with lid ss small 1Kidney dish ss large 2Kidney dish ss medium 2Kidney dish ss small 2Gallipot ss 2Bowl lotion ss medium 2Bowl lotion ss small 2Bowl vomiting ss 2Bed pan ss 1Urinal ss 1Sputum mug 2Dressing drum deep small 1Dressing drum shallow large 1Forceps jar with 2 Cheadle forceps 1Gastric tube 1Rubber Catheter fine (Urethral) 4 Urethral CathetersHurricane or pressure lamp 1Funnel plastic medium 1Bucket foot operated or dust bins 1Bedding
8.Maternal and Child Health room

General and medical furniture

2 Office tables 4 chairsLarge benches 2Small benches 1Large notice board 1Medicine cupboard 1Instrument cupboard 1Dressing trolley 1Medicine trolley 1Screen - four folds 1Examination couch 1Equipment and InstrumentsElectric sterilizer or stove 1Refrigerator - electric (solar), or kerosene for Vaccine 1Sphygmomanometer and stethoscope 1Foetoscope 1Clinical thermometer 1Immunization trays 2
9.Admission roomA table and two chairsAn examination couch (table) with a screenStepping stoolPedal bucket with a coverWeighing scale, height measure on a wallOne B/P machine with a stethoscopeTemperature tray; shaving trayOne wheel chair and one stretcherRegister book-for delivery, daily general attendance and admissionsAdmission forms, labour record forms
10.Delivery roomOne complete delivery bed with MackintoshTwo buckets with lids for soiled linen and swabsTwo small lockersAngled lamp, torch, hurricane lamp, foetoscopeDelivery registerBirth notification formsLabour progress charts - partogramResuscitation trayBaby cotOxygen cylinderPair sterile padsUmbilical cord ligaturesSterile glovesPerineum pads
11.Small cupboard in delivery roomLignocaineErgometrineSyringes and needlesUrethral sterile cathetersSyntometrine injectionAssorted drugs (approved for use midwives, list)
12.Sterilizing roomOne medium sterilizerKerosene stove or Charcoal stoveFish kettleSaucepan with a tight-lidTwo drums - one for gloves and another for cotton wool and gauze1 for cotton wool, pads and gauzeCheadle forceps in a jarDisinfectants and antiseptic
13.Sluice roomMinimum of 2 bed pans and 2 urinalsBedpan brush in a containerMackintosh rackBig dust bin with lidBrooms, mops, mop-buckets, scrubbing brushSoiled linen containerSoap, scouring powder, HarpicDisinfectantsTray for urine testingPlacenta disposal container
14.Pre- and post-delivery roomsStandard hospital bedsMattresses covered with plastic macintoshSmall lockers for each bedSmall table and chair for nursesReport books and record cardsPatients stool for each bedTrolley - soiled linen stand, patients chart, dressing, medicineBucket foot operatedScreen fourfoldDrip standSterilizerSphygmomanometer, stethoscopeClinical thermometersInstrument tray ss large
15.LinenEvery bed should have an average of 4 white bed sheetsWhite draw sheets - 5 for each bedBlanket where necessaryHand towelsLaundry soapPillows and pillow cases
16.Minor theatre

General furniture

1 Office table and 2 chairsSmall notice board 1Small bench 1Medicine cupboard 1Instrument cupboard 1

Medical furniture

Soiled linen stand trolley 1Dressing trolley 2Screen - fourfold 1Drip stand 1Bowl stand 1Dressing drum stand 1Wheel chair 1Stretcher 1Small operating table 1


Sterilizer - electric or kerosene 1Suction machine - electric or foot-operated 11 Sphygmomanometer and 1 stethoscopeInstrument trays (large, medium, small) 1 eachInstrument tray (large, medium, small) 1 eachKidney dishes ss (large, medium, small) 2 eachGallipot ss 2 eachBowl lotion ss large 2Bowl lotion ss (medium, small) 2Forceps bowl 2Jar forceps ss with 2 Cheadle forceps 1Small jar for needle/syringe holder 1Small jar with lid for swabs 1Dressing drums (deep - large, small, shallow - large, small) 1 each typeLamp pause angle electric 1Mouth gauge 2I.V. Cannulae 4 and 6Air way - adult 2Air way - children 2Air way - babies 1Ear syringe 2Rubber tourniquet 1EMO Machine (optional) 1Trays (Sets) of instruments:Cutting down 1Incision 1Lumbar puncture 1Stitch removal 1Suture 1Aspiration 1Dressing 1Basic surgical set for minor operations 1

