Court of Appeal of Tanzania

This is the highest level in the justice delivery system in Tanzania. The Court of Appeal draws its mandate from Article 117(1) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. The Court hears appeals  on both point of law and facts for cases originating from the High Court of Tanzania and Magistrates with extended jurisdiction in exercise of their original jurisdiction or appellate and revisional jurisdiction over matters originating in the District Land and Housing Tribunals, District Courts and Courts of Resident Magistrate. The Court also hears similar appeals  from quasi judicial bodies of status equivalent to that of the High Court. It  further hears appeals  on point of law against the decision of the High Court in  matters originating from Primary Courts. The Court of Appeal also exercises jurisdiction on appeals originating from the High Court of Zanzibar except for constitutional issues arising from the interpretation of the Constitution of Zanzibar and matters arising from the Kadhi Court.

Physical address
26 Kivukoni Road Building P.O. Box 9004, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
74 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
December 2006
Mansoor Daya vs Jenus Limited (Civil Appeal No. 13 of 2001) [2006] TZCA 149 (12 December 2006) 12 December 2006
MIC Tanzania Limited vs Minister for Labour and Youth Development (Civil Appeal No. 103 of 2004) [2006] TZCA 156 (12 December 2006) 12 December 2006
Cyprian Tweve vs National Bank of Commerce Ltd (Civil Application No. 118 of 2002) [2006] TZCA 146 (7 December 2006) 7 December 2006
Registered Trustees, Cashewnut Industry Development Fund vs Cashewnut Board of Tanzania (Civil Appeal 18 of 2001) [2006] TZCA 25 (1 December 2006) 1 December 2006
November 2006
Abdallah Rashid Abdallah vs Sulubu Kidogo Amour & Another (Civil Appeal 94 of 2006) [2006] TZCA 30 (17 November 2006) 17 November 2006
Abdul-karim Haji vs Raymond Nchimbi Alois & Another (Civil Appeal 99 of 2004) [2006] TZCA 22 (17 November 2006) 17 November 2006
Ali vs Sewji & Others (Civil Appeal 63 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 21 (17 November 2006) 17 November 2006
Director of Public Prosecutions vs Shirazi Mohamed Sharif (Criminal Appeal 184 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 24 (17 November 2006) 17 November 2006
Dr. Gabriel Michael Muhagama vs Salum Abass Salum & Others (Civil Appeal 86 of 2006) [2006] TZCA 20 (17 November 2006) 17 November 2006
Executive Secretary, Trust Wakf & Commission, Zanzibar vs Mussa Saleh Abdalla (Znz Civil Application 4 of 2006) [2006] TZCA 31 (17 November 2006) 17 November 2006
Omar Shaaban Senge vs S.M.Z. (Criminal Appeal 160 of 2006) [2006] TZCA 23 (17 November 2006) 17 November 2006
Shariff Ahmed Salim vs Kullaten Abdalla Khamis (Znz Civil Application 3 of 2006) [2006] TZCA 29 (17 November 2006) 17 November 2006
Haidar Thabit Kombo & Others vs Abbas Khatib Haji & Others (Civil Application 2 of 2006) [2006] TZCA 28 (13 November 2006) 13 November 2006
Kombo Khamis Hassan vs Paraskeyopolous Angelo (Znz Civil Application 6 of 2006) [2006] TZCA 27 (6 November 2006) 6 November 2006
October 2006
Hussein vs Hussein Ibrahim Sadiki & Sons (Civil Appeal 55 of 2000) [2006] TZCA 18 (30 October 2006) 30 October 2006
Waziri Maneno Choka vs Abasi Choka (Civil Appeal No. 51 of 1999) [2006] TZCA 19 (30 October 2006) 30 October 2006
Hotel TRAvertine Limited & Others vs National Bank of Commerce Limited (Civil Appeal 82 of 2002) [2006] TZCA 16 (27 October 2006) 27 October 2006
Moringe @ Kadogoo vs Republic (Criminal Application 9 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 17 (27 October 2006) 27 October 2006
Consolidated Holding Corporation vs Nyakato Soap Industries Ltd (Civil Appeal 58 of 2000) [2006] TZCA 15 (20 October 2006) 20 October 2006
MIire artan ismail vs zainabu njati (Civil Appeal 31 of 2006) [2006] TZCA 9 (20 October 2006) 20 October 2006
Yusufu Same & Another vs Hadija Yusufu (Civil Appeal No. 1 of 2002) [2006] TZCA 141 (20 October 2006) 20 October 2006
Standard Chartered Bank (T) Ltd vs Bata Shoe Company Ltd (Civil Application No. 101 of 2006) [2006] TZCA 151 (18 October 2006) 18 October 2006
