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High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
34 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
November 1982
Hance Mwakafwila vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 155 of 1982) [1982] TZHC 30 (29 November 1982) 29 November 1982
Nyabundege s/o Mugeta vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 154 of 1982) [1982] TZHC 29 (15 November 1982) 15 November 1982
October 1982
Mathayo S/O Tibasalila vs Republic [1982] TZHC 20 (29 October 1982)
29 October 1982
Suzana D/O Charles vs Republic [1982] TZHC 21 (29 October 1982)
29 October 1982
Hassan Matolla vs Kadhi Wa Msikiti, Mwinyi Mkuu Street [1982] TZHC 19 (21 October 1982)
21 October 1982
Omoke Oloo vs Werema Magira [1982] TZHC 18 (18 October 1982)
18 October 1982
Leonard Pius & Others vs Republic [1982] TZHC 17 (11 October 1982)
11 October 1982
Sebastian S/O Antony Shayo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 181 of 1982) [1982] TZHC 31 (8 October 1982) 8 October 1982
September 1982
Emmanuel Mollel vs Republic [1982] TZHC 16 (29 September 1982)
29 September 1982
Salum Athumani vs Mwamini Hamisi [1982] TZHC 15 (23 September 1982)
23 September 1982
Festo Mwita vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 6 of 1980) [1982] TZHC 23 (10 September 1982) 10 September 1982
Abdalla Hamid Mohamed  vs Jasnena Zaludova [1982] TZHC 14 (8 September 1982)
8 September 1982
August 1982
Ahmed Ismail vs Juma Rajabu [1982] TZHC 13 (22 August 1982)
22 August 1982
Bhoke Heshack vs Heshack Chegu ((PC) Matr. Civil Appeal No. 19 of 1981) [1982] TZHC 33 (18 August 1982) 18 August 1982
Sarah Malogo vs William Vahaye [1982] TZHC 12 (14 August 1982)
14 August 1982
Berabera Ujamaa Village vs Abubakari Bura [1982] TZHC 11 (6 August 1982)
6 August 1982
Juma Thomas Mwarabu vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 115 of 1981) [1982] TZHC 28 (2 August 1982) 2 August 1982
July 1982
Vicent Mnamba vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 99 of 1981) [1982] TZHC 27 (31 July 1982) 31 July 1982
Jeremiah Kamama vs Bugomola Mayandi [1982] TZHC 10 (6 July 1982)
6 July 1982
June 1982
Elias Mbalaga vs Republic [1982] TZHC 9 (18 June 1982)
18 June 1982
Salum Shabani vs Republic [1982] TZHC 8 (7 June 1982)
7 June 1982
May 1982
C. 6237 P.C. Edwin & Another vs Republic [1982] TZHC 7 (31 May 1982)
31 May 1982
Ahmad Hashim vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 1 of 1981) [1982] TZHC 25 (12 May 1982) 12 May 1982
April 1982
Issa Mohamed & another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 51 & 52 of 1981) [1982] TZHC 26 (30 April 1982) 30 April 1982
Polylculp Kahoho vs Anyesi Jeradi ((PC) Matr. Civil Appeal No. 34 of 1980) [1982] TZHC 34 (25 April 1982) 25 April 1982
Republic vs Karimu Taibale [1982] TZHC 5 (21 April 1982)
21 April 1982
Republic vs Sempeto Vincent [1982] TZHC 6 (21 April 1982)
21 April 1982
Kauto Ally vs Republic [1982] TZHC 4 (14 April 1982)
14 April 1982
A.C Mwakyusa vs Tanzania Housing Bank (Misc. Civil Cause 5 of 1982) [1982] TZHC 24 (8 April 1982) 8 April 1982
March 1982
Wilbard Mzanila vs Hamis Hassan (Civil Appeal 34 of 1980) [1982] TZHC 22 (26 March 1982) 26 March 1982
Mbambege Felix J.M vs Sangwje Mwambegele ((PC) Matrimonial Civil App No. 7 of 1981) [1982] TZHC 32 (23 March 1982) 23 March 1982
Juma Bakari vs Republic [1982] TZHC 3 (16 March 1982)
16 March 1982
January 1982
Bibi Kisoko Medard vs Minister For Lands, Housing & Urban Development & Another [1982] TZHC 1 (1 January 1982)
1 January 1982
Makungu Kahindi vs Luhumbika Nyanda [1982] TZHC 2 (1 January 1982)
1 January 1982