Labour Institutions Act, 2004
Labour Court Rules, 2007
Government Notice 106 of 2007
- Published in Government Gazette on 18 May 2007
- Commenced on 18 May 2007
- [This is the version of this document from 18 May 2007.]
Part I – Preliminary provisions
1. Citation
These Rules may be cited as the Labour Court Rules, 2007.2. Interpretation
Part II – Administration and procedures
3. Court ot record, law, equity and mediation
4. Language of the Court
5. Zonal centres of the Court
The Chief Justice may establish zonal centres and appoint a Judge in-charge of any such zonal centre as he may determine, and each zonal centre shall discharge the functions of the Court as may from time to time, be determined by the Judge Chairman.6. Initiating proceedings, referrals, response and reply
7. Issuance of documents and the Registrar’s duties
8. Mode of filing of documents
9. Service of documents
10. Pre-trial conference by the Registrar and Mediators
11. Judge’s directions and powers on pre-trial matters
12. Non-compliance
Where a party fails to attend any pre-trial conference convened in terms of rules 10 (1), 11(1)(a) or (b) or fails to comply with the directions made by the presiding Judge in terms of rule 11, the matter may be enrolled for an ex-parte hearing or dismissed, as the ease may be, on the direction of the presiding Judge and the defaulting party shall not be permitted to appear at the hearing unless the Court, on sufficient cause shown, makes appropriate orders.13. Enrolment for hearing
14. Discover y of documents
A document which has not been disclosed during the pre-trial conference may not, except with the leave of the Court, be granted on whatever terms the Court deems fit, be used for any purpose at the hearing by the person who was obliged to disclose it, except that the document or tape recording may be used by a person other than the person who was obliged to disclose it.15. Expert witnesses
16. Witness summons
17. Evidence and regulation of proceedings
18. Nomination of assessors and their opinion
19. Oath or affirmation of office by interpreters and translators
Before any interpreter or translator interprets or translates in Court or elsewhere in relation to court work, he shall take an oath or an affirmation as prescribed in Form No.2 in the Schedule to these Rules before a Judge of the Court:Provided that any person admitted and enrolled as a sworn interpreter or translator of any division of the High Court of Tanzania shall be deemed to be a sworn or affirmed interpreter or translator for the Court.20. Hearing of suit
21. Judgment and decree
22. Offences
23. Disputes originating from the Court
Part III – Applications
24. Applications before the Court
25. Urgent relief under certificate of urgency
Part IV – Review, revision and appeal to the Court
26. Application for review of awards
27. Reviews of judgments in chambers
28. Revision of judgments
29. Appeals
Any appeal to the Court under the Acts, shall be instituted by filing a notice of appeal with the responsible person or body whose decision is under appeal and a copy thereof shall be filed with the Registrar.30. Notice of appeal and records
31. Memorandum of appeal
32. Hearing of appeal
33. Constitution of the Court on appeals
The Court shall be constituted by a presiding Judge sitting with not less than two assessors nominated by the presiding Judge from each of the panels appointed under subsection (2) of section 50 of the Act.34. Withdrawals and postponements of matters
35. Re-enrolment of postponed matters
36. Matters struck off the file
37. Default judgment
38. Rescinding default judgment
39. Consent orders
40. Grounds of argument
41. Submissions by an amicus curiae
42. Partnerships, firms and associations
43. Representation of parties
44. Joinder of parties and representative suit
45. Extension decrees
46. Pagination
47. Consolidation of proceedings
48. Enforcement of Court orders
49. Enforcement of decisions and awards of the Commission and other responsible person or body
50. Appeal, review or revision on interlocutory or incidental decisions or orders
No appeal, review or revision shall lie on interlocutory or incidental decisions or orders, unless such decision has the effect of finally determining the dispute.Part V – Cost, fees and interest
51. Costs, fees and interest in frivolous and vexatious proceedings
Part VI – Reference by the Labour Commissioner and Appeals to the Court of Appeal
52. Labour Commissioner’s reference to the Court
53. Certificate issued by the Court on Labour Commissioner’s reference to the Court of Appeal
54. Appeals to the Court of Appeal of Tanzania
Subject to the provisions of section 57 of the Act, any appeal to the Court of Appeal of Tanzania shall be in conformity or as nearly as possible with the provisions of the Court of Appeal of Tanzania Rules, 1979.Part VII – Miscellaneous provisions
55. Procedures specifically not provided for
56. Extension of time limits and condonation
57. Report submitted to the Chief Justice
The Judge chairman of the Court shall cause to be prepared and submit to the Chief Justice the report of the Court’s operation and activities at such intervals as the Chief Justice may direct.History of this document
18 May 2007 this version
Documents citing this one 696
Judgment 695
Gazette 1
1. | Tanzania Government Gazette dated 2007-05-18 number 20 |
Subsidiary legislation
High Court of the United Republic of Tanzania (Labour Division) (Zonal Centres) (Establishment) Rules, 2010 | Government Notice 157 of 2010 | 23 April 2010 |