General equipment and supplies

Boots Surgeons - different sizesBucket G1 1Hurricane lamp 1Sink with running water or hand washbasin in a stand with soapdish.
17.Major theatre

General furniture

Office table 2Office chair 4Vermont chair 4Patients stool 1Benches - mediumInstrument cupboardMedicine cupboardLarge notice board 1Small notice board 1Resuscitation table (small) 1Black board (medium) 1Rack for stationery 1

Medical equipment

Operating table - Major 1Cot bassinette complete with mattress size 155 * 55 cm 2Patients Stretcher complete with canvas on 12cm rubber heels 4Wheel chair invalid folding adult size 2Trolley for sold linen on 10 cm rubber castors complete with canvas bagDrip stand with double hooks and adjustable height 2Screen four folds on 10 cm rubber castors 2Dressing trolleys (with aluminium/formica top and bottom shelves size 90 x 60 cm on rubber castors 2Lamp anglepoise electric 1Castors with screws of 10 hooks each 1Anaesthetic trolley with drawers and shelves 1Mayo instrument stand 1


Sterilizer electric 1 or Kerosene stove.Autoclave electric or kerosene 1Instrument tray ss large 2Instrument tray ss medium 2Instrument tray ss small 2Instrument tray ss with lid large 2Instrument tray ss with lid medium 2Kidney dishes ss small 6Kidney dishes ss medium 4Kidney dishes ss large 2Gallipot 6Bowl lotion ss large 4Bowl lotion ss medium 4Bowl lotion ss small 4Bowl vomiting ss 1Bowl medicine ss 2Bowl wash hand ss 2Jar forceps with Cheadle forceps 2Jar small for needle/syringe with holding forceps 2Bed pan ss 1Urinal ss 1Bay pot ss or polythene 1Small jar with lids for swabs 2Scale weighing babies 1Dressing drum deep large 4Dressing drum deep medium 4Dressing drum deep small 4Dressing drum deep shallow large 4Dressing drum deep shallow medium 2Dressing drum deep shallow small 1Dressing drum deep shallow extra small 1Bucket, foot-operatedJar glass with lid large 2Ice bag 1

Diagnostic equipment

Diagnostic set complete with accessories in CD 1Sphygmomanometer 300 mm complete with set in pocket 1Stethoscope binaural magnatone complete with accessories 1Foetoscope 2Clinical thermometer - oral 2Clinical thermometer - rectal low gradePatella hammer 1Tuning fork 1Pulsometer 1

Oxygen therapy and anaesthetic equipment/instrument/supplies

Oxygen cylinder 4Oxygen gauge 2Oxygen flowmeter single 2Oxygen flowmeter double 1Nebulizer with adaptor 2Spindle key 2Oxygen stand 2Laryngoscope complete set with adult and infants blades 2Endotracheal tubes with accessories (disposable)McGills forceps 2Airway size small 4Airway size medium 4Airway size large 4Mouth gag 2Tongue depressor 4Resuscitation "kit" baby bag complete 2Ambu bag 2Anaesthetic machine complete with accessories 1Anaesthetic stool 2

Theatre outfit and sundries

Theatre gowns/dresses, caps and marksSurgeons boots different sizes

Sets or trays

General set (Laparotomy set) 2Caesarean section set 2Dilation and Curettage 2Craniotomy set 1Thoracotomy set 1Relief of retention of urine 1Limp amputation (emergency) 1Vacuum extraction set

General equipment

Hand torch 1Clock wall 1Wall mirror 1Hurricane or pressure lamp 1Jug stainless steel large and small 1 eachSoap dish 1

Cleaning equipment

Scrubbing brush 4Soft brush with handle 4Mop with handle 4Mop bucket 2Bath Gl 2Bucket 2

General furniture

Office table with drawer 1Office chair 2Vermont chair 1Patients stool for each bedBedside locker for each bedMedicine cupboard 1Instrument cupboard 1Small notice board 1Rack for stationery 1

