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Juma Mganga Lukobora and Others vs Tanzania Medicine and Medical Devices Authority (tmda) and Others (Misc. Civil Application 642 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 5890 (3 September 2021)

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Cited documents 12

Act 11
1. Civil Procedure Code 8824 citations
2. Land Disputes Courts Act, 2002 4197 citations
3. Law of Limitation Act 3667 citations
4. Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, ya Mwaka 508 citations
5. Government Proceedings Act 439 citations
6. Open University of Tanzania Act 62 citations
7. Forest Act, 2002 34 citations
8. Fair Competition Act, 2003 24 citations
9. Regulation of Land Tenure (Established Villages) Act 11 citations
10. Roads and Fuel Tolls Act 6 citations
11. Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute Act 2 citations
Ordinance 1
1. Advocates Act 294 citations

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