Tanzania Shipping Agencies (Cargo Consolidator and De-Consolidators Fees) Order, 2023

Government Notice 268 of 2023

Tanzania Shipping Agencies (Cargo Consolidator and De-Consolidators Fees) Order, 2023


Tanzania Shipping Agencies (Cargo Consolidator and De-Consolidators Fees) Order, 2023

Government Notice 268 of 2023

Part I – Preliminary provisions

1. Citation and commencement

This Order may be cited as the Tanzania Shipping Agencies (Cargo Consolidator and De-Consolidators Fees) Order, 2023 and shall become effective fourteen days after publication.

2. Application

This Order applies to the licensed cargo consolidator and de-consolidator.

3. Interpretation

In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires:house bill of lading” means a document of shipment of specified consignment issued by a cargo consolidator to an actual shipper reflecting a master bill of lading in relation to an individual consignment of groupage or consolidated cargo with details of cargo weight, measurement, description of cargo and quantity, name of consignor and consignee, name of the ship, port of loading and discharge and bill of lading members;[GN. No. 337 of 2018]handing over order” means a document issued by a cargo de-consolidator, on behalf of a consolidator, to a named party approving a terminal operator or dry port to undertake physical delivery of cargo under a specified house bill of lading to the named party;consignee” means the party to whom goods a accepted for carriage on board a ship are addressed and that party is named as such in the house bill of lading;shipper” means a consignor of cargo named in the bill of lading as the party responsible for initiating a shipment, and who is responsible for payment of freight cost or forming an agreement with the carrier on how the freight cost has to be paid; andAct” means the Tanzania Shipping Agencies Act;[Cap. 415]Corporation” means the Tanzania Shipping Agencies Corporation established under section 4 of the Act.tariff” means a charge or price corresponding with terms and conditions applied by a regulated service provider;[GN. No. 7 of 2020]cargo consolidation” means an aggregation of two or more consignments from one or more cargo owners into one consignment for carriage on board a ship, or into a full container load and may include the arrangement of activities of cargo receipt, storage, sorting, packing, packaging, wrapping, labelling and marking as may be necessary for aggregating the consignments;[GN. No. 337 of 2018]cargo de-consolidation” means disaggregation of a consignment under a master bill of lading into two or more consignments in accordance with house bills of lading for delivery to individual cargo owners and may include an arrangement of activities of cargo storage, unpacking and sorting as may be necessary for disaggregation and handling over individual consignments to cargo owners; andshipping agent” means a company engaged in providing shipping agency services for seaports in accordance with the Act.

Part II – Applicable tariffs and terms

4. Approved tariff items

Approved cargo de-consolidation tariff items shall be:
(a)handing over order fee;
(b)de-consolidation fee;
(c)motor vehicle handling charge;
(d)consolidation fee;
(e)cargo canvasing fee; and
(f)other rates and charges as permitted in other relevant regulatory orders.

5. Approved capped charges

Capped charges for the approved cargo consolidation and de-consolidation tariff items shall be as setout in the Schedule to this Order.

Part III – General provisions

6. Recovery of costs

Cargo de-consolidator may recover relevant costs paid to a shipping agent or an operator of a port terminal or inland clearance depot by apportioning proportionately the incurred costs among consignees in a respective bill of lading.

7. Adherence to adminisative practices

Cargo consolidator or de-consolidator shall:
(a)keep books of accounts and ensure they are timely audited;
(b)issue invoices to consignees which clearly show, among others, the number of consignees and total measurements per container in cubic meters and weight;
(c)display in a conspicuous place for the consignee to view applicable tariffs which do not exceed approved tariffs;
(d)ensure the consignee’s right to see or view evidence of recovered costs paid to ship agents and terminal operators;
(e)attach to the invoice issued to a consignee, copies of invoices of relevant costs paid by the de-consolidator to shipping agents and terminal operators; and
(f)ensure that any cost incurred by foreign consolidators at ports of loading or any transshipment ports, including any form of a rebate, is not recovered locally.

8. Systems interface

A cargo consolidator and de-consolidator shall be required to:
(a)deploy relevant information and communications systems to facilitate the issuance of eleconic Delivery Order for the purposes of securing cargo in the delivery process; and
(b)establish connectivity of cargo de-consolidation systems with the Tanzania Electronic Single Window System and where necessary with systems operated by Terminals to facilitate electronic transmission of Delivery Order.

9. Expiry of handing over order

The Corporation shall prescribe the minimum period for the expiration of Handing Over Order issued by the cargo consolidator and de-consolidator in order to improve efficiency and secure the cargo clearance process.

10. Revocation of Order No. SMA/02/2018

Order No. SMA/02/2018 on Cargo consolidation and De-consolidation Tariff is hereby revoked.

Schedule (Made under paragraph 5)

Approved capped charges

Tariff itemUnitCapped charge
Handing Over Order FeePer House Bill of LadingUSD 5 (VAT exclusive)
De-Consolidation FeePer House Bill of LadingUSD 100 (VAT exclusive)
Vehicle Handling ChargePer House Bill of LadingUSD 30 (VAT exclusive)
Consolidation FeePer House Bill of LadingUSD 100 (VAT exclusive)
Cargo Canvasing FeePer Freight ToneUSD 5 (VAT exclusive)
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History of this document

14 April 2023
13 March 2023
Assented to