Tanzania Commission for Aids Act
Tanzania Commission for AIDS Regulations, 2016
Government Notice 145 of 2016
- Published in Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania 18 on 29 April 2016
- Assented to on 16 March 2016
- Commenced on 29 April 2016
- [This is the version of this document from 29 April 2016.]
1. Citation
These Regulations may be cited as the Tanzania Commission for AIDS Regulations, 2016.2. Interpretation
In these Regulations unless the context requires otherwise—“ATF” means AIDS Trust Fund prescribed under section 12D of the Act;“pooled funding” means the collection and contribution from various sources and deposit it into one basket;“specific project” means a project designed to be financed by the government or any development partner and funded either through government Treasury system or disbursed directly from development partners to implementers; and“Technical Working Committee is a group of experts on Monitoring and Evaluation working together to advise the National HIV and AIDS response in the trend of the epidemic.3. Gender and human rights
In implementing HIV and AIDS activities, the Commission shall use principles of equality and equity between men and women and adhere to Gender and Human Rights sensitivities by—4. Mapping of stakeholders
5. Promotion of positive living of PLHIV
In order to promote positive living of People living with HIV (PLHIV), the Commission shall—6. Monitoring and evaluation of HIV activities
In monitoring and evaluation of ongoing HIV activities, the Commission shall—7. Management of the AIDS Committee
8. Stakeholders quarterly report
Stakeholders implementing HIV and AIDS interventions shall submit on quarterly basis their reports to the Commission using existing reporting system.9. Advocate on counselling, testing and treatment
In collaboration with relevant stakeholders, the Commission shall—10. Sector review
11. Commission to collaborate with stakeholders
In collaboration with the Ministry responsible for health and other relevant stakeholders, the Commission shall:12. HIV and AIDS Information dissemination
For the purposes of establishing, facilitating and maintaining multi-Sectoral HIV and AIDS information management system, the Commission shall offer guidance to stakeholders on HIV related data management and strategic information flow to ensure that quality information are timely available for use.13. Undertaking of survey for HIV and AIDS
14. Resource mobilization
The Commission shall be responsible for—15. National budget guidelines
Subject to regulation 14, the Commission shall—16. Disbursement of funds
17. Formulation of policy guidelines
In formulating policy guidelines for the response of HIV and AIDS epidemic and management of its consequences, the Commission shall—18. Information on HIV and AIDS
In disseminating and sharing of information on HIV and AIDS epidemic, the Commission in collaboration with other HIV stakeholders shall coordinate the availability of Information, Education and Communication Materials to promote HIV and AIDS information;19. Research
The Commission shall promote research, information sharing and documentation on HIV and AIDS by developing and coordinating research agenda for National response.20. Proceedings of the Commission
Subject to Section 8 of the Act, the Schedule to these Regulations shall have effect as to the tenure of office, proceedings and other matters that relate to the meetings of the Commission.21. Appointment of Executive Director
22. Application for the position of Executive Director
23. Short-listing of candidates
24. Conduct of interview
25. Final selection process
26. AIDS Trust Fund
27. Budget of the Board
28. Duties of the Board
29. Approval by the Board
The Fund shall not make any expenditure or payment without obtaining prior approval of the Board of Trustees.30. Monitoring of the Fund
31. Offences and penalties
Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of these Regulations commits an offence and on conviction shall be liable to penalties prescribed under the provisions of the Act.History of this document
29 April 2016 this version
16 March 2016
Assented to