Excise (Management and Tariff) (Remission) (Implementation of the Tanzania Energy Efficiency Action Plan Project) (3 Motor Vehicles) (Ministry of Energy) Order, 2023

Government Notice 261 of 2023

Excise (Management and Tariff) (Remission) (Implementation of the Tanzania Energy Efficiency Action Plan Project) (3 Motor Vehicles) (Ministry of Energy) Order, 2023

Excise (Management and Tariff) Act

Excise (Management and Tariff) (Remission) (Implementation of the Tanzania Energy Efficiency Action Plan Project) (3 Motor Vehicles) (Ministry of Energy) Order, 2023

Government Notice 261 of 2023

(CAP. 147)(Made under section 128)

1. Citation

This Order may be cited as the Excise (Management and Tariff) (Remission) (Implementation of the Tanzania Energy Efficiency Action Plan Project) (3 Motor Vehicles) (Ministry of Energy) Order, 2023 and shall be deemed to have come in to operation on the 22nd day of February, 2023.

2. Remission

Subject to the conditions specified in paragraph 3, and any other conditions as may be specified by the Commissioner, the whole of excise duty payable on motor vehicles specified in the Schedule imported or purchased locally prior to clearance through customs by or on behalf of the Ministry of Energy to be used solely in the implementation of the Tanzania Energy Efficiency Action Plan Project is hereby remitted.

3. Conditions

The remission granted under this Order shall cease to have effect and the excise duty shall become due and payable as if this Order had not been made if the said motor vehicles are used for other purposes or are transferred, sold or disposed of in any way to another person not entitled to enjoy similar privileges as are conferred under this Order.

4. Expiry

The exemption granted under this order shall expire on 22nd day of August, 2023.


(Made under paragraph 2)
SNDescriptionQuantityPurchase Area-Local Imported
1Land Cruiser 76 Hardtop 10seaters, 5 doors(A/C, ABS, Airbags, Power w/d, roof rack, HZJ76r-RKMRS-A3 Manual 2.8 GD-6(D-4D)01Imported
2Land Prado TXL, Turbo Diesel, 5door, 7-seater(Airbags, Climate Ctrl, ABS), GDJ150R-GKFEY-A1)02Imported
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History of this document

31 March 2023 this version
17 March 2023
Assented to