Medical equipment

Standard hospital white bed with mattress covered with macintoshStandard patient stretcher (with canvas on 12 cm rubber wheels) 1Wheel chair (invalid folding adult size) 1Trolley for soiled linen on 10 cm rubber castors with canvas bag 1Drip stand (double hooks and adjustable height) 2Screen four folds on 10 cm rubber castors 1Bed elevator 1Back rest 1Dressing trolleys (with aluminium formica top and bottom shelves size 90 x 60 cm) on rubber ball castors 1Trolley medication size 90 * 60 cm on 10 cm rubber ball castors 1Over bed table (optional) necessary in medical and surgical wards 1Chart holders-plastic to each bed


Sterilizer electric large 1Suction machine electric or foot-operated 1Instrument tray ss large 1Instrument ss medium 1Instrument tray ss small 1Instrument tray ss with lid large 1Instrument tray ss with lid medium 1Instrument tray ss with lid small 1Kidney dishes ss large 2Kidney dishes ss medium 2Kidney dishes ss small 2Gallipot 4Bowl lotion ss large 2Bowl lotion ss medium 2Bowl lotion ss small 2Bowl medicine 2Bowl vomiting 1Bowl wash hand 1Jar forceps with Cheadle forceps 1Jar small for needle/syringe with forceps holder 1Feeding cups ss 1Pint measure ss ½ litre 1Tabular medicine plastic 1Bed pan ss 1Urinal ss 1Sputum mugs 2Douche can ss 1Funnel plastic medium 1Small jar with lids for swabs 1Weighing scale 1Dressing drum deep large 1Dressing drum deep medium 1Dressing drum deep small 1Dressing drum deep shallow large 1Dressing drum deep shallow medium 1Dressing drum deep shallow small 1Dressing drum deep shallow extra small 1Forceps bowl 1Diagnostic set (complete with accessories in CD) 1Sphygmomanometer with stethoscope 1Clinical thermometers 2Pulsometer 1Oxygen therapy (complete apparatus) 1Mouth gag 1Airway all sizes 1 eachTongue depressor 1Mattress covered with plastic (macintosh) for each bedRyles tube 2Gastric tube 1Catheters of different sizesRubber tourniquet 1

General equipment

Clock wall (optional) 1Hurricane or pressure lamp 1Soap dishes 1Jug stainless steel large 1Jug stainless steel small 1Tubular plastic or glass 2Pail ss with lid 1Eating utensils (optional)Cleaning equipmentMop with handle 1Mop bucket 1Brush with soft handle 1Dust bin 1Brush street 2Brush high dusting with handle 1Brush buster 1
19.Room for medical officer in charge

General and medical furniture

Executive table 1Executive chair 1Office chair 4Vermont chair 2Small notice board 1Rack for stationery

Medical equipment/instruments

Stand only for bowl ss or plastic on 10 cm rubber castors 1Screen - four folds on 10 cm rubber castors 1Patients bell 1Examination couch 1Refrigerator electric or kerosene 1Instrument tray ss large 1Instrument tray ss medium 1Instrument tray ss small 1Kidney dish ss large 2Kidney dish ss medium 2Kidney dish ss small 2Bowl lotion ss small 1Jar forceps ss with 2 cheadles forceps 1Dressing drum deep medium 1Dressing drum deep small 1Bucket foot operated 1Diagnostic set complete with accessories in 1Sphygmomanometer 1Stethoscope 1Foetoscope 1Clinical thermometers 2Patella hammer 1Tuning fork 1Pulsometer (optional) 1Vaginal examination set 1Tongue depressor 1

General equipment

Clock wall 1Hurricane or pressure lamp 1Sink with running water or hand wash basin with soap dish.
20.Room for Nursing Officers in Charge

General and medical furniture

Executive table 1Executive chair 1Office chair 2Vermont chair 2Medicine cupboard 1Instrument cupboard 1Small notice board 1

Equipment / instrument

Examination couch 1Stand only for bowl ss or plastic on 10 cm rubber castorsBowl wash hand ss with soap dish 1Scale weighing adults with height 1Bucket foot operated 1Sink with running waterBP and StethoscopeThermometerTorch hand
21.Dental Clinic or Room


Dental chair manoeuvrable to all operating positionsA spittoon that can be kept clean1 Operating light1 Pressure cooker type of sterilizer1 Dental Unit to operate either air, motor or turbine handpiece with connections for air and waterX-ray machine for dental diagnostic services (optional)


