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Tanzania Harbours Authority vs Mohamed R. Mohamed (Civil Appeal 80 of 1999) [2001] TZCA 19 (6 April 2001)


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Cited documents 0

Documents citing this one 11

Judgment 11
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2. Edwin Paul Mhede & Another vs Shose K Ngowo (Administrator of the Constansa S Ngowo)s. Ngowo (Land Appeal 97 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 12526 (1 September 2022) 2 citations
3. Salim Mbwana and 3 Others vs Carloline John Mchechu [Administrator of the Estate of the Late John Mchechu) (Misc. Land Case Application 81 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 599 (11 June 2021) 1 citation
4. Ahmada Salum Kindamba vs Musa Njengo and Others (Misc. Land Application 559 of 2018) [2021] TZHCLandD 136 (31 March 2021)
5. Bahati M.Ngowi vs Paul Aidan Ulungi (Misc. Civil Application 11 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 3375 (23 April 2020)
6. Friscan Group T. Group vs Said Msangi (Misc. Commercial Application 299 of 2017) [2018] TZHCComD 19 (2 February 2018)
7. Hemedi Mohamed vs Sala Taodori (Misc. Land Appeal 104 of 2008) [2012] TZHCLandD 136 (4 September 2012)
8. Islam Saleh Nahdi Ltd vs The Commissioner General (T) Revenue Authority & 2 Others (Misc. Civil Cause No. 5 Of 2010) [2010] TZHCComD 34 (24 September 2010)
9. Kasanda Enterprises Ltd vs Jielong Holidng (T) Ltd (Civil Appeal 35 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2059 (14 December 2018)
10. Lota satuwaki & Another vs Charles Majinge & Another (Civil Appeal 64 of 2006) [2009] TZHC 30 (16 November 2009)
11. Prof. Aron Massawe and Another vs Thomas Gelard Mwendanunu (Tanzania Cutleries Ltd) (Misc. Land Application 271 of 2019) [2020] TZHCLandD 2251 (18 September 2020)