Detention of Asylum Seeker or Refugee, Order, 2002

Government Notice 191 of 2002

Detention of Asylum Seeker or Refugee, Order, 2002

Refugees Act, 1998

Detention of Asylum Seeker or Refugee, Order, 2002

Government Notice 191 of 2002

[Made under section 27(1)]
WHEREAS, pursuant to section 27(1) of the Refugees Act, 1998 the Min­ister for Home Affairs, on being satisfied that any asylum Seeker or a refugee is conducting himself in a manner Prejudicial to peace and good order or is prejudicing relation between the Government of Tanzania and any other Government, conferred with power to direct by order in writing, detaining any such asylum seeker or refugee in a prison for a period not exceeding three months.AND WHEREAS, I am satisfied that persons whose names appear in the Schedule to this order are acting in a manner prejudicial to peace and good order.AND WHEREAS, I am satisfied that an order under section 27(1) of the Refugees Act, 1998 is necessary to prevent those persons or continue conducting themselves in a manner prejudicial to peace and good order.NOW THEREFORE, I MOHAMED SEIF KHATIBU, Minister for Home Af­fairs, in exercising the powers conferred upon me by section 27(1) of the Refugees Act, 1998. DO HEREBY, order that the persons whose names appears in the Schedule to this Order, be detained at Mwisa Separate facility until further order is made.


1.Ngoyi Kyomba Jefa25Kongo
2.Tambwe Raphael Emme26Kongo
3.Bora Rubota Patrick20Kongo
4.Banza Msenge Alidu20Kongo
5.Kibena Karonda Felix32Kongo
6.Bigilimana Rupo Bigilimana32Burundi
7.Nyabenda Jerome Nyabenda19Burundi
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History of this document

17 May 2002
22 April 2002
Assented to