5 mouth mirrors5 probes (explorers)2 tweezersExcavators No. 125/126 and 127/128 eachPlastic instruments (No. 16, 18, 154 and 155)Sealers (No. H6, H7 and H5)Two matrix clamp/retainer and bandsAmalgam carrierWater syringe and air syringeAlloy and mercury dispenserCotton and holderMortar and pestleHand piece - straightHand piece - contra angleExtraction forceps5 lower molar forceps2 pairs of upper molar forceps1 lower premolar forceps1 upper incisor forceps2 root elevators1 straight elevator
22.Dental laboratory


Polishing and grinding latheLaboratory suspension unit complete with mortar, cable arm variable foot controlLaboratory hand pieceModel timerPlaster vibratorsPoco BathCasting machineBunsen burnerBench pressDenture flasksFlask steel pressPlain line articulatorCarversSpatulaWax KnifeScissorsPlaster KnifeTweezersRubber bowlPlaster sawHammerPliers No. 64, 74, 150 and 127Spirit lamp
23.ENT Clinic/Room

Basic equipment required

A wash basinTowelExamination coach

ENT Examination Unit with:

Suction facilitiesCautery facilitiesNasal specula - severalTongue depressors - severalCerumen hooks - twoLaryngoscopy mirrors - several sizesBayonet forceps - twoLucks forceps - twoAural speculum - severalA pair of scissorsKidney dishes - twoGallipot - twoA light sourceHead mirror or head lightSuction apparatus, if not in ENT UnitSterilizerPlastic pail/ApronTwo or more instrument containersCotton budsDecongestant nasal dropsHydrogen peroxide ear dropsDoctor and Patient's chairs
24.Eye clinic/room

Ophthalmic instruments

Eye testing

Snellen's visual acuity chartPin-holeScholtz indentation tonometer/Hand application tonometerTorch/Slit lamp (Haag-Strait 900)Magnifying loops: hand-held; head-band; Luxo loopOphthalmoscope/Fundus cameraTrial setTrial frames (2), Lensometer, Near Vision ChartsFrames - manyOphthalmic lenses (-6D to + 6D sph./ -2.25D to + 2Dcyl)Eye drops: Atropine, cyclopentolateIshihara colour tests; D15 colour testBjerrum screenHenson's field analyserPresbyopic reading glasses S+1.5D; 2.0D; 2.5D; 3.0D

Eye dressing

Kidney dishes (2)Gallipots (2)Cheadle forceps and container (set 2)Dressing forceps (4)Needle holder (2 sizes)Gloves - different sizesSteriliser (steam or dry heat for instruments)Surgical dressing trolleys (2)Medicine cabinets

Eye surgery equipment/instrument and supplies

Sutures; (2/0; 3/0; 4/0; 6/0) silk; 10/0 Nylon.Surgical blades: Nos. 11; 15Bard Parker handle to fitSkin and conjunctival tissue forceps - toothed/non-toothedWestcot scissors - straight and curved (2) each large/small)Artery forceps (Mosquito) - (6 small; 4 large)Chalazion forceps (1 each of large, medium, and small)Entropion clamps (2) sizes one each for children/adultsMicrosurgical sets for cataract, glaucoma and strabismusOperating loopsSurgical microscopes: Zeiss; Nikon; Scan Optic with attachments for assistant cameraSteam and dry heat surgical equipment/linen sterilisersDressing trolleys (large and medium - 2 each)Instrument trolleysMedicine cabinetsDressing towels - many


Hypodermic needles: G23; G26SyringesDrums for towels/instruments/linen/pads/cottonLarge gauze scissorsEye prostheses and orbital conformersScleral and corneal contact lenses: cosmetic/therapeuticPrism sets: single and barsBagoloni glassesRetinoscopes (2)

