Merchant Shipping (Training, Certification and Manning) Regulations, 2016

Government Notice 243 of 2016

There are outstanding amendments that have not yet been applied. See the History tab for more information.
Merchant Shipping (Training, Certification and Manning) Regulations, 2016

Merchant Shipping Act

Merchant Shipping (Training, Certification and Manning) Regulations, 2016

Government Notice 243 of 2016

[Made under section 162]

Part I – Preliminary provisions

1. Citation

These Regulations may be cited as the Merchant Shipping (Training, Certification and Manning) Regulations, 2016.

2. Application

(1)These Regulations shall apply to every ship registered or licensed in the United Republic of Tanzania or required to be so registered or licensed.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation (1), these Regulations shall not apply to the training, certification and employment of engineer officers on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of less than 750 kW propulsion power.

3. Interpretations

(1)In these Regulations unless the context indicates otherwise—able seafarer deck” means a rating qualified in accordance with the provisions of the STCW Convention;able seafarer engine” means a rating qualified in accordance with the provisions of STCW Convention;accelerated training” means an approved programme of intensive training that is designed to reduce the period of qualifying seagoing service;accredited institution” means a training institution accredited under regulation 63;Act” means the Merchant Shipping Act;approved seagoing service” in relation to—(a)a deck officer certificate, means seagoing service on trading ships relevant to the duties and functions carried out by officers associated with the deck department;(b)a deck rating certificate, means seagoing service in any capacity working on deck and carrying out duties and functions associated with the deck workings on trading ships;(c)a general purpose rating certificate, means seagoing service referred to in paragraphs (c) and (d);(d)an engine rating certificate, means sea service in any capacity working in the engine-room and carrying out duties and functions associated with the engine-room workings on trading ships; and(e)an engineer officer certificate, means seagoing service on trading ships relevant to the duties and functions carried out by officers associated with the engine department;approved” means approval by the Registrar of Seafarers;assistant engineer officer” means a person who is in training of becoming an engineer officer;Authority” means the Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority established by the Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority Act;Certificate of Competency” means a certificate issued and endorsed for Masters, Officers and GMDSS Radio operators in accordance with the provisions of chapters II, III, IV or VII of the annex to the STCW Convention which entitles the lawful holder thereof to serve in the capacity and perform the functions involved at the level of responsibility specified therein;certificate of proficiency” means a certificate, other than a Certificate of Competency issued to a seafarer, stating that the relevant requirements of training, competencies or seagoing service in the STCW Convention have been met;chemical tanker” means a ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any liquid product listed in the IBC Code;Chief engineer officer” means the senior engineer officer responsible for the mechanical propulsion and operation and maintenance of the mechanical and electrical installations of a ship;chief mate” means the deck officer next in rank to the Master and upon whom the command of the ship fall in the event of the incapacity of the Master;Code” means Tanzania Maritime Qualifications Code approved by the higher organ of the Authority;deck officer” means an Officer or a Master, certificated in accordance with Part IV of these Regulations;deck rating” means a rating certificated as forming part of a navigational watch or able seafarer deck in accordance with Part IV of these Regulations;documentary evidence” means documentation, other than a Certificate of Competency or certificate of proficiency, used to ensure that relevant requirements of the STCW Convention have been met;Documentary proof of pass at an accredited institution” means a document issued by an accredited institution declaring that the candidate has passed a written examination or has successfully completed an approved course;electro-technical officer” means an officer qualified in accordance with Part IV of these Regulations;electro-technical rating” means a rating qualified in accordance with Part IV of these Regulations;engine rating” means a rating certificated as forming part of an engineering watch or able seafarer engine in accordance with Part IV of these Regulations;engineer officer” has the meaning ascribed to it under the STCW Convention;fast rescue boat” means a rigid or semi-rigid inflatable boat used for rescue work and capable of manoeuvring, for at least 4 hours, at a speed of 20 knots in calm water with a crew of at least three persons and at a speed of at least 8 knots with a full complement;fishing vessel” means a ship used for catching fish or other living resources of the sea for financial gain or reward;fishing zone” means the sea area as defined in the United Nations Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and extends the fishing area from 12 to 200 nautical miles (an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ);function” means a group of tasks, duties and responsibilities, as specified in the STCW Code, necessary for ship operation, safety of life at sea or protection of the marine environment;GMDSS radio operator” means a person who is qualified in accordance with the provisions of Part IV of these Regulations;GMDSS” means the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System;GT” in its acronym means Gross Tonnage, and in the case of a ship with dual tonnage, the higher tonnage;IBC Code” means the latest edition of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, published by the International Maritime Organization, as amended from time to time;IGC Code” means the latest edition of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk published by the International Maritime Organization, as amended from time to time;ISPS Code” means the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code;length of ship” means the length shown on the ship's certificate of registry or other official document;liquefied gas tanker” means a ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any liquefied gas or other product listed in the IGC Code;management level” means the level of responsibility associated with—(a)serving as master, chief mate, chief engineer officer or second engineer officer on a trading ship and(b)ensuring that all functions within the designated areas of responsibility are properly performedMaster” means any person, except a pilot having command or charge of a ship, and in relation to fishing vessels, means the skipper;Medical Certificate” means a Certificate issued by an approved Medical Practitioner stating that a candidate medical fitness comprise with the requirement of the STCW Code;Medical Fitness Certificate” means a certificate issued by an approved medical practitioner to ensure that the seafarer being examined is medically fit to perform his routine and emergency duties at sea and is not suffering from any medical condition likely to be aggravated by service at sea, to render him unfit for service or to endanger the health of other persons on board and complies with the requirements of the STCW regulation I/9 and section A-I/9 of STCW Code;[Cap.165]Minister” means the Minister responsible for shipping;month” means a calendar month or thirty days made up of periods of less than one month;near coastal voyage” means a voyage made exclusively within waters under the jurisdiction of the United Republic of Tanzania;officer in charge of an engineering watch” includes a designated duty engineer officer for a periodically unmanned engine-room;oil tanker” means a ship constructed and used for the carriage in bulk of petroleum or petroleum products;operational level” means the level of responsibility associated with—(a)serving as officer in charge of a navigational or engineering watch or as designated duty engineer officer for periodically unmanned machinery spaces or as radio operator on a trading ship and(b)maintaining direct control over the performance of all functions within the designated area of responsibility in accordance with proper procedures and under the direction of an individual serving in the management level for that area of responsibility;Organization” means the International Maritime Organization (IMO);other personnel” means a personnel serving on board passenger ships and have completed passenger ship emergency familiarization, appropriate to their capacity, duties and responsibilities as specified in section A-V/2, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code;owner” means in relation to a ship, or “ship owner” means, in respect of a registered ship, the registered owner and includes a demise charterer and a managing owner or a managing agent;passenger ship” has the meaning ascribed to it under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea;passenger spaces” are those spaces which are provided for the accommodation and use of passengers;propulsion power” means the total maximum continuous rated output power in kilowatts of all ship's main propulsion machinery appearing on the ship's certificate of registry or other official document;qualifying service” in relation to a certificate or an endorsement, means approved seagoing service or port operations service;radio duties” include, as appropriate, watch keeping and technical maintenance and repairs conducted in accordance with the Radio Regulations and the International Conventions for the Safety of Life at Sea;radio officer” means a person holding an appropriate certificate employed as such and having responsibility for the operation of the radio installations on a ship;rating” means a member of the ship’s crew other than the Master or an officer;Registrar of Seafarers” means a person appointed under section 7 of the Act;rescue boat” means a boat designed to rescue persons in distress and to marshal survival craft;ro-ro passenger ship” means a passenger ship with ro-ro spaces or special category spaces as defined in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea;safe manning document” means a document that describes the minimum manning to ensure a ship is efficiently manned, and that is issued—(a)in the case of a ship that is registered or licensed in the United Republic by the Registrar of Seafarers; and(b)in the case of any other ship, by the authority of the flag State;safety convention” means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and its protocols;seagoing service” means ship service on board relevant to the issue or revalidation of a certificate or other qualification;seagoing ship” in relation to a vessel, means a vessel proceeding to sea beyond national waters, or beyond waters declared to be smooth or partially smooth waters by the Government by notification in the Gazette;second engineer officer” means the engineer officer next in rank to the Chief Engineer officer and upon whom responsibility for the mechanical propulsion and the operation and maintenance of the mechanical and electrical installations of the ship fall in the event of the incapacity of the Chief Engineer officer;Secretary-General” means the Secretary-General of the Organization;security duties” means all security tasks and duties on board ships as defined in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code;ship security officer” means the person on board the ship, accountable to the Master, who is designated by the owner as responsible for security of the ship in the implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan and liaison with the owner security officer and port facility security officers;ship to which the Safety Convention applies” means any seagoing ship of 500 GT or more engaged on an international voyage, except—(a)warships, naval auxiliaries or other ships owned or operated by a State and engaged only in the government non-commercial service;(b)ships not propelled by mechanical means;(c)wooden ships of primitive build;(d)ships used solely for sport or recreation; and(e)primitive fishing vessels;STCW Code” means the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code as adopted by the 1995 Conference Resolution 2 as amended by the Organization;STCW Convention” means the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers;support level” means the level of responsibility associated with performing assigned tasks, duties or responsibilities on a trading ship under the direction of an individual serving in the operational or management level;tanker” means a chemical tanker, a gas carrier or an oil tanker;trading ship” means a seagoing ship engaged in trade and proceeding to sea on regular voyages, excluding—(a)warships, naval auxiliaries or other ships owned or operated by a State and engaged only in the government non-commercial service;(b)fishing vessels;(c)ships used solely for sport or recreation; and(d)sailing ships of traditional build;training record book” means an approved book which keeps a comprehensive record of all practical training undertaking and experience gained at sea; andunlimited voyage” means a voyage other than one contemplated in the definitions of near-coastal voyage and port operations.

Part II – Certificate and training

4. Certificates and endorsements

(1)A certificate for Master, officer or rating shall be issued to the candidate who meets the standard requirements for service, age, medical fitness, training, qualification and examinations in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations;
(2)The certificate for Master or officer issued in accordance with these Regulations shall be issued by the Registrar of Seafarers in English language.
(3)The Certificate in subregulation (2) shall be endorsed in the manner prescribed in the STCW Convention form after the verification of the authenticity and validity of the required documentary evidence.
(4)A Candidate for certification shall comply with the following requirements of the STCW Convention and provide satisfactory proof—
(a)of his identity;
(b)that his age is not less than that prescribed in these Regulations;
(c)that he meets the standards of medical fitness specified;
(d)of having completed the seagoing service and any related compulsory training required by these Regulations; and
(e)that he meets the standards of competence for capacities, functions and levels that are to be identified in the endorsement of certificate.
(5)A seafarer shall be qualified as a Master or officer for purposes of section 162 of the Act, if he holds a Certificate of Competency in one of the following capacities—
(a)officer in charge of a navigational watch near-coastal voyages;
(b)Master near-coastal voyages;
(c)officer in charge of a navigational watch;
(d)Chief Mate unlimited;;
(e)Master on Ships up to 3000 GT;
(f)Electro-technical Officer;
(g)Officer in charge of an engineering watch;
(h)Second on Ships up to 3000 kW;
(i)Chief Engineer Officer on Ships up to 3000 kW;
(j)Second Engineer Officer;
(k)Chief Engineer Officer;
(6)The Authority shall maintain a register of all certificates and endorsement for Master, officer and rating which is issued, expired, revalidated, suspended, cancelled or reported lost or destroyed and of any dispensation issued.
(7)The Authority shall make available information on the status of certificates of competency, endorsements and dispensations to other Parties to the STCW Convention and companies which request verification of the authenticity and validity of certificates produced to them by seafarers seeking recognition of his certificates or employment on board ship.
(8)The information on the status of information required to be available in accordance with subregulation (7) shall be made available in the English language, through electronic means.

