Andrew C. Mfuko vs George C. Mfuko (Civil Appeal 320 of 2021) [2022] TZCA 741 (24 November 2022)

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Cited documents 1

Legislation 1
1. Appellate Jurisdiction Act 3132 citations

Documents citing this one 10

Judgment 10
1. Asaph Ibrahim Maradufu (Administrator of the Estate of the late Ibrahim Maradufu Nyeburi) vs Silas Josiah Maradufu(Administrator of the Estate of the late Josiah Ibrahim Maradufu (PC Civil Appeal 50 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 19034 (23 May 2023)
2. Bikara Erasto vs Penina Erasto Josiah and Another (PC Civil Appeal 73 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 17203 (4 May 2023)
3. Elizabeth Makwabulo Masatu vs Masua Zacharia Muganga (PC Civil Appeal 57 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 17399 (24 May 2023)
4. Ester Rodrick Kyara vs Ndarai Selemani Masngi & Others (Consolidated Civil Appeal 56 of 2022; Consolidated Civil Appeal No.52 & 56 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 17518 (30 May 2023)
5. George Rugaimukamu Kakoti Vs. Joseph Shumbusho (as administrator of the estate of the late Sebastian Rugaimukamu Kakoti Tigwera (Misc. Civil Application No. 346 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 23279 (13 December 2023)
6. Maria Gabriel Mzaura and Another vs Magdalena Gabriel Mzaura (Land Appeal No. 62 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18388 (23 June 2023)
7. Mchungaji Barnabas Juma Mbonya vs Majembe Song'era (Administrator of the Estate of Gregory Matebesha Nyawaya) (Land Appeal No. 05 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 17783 (8 June 2023)
8. Perpetua Majuto Pambi vs Suzana Stephene Pambi (As Administratrix of the late Pileo Stephen Pambi) (Misc. Civil Application No. 391 of 2023) [2024] TZHC 900 (15 March 2024)
9. Rashid Salum Mgwale (Suing as personal representative of the estate of late Salim Akilindogo Mgwale) vs. Neema Hassan Mgwale & Two Others (Land Case no. 09 of 2023) [2024] TZHC 253 (9 February 2024)
10. Theresia Mbonela Kuyangana & Another vs Neema Adela Mbonela (Civil Application No. 675/01 0f 2022) [2023] TZCA 17862 (21 November 2023)