Appendix B

Essential instruments for various packs/trays

1.Clip removal tray2 kidney dishes2 gallipots2 dressing forceps1 dissecting forceps plain1 clip extracting forcepscotton wool swabsgauze swabs2 dressing towels
2.Cutting down tray2 kidney dishes2 gallipots1 BP handle No. 33 blades No. 151 dissecting forceps plain1 dissecting forceps toothed - Addison's1 aneurysm needle1 mosquito forceps curved1 towel clips3 cannula small, medium, large1 2 cc syringeNeedles no. 14, 2 and 13 skin cutting needles no. 6, 10 and 121 Round body needle1 dressing scissors SP1 fine scissors3 dressing towels1 hand towelcotton wool swabsgauze swabs1 chromic ethicon No. 2/0
3.Incision tray2 kidney dishes - large2 gallipots1 sinus forceps 7"1 sinus forceps 5"1 BP handle No. 3.2 blades No. 10 or 151 dissecting forceps plain2 artery forcepsCotton wool swabsgauze swabs1 hand towel3 dressing towelsCotton wool pad
4.Lumbar puncture tray2 kidney dishes2 gallipots1 2 cc syringeNeedles No. 14, 2 and 13 - Lumbar puncture needles(Small-Med-Big)2 blades No. 11Cotton wool swabsgauze swabs3 dressing towels1 hand towel
5.Skin biopsy tray2 kidney dishes2 gallipots2 artery forceps1 dissecting forceps toothed1 dissecting forceps plain1 gallies hook1 BP handle2 blades No. 151 2 cc syringeNeedles No. 14, 2 and 1silk suture No. 2/0catgut chromic No. 2/0cotton wool swabsgauze swabs3 cutting skin needles3 dressing towels1 hand towel1 surgical scissors fine
6.Vaginal examination tray (patient not in labour)2 kidney dishes2 gallipots1 speculum Duckbill Cuscos or Brewer2 sponge holding forceps1 Vaginal retractor sims1 bowl3 dressing Towels1 hand towel1 Maternity padcotton wool swabsGauze swabsPairs of sterile gloves
7.Sternal puncture tray2 kidney dishes (big)2 gallipots2 sternal puncture needles (KLIMA)1 adaptor for luer syringe 12 cc syringe1 5 cc Syringe 10 cc/20 ccNeedles No. 14, 2 and 12 blades No. 113 Dressing Towels1 hand towelCotton wool swabsGauze swabs
8.Lymph node biopsy tray2 kidney dishes (gib)2 gallipots ss1 2 cc syringeHypodermic Needles No. 1, 2 and 142 Blades No. 101 BP handle No. 36 artery forceps 6"1 Needle holding forceps1 scissors SP 5"1 Dissecting forceps plain1 Dissecting forceps toothed2 Tissue forceps AlliesSilk suture No. 2/0 (accompanying Tray)2 dressing towels1 hand towel
9.Stitch removal tray2 kidney dishes2 gallipots2 dressing forceps1 dissecting forceps plain1 stitch scissors2 dressing towelscotton wool swabsgauze swabs
10.Suture tray2 kidney dishes (large)2 gallipots1 dissecting forceps footed1 needle holding forceps4 artery forceps 5"3 skin cutting needlessilk sutures No. 0 & 2/0Cotton wool swabs3 dressing towels1 scissors SP 5"A pair of sharp pointed scissorsStitch scissorsSpeculumGauze swabs1 hand towel1 5 cc syringeNeedles curved cutting or round curved No. 14, 2 and 1
11.Renal Biopsy tray2 kidney dishes2 gallipots1 dissecting forceps plain2 blades No. 111 2 cc syringe1 5 cc syringe Needles No. 14, 2, and 13 dressing towels1 hand towelCotton wool swabsGauze swabs1 artery forceps1 set Renal Biopsy needles to follow with the tray
12.Delivery pack1 Gallipot1 Episiotomy scissors1 Mayo scissors and razor blades2 Artery forceps 7"1 Cocker's forceps1 big bowl sponge2 small bowls ss2 kidney dishes2 artery forceps straight1 dressing scissors2 cord ligature4 dressing towels2 Maternity padsCotton wool swabsGauze swabs1 hand towel1 mucus extractor
13.Immunization trayThermos flaskGallipot, kidney dish, dissecting forcepsSyringes and needles - assortedJet-gun puncture
14.IVP tray1 19 g Needle1 kidney dish1 gallipot2 20 cc syringes1 2-5 cc syringeNeedles No. 14 or 12Gauze swabs2 dressing Towel