5. Recognition of certificates

(1)The Registrar of Seafarers when granting certificate shall ensure that provisions of the STCW Convention are complied with in order to recognize certificate in accordance with STCW Convention or under the authority of another Party to the STCW Convention to a Master, officer or radio operator and that—
(a)the Authority has confirmed, through an evaluation of that Party, which may include inspection of facilities and procedures, that the requirements of the Convention regarding standards of competence, training, certification and quality standards are fully complied with; and
(b)an undertaking is agreed with the Authority and the Party concerned that prompt notification is given of any significant change in the arrangements for training and certification provided in compliance with the STCW Convention.
(2)A Seafarer who presents for recognition, certificates issued under the management level as defined in the STCW Code, shall comply with the relevant maritime laws of Tanzania.
(3)The information provided and measures agreed under this regulation shall be communicated by the Authority to the Secretary-General of IMO in accordance with the STCW Convention.
(4)Certificates issued by or under the authority of a non-Party to the STCW Convention shall not be recognized by the Registrar of Seafarers.
(5)Notwithstanding the requirement of the STCW Convention, the Registrar of Seafarers may, subject to the provisions of subregulation (1), allow a seafarer to serve on board a ship entitled to fly the flag of Tanzania for a period not exceeding three months, while holding an appropriate and valid certificate issued and endorsed as required by another Party to the STCW Convention for use on board Tanzanian ships and which has not yet been endorsed so as to render it appropriate for service on board ships entitled to fly the flag of Tanzania.
(6)Where the Registrar of Seafarers recognises a certificate pursuant to subregulation (1), he shall endorse such a certificate to attest its recognition, if he is satisfied that—
(a)the certificate is authentic and valid;
(b)all requirements of the STCW Convention have been complied with; and
(c)prompt notification is given to the Authority of any significant change in the arrangements for training and certification provided in compliance with the STCW Convention.
(7)The endorsements referred to in subregulation (6) shall—
(a)be issued as separate document in the form prescribed in the STCW Code;
(b)be issued by the Registrar of Seafarers;
(c)be assigned a unique number; and
(d)expire upon the expiration, withdrawal, suspension or cancellation of the certificate by the Party which issued it.

6. Revalidation of certificates

(1)Master, officer or radio operator holding a certificate issued or recognized under the STCW Convention and is serving at sea or intends to return to sea after a period ashore, shall, in order to continue to qualify for seagoing service, be required, at intervals not exceeding five years, to—
(a)meet the standards of medical fitness specified in the Merchant Shipping (Medical Examination) Regulations and Merchant Shipping Notices issued under the Act;
(b)establish continued professional competence in accordance with the STCW Code.
(2)A Master, officer or radio operator shall complete the approved international training requirements in order to be able to continue offering seagoing service on board ships.
(3)Master or officer shall meet the requirements provided in subregulation (1), for continuing seagoing service on board tankers, and be required, at intervals not exceeding five years, to establish continued professional competence for tankers in accordance with of the STCW Code.

7. Information on the amendments

(1)The Authority shall issue a public notice to seafaring community and the public of on amendments made to Regulations concerning the safety of life at sea, maritime security and the prevention of pollution of the marine environment.
(2)Upon receipt of the notice provided for in subregulation (1), the owner of a ship shall ensure that the relevant Regulations are made available to the Masters, officers and radio operators of ship within fourteen days from the date of the notice for the purposes of updating their knowledge.

8. Appropriate certificates

(1)An officer serving in the capacity set out in column 1 of Table 1 of the Schedule shall hold an appropriate certificate for that capacity.
(2)A person shall only be entitled to be issued with an appropriate certificate if he complies with the criteria in Regulations annexed to the STCW Convention as set out in column 2 of Table 1 of the Schedule in relation to that entry, and any other requirements specified by the Registrar of Seafarers.

9. Training and assessment

(1)The training and assessment of seafarers, as required under the STCW Convention shall be administered supervised and monitored in accordance with the provisions of the STCW Code.
(2)Any person responsible for the training and assessment of competence of seafarers, as required under the STCW Convention shall be appropriately qualified in accordance with the STCW Code for the type and level of training or assessment involved.

10. Use of simulators

(1)A simulator may be used in the training of seafarers and assessment of competence.
(2)Where simulator is used for training or assessment, the performance standards and the provisions set forth in section A-I/12 and other requirements prescribed in the STCW Code for any certificate concerned shall be complied with in respect of—
(a)all mandatory simulator-based training;
(b)any assessment of competency required by the STCW Code which is carried out by means of a simulator; and
(c)any demonstration, by means of a simulator, of continued proficiency required by Part A of the STCW Code.

11. Rating and holders of other qualifications

(1)Every rating forming part of a navigational watch on a ship of 500 GT or more, other than ratings under training and ratings whose duties on watch are of an unskilled nature, shall hold a certificate issued under this regulation.
(2)A person shall not be entitled to be issued with a certificate as a rating unless, he complies with the criteria set out in the Regulations made under the STCW Convention and Code.
(3)Every rating shall hold a certificate issued under this regulation if is forming part of an engineering watch or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room on a ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more.
(4)A person designated to perform watchkeeping duties in a manned or periodically unmanned engine-room on a ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 350 kW power or more, and less than 750 kW shall be the holder of one of the engineering certificates of competency referred to in regulation 4(5) or the holder of a marine engine operator's license issued by the Registrar of Seafarers.

12. Radio communication and Radio operators on GMDSS Ships

A person shall not be granted a certificate of GMDSS under the Tanzania Communication Commission Act, unless—
(a)he is at least 18 years of age; and
(b)in addition to the provisions of the radio regulations, he has completed approved education and training and meets the standard of competence specified in the STCW Code.

13. Mandatory minimum requirements for training on oil and chemical tankers operations

(1)An officer or rating who is assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment on oil or chemical tankers shall hold a certificate in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations.
(2)A candidate applying for a certificate in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations shall complete basic training in accordance with the STCW Code and shall have—
(a)at least three months approved seagoing service on oil or chemical tankers; or
(b)an approved basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations.
(3)A Master, Chief Engineer Officer, Chief Mate, Second Engineer Officer and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging, care in transit, handling of cargo, tank cleaning or other cargo-related operations on oil tankers shall hold a certificate in advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations.
(4)Every candidate of a certificate in advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations shall—
(a)meet the requirements for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations; and
(b)while qualified for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations, have:
(i)at least three months approved seagoing service on oil tankers; or
(ii)at least one month approved onboard training on oil tankers, in a supernumerary capacity, which includes at least three loading and three unloading operations and is documented in an approved training record book and in accordance with the STCW Code; and
(c)complete approved advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in the STCW Code.
(5)A Master, Chief engineer officer, Chief mate, Second engineer officer and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging, care while on transit, handling of cargo, tank cleaning, or other cargo-related operations on chemical tankers, shall hold a certificate in advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations.
(6)Every candidate for a certificate in advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations shall—
(a)meet the requirements for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations; and
(b)while qualified for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations, have:
(i)at least three months approved seagoing service on chemical tankers; or
(ii)at least one month approved onboard training on chemical tankers, in a supernumerary capacity, which includes at least three loading and three unloading operations and documented in an approved training record book and the STCW Code;
(c)completed approved advanced training of chemical tanker cargo operations; and
(d)meet the standard of competence specified in the STCW Code.
(7)A certificate of proficiency shall be issued to seafarer, who is qualified in accordance with subregulations (2), (4) or (6) or Certificate of Competency or proficiency duly endorsed

14. Mandatory requirements for training on liquefied gas tender cargo operations

(1)An officer or a rating who is assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment on liquefied gas tankers shall hold a certificate in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations.
(2)Every candidate for a certificate in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations shall complete basic training in accordance with provisions of the STCW Code and shall have completed—
(a)at least three months of approved seagoing service on liquefied gas tankers and meet the standard of competence specified in the STCW Code; or
(b)an approved basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in the STCW Code.
(3)A Master, Chief Engineer officer, Chief mate, Second engineer officer and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging care on transit; handling of cargo, tank cleaning, or other cargo-related operations on liquefied gas tankers, shall hold a certificate in advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations.
(4)Every candidate for a certificate in advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations shall—
(a)meet the requirements for certification in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations; and
(b)while qualified for certification in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations, have:
(i)at least three months of approved seagoing service on liquefied gas tankers, or.
(ii)at least one month of approved on board training on liquefied gas tankers, in a supernumerary capacity, which includes at least three loading and three unloading operations and documented in an approved training record book taking into consideration the STCW Code; and
(c)complete an approved advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in the STCW Code.
(5)The Authority shall issue a certificate of proficiency to a seafarer, who is qualified in accordance with subregulation (2), (4) or endorsement of a certificate of competency or proficiency issued by the relevant authority.

15. Special requirements for personnel on passenger ships

(1)This regulation applies to a Master, officer, Rating and other personnel serving on passenger ships engaged on unlimited voyages.
(2)Prior to being assigned shipboard duties on passenger ships, a seafarer referred to in subregulation (1) shall have completed the training required by subregulation (4) to (8), in accordance with his capacity, duties and responsibilities.
(3)A Seafarer who is required to be trained in accordance with subregulations (4), (7) and (8) shall, at intervals not exceeding five years, undertake approved refresher training as specified in the STCW Code.
(4)A Master, officer and other personnel designated on muster lists to assist passengers in emergency situations on passenger ships shall have completed approved training in crowd management, as specified in the STCW Code.
(5)Any owner shall ensure that a Master, an officer or other personnel assigned specific duties and responsibilities on board his ro-ro passenger ship and complete training and responsibilities to be taken up as specified in the STCW Code.
(6)A Personnel on passenger ships shall provide direct service to passengers in passenger spaces and complete approved passenger ship safety training as specified in the STCW Code.
(7)A Master, Chief engineer officer, Chief mate, Second engineer officer or any other person assigned immediate responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers loading, discharging, securing cargo, or closing hull openings on board ro-ro passenger ships, shall have completed approved training in passenger safety, cargo safety and integrity as specified in the STCW Code.
(8)A Master, chief mate, Chief Engineer officer, second engineer officer and any other person having responsibility on passenger ships for the safety of passengers in emergency situations shall have completed approved training in crisis management and human behaviour, as specified in the STCW Code.
(9)A person who is providing the training referred to in this regulation shall issue a relevant certificate to every person who completes successfully in such training.

16. Mandatory minimum requirements basic training and instruction for seafarers

(1)A Seafarer shall receive safety familiarization and basic training or instruction in accordance with the STCW Code and meet the appropriate standard of competence specified therein.
(2)Where basic training is not included in the qualification for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued, indicating the holder that he attends the course in basic training.
(3)A Seafarer qualified in basic training shall be required in every five years, to provide evidence of having maintained the required standard of competence, and undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in the STCW Code.
(4)On board training and experience may be accepted for maintaining the required standard of competence in the following areas—
(a)personal survival techniques as set out in table A-VI/1-1 of the STCW Code:
(i)don a lifejacket;
(ii)board a survival craft from the ship, while wearing a lifejacket;
(iii)take initial actions on boarding a lifeboat to enhance chance of survival;
(iv)stream a lifeboat drogue or sea-anchor;
(v)operate survival craft equipment; and
(vi)operate location devices, including radio equipment;
(b)fire prevention and fire fighting as set out in table A-VI/1-2 of the STCW Code:
(i)use self-contained breathing apparatus; and
(ii)effect a rescue in a smoke-filled space, using an approved smoke-generating device aboard, while wearing a breathing apparatus

17. Mandatory minimum requirements for survival craft, rescue boats and fast rescue boats

(1)Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats shall—
(a)be not less than eighteen years of age;
(b)have approved seagoing service of not less than twelve months or have attended an approved training course and approved seagoing service of not less than six months; and
(c)meet the standard of competence for certificates of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats, set out in the STCW Code.
(2)Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency in fast rescue boats shall—
(a)be the holder of a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats;
(b)have attended an approved training course; and
(c)meet the standard of competence for certificates of proficiency in fast rescue boats, set out in the STCW Code.
(3)A Seafarer qualified in accordance with subregulation (1) in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats shall be required, in every five years to provide evidence of having maintained the required standards of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in the STCW Code.
(4)A Seafarer qualified in accordance with subregulation (2) in fast rescue boats shall be required, in every five years to provide evidence of having maintained the required standards of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of Table A-VI/2-2 of the STCW Code.

18. Special requirements for training in advanced fire-fighting

(1)A Seafarer who is designated to control fire-fighting operations, shall have completed advanced training in techniques for fighting fire with particular emphasis on organization, tactics and command in accordance with the provisions of the STCW Code and meet the standard of competence specified therein.
(2)Where training in advanced firefighting is not included in the qualifications for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued indicating that the holder has attended a course of training in advanced firefighting.
(3)A Seafarer qualified in advanced fire fighting in accordance with subregulation (1) shall be required in every five years, to provide evidence of having maintained the required standards of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in the STCW Code.
(4)On board training and experience may be accepted for maintaining the required standard of competence in the following areas of fire control—
(a)fire-fighting procedures at sea and in port, with particular emphasis on organization, tactics and command fighting operations aboard ships;
(b)communication and coordination during fire-fighting operations;
(c)ventilation control, including smoke extraction;
(d)control of fuel and electrical systems;
(e)fire-fighting process, hazards in dry distillation, chemical reactions and boiler uptake;
(f)fire precautions and hazards associated with the storage and handling of materials;
(g)management and control of injured persons; and
(h)procedures for coordination with shore-based fire fighters.

