Merchant Shipping Act
Merchant Shipping (Training, Certification and Manning) Regulations, 2016
Government Notice 243 of 2016
- Published in Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania 34 on 12 August 2016
- Assented to on 10 August 2016
- Commenced on 12 August 2016
- [This is the version of this document as it was from 12 August 2016 to 13 June 2024.]
Part I – Preliminary provisions
1. Citation
These Regulations may be cited as the Merchant Shipping (Training, Certification and Manning) Regulations, 2016.2. Application
3. Interpretations
Part II – Certificate and training
4. Certificates and endorsements
5. Recognition of certificates
6. Revalidation of certificates
7. Information on the amendments
8. Appropriate certificates
9. Training and assessment
10. Use of simulators
11. Rating and holders of other qualifications
12. Radio communication and Radio operators on GMDSS Ships
A person shall not be granted a certificate of GMDSS under the Tanzania Communication Commission Act, unless—13. Mandatory minimum requirements for training on oil and chemical tankers operations
14. Mandatory requirements for training on liquefied gas tender cargo operations
15. Special requirements for personnel on passenger ships
16. Mandatory minimum requirements basic training and instruction for seafarers
17. Mandatory minimum requirements for survival craft, rescue boats and fast rescue boats
18. Special requirements for training in advanced fire-fighting
19. Special requirements relating to medical first aid and medical care
20. Mandatory minimum requirements relating to security-related training and instructions
21. Mandatory minimum requirements for the issue of certificates of proficiency for ship security officers
22. Mandatory minimum requirements for security-related training and instruction for seafarers
23. Assessment for seafarers with specific security-related duties
24. Form, validity, record and surrender of certificates
25. Refusal of certificates, and appeals against refusal
26. Loss of certificates
If a person entitled to a certificate loses or is deprived of a certificate already issued to him, the Registrar of Seafarers—27. Endorsement of Tanzanian certificates
In the case of a certificate issued by the Registrar of Seafarers the certificate shall be endorsed by the Registrar of Seafarers in accordance with these Regulations (the STCW Convention), if he is satisfied that the holder of the certificate complies with the requirements of regulations 8, 12, 13 and 14.Part III – Assessment
28. Mandatory minimum requirements for the Quality assurance
29. Syllabus committee
30. Proof of identity
Every candidate applying for a certificate or an endorsement shall furnish proof of identity to the Registrar of Seafarers in the form of a valid Tanzanian identity document or passport or, in the case of a foreign citizen or resident, a valid passport.31. Dates and places of examination
32. How to apply
A Candidate for oral examination shall apply for issuance of certificate or endorsement by submitting a duly completed application form, obtainable from the office of the Registrar of Seafarers, which shall—33. Applications in special cases
34. Declaration and proof of qualifying service
35. Oral examinations
36. Written examinations
37. Board of Examiners
38. Senior examiners
39. Deafness and other physical or mental disabilities
40. Use of English in assessment
All assessments and instructions—41. Examination results
Part IV – Certification requirements
42. Mandatory minimum requirements for the Officer in charge of a navigational watch near-coastal voyages
A candidate applying for certification as a Navigational Watch Officer on a ship of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages shall be of at least eighteen years of age and who shall—43. Mandatory minimum requirements for the Master near-coastal voyages
A candidate applying for certification as a Master on a ship of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages shall be of at least twenty years of age who shall—44. Mandatory minimum requirements for the Officer in charge of a navigational watch
45. Chief Mate of ship of between 500 and 3000 gross tonnage
A candidate applying for the certificate as Chief Mate of a ship of less than 3000 gross tonnage on unlimited voyages shall—46. Master of ship of between 500 and 3000 gross tonnage
47. Chief Mate
A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as chief mate shall—48. Master
A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as master shall—49. Mandatory minimum requirements for the officer in charge of an engineering watch
A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as officer in charge of an engineering watch shall be at least 18 years of age and shall—50. Mandatory minimum requirements for Second Engineer Officer on ships up to 3000 kW propulsion power
A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as Second Engineer Officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW and 3000 kW propulsion power shall—51. Mandatory minimum requirements for Chief Engineer Officer on ships up to 3000 kW propulsion power
