Banking and Financial Institutions Act
Banking and Financial Institutions (Revocation of the Banking Licence of First National Bank Tanzania Limited) Notice, 2023
Government Notice 63 of 2023
- Published in Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania 6 on 17 February 2023
- Commenced on 17 February 2023
- [This is the version of this document from 17 February 2023.]
- [Note: The original publication document is not available and this content could not be verified.]
1. Citation
This Notice may be cited as the Banking and Financial Institutions (Revocation of the Banking Licence of First National Bank Tanzania Limited) Notice, 2023.2. Notice of revocation of banking licence
Notice is hereby given to the general public that the Bank of Tanzania has, with effect from 06th July, 2022, revoked the Banking Licence No. CBA 00050 granted to the First National Bank Tanzania Limited.History of this document
17 February 2023 this version
Published in Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania 6