19. Special requirements relating to medical first aid and medical care

(1)A Seafarer designated to provide medical first aid on board ship shall meet the standard of competence in medical first aid specified in the STCW Code.
(2)A Seafarer designated to take charge of medical care on board ship shall meet the standard of competence in medical care on board ships specified in the STCW Code.
(3)Where training in medical first aid or medical care is not included in the qualifications for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued indicating that the holder has attended a course of training in medical first aid or in medical care.

20. Mandatory minimum requirements relating to security-related training and instructions

(1)Every seafarer shall receive a security-related familiarization and security-awareness training or instruction in accordance with the STCW Code and meet the appropriate standard of competence specified therein.
(2)Where security awareness training is not included in the qualification for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued indicating that the holder has attended a course in security awareness.
(3)A seafarer with designated security duties shall meet the standard of competence specified in the STCW Code.
(4)Where training in designated security duties is not included in the qualifications for a certificate to be issued, the certificate of proficiency shall be issued indicating that the holder has attended a course of training for designated security duties.

21. Mandatory minimum requirements for the issue of certificates of proficiency for ship security officers

(1)Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency as ship security officer shall—
(a)have approved seagoing service of not less than twelve months or appropriate seagoing service and knowledge of ship operations; and
(b)meet the standard of competence for certification of proficiency as ship security officer, set out in the STCW Code.
(2)Every person who is qualified under the provisions of this regulation shall be issued with a certificate of proficiency.
(3)Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency as a ship security officer shall be required to demonstrate competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities in accordance with the STCW Code.
(4)The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in the STCW Code shall be sufficient to enable the candidate to act as the designated ship security officer.
(5)Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall take into account the guidance of the STCW Code.
(6)Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods of demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence in accordance with the STCW Code.

22. Mandatory minimum requirements for security-related training and instruction for seafarers

(1)The standard of competence for security-related familiarization training shall—
(a)before being assigned to shipboard duties, all persons employed or engaged on a seagoing ship which is required to comply with the provisions of the ISPS Code, other than passengers, shall receive approved security-related familiarization training, taking account of the guidance given in Part B of the STCW Code, to be able to:
(i)report a security incident, including a piracy or armed robbery threat or attack;
(ii)know the procedures to follow when they recognize a security threat; and
(iii)take part in security-related emergency and contingency procedures.
(b)before being assigned such duties, a seafarer with designated security duties engaged or employed on a seagoing ship shall, receive security related familiarization training—
(i)in their assigned duties and responsibilities, taking into account the guidance given in the STCW Code;
(ii)to be conducted by the ship security officer or an equally qualified person.
(2)The standard of competence for security awareness training shall be—
(a)a seafarer employed or engaged in a ship of any capacity on board which is required to comply with the provisions of the ISPS Code on the business of that ship as part of the ship’s complement without designated security duties, before being assigned to any shipboard duties shall:
(i)receive appropriate approved training or instruction in security awareness as set out in the STCW Code;
(ii)be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in the STCW Code;
(b)by demonstration of competence, in accordance with the methods and the criteria of evaluating competence in accordance with the STCW Code; and
(c)by examination or continuous assessment as part of an approved training programme in the subjects listed in the STCW Code.
(3)A seafarer who commences an approved seagoing service prior to 1st January 2012 shall be able to establish that they meet the requirements of subregulation (2) by—
(a)approved seagoing service as shipboard personnel, for a period of at least six months in total during the preceding three years; or
(b)having performed security functions considered to be equivalent to the seagoing service required in paragraph (a); or
(c)passing an approved test; or
(d)completing approved training.
(4)The provisions of subregulation (2) shall come into operation on 1st January 2014.
(5)The standard of competence for seafarers with designated security duties shall be—
(a)for every seafarer who is designated to perform security duties, including anti-piracy and anti-armed-robbery-related activities, be required to demonstrate competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in the STCW Code;
(b)for level of knowledge in accordance with the STCW Code, be sufficient to enable every candidate to perform on board designated security duties, including anti-piracy and anti-armed-robbery-related activities; and
(c)for every candidate for certification, be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence through:
(i)demonstration of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in the STCW Code, or in accordance with the methods of demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence; and
(ii)examination or continuous assessment as part of an approved training programme covering the material set out in the STCW Code.
(6)Until 1st January 2014, a seafarer with designated security duties who commence an approved seagoing service prior to 1st January 2012 shall be able to demonstrate that they meet the requirements of subregulation (5) by—
(a)approved seagoing service as shipboard personnel with designated security duties, for a period of at least six months during the preceding three years; or
(b)having performed security functions considered to be equivalent to the seagoing service required in paragraph (a); or
(c)passing an approved test; or
(d)successfully completing approved training.
(7)In circumstances of exceptional necessity, when the shipboard security-related duties are required to be undertaken by a person qualified to perform designated security-related duties and such person is temporarily unavailable, a seafarer without designated security duties, may perform such duties provided that such a person has an understanding of the ship security plan, until the next port of call or for a period not exceeding thirty days, whichever is greater.

23. Assessment for seafarers with specific security-related duties

(1)An assessment of competency related to security shall be conducted only for a seafarer with specific security duties as provided for in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.
(2)Subject to the provisions of subregulation (1), the assessment shall be confined to the verification of the certificates and endorsements of the seafarers.

24. Form, validity, record and surrender of certificates

(1)The Registrar of Seafarers shall, on receipt of any fee payable, issue a certificate and endorsement.
(2)A certificate or endorsement shall remain valid for seagoing service so long as the holder is complying with the standards and conditions of medical fitness and professional competency to act in the appropriate capacity specified by the Registrar of Seafarers.
(3)A record of all certificates and endorsements which are issued under this Part, expired, revalidated, suspended, cancelled, reported lost, destroyed or any alteration of any matter affecting any such certificates or endorsements, shall be kept, in such manner as the Registrar of Seafarers may require.
(4)Where the holder of a certificate is issued a certificate at a higher level, he shall surrender the first-mentioned certificate to the Registrar of Seafarers or to any other person as the Registrar of Seafarers directs, for cancellation.
(5)Where a person is convicted of an offence under section 162(6) of the Act, or where a certificate or endorsement is issued and the conditions for its issuance prescribed in this Part of these Regulations or specified by the Registrar of Seafarers that he has not complied with, the holder of the relevant certificate shall, at the direction of the Registrar of Seafarers, deliver it to the Registrar of Seafarers, or to such person as the Registrar of Seafarers may direct, for cancellation.

25. Refusal of certificates, and appeals against refusal

(1)An applicant for a Certificate of Competency or for a certificate of equivalent competency complies with the standards or fulfils the conditions specified by, or by virtue of the foregoing provisions of this Part of these Regulations, the Registrar of Seafarers shall not issue or revalidate the appropriate certificate applied for unless he is satisfied, to all the relevant circumstances, that the applicant is a fit person to be the holder of the certificate and to act in the capacity to which it relates.
(2)If the Registrar of Seafarers refuses to issue or revalidate a Certificate of Competency or certificate of equivalent competency for any reason, he shall give notice in writing to the applicant who shall have the right to require the application to be reviewed at an inquiry before a date specified in the notice.
(3)If an applicant, before the date mentioned in subregulation (2) has required his case to be reviewed at an inquiry, the Registrar of Seafarers shall cause such inquiry to be held by one or more persons appointed by him.
(4)For purposes of this regulation “equivalent competence” means a certificate of competence issued by a State Party to the STCW convention.

26. Loss of certificates

If a person entitled to a certificate loses or is deprived of a certificate already issued to him, the Registrar of Seafarers
(a)if satisfied that the person has lost or been deprived of the certificate without fault on his part shall, and upon receipt of any fee payable, cause a certificated copy to which the person appears to be entitled to be issued to him.
(b)shall, where he is not so satisfied, that a person has lost or being deprived of the certificate without fault on his part, not issue a certified copy of the certificate.

27. Endorsement of Tanzanian certificates

In the case of a certificate issued by the Registrar of Seafarers the certificate shall be endorsed by the Registrar of Seafarers in accordance with these Regulations (the STCW Convention), if he is satisfied that the holder of the certificate complies with the requirements of regulations 8, 12, 13 and 14.

Part III – Assessment

28. Mandatory minimum requirements for the Quality assurance

(1)The Authority shall implement a quality standards system to monitor all training, assessment of competence, certification including medical certification, endorsement and revalidation activities to ensure achievement of defined objectives, qualifications and experience of instructors and assessors, in accordance with the provisions of section A-I/8 of the STCW Code.
(2)An evaluation shall be undertaken, in accordance with the provisions of section A-I/8 of the STCW Code by qualified persons who are not themselves involved in the activities concerned.
(3)The evaluation referred to in subregulation (2), shall include all changes to the Regulations and in accordance with the procedures of the STCW Convention and STCW Code.
(4)A report containing the results of the evaluation required under subregulation (2) shall be communicated to the Secretary-General.

29. Syllabus committee

(1)The Minister may establish a Syllabus Committee which shall—
(a)interpret the syllabuses set out in the Code; and
(b)these Regulations and the Code under review, in line with the provisions of the STCW Convention and Code.
(2)The Committee shall be chaired by a senior examiner who shall be appointed by members present.
(3)The committee shall be composed of not more than eleven members as follows—
(a)a representative from the Ministry for the time being responsible for shipping;
(b)a representative from the maritime training institutions in Tanzania;
(c)a representative from shipping Industry; and
(d)a representative from organized labour groups in the shipping industry.

30. Proof of identity

Every candidate applying for a certificate or an endorsement shall furnish proof of identity to the Registrar of Seafarers in the form of a valid Tanzanian identity document or passport or, in the case of a foreign citizen or resident, a valid passport.

31. Dates and places of examination

(1)The Registrar of Seafarers shall publish annually in a Marine Notice information including dates, times and places where written examinations shall be conducted by the Board of Examiners.
(2)A candidate for an oral examination shall receive confirmation of the date, time and place of examination after the examiner determines that the candidate meets all the requirements preliminary to examination.

32. How to apply

A Candidate for oral examination shall apply for issuance of certificate or endorsement by submitting a duly completed application form, obtainable from the office of the Registrar of Seafarers, which shall—
(a)be accompanied by the oral examination results and relevant supplementary documents specified in the annex to Part A of STCW Code; and
(b)submitted at least twenty one days before the date proposed for examination.

33. Applications in special cases

(1)Whenever there is doubt about the sufficiency of a candidate's qualifying service, the candidate may for special consideration by an examiner submit his case, accompanied by the relevant certificates, discharges, testimonials, training records, watchkeeping certificates and such other documents as may be required.
(2)An Application for a certificate and endorsement by a candidate living abroad may be made by post and shall include full particulars of the case, accompanied, where necessary, by certified copies of the relevant documents.
(3)Subject to subregulation (2) the original documents shall not be accompanied in such applications.

34. Declaration and proof of qualifying service

(1)Each candidate shall be required to make a declaration of qualifying service in the application form referred to in regulation 33(1).
(2)A certificate of discharge or a duly completed Seafarers Record Book shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, be accepted as sufficient proof of the service recorded therein.
(3)A candidate for a deck officer certificate shall, where service in charge of a watch is required, produce certificates of watchkeeping service signed by the respective Masters of the ships on which he has served, stating that he has acted as a watchkeeping officer for at least eight hours out of every twenty four hours of service claimed.
(4)A candidate for a first deck officer certificate shall produce testimonials signed by the respective Masters of the ships on which he has served for the twelve months' qualifying service preceding the date of application for examination.
(5)A candidate applying for an engineer officer certificate may submit testimonials as proof of workshop service.
(6)The testimonials referred in subregulation (5), shall set out the kind of work the candidate has undertaken or in which the candidate has been trained.
(7)Testimonials produced as proof of qualifying service by a candidate for an engineer officer certificate shall be signed by the Chief Engineer Officer or Master of the ship concerned and shall state—
(a)the candidate's actual rank on watch;
(b)the number of engineer officers simultaneously on watch;
(c)the type of propulsion machinery and the propulsion power (in kilowatts) of the ship;
(d)the nature of duties performed; and
(e)where service in charge of a watch is required, that the candidate has acted as a watchkeeping officer for at least—
(i)eight hours in every twenty hours' service claimed on ships having a continuously manned engine-room; and
(ii)twenty four hours in every seventy two hours' service claimed on ships having a periodically unmanned engine-room.