15.Vaginal examination tray (for patients in labour)1 Gallipot1 Kidney dish1 Pairs of sterile gloves1 Corkers forceps2 pairs of sterile pads
16.Liver biopsy tray2 kidney dishes2 gallipots1 2 cc syringeNeedle No. 14, 2 or 11 dissecting forceps plain1 BP handle No. 32 blades No. 111 10 syringe3 dressing towels1 hand towelCotton wool swabsGauze swabsMenghin Needle
17.Paracentesis tray2 kidney dishes (large)2 gallipots2 cc syringeNeedle No. 14, 2 or 11 BP Handle No. 32 blades No. 111 trochar and cannula1 trochar and cannula 3 sets2 rubber tubes small - medium to fit cannulae1 clip1 hand towel3 dressing towelsGauze swabsCotton wool swabs
18.Bone marrow biopsy tray2 kidney dishes (big)2 gallipots1 5 cc syringe OR1 10 cc Trephine NeedleHypodermic Needles No. 1, 2 or 142 blades No. 111 sternal P. Needles KLIMA2 Bone marrow needles - puncture needle or trephine needle1 toothed dissecting forceps1 artery forceps3 curved needles cuttingSilk sutures No. 2/0 or 3/02 dressing towels1 hand towel
19.Oestrogen implant traySyringe 10 ccNeedles 2BP Handle No. 3Needle holder No. 1Artery forceps 1KLIMAR 1Galloped 1Kidney dish 1Gauze blade No. 11
20.Aspiration tray2 kidney dishes2 gallipots1 pint measure1 2 cc syringeNeedles No. 14, 2 and 11 20 cc syringeBig aspiration needles (five various sizes)1 stopcock1 piece rubber tubing1 BP handle No. 32 blades No. 103 dressing towels1 hand towelCotton wool swabsGauze swabs
21.Pleural biopsy tray2 kidney dishes2 gallipots2 artery forceps1 Dissecting forceps plainAbraham needle1 2 cc syringeNeedles No. 14, 2, and 11 BP handle No. 32 blades No. 113 dressing towels1 hand towelCotton wool swabsGauze swabs
22.Bladder wash out tray1 bowl lotion1 kidney dish1 galloped1 pint measure1 bladder syringe2 catheters jaques No. 16 and 183 dressing towels1 hand towelCotton wool swabsGauge swabs
23.Dressing tray2 kidney dishes2 gallipots2 dressing forceps1 dissecting forceps plain6 cotton wool swabs4 Gauge swabs2 dressing towels2 dressing scissors
24.General set (large)6 Rampley sponge holding forceps6 Mayo towel clips forceps1 Pop scalpel handle No. 41 Pop scalpel handle No. 31 Pop scalpel handle No. 71 McIndoes scissors1 Nelson scissors1 Mayo straight scissors1 Mayo curved scissors8 Kelly-Crile artery forceps curved4 Kelly-Crile artery forceps straight8 Spencer Wells artery forceps curved6 Spencer Wells artery forceps straight10 Overholt forceps6 Moynihan artery forceps curved4 Moynihan artery forceps straight6 Little Wood tissue forceps6 Allis tissue forceps 6"4 Mosquito artery forceps straight 5"6 Mosquito artery forceps curved6 Babcock forceps 6.5"6 Babcock forceps 8"2 McIndoes dissecting forceps1 McDonald dissector2 Lane dissecting forceps toothed 5.5"2 Lane dissecting forceps non-toothed 7"2 Dunhill dissecting forceps non-toothed 5.75"2 Langenbeck retractor bled 0.5" x 1.75" x 8.25"2 Morris retractor single length 9"2 Kelly retractor length 10.5"1 Pozzi abdominal retractor trivalve2 Mayo-Hegar needle holder 7" long2 Mayo-Hegar needle holder 5" long6 Mayo-safety pin forceps holder1 Denis Browne intestinal forceps - serrated gripsCatheterization tray1 or 2 kidney dishes1 or 2 gallipots1 Urine receiverUrethral catheters - various sizes and typesSpigotGlovesGauzeCotton swabsSyringes 5-20 ccNeedles
25.Intestinal surgeryGeneral set plus2 Maingot intestinal forceps6 Lane stomach holding forceps2 Balasegaram liver clamp traumatic jaws 11"1 Abadie twin anastomosis clamp set, consisting of 3 clamps1 Payr intestinal clamp small1 Payr intestinal clamp large2 Walton gastroenterostomy clamps straight2 Panet duodenal forceps2 Denis Browne pylorus stretching forceps
