Court of Appeal of Tanzania

This is the highest level in the justice delivery system in Tanzania. The Court of Appeal draws its mandate from Article 117(1) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. The Court hears appeals  on both point of law and facts for cases originating from the High Court of Tanzania and Magistrates with extended jurisdiction in exercise of their original jurisdiction or appellate and revisional jurisdiction over matters originating in the District Land and Housing Tribunals, District Courts and Courts of Resident Magistrate. The Court also hears similar appeals  from quasi judicial bodies of status equivalent to that of the High Court. It  further hears appeals  on point of law against the decision of the High Court in  matters originating from Primary Courts. The Court of Appeal also exercises jurisdiction on appeals originating from the High Court of Zanzibar except for constitutional issues arising from the interpretation of the Constitution of Zanzibar and matters arising from the Kadhi Court.

Physical address
26 Kivukoni Road Building P.O. Box 9004, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
17 judgments

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Judgment date
March 2007
Kobil (T) Ltd vs Mariam Kisangi t/a Mnafu Traders (Misc. Civil Cause No. 38 of 2006) [2007] TZCA 191 (29 March 2007) 29 March 2007
Caritas Kigoma vs K.G. Dewsi Ltd. (Civil Appeal 47 of 2004) [2007] TZCA 160 (16 March 2007) 16 March 2007
Caritas Kigoma vs K. G. Dewsi Ltd. (Civil Appeal 47 of 2004) [2007] TZCA 163 (16 March 2007) 16 March 2007
Caritas Kigoma vs K.G. Dewsi Ltd. (Civil Appeal 47 of 2004) [2007] TZCA 166 (16 March 2007)
16 March 2007
Caritas Kigoma vs K.G. Dewsi Ltd (Civil Appeal 47 of 2004) [2007] TZCA 173 (16 March 2007)
16 March 2007
George Humba vs James M. Kasuka (Civil Application 1 of 2005) [2007] TZCA 174 (16 March 2007)
16 March 2007
Madina vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 151 of 2005) [2007] TZCA 151 (16 March 2007) 16 March 2007
Mathias Bundala vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 62 of 2004) [2007] TZCA 161 (16 March 2007) 16 March 2007
Mathias Bundala vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 62 of 2004) [2007] TZCA 16 (16 March 2007) 16 March 2007
Mathias Bundala vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 62 of 2004) [2007] TZCA 175 (16 March 2007)
16 March 2007
Ndamashule Ndoshi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 120 of 2005) [2007] TZCA 176 (16 March 2007)
16 March 2007
Ngasa Madina vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 151 of 2005) [2007] TZCA 177 (16 March 2007)
16 March 2007
Ramadhani Salum vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 5 of 2004) [2007] TZCA 178 (16 March 2007)
16 March 2007
Rashid Seba vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 95 of 2005) [2007] TZCA 179 (16 March 2007)
16 March 2007
Said Chaly Scania vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 69 of 2005) [2007] TZCA 180 (16 March 2007)
16 March 2007
Zuberi Mussa vs Shimyanga Town Council (Civil Application 100 of 2004) [2007] TZCA 153 (16 March 2007) 16 March 2007
Zuberi Mussa vs Shinyanga Town Council (Civil Application 100 of 2004) [2007] TZCA 181 (16 March 2007)
16 March 2007