35. Oral examinations

(1)Where an examination consists of a written part and an oral part, a candidate shall not be examined in the oral part unless he has passed in the written examination.
(2)Oral examinations shall be conducted by an examiner to ascertain a candidate's competency in the practical aspects of an officer's duty.
(3)Every candidate shall, before being examined in the oral part of an examination, submit to the examiner a Statement of Success from an accredited institution, signed by an authorized person showing—
(a)the candidate's full name and student number;
(b)the course or courses successfully completed;
(c)for each subject, the subject mark, marks obtained in the final examination, if applicable, final marks and result; and
(d)the duration of the course or courses.
(4)The oral examination for a deck officer certificate shall test a candidate's knowledge of the ambit and intent of the collision regulations.
(5)During the examination a candidate shall not be required to handle a sailing ship, but his ability to recognize a sailing ship's light, and knowledge of a sailing ship's possible manoeuvres according to the direction of the wind, shall be tested.
(6)A candidate may, during an oral examination, be required to complete a calculation or to elaborate upon any section of the syllabus applicable to the certificate or endorsement for which he is being examined.
(7)A candidate who fails in the oral part of an examination for any certificate or endorsement through serious deficiency in practical knowledge may, at the examiner's discretion, be required to perform further qualifying service, not exceeding six months, before being eligible for re-examination.
(8)A candidate who without reasonable excuse fails to appear for an oral examination at the appointed time and place may be failed by default.

36. Written examinations

(1)A written examination shall be conducted at accredited institutions under the invigilation of the Board of Examiners and shall cover the subjects required for each certificate or endorsement as specified in the Tanzania Maritime Qualifications Code so as to ensure that candidates have attained the standard of theoretical knowledge required in the Tanzania Maritime Qualifications Code.
(2)The Board shall designate examiners who shall-
(a)moderate examination question papers and memoranda at least thirty days before the appointed examination date;
(b)moderate examination scripts;
(c)re-mark examination scripts at the request of an accredited institution; and
(d)consult with the relevant lecturer or internal examiner of an accredited institution when a negative trend or fault is detected in a memorandum, script or batch of scripts.
(3)A candidate shall be required to obtain a final aggregate pass-mark of at least sixty per cent in each subject in subjects such as coastal navigation, ocean and offshore navigation, ship stability and watch keeping for deck officers, and in all other subjects, both the deck officer and engineer officer syllabuses, the final pass-mark for each subject shall be at least fifty per cent.
(4)In cases of doubt about a candidate's final mark in coastal navigation, ocean and offshore navigation, ship stability and engineering knowledge, the examiner's decision shall be final.

37. Board of Examiners

(1)The Registrar of Seafarers shall appoint a Deck Officer of the Board of Examiners which shall consist of three examiners.
(2)Notwithstanding subregulation (1), the Registrar of Seafarers shall also appoint a Marine Engineering Board of Examiners which shall consist of three examiners.
(3)The Examiners shall—
(a)be the holder of a valid Certificate of Competency Master unlimited or Certificate of Competency as a Chief Engineer unlimited as the case may be, or the holder of certificates of a higher grade than those for which examinations are currently arranged;
(b)be medically fit; and
(c)have completed any approved course which shall have included at least three practical assessments covering the appropriate disciplines.
(4)Appointment of examiner shall be valid for a period of three years and may be renewed upon application by the examiner.
(5)The Registrar of Seafarers may cancel an examiner’s appointment if—
(a)the examiner requests;
(b)it is found following an inquiry conducted by the Registrar of Seafarers that the examiner:
(i)is negligent or incompetent in his duties;
(ii)has fraudulently completed an assessment;
(iii)has raised a fraudulent fee for his services;
(iv)is unable to satisfactorily complete his duties due to illness;
(v)is unable to attend to his duties regularly; and
(vi)has had his Certificate of Competency or qualification suspended or cancelled.

38. Senior examiners

(1)The Minister may designate, among the Deck and Marine Engineering Officers appointed by the Registrar of Seafarers in accordance with regulation 37, one or more examiners to be a Senior Deck or Marine Engineer Examiners.

39. Deafness and other physical or mental disabilities

(1)If the examiner finds that a candidate is afflicted with deafness, an impediment in speech or some other physical or mental infirmity, and is satisfied that the degree of infirmity is such as likely to render the candidate incapable of discharging the ordinary shipboard or other duties of a holder of the certificate concerned, the examiner shall not issue to that candidate any documentary proof that he has passed the examination.
(2)An examiner shall report all cases referred to under subregulation (1) to the Registrar of Seafarers and shall furnish to the candidate a copy of such report.
(3)Subject to the provision of subregulation (2), if the candidate is the holder of an existing medical certificate, such certificate shall be forwarded together with the report.
(4)If a candidate referred to in subregulation (1) subsequently produces a medical certificate stating that his hearing, speech, or physical or mental condition has improved or is normal, the Registrar of Seafarers shall reconsider the candidate's application for examination together with the examiner's report.

40. Use of English in assessment

All assessments and instructions—
(a)shall be conducted in English language, both orally and written; and
(b)each candidate shall be required to respond in English language, accordingly.

41. Examination results

(1)A candidate who complies with the requirements for the issuance of a certificate or an endorsement shall receive a certificate of pass signed by the examiner, which shall be valid for a period of six months from date of issuance.
(2)A certificate of pass shall—
(a)state the date and the title of the relevant certificate or endorsement;
(b)serve as a temporary certificate or endorsement until such time as the original certificate or endorsement is issued by the Registrar of Seafarers; and
(c)be surrendered by the candidate when collecting the original certificate or endorsement.

Part IV – Certification requirements

42. Mandatory minimum requirements for the Officer in charge of a navigational watch near-coastal voyages

A candidate applying for certification as a Navigational Watch Officer on a ship of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages shall be of at least eighteen years of age and who shall—
(a)have completed special training, including not less than 12 months’ approved seagoing service or at least 36 months’ approved seagoing service;
(b)meet the applicable requirements of the Regulations in Chapter IV of the STCW Convention, as appropriate, for performing designated radio duties in accordance with the Radio Regulations;
(c)have completed approved education and training and met the standard of competence specified in section A-II/3 of the STCW Code for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages;
(d)meet the standard of competence specified in section A-VI/1, paragraph 2, section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code; and
(e)hold a valid medical fitness certificate.

43. Mandatory minimum requirements for the Master near-coastal voyages

A candidate applying for certification as a Master on a ship of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages shall be of at least twenty years of age who shall—
(a)have at least 12 months’ approved seagoing service as an officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages;
(b)have completed approved education and training and met the standard of competence specified in section A-II/3 of the STCW Code for Masters on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages;
(c)meet the standard of competence specified in section A-VI/1, paragraph 2, section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code; and
(d)hold a valid medical fitness certificate.

44. Mandatory minimum requirements for the Officer in charge of a navigational watch

(1)A candidate applying for certification as officer in charge of a navigational watch shall be of at least eighteen years of age and shall—
(a)have at least twelve months’ approved seagoing service as part of an approved training programme which includes onboard training that meets the requirements of section A-II/1 of the STCW Code and is documented in a training record book approved by the Authority, or otherwise have approved seagoing service of not less than thirty six months;
(b)perform during the required seagoing service, bridge watchkeeping duties under the supervision of the Master or qualified officer for a period of at least six months;
(c)met the applicable requirements of the regulations in Chapter IV of the STCW Convention, as appropriate, for performing designated radio duties in accordance with the Radio Regulations;
(d)complete approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-II/1 of the STCW Code;
(e)meet the standard of competence specified in section A-VI/1, paragraph 2, section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code; and
(f)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.
(2)A candidate who holds a certificate of competency as Master (coastal) or Officer incharge of navigational watch on ship less than 500 GT near coastal voyage shall have—
(a)completed at least six months’ approved sea service on ships of 500 GT or more on unlimited voyages;
(b)performed bridge watch keeping duties under the supervision of a deck Officer for the last three months of the required sea service ; and completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in Section A-II/I of the STCW Code; and
(c)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.

45. Chief Mate of ship of between 500 and 3000 gross tonnage

A candidate applying for the certificate as Chief Mate of a ship of less than 3000 gross tonnage on unlimited voyages shall—
(a)meet the requirements of an officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more;
(b)complete approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in Section A-II/2 of the STCW Code for Masters and Chief Mates on ships of between 500 and 3000 gross tonnage; and
(c)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.

46. Master of ship of between 500 and 3000 gross tonnage

(1)A candidate applying for the certification as Master of a ship of less than 3000 gross tonnage on unlimited voyages shall—
(a)meet the requirements of an officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more;
(b)have at least 36 months’ approved seagoing service as officer in charge of a navigational watch, however, this period may be reduced to not less than 24 months if not less than 12 months of such seagoing service has been served as chief mate;
(c)complete approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-II/2 of the STCW Code for masters and chief mates on ships of between 500 and 3000 gross tonnage; and
(a)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.[Please note: numbering as in original.]
(2)Every Chief Mate who—
(a)is qualified to serve on ships of 3000 gross tonnage or more;
(b)has at least 24 months’ approved seagoing service as officer in charge of a navigational watch; and
(c)has served as Master on ships between 500 and 3000 gross tonnage provided the certificate is so endorsed.

47. Chief Mate

A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as chief mate shall—
(a)meet the requirements of an officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more;
(b)have at least 12 months' approved seagoing service as an officer in charge of a navigational watch;
(c)have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in Section A-II/2 of the STCW Code for Masters and chief mates on ships of 3000 gross tonnage or more; and
(d)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.

48. Master

A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as master shall—
(a)meet the requirements of an officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more;
(b)have at least 36 months’ approved seagoing service as officer in charge of a navigational watch; provided that, this period may be reduced to not less than 24 months if not less than 12 months of such seagoing service has been served as chief mate;
(c)have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in Section A-II/2 of the STCW Code for masters and chief mates on ships of 3000 gross tonnage or more; and
(d)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.

49. Mandatory minimum requirements for the officer in charge of an engineering watch

A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as officer in charge of an engineering watch shall be at least 18 years of age and shall—
(a)have completed combined workshop skills training and an approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months as part of an approved training programme which includes onboard training that meets the requirements of section A-III/1 of the STCW Code and is documented in an approved training record book, or otherwise have completed combined workshop skills training and an approved seagoing service of not less than 36 months of which not less than 30 months shall be seagoing service in the engine department; and
(b)have performed, during the required seagoing service, engine-room watch keeping duties under the supervision of the Chief engineer officer or a qualified engineer officer for a period of not less 6 months;
(c)have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/1 of the STCW Code;
(d)meet the standard of competence specified in section A-VI/1, paragraph 2, section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.; and
(e)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.

50. Mandatory minimum requirements for Second Engineer Officer on ships up to 3000 kW propulsion power

A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as Second Engineer Officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW and 3000 kW propulsion power shall—
(a)meet the requirements for certification as officer in charge of an engineering watch on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more;
(b)have at least 12 months’ approved seagoing service as assistant engineer officer or engineer officer;
(c)have completed approved education and training and met the standard of competence specified in section A-III/3 of the STCW Code; and
(d)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.

51. Mandatory minimum requirements for Chief Engineer Officer on ships up to 3000 kW propulsion power

(1)A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as Chief Engineer Officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW and 3000 kW propulsion power shall—
(a)meet the requirements for certification as officer in charge of an engineering watch on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more;
(b)have at least 24 months’ approved seagoing service of which not less 12 months shall have served while qualified to serve as second engineer officer;
(c)have completed approved education and training and met the standard of competence specified in section A-III/3 of the STCW Code; and
(d)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.
(2)Any engineer officer who is qualified to serve as second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3000 kW propulsion power or more, may serve as Chief engineer officer On ships powered by main propulsion machinery of less than 3000 kW propulsion power, provided the certificate is so endorsed.