Sisal Kamba Spinning Company Ltd vs Tpm (1998) Limited (Civil Appeal 9 of 2004) [2006] TZCA 13 (13 October 2006) 13 October 2006
Mumello vs Bank of Tanzania (Civil Appeal 12 of 2002) [2006] TZCA 12 (12 October 2006) 12 October 2006
Nchia vs Mapinduzi and Another (Civil Appeal 85 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 139 (12 October 2006) 12 October 2006
Nchia vs Mapinduzi & Another (Civil Appeal 85 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 90 (12 October 2006) 12 October 2006
Mungi @ Chake & Others vs Nbc Holding Corporation (Civil Appeal 76 of 2001) [2006] TZCA 11 (10 October 2006) 10 October 2006
Tanzania Postal Bank vs Muywanga General Enterprises (Civil Application No. 154 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 152 (5 October 2006) 5 October 2006
Deogratius Godwin vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 107 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 142 (4 October 2006) 4 October 2006
khamisi Ramadhani @ Rupindira vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 157 of 2003) [2006] TZCA 157 (4 October 2006) 4 October 2006
Kweka & Another vs Ngorika Bus Services & Transport Company Limited (Civil Appeal 129 of 2002) [2006] TZCA 10 (4 October 2006) 4 October 2006
Zakaria Japhet @ Jumanne & Others vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 37 of 2003) [2006] TZCA 150 (4 October 2006) 4 October 2006
September 2006
Joseph John vs Chandrakant Shamji Shah (Civil Application No. 7 of 2001) [2006] TZCA 148 (29 September 2006) 29 September 2006
Attorney General vs Yakuti & Others (Civil Appeal 49 of 2004) [2006] TZCA 8 (25 September 2006) 25 September 2006
August 2006
Alex Kapinga & Others vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 252 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 144 (31 August 2006) 31 August 2006
Alex Kapinga & Others vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 252 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 145 (31 August 2006) 31 August 2006
Nathaniel Alphonce Mapunda vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 251 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 143 (31 August 2006) 31 August 2006
Selemani Makumba vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 94 of 1999) [2006] TZCA 96 (21 August 2006)
21 August 2006
Stanbic Bank Tanzania Limited vs Abercrombie & Kent (T) Limited (Civil Appeal 21 of 2001) [2006] TZCA 7 (3 August 2006) 3 August 2006
Stanbic Bank Tanzania Limited vs Abercrombie & Kent (T) Limited (Civil Appeal 21 of 2001) [2006] TZCA 86 (3 August 2006) 3 August 2006
Tanganyika Farmers Association Limited vs Njake Oil Company Limited (Civil Appeal 40 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 6 (3 August 2006) 3 August 2006
July 2006
Tanganyika Farmers Association Limited vs Njake Oil Company Limited (Civil Appeal 40 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 85 (27 July 2006) 27 July 2006
Vip Engineering & Marketing Limited vs Mechmar Corporation (malaysia) Berhard of Malaysia (Civil Application 163 of 2004) [2006] TZCA 84 (26 July 2006) 26 July 2006
Abbas Sherally and Another vs Abdul Sultan Haji Mohamed Fazalboy (Civil Application 183 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 82 (24 July 2006) 24 July 2006
Tanzania Motor Services Ltd & Others vs Mehar Singh t/a Thaker Singh (Civil Appeal 115 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 5 (21 July 2006) 21 July 2006
Tanzania Telecommunications Co. Ltd & Others vs Tri Telecommunications Tanzania Ltd (Civil Revision 62 of 2006) [2006] TZCA 83 (20 July 2006) 20 July 2006
Japan International Cooperation Agency (jica) vs Khaki Complex Limited (Civil Appeal 107 of 2004) [2006] TZCA 4 (17 July 2006) 17 July 2006
Japan International Cooperation Agency (jica) vs Khaki Complex Limited (Civil Appeal 107 of 2004) [2006] TZCA 80 (17 July 2006) 17 July 2006
Kessy vs Registered Trustees of Agricultural Inputs Trust Fund & Others (Civil Application 46 of 2005) [2006] TZCA 81 (17 July 2006) 17 July 2006
Republic vs Shabani & Others (Criminal Appeal 48 of 2002) [2006] TZCA 79 (14 July 2006) 14 July 2006