52. Second Engineer Officer
A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as Second Engineer Officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3000 kW propulsion power or more shall—53. Chief Engineer Officer
A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as Chief Engineer Officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3000kW propulsion power or more shall—54. Electro-Technical Officer
55. Rating forming part of a navigational watch
56. Able Seafarer Deck
57. Rating forming part of an engineering watch
58. Able Seafarer Engine
59. Electro-technical ratings
60. Proficiency in survival craft
61. Proficiency in fast rescue boats
A candidate for the certificate of qualification as proficient in fast rescue boats shall—62. Efficient Cook
A candidate for the certificate of qualification as efficient Cook shall be at least 18 years of age and shall—Part V – Training institutions and training programmes
63. Accreditation of training institutions
64. Training programmes, training record books and simulators
65. In-service training
66. Duties of instructors and candidates
67. Application for oral examination
Every personnel specified in the Columns titled “Capacity of Certificate” appearing in Tables 2 to 4 of the Schedule shall show proof of oral examination for the purpose of issuance of various awards specified in Column 1 of the Schedule to those respective tables.68. Issuance and validity of awards
Part VI – Manning
69. Responsibilities of companies, Masters and others
70. Safe Manning Document
71. Mandatory minimum requirements for Fitness for duty
72. General duties of Owner, Employers and Masters
73. Duties of a Master and Seafarer
Every Master and a Seafarer shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that he is properly rested when commencing duty on a ship and obtains adequate rest during periods when he is off duty.74. Schedules of duties and need to record
75. Exception for emergencies
76. Watchkeeping arrangements and principles
77. Watchkeeping arrangements in port
78. Watchkeeping arrangements in port for ships carrying hazardous cargo
79. Carriage of documents
Without prejudice to regulation 69, the owner and the Master shall ensure that they are carried at all times on board ship all original certificates and other are carried on board ship at all times and other documents issued pursuant to the STCW Convention indicating the qualification of any member of the crew to perform functions which they are required to perform aboard ship in the course of their designated duties.80. Inspection of non-Tanzanian ships
81. Power to detain
82. Employment of qualified personnel on tankers and passenger ships
83. Employment of persons holding foreign certificates
84. Employment of certificated deck officer on ships of 50 GT or more
An Owner and a Master of a ship of 50 gross tonnage or more other than a fishing vessel shall ensure that there is employed on the ship, in their appropriate capacities, the number of certificated deck officers specified in Table 5 of the Schedule to these Regulations.85. Employment of certificated engineer officers and Marine Motormen
An Owner and a Master of a ship of 750 kW or more, other than a fishing vessel or a ship referred to in subregulation (2), shall ensure that there is employed on the ship, in their appropriate capacities, the number of certificated engineer officers specified in Table 6 of the Schedule to these Regulations86. Employment of certificated Radio Operator
An Owner and Master of a ship shall ensure that there is employed on the ship the number of certificated Radio Operator as specified in Table 7 of the Schedule to these Regulations;Provided that—87. Employment of certificated Ratings on ships of 50 GT or more
An Owner and a Master of a ship of 50 gross tonnage or more other than a fishing vessel shall ensure that there is employed on the ship, in their appropriate capacities, the number of certificated Ratings specified in Table 8 of the Schedule to these Regulations;Provided that—88. Employment of qualified Medical Practitioners on ships of 50 GT or more
89. Employment of qualified fire fighting personnel on ships of 50 GT or more
90. Employment of qualified personnel on ships equipped with fast rescue boats
An Owner and a master of a ship that is equipped with one or more fast rescue boats shall ensure that there are employed on the ship at least two persons per boat who hold a valid certificate of qualification as proficient in fast rescue boats issued in accordance with Regulation VI/2, paragraph 2 of the STCW Convention.91. Exemption in respect of certain ships
92. Equivalence of certificates and endorsements
93. Revocation of G.N No.60 of 2015
The Merchant Shipping (Training Certification and Manning) Regulations is hereby revoked.History of this document
14 June 2024 amendment not yet applied
12 August 2016 this version
10 August 2016
Assented to
Cited documents 0
Subsidiary legislation
Merchant Shipping (Training, Certification and Manning) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024 | Government Notice 470 of 2024 | 14 June 2024 |