52. Second Engineer Officer

A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as Second Engineer Officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3000 kW propulsion power or more shall—
(a)meet the requirements for certification as officer in charge of an engineering watch on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more;
(b)have at least 12 months’ approved seagoing service as officer in charge of an engineering watch;
(c)have completed approved education and training and met the standard of competence specified in section A-III/2 of the STCW Code; and
(d)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.

53. Chief Engineer Officer

A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as Chief Engineer Officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3000kW propulsion power or more shall—
(a)meet the requirements for certification as officer in charge of an engineering watch on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more;
(b)have at least 36 months’ approved seagoing service as officer in charge of an engineering watch; provided that, this period may be reduced to not less than 24 months if not less than 12 months of such seagoing service has been served as Second Engineer Officer;
(c)have completed approved education and training and met the standard of competence specified in section A-III/2 of the STCW Code; and
(d)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.

54. Electro-Technical Officer

(1)A candidate applying for a Certificate of Competency as Electro-Technical Officer serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall be at least 18 years of age and shall—
(a)have not less than 12 months of combined workshop skills workshop skills training and approved seagoing service of which not less than 6 months shall be seagoing service as part of an approved training programme which meets the requirements of section A-III/6 of the STCW Code and is documented in an approved training record book, or otherwise not less than 36 months of combined workshop skills training and approved seagoing service of which not less than 30 months shall be seagoing service in the engine department;
(b)have completed approved education and training and met the standard of competence specified in section A-III/6 of the STCW Code;
(c)meet the standard of competence specified in section A-VI/1, paragraph 2, section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code; and
(d)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.
(2)Seafarers may be considered by the Authority to have met the requirements of this regulation if they have served in a relevant capacity on board a ship for a period of not less than 12 months within the last 60 months preceding 1st January, 2012 and has met the standard of competence specified in section A-III/6 of the STCW Code.

55. Rating forming part of a navigational watch

(1)A candidate applying for a Certificate of Qualification as rating forming part of a navigational watch shall be at least 18 years of age and shall—
(i)at least six months' approved seagoing service on ships of 100 GT or more on unlimited or near-coastal voyages and have successfully completed approved on-board training; or
(ii)at least two months' approved seagoing service contemplated in subparagraph (i) and have successfully completed approved on-board accelerated training;
(b)meet the Standard of competence specified in Section A-II/4 of the STCW Code; and
(c)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.
(2)The seagoing service, training and experience required by subregulation (1) shall be associated with navigational watch keeping functions and involve the performance of duties carried out under the direct supervision of the master, the officer in charge of the navigational watch or a qualified rating.

56. Able Seafarer Deck

(1)Every Able Seafarer Deck serving on a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnages or more shall be duly certificated.
(2)Every Able Seafarer Deck applying for certification shall—
(a)be not less than 18 years of age;
(b)meet the requirements for certification as a Rating forming part of a navigational watch;
(c)while qualified to serve as a rating forming part of a navigational watch, which approved seagoing service in the deck department of:
(i)not less than 18 months; or
(ii)not less than 12 months and have completed approved training;
(d)meet the standard of competence specified in section A-II/5 of the STCW Code; and
(e)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.
(3)Seafarers may be considered by the Authority to have met the requirements of this regulation if they have served in a relevant capacity in the deck department for a period of not less than twelve months within the last sixty months preceding 1st January, 2012.

57. Rating forming part of an engineering watch

(1)A candidate for the certificate of qualification as rating forming part of a watch in manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room shall be at least eighteen years of age and shall—
(i)at least 6 months' approved seagoing service on ships of 750 kW propulsion power or more on unlimited or near-coastal voyages and completed approved on-board training; or
(ii)at least 2 months' approved seagoing service contemplated in subparagraph (i) and completed approved on-board accelerated training;
(b)meet the standards of competency specified in Section A-III/4 of the STCW Code;
(c)been issued with a provisional certificate of qualification as wiper by the Chief Engineer officer of the ship on which the satisfactory assessment is completed; and
(d)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.

58. Able Seafarer Engine

(1)A candidate applying for a certificate of qualification as Able Seafarer Engine shall, while holding a certificate or provisional certificate of qualification as Rating forming part of a watch in manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room—
(a)have at least—
(i)twelve months' approved seagoing service on ships of 750kW or more on unlimited or near-coastal voyages and completed approved onboard training; or
(ii)six months' approved seagoing service contemplated in subparagraph (i) and have successfully completed approved on-board accelerated training;
(b)successfully completed an approved shore-based training course;
(c)meet the standards of competency specified in Section A-III/5 of the STCW Code; and
(d)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.
(2)The candidate shall qualify for the certificate of qualification as Able Seafarer Engine (port operations) if a candidate complies with subregulation (1) (b) but has gained the period of service contemplated in subregulation (1) (a) on port operations vessels only.
(3)A Seafarer may be considered by the Authority to have met the requirements of this regulation if they have served in a relevant capacity in the engine department for a period of not less than 12 months within the last 60 months proceeding 1st January, 2012.

59. Electro-technical ratings

(1)Every electro-technical rating serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall be duly certificated.
(2)Every candidate for certification shall—
(a)be of the age eighteen and above;
(i)completed approved seagoing service including not less than 12 months training and experience; or
(ii)completed approved training, including an approved period of seagoing service which shall not be less than 6 months; or
(iii)qualifications that meet the technical competences in table A-III/7 and an approved period of seagoing service, which shall not be less than 3 months;
(b)meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/7 of the STCW Code; and
(c)holds a valid medical fitness certificate.
(3)A Seafarer may be considered by the Authority to have met the requirements of this regulation if they have served in a relevant capacity on board a ship for a period of not less than 12 months within the last 60 months preceding 1st January, 2012 and has met the standard of competence specified in section A-III/7 of the STCW Code.

60. Proficiency in survival craft

(1)A candidate for the certificate of qualification as proficient in survival craft shall be at least eighteen years of age and shall—
(i)at least twelve months' see service on ships of 100 gross tonnage or more on unlimited or near coastal voyages, or
(ii)at least 6 months' see service contemplated in subparagraph (i) and have documentary proof of having successfully completed an approved shore-based training course; and
(b)meet the Standard of Competency specified in Section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Code.

61. Proficiency in fast rescue boats

A candidate for the certificate of qualification as proficient in fast rescue boats shall—
(a)be the holder of a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats;
(b)have attended an approved training course; and
(c)meet the standard of competence for certificates of proficiency in fast rescue boats, set out in section A-VI/2, paragraphs 7 to 10 of the STCW Code.

62. Efficient Cook

A candidate for the certificate of qualification as efficient Cook shall be at least 18 years of age and shall—
(a)have documentary proof of having successfully completed a training course as cook or chef;
(b)have at least six months' seagoing service in the catering department on ships of 100 GT or more on unlimited or near-coastal voyages; and
(c)meet the Standard of Competency for certificate of proficiency in basic safety set out in section A-VI/1, paragraph 2 of the STCW Code.

Part V – Training institutions and training programmes

63. Accreditation of training institutions

(1)The Authority may, on application by a training institution accredit an institution to—
(a)conduct the courses specified in the instrument of accreditation;
(b)act as an approved examination centre for examination of the subjects so specified; and
(c)issue statement of success to candidates who have successfully completed the courses so specified.
(2)An application subject to subregulation (1) shall be made in writing and have the following particulars—
(a)name and physical address of the training institution;
(b)description of each course, and of its content, referred in Part IV of these Regulations, together with lecturers' study plans;
(c)name of each course lecturer with a brief description of his qualifications and experience;
(d)name of each course examiner with a brief description of his qualifications and experience;
(e)examination and assessment procedure in respect of each course;
(f)training and assessment facilities in respect of each course;
(g)details of any quality assurance system applicable to the training activities of the institution; and
(3)For the purposes of accreditation, a training institution shall, on receipt of reasonable notice, make available—
(a)for inspection by an examiner, classrooms, simulators, simulator approvals, libraries, laboratories, workshops, lecturers' study programmes, test scripts, past examination papers and scripts; and
(b)for interview by an examiner, heads of departments, lecturers, internal examiners, and students.
(4)Every accredited institution shall—
(a)submit annually to the Registrar of Seafarers the course commencement and completion dates, and the examination dates; and
(b)inform the Registrar of Seafarers, without delay, in case of change any lecturer or examiner, or of any change in a lecturer's study plan.
(5)Every Institution that is accredited to conduct examinations or assessments on behalf of the Registrar of Seafarers shall—
(a)submit within reasonable time, examination question papers and memoranda for moderation by an examiner;
(b)submit, without delay, examination scripts for moderation by an examiner;
(c)upon receipt of at least two working days' notice, submit to an examiner, a candidate's course examination scripts and results, records of progress, completed projects, and reports by its tutors; and
(d)for audit purposes, keep the documents referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c) for a period of at least five years.
(6)An examiner may visit an accredited institution at any reasonable time for the purpose of auditing the conduct of any accredited activity.
(7)Where the Registrar of Seafarers intends to vary or revoke accreditation under subregulation (7), shall inform the institution concerned, by issuing at least a 30 days’ notice to correct any deficiencies or to furnish reasons why accreditation should not be varied or revoked.
(8)The Registrar of Seafarers may, after the 30 days’ notice, vary or revoke the accreditation where—
(a)he is not satisfied with the corrections made or reasons submitted by the accredited institution;
(b)the institution concerned fails to comply with these Regulations or any of the conditions of accreditation.
(9)The Registrar of Seafarers may after the 30 days’ notice of vary or revoke the accreditation when he is not satisfied with the corrections made or reasons submitted by the accredited institution.
(10)A list of all accreditations in force under subregulation (1), including the particulars thereof, shall be published in a Marine Notice.

64. Training programmes, training record books and simulators

(1)Every candidate who follows an accelerated training programme in order to claim reduced qualifying service for certification as Deck Officer, Engineer Officer or as Ratings, with or without the port operations limitation, shall produce to an examiner satisfactory proof—
(a)of having followed an approved on-board accelerated training programme throughout the required minimum period of qualifying service;
(b)that all such service, while on board, was performed in a satisfactory manner; and
(c)in the case of a candidate for the Certificate of Competency as a Deck Officer, not more than 2 months of such service were spent on ships in port standing-by, in dry-dock, undergoing engine repairs or otherwise laid up—
(i)the structure of the programme of training shall be set out in a training plan containing a clear statement of the objectives of each stage of training, both aboard ship and ashore;
(ii)the plan set out clearly the competencies to be attained by the end of the programme and how to be attained through a combination of education, training and practical experience aboard ship and ashore;
(iii)for every candidate to be provided with a training record book to enable him to keep a comprehensive record of all practical training undertaken and experience gained at sea;
(iv)the training record book, duly completed, and submitted to the examiner before assessment as proof of having completed a structured programme of on-board training;
(v)for every accelerated training programme approved by the Registrar of Seafarers before it is put into operation, which shall be published in a Marine Notice;
(vi)for every candidate who followed an accelerated training programme a certificate referred to in subregulation (1) (a) shall be completed, for presentation to an examiner when applying for the certificate, a training record book with the relevant units of competency completed at assessment.
(2)A training record book
(a)completed in full and shall not be submitted to an examiner until all relevant units of competency have been duly signed off in accordance with the Regulations;
(b)laid out in such a way that it provides detailed information about the tasks and duties to be undertaken, and the progress towards their completion;
(c)found to have been completed fraudulently shall result into its holder be required to complete an additional twelve months' qualifying service;
(d)adhere to the principles set out in the STCW Convention; and
(e)be approved by the Registrar of Seafarers before use.
(3)A simulator installed or brought into use shall meet the applicable performance standards and other provisions set out in section A-I/12 of the STCW Code, if they are used for—
(a)mandatory demonstration, by means of a simulator-based training;
(b)assessment of competency required by Part A of the STCW Code which is carried out by means of a simulator; and
(c)simulator, of continued proficiency required by Part A of the STCW Code.

65. In-service training

(1)Every person who, whether aboard ship or ashore, conducts in-service training of a seafarer for the purposes of certification in terms of these Regulations shall—
(a)have an appreciation of the training programme and understanding of the specific training objectives for the particular type of training being conducted;
(b)qualified in the activities for which training is being conducted; and
(c)if conducting training by means of a simulator, a documentary proof showing to have—
(i)received appropriate guidance in instruction techniques involving the use of simulators; and
(ii)gained practical operational experience on the particular type of simulator being used.
(2)Every person who supervises in-service training shall have a knowledge and understanding of the training programme and specific objectives for each type of training being conducted.

