High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
35 judgments

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Judgment date
December 1994
Attorney General vs Akoonay & Another (Civil Appeal 31 of 1994) [1994] TZHC 4 (21 December 1994) 21 December 1994
Mwanahamisi Sultani vs Mathew Haule (Civil Appeal 57 of 1993) [1994] TZHC 413 (6 December 1994) 6 December 1994
Sultani vs Haule (PC Civil Appeal 57 of 1993) [1994] TZHC 3 (6 December 1994) 6 December 1994
Domin P. K. G. Mshana vs Almasi Chande & Another (Civil Case 68 of 1994) [1994] TZHC 419 (1 December 1994) 1 December 1994
Godwin Ngao vs Attorney General (Civil Case 243 of 1994) [1994] TZHC 420 (1 December 1994) 1 December 1994
November 1994
Joseph vs Sokoine University of Agriculture (Civil Appeal 76 of 1994) [1994] TZHC 409 (15 November 1994) 15 November 1994
Salesi Wambula vs Mathew Nakapete (Civil Appeal 55 of 1994) [1994] TZHC 406 (10 November 1994) 10 November 1994
Ahmad Kasongo v Selina Stanslaus (Civil Appeal 21/94) [1994] TZHC 32 (4 November 1994) 4 November 1994
Bhupenda P. Oza vs National Housing Corporation [1994] TZHC 13 (3 November 1994)
3 November 1994
October 1994
Ectus Wangabo vs Principal Secretary of Home Affairs & Another (Misc. Civil Case 54 of 1995) [1994] TZHC 414 (26 October 1994) 26 October 1994
Rev. Christopher Mtikila vs Attorney General [1994] TZHC 12 (24 October 1994)
24 October 1994
In the Matter of an Application by Oletus Wangabo for leave to apply for orders of Certioreri and Mandamus & Another vs Oletus Wangabo & Another (Misc. Civil Cause 54 of 1993) [1994] TZHC 417 (16 October 1994) 16 October 1994
Said Salum vs The Republic (Criminal Appeal 8 of 1994) [1994] TZHC 411 (12 October 1994) 12 October 1994
September 1994
Garson Mwenisongole vs Susan Mwanisongole (Civil Appeal 55 of 1993) [1994] TZHC 405 (20 September 1994) 20 September 1994
Sinani Amiri Juma vs Hamdani Masudi Kituka (Civil Appeal 60 of 1993) [1994] TZHC 408 (8 September 1994) 8 September 1994
Ramadhani Amiri vs Yusufu Rajabu [1994] TZHC 11 (2 September 1994)
2 September 1994
August 1994
Fabian Munraha vs Rukaya Munraha [1994] TZHC 10 (30 August 1994)
30 August 1994
Frank Marealle vs Fatuma mohamed (Civil Appeal 34 of 1994) [1994] TZHC 402 (19 August 1994) 19 August 1994
F. A Jessa vs Jumanne Ramadhani (Misc. Civil Appeal 11 of 1993) [1994] TZHC 401 (12 August 1994) 12 August 1994
F. A Jessa vs Jumanne Ramadhani (Misc. Civil Appeal 11 of 1993) [1994] TZHC 412 (12 August 1994) 12 August 1994
Lawrence Bishobe vs Dar es Salaam City Council (Misc. Civil Application 50 of 1994) [1994] TZHC 403 (9 August 1994) 9 August 1994
July 1994
George Shambwe vs Tanzania Italian Petroleum Co. Ltd. [1994] TZHC 9 (21 July 1994)
21 July 1994
Managing Director K.J.Motors vs Elias Halfan Ndyamkama and Others (Civil Appeal 51 of 1994) [1994] TZHC 404 (6 July 1994) 6 July 1994
June 1994
Seif Household Store Ltd vs New Mabai Store [1994] TZHC 8 (30 June 1994)
30 June 1994
Republic vs Mbushuu Alias Dominic Mnyaroje & Kalai Sangula [1994] TZHC 7 (22 June 1994)
22 June 1994
April 1994
Helen Jacob vs Ramadhani Rajabu [1994] TZHC 6 (13 April 1994)
13 April 1994
March 1994
Khadija Abdallah vs Ajesh Vaja & Others [1994] TZHC 5 (25 March 1994)
25 March 1994
Stephen Mbonde vs Burhani Charitable Dispensary (Civil Appeal 57 of 1993) [1994] TZHC 407 (22 March 1994) 22 March 1994
Republic vs D 4527 D/c Ashery & Three Others [1994] TZHC 400 (16 March 1994)
16 March 1994
February 1994
Fadhili Mohamedi vs Shabani Uhahi (Civil Appeal 33 of 1988) [1994] TZHC 418 (4 February 1994) 4 February 1994
Fadhil Mohamed vs Shabani Unami (Civil Application 33 of 1988) [1994] TZHC 415 (4 February 1994) 4 February 1994
Hassani Kilala vs Juma Said [1994] TZHC 300 (1 February 1994)
1 February 1994
January 1994
Hussein Ramadhani & Another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 60 of 1993) [1994] TZHC 416 (19 January 1994) 19 January 1994
Phenix Pharmaceuticals (NEDERLAND) B.V vs Phenix Pharmacies (T) Ltd (Civil Case 228 of 1992) [1994] TZHC 421 (18 January 1994) 18 January 1994
Iddi Mulunzi & Another vs Club Manager T.C.C Sports & Social Club (Civil Application 15 of 1994) [1994] TZHC 410 (1 January 1994) 1 January 1994