Abdi Ally Salehe vs Asac Care Unit Limited & Others (Civil Revision 3 of 2012) [2013] TZCA 179 (30 July 2013)

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Documents citing this one 104

Judgment 104
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4. Neema Salha Company Limited vs Dar es Salaam Development Corporation (DDC) & Another (Misc. Land Case Application 92 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 179 (31 March 2022) 3 citations
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7. AM Steel & Iron Mills Ltd vs Exim Bank (T) Ltd (Misc. Commercial Application 31 of 2022) [2022] TZHCComD 255 (31 August 2022) 1 citation
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17. Jitesh Jayantilal Ladwa vs Houses and Homes Ltd & 5 Others (Misc. Civil Application 97 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11012 (27 July 2022) 1 citation
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31. Chama Cha Wakulima Dodoma vs Tarimo Investment Ltd (Misc. Civil Application 230 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10096 (6 June 2022)
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60. Lu Heng & Others vs Mukhangu Noah Maina (Misc. Civil Application 65 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11011 (19 July 2022)
61. Makoa Farm Limited & Others vs Uduru Makoa AMCOS (Consolidated Misc. |Applications No. 20/23 of 2022) [2024] TZHC 282 (14 February 2024)
62. Miriam Jeremia Solomon( As Adminstratrix of the Estate of the Late Jeremiah Solomon Sumari) & Another vs John Maroa Daudi & 4 Others (Misc. land application No.751 of 2023) [2024] TZHCLandD 9 (9 February 2024)
63. Mohamed Ahmad Mbarak vs Hilal Ahmad Mbarak (Misc. Land Aplication 290 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11686 (15 August 2022)
64. Mohe Sseli Hawwu vs Constantine Panga and 9 Others (Misc Land Case Application 22 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18485 (23 June 2023)
65. Moshy Electrical Light Co. Ltd & Another Vs. Equity Bank (T) Ltd & Another (Misc. Land Application No. 28348 of 2023.) [2024] TZHC 892 (15 March 2024)
66. Ms. Contract International (T) Ltd & Another v The Parmanent Secretary of the Minstry for Land Housing and Human Settlement Development & 3 Others (Misc. Land Application No.612 of 2023) [2023] TZHCLandD 17119 (14 November 2023)
67. Ms. Contract International (T) Ltd vs The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for Housing and Human Settlement Development (Misc. Land Application No. 612 of 2023) [2023] TZHCLandD 17318 (14 November 2023)
68. Musa Haji Kombo vs Prof. Ibrahim Haruna Lipumba & Others (Misc. Civil Application 30 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 987 (11 February 2022)
69. Mussa Mussa Trading Co. Ltd vs Equity Bank Tanzania Limited & Another (Land Application 599 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12577 (15 November 2022)
70. Neema Yona Mtahuba & Others vs Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) & Another [2024] TZHCLandD 168 (8 April 2024)
71. Neshi Mwinjuma Kitogo vs Bank of Africa (T) Ltd (Misc. Commercial Application No. 116 of 2023) [2024] TZHCComD 19 (1 March 2024)
72. New Life Hardware Co. Ltd vs Shandong Locheng Exporting Co. Ltd & Others (Misc. Commercial Application 163 of 2022) [2022] TZHCComD 323 (7 October 2022)
73. Nkumbi Malashi Holela vs. Musa Christopher Ginawele and Another (Misc. Land Application no. 87 of 2023) [2024] TZHC 2364 (30 May 2024)
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75. Norbert Ludovick Kwiyaka vs Akiba Commercial Bank &2 others (Misc. Land Application No. 27989 of 2023) [2024] TZHCLandD 126 (20 March 2024)
76. Oryx Oil Company Limited & Another vs Seth Fuel Limited (Civil Revision 40 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10177 (24 February 2022)
77. Oryx Oil Company Limited & Another vs Seth Fuel Limited (Civil Revision No. 40 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 15872 (24 February 2022)
78. Paul Mremi Lyimo vs CRDB Bank Plc & Another (Misc. Land Case Application 766 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12703 (15 December 2022)
79. Peter Martin Kessy vs Julius Peter and 1 Another (Misc Civil Application 20 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18430 (9 June 2023)