66. Duties of instructors and candidates

(1)Every person conducting in-service training shall ensure that—
(a)appropriate periods are set aside for completion of the programme of on-board training within the normal operational requirements of the ship;
(b)at the beginning of the programme and at the start of each voyage on a different ship, candidates are given comprehensive information and guidance as to what is expected of them and how the training programme is to be conducted;
(c)a Training Officer onboard ship is designated to administer the programme;
(d)ship's officer who is responsible for training and assessment knows and understands his duties and responsibilities regarding training;
(e)ship's officers receive appropriate training in assessment methods;
(f)during the required period of qualifying service, a candidate receives systematic practical training and experience in the tasks, duties and responsibilities relevant to the certificate desired, with due regard to the competencies specified in the Tanzania Maritime Qualifications Code;
(g)assessments of a candidate is conducted, without undue delay, when a candidate is considered ready for assessment;
(h)the on-board training forms an integral part of the overall training plan;
(i)the programme of on-board training is managed and co-ordinated by the person managing the ship on which the qualifying service is to be performed; and
(j)a comprehensive record is kept of all training conducted.
(2)Every person designated as a training officer pursuant to subregulation (1) (c) shall be responsible for—
(a)the overall administration of the training programme;
(b)monitoring candidates' progress throughout such programme;
(c)giving guidance, when necessary;
(d)ensuring that the training programme is conducted properly.
(3)A master's responsibilities shall be—
(a)to provide the link between the ship's officers responsible for training and the training officer ashore;
(b)to designate, in writing, the ship's officers who are to be responsible for organizing and supervising on-board training for each voyage;
(c)to ensure continuity in the case of any change of ship's officers during voyages; and
(d)to ensure that all personnel concerned carry out effectively the on-board training programme.
(4)Unless the Master directs otherwise in the interests of the safe operation of the ship, every ship's officer designated pursuant to subregulation (3) (b) shall be responsible for—
(a)organizing the programme of practical training at sea;
(b)ensuring, in a supervisory capacity, that training record books are properly maintained and other requirements are met; and
(c)ensuring so far as practicable, that the time the candidate spends on board is as useful in terms of training and experience, and is consistent with the objectives of the training programme and the progress of training.
(5)Every candidate shall—
(a)follow diligently the programme of training;
(b)utilize fully the opportunities presented, both during and outside working hours; and
(c)keep his training record book up-to-date and available for inspection at all reasonable times.

67. Application for oral examination

Every personnel specified in the Columns titled “Capacity of Certificate” appearing in Tables 2 to 4 of the Schedule shall show proof of oral examination for the purpose of issuance of various awards specified in Column 1 of the Schedule to those respective tables.

68. Issuance and validity of awards

(1)A sight test certificate shall be issued to a candidate who passes the sight test carried out by an approved medical practitioner and the certificate shall be valid for a period of six months from the date of passing the test.
(2)An Elementary First Aid, Medical First Aid and Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities Certificates shall be valid for periods of five years from the date of passing the examinations at an accredited institution.
(3)A candidate shall have valid Basic Safety Certificates issued by the Authority before admitted in the accredited institution to be able to undergo the Medical Care training course;
(4)A Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting Certificate and Advanced Fire Fighting Certificate shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of passing the examinations at an accredited institution;
(5)For an admission to the Advanced Fire Fighting training course, a candidate shall have valid Basic Safety Certificates.
(6)A Personal Survival Techniques and Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Certificates shall be valid for a period of 5 years from the date of passing the examinations at an accredited institution.
(7)For admission to the Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats training course, a candidate shall have a valid Basic Safety Certificates.
(8)A GMDSS General Operator Certificate or GMDSS Restricted Operator Certificate, as the case may be, shall be issued by the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority to a candidate who passes the qualifying examination from the accredited institutions.
(9)A Medical Fitness Certificate shall be valid for the period stated in Regulation I/9 of the STCW Convention.
(10)A training record book is an approved book wherein a record is kept of a trainee’s practical training and of assessment of such training.
(11)A watchkeeping certificate, signed by the Master, shall be issued to a candidate to serve as proof of a candidate having acted as a watchkeeping officer, and the watchkeeping certificate shall be in the form set out in the Code.
(12)A candidate, who has spent at least the specified number of months of qualifying seagoing service on duties associated with bridge watchkeeping under the supervision of a deck officer, shall be issued with a bridge watching certificate in the prescribed form as set out in the Tanzania Maritime Qualifications Code, and the certificate shall in that respect be attested by the master.
(13)Proof of seagoing service shall be submitted in the form of a Seafarers Record Book signed by the master.

Part VI – Manning

69. Responsibilities of companies, Masters and others

(1)Every owner shall ensure that—
(a)every seafarer assigned to any of its ships holds an appropriate certificate in accordance with the provisions of the STCW Convention and of these Regulations;
(b)its ships are manned in compliance with the applicable safe manning requirements set out in this Part;
(c)a Seafarer assigned to any of its ships has received refresher and/or updating training as required by the STCW Convention and these Regulations;
(d)documentation and data relevant to all seafarers employed on its ships are maintained and readily accessible, and include, documentation and data on their experience, training, medical fitness and competency in assigned duties;
(e)a Seafarer, on being assigned to any of its ships, are familiarized with their specific duties and with all ship arrangements, installations, equipment, procedures and ship characteristics that are relevant to their routine or emergency duties;
(f)the ship’s complement can effectively coordinate their activities in an emergency situation and in performing functions vital to safety, security and to the prevention or mitigation of pollution; and
(g)at all times on board its ships there shall be effective oral communication in accordance with Chapter V, Regulation 14, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 and its Protocol.
(2)Nothing in subregulation (1) shall prohibit the allocation of tasks for training under supervision or in case of emergency.
(3)The owner shall provide written instructions to the Master of each of its ships setting out the policies and the procedures to be followed to ensure that all Seafarer who is newly employed on board is given a reasonable opportunity to become familiar with the shipboard equipment, operating procedures and other arrangements needed for the proper performance of his duties, before being assigned to those duties.
(4)The policies and procedures referred to in paragraph (3) shall include—
(a)allocation of a reasonable period of time during which each newly employed Seafarer has an opportunity to become acquainted with:
(i)the specific equipment the Seafarer is using or operating; and
(ii)ship-specific watchkeeping, safety, environmental protection and emergency procedures and arrangements the Seafarer needs to know to perform the assigned duties properly; and
(b)designation of a knowledgeable crew member who is responsible for ensuring that an opportunity is provided to each newly employed seafarer to receive essential information in a language which a Seafarer understands.
(5)It shall be the duty of any Master and any member of a crew designated with an obligation under subregulation (4) to carry out that obligation.

70. Safe Manning Document

(1)It shall be the duty of the owner in relation to every ship of 500 GT or more to ensure that—
(a)a Safe Manning Document is in force in respect of the ship and the manning of the ship;
(b)the Safe Manning Document is kept on board the ship at all times; and
(c)the manning of the ship is maintained at all times to at least the levels specified in the safe manning document.
(2)A Master of any ship to which this regulation applies shall ensure that the ship does not proceed to sea unless there is on board a valid Safe Manning Document issued in respect of the ship and the manning of the ship complies with that document.
(3)It shall be the duty of a owner applying for a Safe Manning Document in respect of any Tanzanian ship to submit to the Registrar of Seafarers proposals as to the numbers and grade of personnel it carried so that the ship would be safely manned if it proceeds to sea on any intended voyage.
(4)In preparing proposals referred under subregulation (3), a owner shall comply with guidelines made under Tables 5 to 8 of the Schedule of these Regulations.
(5)It shall be the duty of the owner after the issue of a safe manning document to inform the Registrar of Seafarers as soon as any of the circumstances which are pertinent to that Safe Manning Document change, for the purpose of enabling the Registrar of Seafarers to review the document's continuing validity or approve fresh proposals from the owner.
(6)Every owner who contravenes subregulation (1) commits of an offence and shall be liable, upon conviction, to a fine of not less than equivalent in Tanzanian Shillings of the United States dollars five thousands or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.
(7)Every Master who contravenes subregulation (2) commits of an offence and shall be liable, upon conviction, to a fine of not less than equivalent in Tanzanian Shillings of the United States dollars two thousands or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.

71. Mandatory minimum requirements for Fitness for duty

(1)The Owner and Master of a ship, for the purpose of preventing fatigue, shall ensure that—
(a)watch keeping personnel and those whose duties involve designated safety, security and prevention of pollution duties in accordance with the provisions of section A-VIII/1 of the STCW Code are properly rested; and
(b)watch systems are so arranged that the efficiency of all watch keeping personnel is not impaired by fatigue and that duties are so organized that the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and subsequent relieving watches are sufficiently rested and otherwise fit for duty.
(2)Every Officer and Rating designated to keep or form part of a navigational or engineering watch shall ensure that he is adequately rested before keeping or forming part of any such watch.
(3)The Master shall cause to be recorded in the ship's official logbook for every occasion when the minimum rest periods specified in regulation 74(9) cannot be met.
(4)The entry shall include the watch keeper’s name, the date and time of the watch concerned and a brief explanation of the emergency, drill or operational circumstances affecting each rest period.

72. General duties of Owner, Employers and Masters

(1)It shall be the duty of every owner in respect of a ship, and employer, to ensure, that a Master and a Seafarer do not work more hours than is safe in relation to the safety of the ship and in the performance of their duties.
(2)It shall be the duty of every master of a ship to ensure, that seafarer does not work more hours than is safe in relation to the safety of the ship and seafarer’s performance of his duties.

73. Duties of a Master and Seafarer

Every Master and a Seafarer shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that he is properly rested when commencing duty on a ship and obtains adequate rest during periods when he is off duty.

74. Schedules of duties and need to record

(1)It shall be the duty of the owner to comply with the schedule of duties provided in this regulation.
(2)Where the company is not an employer of the master and seafarer, it shall consult any other person who is an employer of the master or any of the seafarer before production of the Schedule.
(3)The owner may arrange with an employer to produce a Schedule of duties which is complying with this regulation.
(4)Subject to the provision of subregulation (3) the employer shall be subjected to the duties of the owner under this regulation.
(5)Before producing a schedule, the owner shall seek the views of the master, and the master shall seek, and convey to the owner, the views of—
(a)the ship's safety committee;
(b)the seafarer or their representatives; or
(c)a trade union with one or more members on board ship.
(6)A owner shall ensure that a schedule of duties complies with the following—
(a)it sets out the hours of work for watch keeping personnel and duties involve designated safety, security and prevention of pollution in accordance with the provisions of section A-VIII/1 of the STCW Code; and
(b)the ship's Chief engineer, Chief officer and Second engineer officers are not required to work more hours in relation to the safety of the ship and master's and Seafarer’s performance of their duties—
(i)specifies the maximum period of continuous watchkeeping, the minimum rest period between watches, and the total daily, weekly and monthly hours of work; and
(ii)provides a minimum of ten hours of rest in any 24 hour which may be divided into no more than 2 periods, one of which shall be at least 6 hours in length;
Provided that the minimum period of 10 hours may be reduced to not less than 6 consecutive hours on condition that any reduction shall not extend beyond two days and not less than 70 hours of rest are provided in each 7 day period.
(7)The owner shall give consideration to the category of shipping operation undertaken with a view in arranging the hours of work.
(8)The Schedule may be changed by the owner, or an employer who by virtue of subregulation (3) is subject to the duties of the owner, on condition that—
(a)other employers and the owner, as the case may be, have been consulted;
(b)the owner or the employer has sought the views of the Master on the proposed changes and the Master has sought and conveyed to the owner the views of persons mentioned in subregulations (5)(a), (b) or (c); and
(c)the Schedule as changed complies with subregulation (6).
(9)The owner shall ensure that the Schedule is displayed prominently in the crew accommodation for the information of all the Seafarer.
(10)It shall be the duty of the master to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that the hours of work specified in the schedule are not exceeded.
(11)The owner and the master shall maintain on the ship a copy of the schedule, and a record of all deviations from its requirements.
(12)The owner for the time being shall ensure that a copy of the schedule and of the record of all deviations from its requirements are preserved for 5 years from the date the schedule was introduced, and that they are available for inspection by the Registrar of Seafarers or a surveyor of ships. If during the 5 year period there ceases to be a owner in relation to the ship, the duty to preserve the copies of the schedule and of the record shall remain with the last such owner.
(13)A owner shall ensure that a master maintain records of daily hours of rest of seafarers be maintained on board in English, to allow monitoring and verification of compliance with the provisions of this regulation.
(14)A seafarer shall receive a copy of the records pertaining to him, which shall be endorsed by the master or by a person authorized by the master and seafarers.

