Court of Appeal of Tanzania

This is the highest level in the justice delivery system in Tanzania. The Court of Appeal draws its mandate from Article 117(1) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. The Court hears appeals  on both point of law and facts for cases originating from the High Court of Tanzania and Magistrates with extended jurisdiction in exercise of their original jurisdiction or appellate and revisional jurisdiction over matters originating in the District Land and Housing Tribunals, District Courts and Courts of Resident Magistrate. The Court also hears similar appeals  from quasi judicial bodies of status equivalent to that of the High Court. It  further hears appeals  on point of law against the decision of the High Court in  matters originating from Primary Courts. The Court of Appeal also exercises jurisdiction on appeals originating from the High Court of Zanzibar except for constitutional issues arising from the interpretation of the Constitution of Zanzibar and matters arising from the Kadhi Court.

Physical address
26 Kivukoni Road Building P.O. Box 9004, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
252 judgments

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Judgment date
December 2012
Mussa s/o Lulandala vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 186 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 231 (17 December 2012) 17 December 2012
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd vs Mechamar Corporation (Malaysia) Berhad and Seven Others (Civil Revision 1 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 246 (17 December 2012)
17 December 2012
Francesco Paulo Torregrossa vs Nassor Suleiman Abdalla and Suleiman Abdalla Salum (Civil Appeal No. 48 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 252 (15 December 2012) 15 December 2012
Mwinyshehe A. Mwinyishehe vs Secretary General Bilal Muslim Mission (Civil Appeal 36 of 2010) [2012] TZCA 76 (14 December 2012) 14 December 2012
Bi. Asha Seif & Another vs Ranjeet Gokal Damji (Civil Appeal 50 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 150 (13 December 2012) 13 December 2012
Makame Vuai Ussi vs John Moses Paul & Others (Civil Appeal 51 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 208 (13 December 2012) 13 December 2012
David Faustine @ Gaskoi Mushi & Another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 39 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 163 (12 December 2012) 12 December 2012
Jafari Mwale @ Maprosoo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 3 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 205 (12 December 2012) 12 December 2012
Makame Vuai Ussi vs John Moses Paul & Others (Civil Appeal 51 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 56 (12 December 2012) 12 December 2012
Alpitour World Hotels & Resorts S.P.A. & Others vs Kiwengwa Ltd (Civil Application 3 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 138 (11 December 2012) 11 December 2012
Emmanuel s/o Bura vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 183 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 241 (11 December 2012) 11 December 2012
Rahim s/o Isaka & Another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 229 of 2010) [2012] TZCA 236 (11 December 2012) 11 December 2012
Ally Zuberi Mabukusela vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 241 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 137 (10 December 2012) 10 December 2012
Abdul Juma @ Jumanne vs The DPP (Criminal Appeal 310 of 2009) [2012] TZCA 112 (7 December 2012) 7 December 2012
Lazaro Kalonga vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 348 of 2008) [2012] TZCA 201 (7 December 2012) 7 December 2012
Lazaro Kalonga vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 348 of 2008) [2012] TZCA 96 (7 December 2012) 7 December 2012
Aloyce Kitosi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 284 of 2009) [2012] TZCA 242 (6 December 2012) 6 December 2012
David Faustine @ Gaskoi Mushi & Another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 39 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 80 (6 December 2012) 6 December 2012
Jeremiah Paskal Gabriel vs Director of Public Prosecutions (Criminal Appeal 185 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 39 (6 December 2012) 6 December 2012
November 2012
Mtani Alfred vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 262 of 2009) [2012] TZCA 227 (27 November 2012) 27 November 2012
October 2012
Frank s/o William vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 182 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 94 (31 October 2012) 31 October 2012
Frank s/o Wilson vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 180 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 179 (31 October 2012) 31 October 2012
Mwigulu Dotto vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 302 of 2008) [2012] TZCA 233 (31 October 2012) 31 October 2012
Aman Fungabikasi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 270 of 2008) [2012] TZCA 2 (29 October 2012) 29 October 2012
Jumanne Shaban Mrondo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 282 of 2010) [2012] TZCA 257 (25 October 2012) 25 October 2012
Flora Kifebe As A Legal Personal Representative of Prosper Mwesigwa vs Kahama Mining Corporation Ltd. (Civil Appeal 39 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 250 (24 October 2012) 24 October 2012
Director of Public Prosecutions vs Elizabeth Michael Kimemeta @ Lulu (Criminal Application 6 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 167 (10 October 2012) 10 October 2012
Aeshi Hilary & Another vs Norbet Joseph Yamsebo (Consolidated Civil Appeals 55 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 130 (8 October 2012) 8 October 2012
Aeshi Hilary & Others vs Norbert Joseph Yamsebo (Consolidated Civil Appeals 55 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 116 (8 October 2012) 8 October 2012
Director of Public Prosecutions vs Elizabeth Michael Kimemeta @ Lulu (Criminal Application 6 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 84 (5 October 2012) 5 October 2012
Faustine Francis Tarimo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 245 of 2010) [2012] TZCA 176 (1 October 2012) 1 October 2012
Faustine Francis Tarimo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 245 of 2010) [2012] TZCA 92 (1 October 2012) 1 October 2012
Josephat James vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 316 of 2010) [2012] TZCA 159 (1 October 2012) 1 October 2012
Josephat James vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 316 of 2010) [2012] TZCA 191 (1 October 2012) 1 October 2012
Marco Kimili & Another vs Naishoki Eliau Kimiri (Civil Appeal 39 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 209 (1 October 2012) 1 October 2012
Marco Kimiri & Others vs Naishoki Eliau Kimiri (Civil Appeal 39 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 59 (1 October 2012) 1 October 2012
Meporoorison vs Elisa Sangeti (Civil Application 10 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 212 (1 October 2012) 1 October 2012
Meporoo Rison vs Elisa Sangeti (Civil Application 10 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 61 (1 October 2012) 1 October 2012
September 2012
Bakir Israel vs Republic (Criminal Application 4 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 146 (28 September 2012) 28 September 2012
Josephat James vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 316 of 2010) [2012] TZCA 47 (28 September 2012) 28 September 2012
Logileiki Meliyo @ Kitik & Others vs Longidare Menave & Others (Criminal Application 1 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 97 (28 September 2012) 28 September 2012
Logileiki Meliyo @ Kitim & Others vs Longidare Menave & Others (Criminal Application 1 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 202 (28 September 2012) 28 September 2012
Bahati Kundael Kessy vs Pastor Incharge Tanzania Assemlies of God (Civil Application 1 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 145 (20 September 2012) 20 September 2012
Bahati Kundael Kessy vs Pastor Incharge Tanzania Assemlies of God (Misc. Civil Application for Revision 1 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 26 (20 September 2012) 20 September 2012
Irene William Mkenga vs Costa Othiniel Ahia (Civil Application 4 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 182 (20 September 2012) 20 September 2012
Juma Swalehe vs Republic (Criminal Application 5 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 198 (20 September 2012) 20 September 2012
Birahi Nyankongo & Another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 182 of 2010) [2012] TZCA 151 (19 September 2012) 19 September 2012
Juma Swalehe vs Republic (Criminal Application 5 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 55 (19 September 2012) 19 September 2012
Lars Eric Hulstrom vs Jinglang Li (Cvil Application No. 123 of 2012) [2012] TZCA 256 (19 September 2012) 19 September 2012
Mussa Hassan Barie & Another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 292 of 2011) [2012] TZCA 230 (19 September 2012) 19 September 2012