80. Petrolux Service Stations Limited vs Nmb Bank PLC and Auction Mart Limited (Misc. Land Application 59 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 4067 (16 November 2020)
81. Pilly Amos Gityamwi vs TIB Development Bank Limited & 4 Others (Misc. Land Application No. 8581 of 2024) [2024] TZHCLandD 439 (28 June 2024)
82. Poneka Patrick Mihayo alias Patrick Lutandula Mihayo & Another vs CRDB Bank Plc (Misc. Land Application No. 688 of 2023) [2023] TZHCLandD 17226 (11 December 2023)
83. Promatex Est Ltd vs Maendeleo Bank Plc (Misc. Land Application 17 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 3318 (22 September 2020)
84. Quality Group Ltd vs Knight Frank (T) Ltd (Mics. Land Case Appl. 739 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 174 (15 March 2022)
85. Richard Kimwaga Stika vs Ncba Bank & Another (Misc. Land Aplication 637 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12622 (25 November 2022)
86. SOGA VILLAGE COUNCIL AND ANOTHER versus MOHAMED ENTERPRISES TANZANIA LIMITED (Misc. Land Case Application No.778 of 2022) [2023] TZHCLandD 16607 (28 June 2023)
87. Salehe Hassan Msahala vs Salehe Msahala Constroctors Limited & 2 Others (Misc. Land Application No. 771 of 2023) [2024] TZHCLandD 52 (21 February 2024)
88. Salome Andrew Komba T/A Salome Commercial Centre vs International Commercial Bank (Tanzania ) Limited & Another (MISC.LAND APPLICATION NO.735 OF 2023) [2023] TZHCLandD 17181 (24 November 2023)
89. Sobai Asanja Limited vs I & M Bank (T) Limited & Others (Misc. Land Application No. 468 of 2023) [2024] TZHCLandD 198 (23 April 2024)
90. The Registered Trustee of Cornelius Christian Aid to Churches and the needy foundation Vs. Equity Bank (Tanzania) Limited (Misc. Civil Application No. 395 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21077 (15 September 2023)
91. The Registered Trustees of Msikiti Wa Ijumaa Temeke (tungi) vs Registered Trustees of El-madrasat Twayibat Islamyat and 3 Others (Misc. Land Application 540 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6709 (12 November 2021)
92. The Registered Trustees of Msikiti Wa Ijumaa Temeke (tungi) vs The Registered Trustees of El - Madrasat Twayibati Islamyat & 3 Others (Misc. Application 540 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6950 (12 November 2021)
93. The Registered Trustees of the Kituo cha Elimu na Maendeleo Matemanga (KIUMMA) Trust Fund vs The Registered Trustees of Kanisa la Upendo wa Kristo Masihi (KIUMA) and 2 Others (Misc. Civil Application No. 03 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 20171 (16 August 2023)
94. Thobias Robert Nyalwar vs Kengánya Enterprises Limited and 3 Others (Misc. Civil Application 23 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 4188 (22 July 2021)
95. Total Dimensions East Africa Limited vs Kenya Commercial Bank Tanzania Limited & Another [2023] TZHCLandD 16594 (20 June 2023)
96. United Power Point Ltd & Another vs I & Me Bank Tanzania Limited (Misc. Land Application No. 106 of 2023) [2024] TZHC 574 (16 February 2024)
97. Utegi Technical Enterprises (INTL) LTD vs Temeke Municipal Council & 9 Others (Misc. Land Application No. 407 of 2023) [2023] TZHCLandD 16804 (24 August 2023)
98. Veronica Archibald Masimba (Administratrix of the Estates of the Late Archibald Z.D Masimba) vs The Eastern Africa Statistical Training Center & Two Others (Misc. Land Aplication 65 of 2023) [2023] TZHCLandD 16394 (3 April 2023)
99. White Star Investment Ltd vs Prime Fei Shang Trading Sari & Another (Mics. Civil Appl. 480 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 14704 (17 November 2022)
100. Winifrida Patrick Kibuta & Another vs Rhodice Simon Moshi (Misc. Land Aplication 1 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 970 (18 March 2022)
101. Winifrida Patrick Kibuta & Janeth Patrick Kibuta vs Rhodice Simon Mushi (Misc. Land Case 1 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 507 (18 March 2022)
102. Yusufu Elitetera Lema and Another vs Maria Elitetera Nkya (Misc. Land Aplication 5 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10564 (21 June 2022)
103. Yusuph Makame & 6 Others vs Al Hushoom Investment Limited (Mics. Land Case Appl. 674 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 554 (10 June 2022)
104. Zuwena Hindu Kimolo vs Sarah Steven Muuka and 15 Others (Misc Land Application No. 67 Of 2023) [2024] TZHC 6171 (1 July 2024)