Magistrates’ Courts (Variation of the Designation of the District Court of Chato) Order, 2023

Government Notice 62 of 2023

Magistrates’ Courts (Variation of the Designation of the District Court of Chato) Order, 2023

Magistrates’ Courts Act

Magistrates’ Courts (Variation of the Designation of the District Court of Chato) Order, 2023

Government Notice 62 of 2023

[Made under section 4(3)]

1. Citation

This Order may be cited as the Magistrates’ Courts (Variation of the Designation of the District Court of Chato) Order, 2023.

2. Variation of designation of District Court

The designation of the District Court provided for under the Magistrates’ Courts Act is varied as set out in the Schedule to this Order for the purposes of hearing and determining all caseswithin the original, appellate and revisional jurisdiction of the District Court.[Cap.11]

3. Area of jurisdiction

The District Court whose designation is varied under order 2 shall, in addition to the area of the district where it is established, exercisejurisdiction within the area specified in the Schedule to this Order.

Schedule (Made under orders 2 and 3)

No.The District CourtArea of jurisdiction
1.The District Court of Chato DistrictChato District including Rubondo Island
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History of this document

17 February 2023 this version
08 February 2023
Assented to

Cited documents 0

Documents citing this one 1

Gazette 1
1. Tanzania Government Gazette dated 2023-02-17 number 7