75. Exception for emergencies

(1)The requirements for rest periods specified in regulation 74(5)(c) need not be maintained in case of any emergency, drill or in other overriding operational conditions.
(2)Without prejudice to the generality of subregulation (1), a Master of a ship or Seafarer may participate in a navigational, engine-room or machinery watch without having the rest period provided by the Schedule pursuant to these Regulations.
(3)Subject to the provision of subregulation (2) the master may exceed, and a seafarer may be required to exceed, the schedule's work or duty periods, when in the opinion of the master it is necessary to meet one of the following situations—
(a)an emergency threatening the safety of the ship or the life of any person or threatening damage to the environment;
(b)employment of the ship in the service of the armed forces or the police force at a time when the ship is operating in direct support of the armed forces, or in direct support of the forces of any foreign power to which the United Republic of Tanzania is bound by any Treaty to provide operational support.
(4)When in pursuance of subregulation (1) the master or a seafarer worked within a rest period provided for by the Schedule, his name shall be entered in the record required to be maintained pursuant to regulation 74(10) together with the reason why he so worked.

76. Watchkeeping arrangements and principles

(1)The Master of any ship shall ensure that the standards regarding watch keeping set out in Regulation VIII/2 of the STCW Convention are observed at all times on board.
(2)Without prejudice to subregulation (1) the master shall give directions to the deck watchkeeping officers responsible for a safe navigation or cargo watch during his periods of duty, in accordance with Part 4-1 of Section A-VIII/2 of the STCW Code and any requirements specified by the Registrar of Seafarers.
(3)A Chief engineer officer of any ship shall ensure that the engineering watchkeeping arrangements for the ship at all times is adequate for maintaining a safe watch, in accordance with Part 4-2 of section A-VIII/2 of the STCW Code, and when deciding the composition of the watch the Chief engineer officer shall observe the principles set out in Part 4-2 of that section and the requirements specified by the Registrar of Seafarers.
(4)A master shall give proper direction to ensure that an appropriate watch or watches are maintained for the purpose of security.
(5)An officer responsible for the planning and conduct of cargo operations shall ensure that operations are conducted safely through the control of the specific risks, including when non-ship’s personnel are involved.

77. Watchkeeping arrangements in port

(1)A Master of any ship which is safely moored or safely at anchor under normal circumstances in port shall arrange for an appropriate and effective watch to be maintained for the purposes of safety.
(2)Such arrangements shall be in accordance with Part 5 of section A-VIII/2 of the STCW Code and any operational guidance specified by the Registrar of Seafarers.

78. Watchkeeping arrangements in port for ships carrying hazardous cargo

(1)A master of a ship carrying hazardous cargo in bulk, even when safely moored or safely at anchor, shall in addition to any watchkeeping arrangements, be required to:
(a)ensure that a safe deck watch and safe engineering watch are maintained by the a duly qualified officer or officers, and where appropriate ratings; and
(b)ensure that in organizing safe watchkeeping, arrangements takes account the nature, quantity, packing and stowage of the hazardous cargo other than in bulk and any special conditions on board, afloat and ashore.
(2)Watchkeeping arrangements shall take full account of the principles and requirements specified by the Registrar of Seafarers.

79. Carriage of documents

Without prejudice to regulation 69, the owner and the Master shall ensure that they are carried at all times on board ship all original certificates and other are carried on board ship at all times and other documents issued pursuant to the STCW Convention indicating the qualification of any member of the crew to perform functions which they are required to perform aboard ship in the course of their designated duties.

80. Inspection of non-Tanzanian ships

(1)An authorized person may inspect any ship which is not a Tanzanian ship for the purposes of—
(a)verifying that all Seafarer serving on board who are required to be certificated hold valid appropriate certificates; and
(c)assessing the ability of the Seafarer in the ship to maintain the watchkeeping standards required by these Regulations where there are grounds to believe that the standards are not being maintained while in a port in the United Republic of Tanzania or in the approaches to that port, any of the following have occurred—
(i)the ship has been involved in a collision, grounding or stranding;
(ii)there is an unlawful discharge of substances from the ship when underway, at anchor or at a berth;
(iii)the ship has been maneuvered in an erratic or unsafe manner, or navigational course markers or traffic separation schemes is not followed; or
(iv)the ship has otherwise been operated in such a manner as to pose a danger to persons, property, the environment or a compromise to security.
[Please note: numbering as in original.]
(2)If the authorized person finds on inspection any deficiency of a kind specified in subregulation (3) shall notify in writing the Master of the ship and in the case of a ship registered outside the United Republic of Tanzania, the nearest maritime, consular or diplomatic representative of the flag State.
(3)The deficiencies referred to in subregulation (2) are—
(a)a failure of a Seafarer, required to hold a certificate, to have an appropriate certificate, to have a valid dispensation or to provide documentary proof that an application for an endorsement has been submitted to the administration in accordance with Regulation I/10, paragraph 5 of the STCW Convention;
(b)a failure to comply with the Safe Manning Document;
(c)a failure of navigational or engineering watch arrangements to conform to the requirements specified for the ship by the competent authority of the country in which the ship is registered;
(d)an absence on a watch to a person qualified to operate equipment essential to safe navigation, safety radio communications or the prevention of marine pollution; or
(e)an inability of the Master to provide adequately rested persons for the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and for subsequent relieving watches.

81. Power to detain

(1)In any case where it is found, in relation to a ship which is,—
(a)a Tanzanian ship, that there is any contravention of these Regulations; or
(b)not a Tanzanian ship, that there is—
(i)any contravention of regulation 70, 75, 77, 78 or 80;
(ii)the ship may be detained for failure to correct a deficiency of a kind specified in regulation 80(2) after notification to the master pursuant to regulation 80(2), and there is in consequence a danger to persons, property or the environment.
(c)Where it is established that there a deficiency in terms of regulation 80(2), after notification to the Master pursuant to regulation 80(2), and there is in consequence a danger to persons, property or the environment, the ship may be detained for failure of the ship owner to correct a deficiency.

82. Employment of qualified personnel on tankers and passenger ships

(1)An owner and a master of every tanker shall ensure that—
(a)every officer and rating assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment on the ship; and
(b)the Master, Chief Engineer Officer, Chief Mate, Second Engineer Officer and any other person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging and care in transit or handling of cargo on the ship, holds either—
(i)the certificate of proficiency or endorsement evidencing compliance with the provisions of regulation 14 or 15 relative to his capacity, duties and responsibilities on the ship; or
(ii)the certificate of proficiency or endorsement, issued by or on behalf of another party to the STCW Convention, evidencing compliance with the provisions of Regulation V/1-1 or V/1-2 of that Convention relative to his capacity, duties and responsibilities on the ship, subject to regulation 5(6) of these Regulations.
(2)An owner and a master of every passenger ship shall ensure that—
(a)the master, officers and ratings serving on the ship hold either—
(i)the appropriate certificate or endorsement evidencing compliance with the provisions of regulation 15 relative to their capacity, duties and responsibilities on the ship; or
(ii)the appropriate certificate or endorsement, issued by or on behalf of another party to the STCW Convention, evidencing compliance with the provisions of Regulation V/2 of that Convention relative to their capacity, duties and responsibilities on the ship; and
(b)other personnel serving on the ship hold either—
(i)documentary evidence of compliance with the provisions of regulation 12 relative to their capacity, duties and responsibilities on the ship; or
(ii)documentary evidence, issued by or on behalf of another party to the STCW Convention, of compliance with the provisions of Regulation V/2 of that Convention relative to their capacity, duties and responsibilities on the ship.

83. Employment of persons holding foreign certificates

(1)An owner of a ship to which the STCW Convention applies shall not employ on a ship, as Master, ship's officer, GMDSS radio operator or radio operator any person who holds a certificate issued by or on behalf of the government of another country, unless—
(a)that person's certificate is endorsed in accordance with regulation 5 of these Regulations; or
(b)in the absence of such an endorsement, the certificate is issued and is valid in accordance with the STCW Convention, the period of employment does not exceed three months and the owner makes application to the Authority, prior to the employment, for an endorsement in accordance with regulation 5 of these Regulations.
(2)For the purposes of section 165 of the Act, the owner of a ship to which the STCW Convention does not apply shall not employ on the ship, as master or ship's officer, any person who holds a Certificate of Competency issued by or on behalf of the government of another country, unless the Registrar of Seafarers has, under section 165 of the Act, authorized that person's employment on the ship.
(3)Application for an authorization under section 165 of the Act shall be made by the owner of the ship and shall be directed to the proper officer nearest to the ship's intended port of departure.
(4)The application referred under subregulation (3) shall—
(a)be made before the person assumes duty on the ship; and
(b)be accompanied by the person's original certificate together with a certified translation into the English language where the certificate is in a language other than English, a medical examination report complying with the requirements specified by marine notice and attesting to the person's medical fitness and, in the case of a deck officer, a valid eyesight test certificate.
(5)The proper officer may require the person to appear before an examiner, who shall satisfy himself that the person is adequately qualified and that he has the ability to converse, issue and understand orders and written instructions in the English language.
(6)An authorization granted under section 165 of the Act shall be in writing and shall specify the period, not exceeding 6 months, for which it is to remain in force.
(7)The Authority may revoke an authorization granted under section 165 of the Act if—
(a)the person in question shows, through any inability, that he is not adequately qualified or that he is not able to converse, issue and understand orders and written instructions in the English language;
(b)the person's certificate expires or is cancelled or suspended by or on behalf of the government under whose authority the certificate was originally issued;
(c)the person fails to comply with any condition on which the authorization is granted;
(d)a court or marine enquiry or a disciplinary hearing recommends the revocation of the authorization; or
(e)the person is convicted of an offence in terms of the Act or any other written law administered by the Authority.
(f)prompt notification is given to the Registrar of Seafarers of any significant change in the arrangements for training and certification provided in compliance with the STCW Convention.
(8)Every endorsement issued under subregulation (3) shall be a separate document and shall state, with reference to these Regulations and the STCW Convention, the capacity in which the holder is entitled to serve.
(9)The Registrar of Seafarers may cancel an endorsement issued under subregulation (3) if—
(a)the holder shows any inability, that he does not meet the level of competency or knowledge required for the equivalent Certificate of Competency, or that his level of proficiency in the English language does not meet the relevant requirements of the STCW Convention;
(b)the holder's certificate expires or is cancelled, suspended by or on behalf of the government under whose authority the certificate is originally issued;
(c)a court, marine enquiry or a disciplinary hearing recommends the cancellation of the endorsement: or
(d)the holder is convicted of an offence in terms of the Act or any other written law administered by the Registrar of Seafarers.
(6)Where the Registrar of Seafarers cancels an endorsement under subregulation (5), it shall inform the governments under whose authority the certificate was cancel.[please note: numbering as in original.]

84. Employment of certificated deck officer on ships of 50 GT or more

An Owner and a Master of a ship of 50 gross tonnage or more other than a fishing vessel shall ensure that there is employed on the ship, in their appropriate capacities, the number of certificated deck officers specified in Table 5 of the Schedule to these Regulations.

85. Employment of certificated engineer officers and Marine Motormen

An Owner and a Master of a ship of 750 kW or more, other than a fishing vessel or a ship referred to in subregulation (2), shall ensure that there is employed on the ship, in their appropriate capacities, the number of certificated engineer officers specified in Table 6 of the Schedule to these Regulations

86. Employment of certificated Radio Operator

An Owner and Master of a ship shall ensure that there is employed on the ship the number of certificated Radio Operator as specified in Table 7 of the Schedule to these Regulations;Provided that—
(a)if the ship is of 300 GT or more and is engaged on a near-coastal voyage and is not equipped in accordance with GMDSS requirements of the radio regulations, there shall be employed on the ship at least two radio operators who are appropriately certificated for the type of radio installation on the ship;
(b)if the ship is equipped in accordance with the GMDSS requirements of the radio regulations and at sea maintenance of radio equipment is to be conducted to ensure availability, at least one radio operator on the ship shall hold a valid Radio Electronic Certificate or a recognized equivalent certificate;
(c)if the ship is fitted with radio equipment capable of operating within the GMDSS (whether or not so fitted in compliance with statutory requirements), there shall be employed on the ship at least one radio operator who holding a valid GMDSS General Operators Certificate, or a recognized equivalent certificate; or
(d)when the radio equipment on the ship is being used for general communications, other than distress, urgency or safety communications, such general communications shall not be conducted by the deck officer on watch.