26.Resuscitation kitEndotracheal tube kit complete with accessoriesMouth gagTongue-holding forcepsSpatulaHydrocortisoneAdrenalineSyringesNeedles
27.Caesarean Section (LSCS)1 Doyens retractor rectangular small1 Doyens retractor rectangular moderate1 Doyens retractor rectangular large2 Umbilical scissors 100 mm2 Episiotomy scissors 100 mm2 Uterine scissors BP straight 230 mm2 Uterine scissors BP curved 230 mm10 Green-Armitage forceps straight UJ 20 cm10 Green-Armitage forceps angled BJ 20 cm1 Hyoma Doyens scissors from GS1 Female catheter s-shaped silver from GS12 Kochers BJ straight 17.5 cm from GS12 Kochers BJ curved 17.5 cm from GS6 Cord ligature tape cut - pieces of 62 Mucus extractor glass and tube set
28.Dilatation and CurettageRampleys sponge holding forceps from GSTowel clips Backhaus BJ from GS1 Auvards vaginal speculum retractor weighted2 Sims vaginal speculum2 Cuscos vaginal speculumSilver metal catheter from GS2 Heggars Dilator - set of 122 Polypus forceps2 Singleys vaginal dressing forceps2 Deschamps ligature needle1 Uterine curettors Sims blunt/sharp DE2 Wilson vulsellum forceps round end2 Playfair uterine probe with bulb at the end - aluminium2 Horrocks uterine sound - graduated2 Sims uterine depressor2 Ovule forceps McClintock2 Nelson-Roberts long scissors from GS2 Cervical biopsy forceps2 Vulsellum forceps cvd 3 x 4 toothed DJ 17 mm1 Provic intrauterine curettor with metal cone luer fitting1 Shier's suriaco scraper SY
29.Craniotomy (Simple)2 Bone levers lanes 230 mm2 Bone levers Trethowan 215 mm2 Tissue holding forceps lanes BJ 73/41 Tantalum ligating/suture forceps 7"1 Potor's burr with metal handle size 5 EG1 Hatson-Jones burr SS, metal handle size 10mm diam EG2 Addison's Rongeur BJ 150 mm2 Jansen Rongeur BJ 190 mm2 Kerrison Rongeur 2 mm bite 3" shaft2 Bone cutter McIndoes angled 170 mm2 Bone-holding forceps Langenbeck 205 mm1 Keller, Heath 40 mm1 Janson luer multiple action joint gauge 7 1/21 Loxers chisels 7 mm1 McDonalds dissector 190 mm from GS1 Addisons dural dissecting forceps 1 x 2 toothed 5"2 Lanes dissecting forceps 2 x 3 toothed 7"1 Bone file and rasp1 Uristows periosteal elevator sharp1 Farabeute Elevator curved chisel edge1 Farabeute Elevator straight chisel edge1 Gigli saw 3002 Gigli saw handles set of 22 McIndoes skin hooks 7 1/2 (19 mm)2 Volkmann retractor 2 prong slip blade 1.3 cm2 Kollicons retractor SR Cvd 165 mm1 Jansen Retractor SR blunt 4 1/2" long1 Horfork and Horwich retractor blunt 200 mm1 Watson-Jones handle with "K" guide wire 3 mm1 Cairn's dura guide and director malleable1 Fraziers brain retractor - malleable finger control Bfg1 Fraziers brain retractor finger control Bfg1 Fraziers brain retractor finger control Bfg2 Volkmann DE Bone curette 170 mm
30.Thoracotomy (Emergency)12 Roberts artery forceps cof 5/J 330 mmScissors Nelson lobectomy straight 230 mm from G.SScissors Nelson lobectomy straight 230 mm from G.S12 Tissue forceps Duval, Jawe 13 mm wide DJ 190 mm2 Howarth respiratory D.E 230 mm2 Allison lung retractor adult2 Allison lung retractor child2 Allison lung retractor infant2 Finochiolto rib retractor straight adult2 Finochiolto rib retractor straight child2 Roberts rib shear2 Tudor Edwards rib shear anterior2 Tudor Edwards rib shear posterior2 Tuttler rib approacher2 Baileys rib approximator 160 mmTrochar and cannulae from GS1 Chest drainage tubes (large, medium, small)2 Underwater - seal drainage bottles2 Connecting tubes and glass - rod from GSNB: Appropriate instruments from G.S will be required.
31.Relief of retention of urine

Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 1 EG

1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 0/2 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 1/4 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 1/5 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 3/6 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 4/7 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 5/8 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 6/9 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 7/10 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 8/11 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 9/12 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 10/13 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 11/14 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 12/15 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 13/16 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 14/17 EG1 Bougies Lister urethral bulbous 15/18 EG


1 Catheter Kramer eustachian EP or Silver 7 FG1 Catheter Kramer eustachian EP or Silver 8 FG1 Catheter Kramer eustachian EP or Silver 9 FG1 Catheter Kramer eustachian EP or Silver 10 FG1 Catheter Kramer eustachian EP or Silver 11 FG1 Catheter female round 6 EG1 Catheter female round 7 EG1 Catheter female round 8 EG1 Catheter female round 9 EG1 Catheter female round 10 EG6 Foley catheter introducer sets1 Female Catheter metal s-Shaped - from GS
32.Limb amputation (Emergency)1 Langenbeck amputation knife 55 mm blade1 Percy's amputation retractor with removable handles1 Charrier's amputation saw 150 mm blade length complete with one blade saw size 12 mm1 Spare blade saw size 10mm carbon steel1 Bona file and rasp1 Bona ribbers and cutters McIndoes from craniotomy set1 Bona Rongeurs and gouges from craniotomy set1 Bona holding forceps from craniotomy set
33.Tracheostomy (Emergency)Small general set1 Tracheal dilator forceps with spring screw1 Hook retractors sharp iteraon1 Aneurysm needles with hook from GS1 Tracheal hook, double, blunt1 Heges Knot-Luer with metal handle1 Tracheal - Hook, double, sharp point1 Tracheal - Hook, single, sharp point1 Tracheal - Hook, single, blunt point1 Tracheostomy tubes Heges with shutter valve and plain inner tube, solid1 Silver size 181 Silver size 201 Silver size 221 Silver size 241 Silver size 261 Silver size 281 Silver size 301 Silver size 321 Silver size 341 Silver size 36 French Catheter gauge complete with introducer
DescriptionNeedle lengthSuture lengthGaugeUnit
Chromic catgut
Chromic catgut sutures 1.5m33/0Box
Chromic catgut sutures 1.5m3.52/0Box
Chromic catgut sutures 1.5m40Box
Chromic catgut sutures 1.5m51Box
Chromic catgut sutures 1.5m62Box
(H441) 1/2 Circle R.5 (Intestinal)30mm75mm3.52/0Box
(W565) 1/2 Circle T.P Exc. Ch (Gynae)25mm75mm3.52/0Box
(h420) CV.R.B (Intestinal)40mm75mm3.52/0Box
(646-51) 1/2 Circle T.P. (GEN CL)40mm67mm3.52/0Box
(545-63) 1/2 Circle T.P. (GEN CL)37mm67mm40Box
(707-61) 1/2 Circle T.P. (GEN CL)27mm67mm40Box
(707-61) 1/2 Circle T.P. Heavy (GEN O CL)37mm67mm51Box
(W202 1031-41) Braided Silk 1.8m23/0Box
(W203 1031-51) Braided Silk 1.8m32/0Box
(W204 1031-61) Braided Silk 1.8m3.50Box
(W205 1031-71) Braided Silk 1.8m41Box
(W191 1041-01) Braided Silk 1m55Box
(W333 1133-51) 1/20 RB (Intestinal)30mm75cm32/0Box
(W 103 5-51) Plain Catgut 1.5m40Box
(W 104-5-01) Plain Catgut 1.5m51Box
(W 105 5-71) Plain Catgut 1.5m51Box
(W 9025) 1.5m32/0Box
(W 9026) 1.5m3.50Box
(W 9027) 1.5m41Box
01/5102 Curved size 2 round bodied    P/12
01/5104 Curved size 4 round bodied    P/12
01/5106 Curved size 6 round bodied    P/12
01/5202 30 mm 1/2 circle round bodied    P/12
01/5204 30 mm 1/2 circle round bodied No. 4    P/12
01/6202 35 mm 1/2 circle trochar point, heavy    P/12
Curved cutline needle extra large size for skin closure    P/12
01/62 1/2 circle R. B. W/Diamond point    P/12
01/6012 Straight cutting needle    P/12

Appendix C

Application for registration/re-registration of a health facility

[Editorial note: The forms have not been reproduced.]
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History of this document

31 July 2002 this version
01 July 1997

Cited documents 2

Legislation 2
1. Pharmaceutical and Poisons Act 11 citations
2. Private Hospitals (Regulation) Act 4 citations

Documents citing this one 0