Tanganyika Law Society Act
Tanganyika Law Society (Council) Regulations, 2022
Government Notice 599 of 2022
- Published in Government Gazette on 14 October 2022
- Commenced on 14 October 2022
- [This is the version of this document from 14 October 2022.]
Part I – Preliminary provisions
1. Citation
These Regulations may be cited as the Tanganyika Law Society (Council) Regulations, 2022.2. Interpretation
These Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—“Act” means the Tanganyika Law Society Act;[Cap.307]“Annual General Meeting” means the Annual General Meeting of the Society as provided for under the Act;“Chapter” means a Chapter established by the Society pursuant to the provisions of the Act;“Chapter Zone” means a Chapter Zone as established by the Society pursuant to the provisions of the Act;“Council” means the Council of the Society established under section 15 the Act;“General Meeting of the Society” means a meeting of all members of the Society as provided for under the Act;“Member in good standing” means a member who has renewed membership by complying with requisite conditions for renewal of membership of a particular year and who has not been suspended on any disciplinary matter;“President” means the President of the Society;“Proxy” means a member in good standing who has been granted power by another member in good standing to attend and transact any business at the meeting on such member’s behalf; and“Society” or in its acronym “TLS” means the Tanganyika Law Society established under the Act.Part II – Roles and responsibilities of the Council
3. Election of Council
4. Duties of Council
5. Responsibilities of President
The President shall be the head of the Council and shall have the following responsibilities:6. Responsibilities of Vice President
The Vice President shall have the following responsibilities:7. Responsibilities of honorary treasure
The honorary treasurer shall have the following responsibilities:Part III – Tenure of the Council
8. Tenure of Council Members
Members of the Council shall serve the office for a term as provided under the Act.9. Filling vacancies of Council
10. Allowance for Council Members
Part IV – Committees, Chapters and Chapter Zones
11. Committees of Council
12. Council Executive Committee
13. Chapter and Chapter Zones
Part V – Council meetings and procedures
14. Council meetings’ quoram and attendance
15. Council meetings’ notice, agenda and documents
16. Voting rights
17. Council resolutions and minutes
18. Report of the Council
Part VI – Council's induction and capacity building
19. Council induction and training
Part VII – Miscellaneous provisions
20. Code of conduct, conflict of interest an insider dealing
21. Council’s communication to members Council
The Council shall ensure effective communication to members of the Society by doing the following:History of this document
14 October 2022 this version
Cited documents 0
Documents citing this one 1
Judgment 1
1. | Victor Ndumbaro Joseph & 2 Others vs. Tanganyika Law Society and Another (Misc Civil Case 29855 of 2024) [2024] TZHC 11193 (30 December 2024) |