87. Employment of certificated Ratings on ships of 50 GT or more

An Owner and a Master of a ship of 50 gross tonnage or more other than a fishing vessel shall ensure that there is employed on the ship, in their appropriate capacities, the number of certificated Ratings specified in Table 8 of the Schedule to these Regulations;Provided that—
(a)where a combination of Ratings qualified as rating forming part of a navigational Watch and Able Seafarer Deck are employed in the deck department, at least half shall be qualified as Able Seafarer Deck;
(b)where a combination of Ratings qualified as rating forming part of an engineering watch and Able Seafarer Engine are employed in the engine-room department, at least one shall be qualified as an Able Seafarer Engine;
(c)on passenger ships the required number of Ratings qualified as proficient in survival craft and as proficient in fast rescue boats shall be in addition to the ratings qualified as able seafarer deck and able seafarer engine;
(d)on ships having only liferafts as survival craft there may be employed, in lieu of the Ratings qualified as proficient in survival craft, ratings qualified as proficient in liferafts only; and
(e)owners and Masters shall consider the requirements of regulation 69(1)(b) and (c) when determining the appropriate manning.

88. Employment of qualified Medical Practitioners on ships of 50 GT or more

(1)An owner and a Master of every ship of 50 GT or more shall ensure that at least one qualified medical practitioner is employed on the ship when the ship carries 100 or more persons on an unlimited voyage.
(2)An owner and a Master of every ship of 50 GT or more to which the STCW Convention applies shall ensure that—
(a)every crew member designated to take charge of medical care on the ship in the absence of a qualified medical practitioner holds a valid medical care certificate issued in accordance with Regulation VI/4, paragraph 2 of the STCW Convention; and
(b)every crew member designated to provide medical first aid on the ship holds a valid medical first aid certificate issued in accordance with Regulation VI/4, paragraph 1 of the STCW Convention.
(3)Every person who is designated the duties referred to subregulation (2) (a) or (b) shall undertake approved refresher training at intervals not exceeding 5 years.

89. Employment of qualified fire fighting personnel on ships of 50 GT or more

(1)An owner and a master of a ship of 50 GT or more to which the STCW Convention applies shall ensure that every crew member designated to take charge of a firefighting party on the ship holds a valid advanced firefighting certificate issued in accordance with Regulation VI/3, paragraph 1 of the STCW Convention.
(2)Every person who is designated the duties referred to in subregulation (1) shall undertake approved refresher training at intervals not exceeding five years.

90. Employment of qualified personnel on ships equipped with fast rescue boats

An Owner and a master of a ship that is equipped with one or more fast rescue boats shall ensure that there are employed on the ship at least two persons per boat who hold a valid certificate of qualification as proficient in fast rescue boats issued in accordance with Regulation VI/2, paragraph 2 of the STCW Convention.

91. Exemption in respect of certain ships

(1)Subject to subregulations (2) and (3), the Authority may in special circumstances, if in its opinion no danger would result to persons, property or the environment, grant an exemption permitting a seafarer to serve in a particular ship for the shortest possible time not exceeding 6 months, in any capacity other than that of radio officer, or master of a passenger ship, for which he is not certificated.
(2)Exemption shall not be granted under subregulation (1), unless the seafarer is certificated to serve in the next lower capacity,Provided that where the next lower capacity is not required by these regulations to be filled by a certificated person.
(3)Exemption may be granted only if in the option of the Registrar of Seafarers, the seafarer’s qualification and experience meet the requirements for the certificated capacity to be filled.
(4)Subject to the provisions of subregulations (3), if such a seafarer is uncertified he shall be required to satisfy an examiner that he possesses the minimum knowledge and experience required to save in the certificated capacity.
(5)A Master or a Chief engineer officer of a ship to which the STCW Convention applies shall not be granted an exemption under subregulation (1) except in the case of force majeure only for the shortest possible time.

92. Equivalence of certificates and endorsements

(1)The certificates specified in the second column of an item in the Table 9 of the Schedule to these Regulations are subject to subregulation (2), to be taken to be equivalent to the certificate or endorsement, as the case may be, specified in the third column of that item.
(2)If the certificate specified in the second column of an item in Table 9 is subject to additional qualification requirements in terms of these Regulations, documentary evidence of compliance with those requirements shall be produced as the Registrar of Seafarers directed.

93. Revocation of G.N No.60 of 2015

The Merchant Shipping (Training Certification and Manning) Regulations is hereby revoked.

Schedule (Made under regulation 8)

Appropriate certificates

Table No. 1

Certificate TitleSTCW Reference
Master and Deck Department
Officer in charge of a navigational watch on ship GT≥500 engaged on unlimited voyagesRegulation II/1
Master or chief mate on ship of GT ≥3000 engaged on unlimited voyagesRegulation II/2
Master or chief mate on ship of GT<3000 engaged on unlimited voyagesRegulation II/2.4
Officer in charge of a navigational watch on a ship of GT< 500 GT engaged on near-coastal voyagesRegulation II/3
Master on a ship of GT< 500 engaged on near-coastal voyagesRegulation II/3
Engine Department
Officer in charge of an engineering watch, on a ship powered by main propulsion machinery of kW≥750 engaged on unlimited voyagesRegulation III/1
Chief Engineer officer or second engineer officer on a ship powered by main propulsion machinery of kW≥3000 engaged on unlimited voyagesRegulation III/2
Chief Engineer officer and second engineer officer on a ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750< kW<3000 engaged on unlimited voyagesRegulation III/3
Electro-technical officer serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of kW≥750 engaged on unlimited voyagesRegulation III/6

Masters and deck officers (Made under regulation 67)

Table No. 2

Documents to accompany application for oral examinationCapacity of Certificate
MasterChief mateMaster <3000 GTChief mate <3000 GTOfficer in charge of a navigational watchMaster near-coastalOfficer in charge of a navigational watch near-coastal
Proof of identityXXXXXXX
Medical fitness certificateXXXXXXX
Training record book    X X
Previous Certificate of CompetencyXXXX X 
Watchkeeping certificatesXXXX X 
Bridge watchkeeping certificate    X X
Proof of seagoing serviceXXXXXXX
Documentary proof of pass at accredited institutionXXXXXXX
Personal Survival Techniques certificate    X X
Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting certificate    X X
Medical care certificate X X   
Medical first aid    X X
Elementary First Aid    X X
Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities certificate    X X
Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats certificate    X X
Advanced Fire Fighting    X X
Ship Security Officer    X X
GMDSS General Operator Certificate    X  
GMDSS Restricted Operator Certificate      X
Radar Navigation-operational level    X X
Radar Navigation management level X X   
Electronic Chart Display & Information System (ECDIS)    X X

Engineer officers (Made under regulation 67)

Table No. 3

Documents to accompany application for oral examinationCapacity of Certificate
Chief engineer officers (STCW Reg. III/2 & III/3)Second engineer officers (STCW Reg. III/2 & III/3)Officer in charge of an engineering watch (STCW Reg. III/1)Electro-technical officer (STCW Reg. III/6)
Proof of identityXXXX
Medical fitness certificateXXXX
Training record book  XX
Previous Certificate of CompetencyXX  
Watchkeeping certificatesXXXX
Proof of seagoing serviceXXXX
Documentary proof of pass at accredited institutionXXXX
Personal Survival Techniques certificate  XX
Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting certificate  XX
Elementary First Aid  XX
Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities certificate  XX
Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats certificate  XX
Advanced Fire Fighting  XX
Medical First Aid  XX
Ship Security Officer  XX

Ratings (Made under regulation 67)

Table No. 4

Documents to Accompany Application for Issuance of CertificateCapacity of Certificate
Rating forming part of a navigational watchAble seafarer deckRating forming part of an engineering watchAble seafarer engineElectro-technical rating
Proof of identityXXXXX
Medical fitness certificateXXXXX
Proof of seagoing serviceXXXXX
Watchkeeping certificates X X 
Documentary proof of pass at accredited institutionXXXXX
Personal survival techniquesX X X
Fire prevention and fire fightingX X X
Elementary first aidX X X
Personal safety and social responsibilitiesX X X
Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boatsX X X
Security awareness trainingX X X
security training for seafarers with designated security duties X X 

Number of certificated masters and deck officers to be employed (Made under regulation 84)

Table No. 5

ItemType of VoyageGross Tonnage of ShipCapacity of certificate and number of certificated Masters and deck officers to be employed
Officer in charge of a navigational watch Near-coastalMaster Near-coastalOfficer in charge of a Navigational watchChief mate <3000GTMaster <3000 GTChief mateMaster
1.Near-Coastal50 or more but less than 10011     
2.Unlimited50 or more but less than 100  11   
3.Near-Coastal100 or more but less than 50011     
4.Unlimited100 or more but less than 500  1 1  
5.Near-Coastal500 or more but less than 3000  111  
6.Unlimited500 or more but less than 3000   11  
7.Unlimited3000 or more  2  11

Number of certificated marine engineer officers to be employed (Made under regulation 84)

Table No. 6

ItemType of VoyagePropulsion power of ship (kW)Capacity of certificate and number of certificated marine engineer officers to be employed
Officer in charge of an engineering watchSecond engineer officer <3000 kWChief Engineer officer <3000 kWSecond Engineer officerChief Engineer officer
1.Near-coastal750 or more but less than 30002 1  
2.Unlimited750 or more but less than 3000111  
3.Near-coastal3000 or more 3000   11
4.Unlimited3000 or more2  11

Number of Certificated Radio Operators to be Employed (Made under regulation 86)

Table No. 7

ItemType of VoyageGross tonnage of shipTitle of certificate and number of certificated radio operators to be employed
Restricted Radiotelephone Operators Certificate (VHF only)GMDSS Restricted Operators CertificateGMDSS General Operators Certificate
1.Near coastal50 GT or more, but less than 300 GT2--
2.Near coastal300 GT or more-2-
3.Unlimited100 GT or more, but less than 300 GT2--
4.Unlimited300 GT or more--2

Number of Certificated Ratings to be Employed (Made under regulation 87)

Table No. 8

Description of ship 50 GT or moreType of VoyageTitle of certificate and number of certificated ratings
Description to be employed
Rating forming part of a navigational watch” or “Able seafarer deckRating forming part of an engineering watch” or “Able seafarer engine”Proficient in Survival CraftEfficient Cook
PassengerUnlimited or near-coastaleach 4 hour watch in a 12 hour period with a rating plus one (e.g. 4)Sufficient to man each 4 hour watch in a 12 hour period with a rating (e.g. 3)One for every 50 passengers or part of such number on board1
OtherUnlimitedSufficient to man each 4 hour watch in a 12 hour period with a rating plus one (e.g. 4)Sufficient to man each 4 hour watch in a 12 hour period with a rating (e.g. 3)-1
Near-coastalSufficient to man each 6 hour watch in a 12 hour period with a rating plus one (e.g. 3)Sufficient to man each 6 hour watch in a 12 hour period with a rating (e.g. 2)- 

Equivalence of Certificates or Enlargement (Made under regulation 92)

Table No. 9

ItemTitle of Certificate Issued under the Principal RegulationsEquivalent Certificate under these Regulations
2.Chief MateChief Mate
3.Master on Ships up to 3000 gross tonnageMaster on Ships up to 3000 gross tonnage
4.Chief Mate on Ships up to 3000 gross tonnageChief Mate on Ships up to 3000 gross tonnage
5.Officer in Charge of a Navigational WatchOfficer in Charge of a Navigational Watch
6.Master Near-coastalMaster, Near-coastal Voyages
7.Deck Officer Class 4Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch, Near-coastal Voyages
8.Chief Engineer OfficerChief Engineer Officer
9.Second Engineer OfficerSecond Engineer Officer
10.Chief Engineer on Ships up to 3000 kW Propulsion PowerChief Engineer on Ships up to 3000 kW Propulsion Power
11.Second Engineer on Ships up to 3000 kW Propulsion PowerSecond Engineer on Ships up to 3000 kW Propulsion Power
12.Officer in Charge of an Engineering WatchOfficer in Charge of an Engineering Watch
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History of this document

12 August 2016 this version
10 August 2016
Assented to

Cited documents 0

Documents citing this one 1

Gazette 1
1. Tanzania Government Gazette dated 2016-08-12 number 34

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