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High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
48 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
December 2001
Jamson Mwahande vs Bunge Mwangoka & others ((PC) Civil Appeal No. 19 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 33 (3 December 2001) 3 December 2001
Engen Petroleum (T) Limited vs Tanzania Revenue Authority (Civil Case No. 36 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 35 (1 December 2001) 1 December 2001
Hawa Omari vs Hamza Katembo (Misc. Civil Cause 110 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 14 (1 December 2001) 1 December 2001
November 2001
Lutengano Moses vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 75 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 42 (19 November 2001) 19 November 2001
Mshamu Saidi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 50 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 31 (11 November 2001) 11 November 2001
Dar es Salaam Yatch Club & another vs Dominic Karigwa sigwa (Misc. Civil Cause No. 139 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 45 (10 November 2001) 10 November 2001
Hassan vs Nkanatila (Civil Appeal 112 of 1996) [2001] TZHC 9 (1 November 2001) 1 November 2001
Ibrahim Mohamed Hassan vs Awadh Said Nkanatila (Civil Appeal 112 of 1996) [2001] TZHC 17 (1 November 2001) 1 November 2001
Ibrahim Mphamed Hassan vs Awadh Said Nkanatila (Civil Appeal 112 of 1996) [2001] TZHC 27 (1 November 2001) 1 November 2001
Republic vs Said (Criminal Appeal 50 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 8 (1 November 2001) 1 November 2001
October 2001
Stephen Wambura @ Pius vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 86 of 2000) [2001] TZHC 21 (5 October 2001) 5 October 2001
Peter Kefa vs Republic (Criminal Revision No. 4 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 43 (3 October 2001) 3 October 2001
September 2001
In the Matter of the Adoption Ordinance Cap 335 vs In the Matter of Shaheena Salim Damani an Infant (Misc. Civil Cause 231 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 20 (27 September 2001) 27 September 2001
Leonard Jonathan vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 53 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 41 (21 September 2001) 21 September 2001
Chandrakant G. Patel vs Hamanshu D. Patel (Civil Case No. 324 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 37 (20 September 2001) 20 September 2001
Mtumwa Binti Salum Rajabu vs Jackson Zephania Ludingija (Civil Revision No. 69 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 38 (17 September 2001) 17 September 2001
Rashid S/O Salehe Nzunda vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 16 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 40 (17 September 2001) 17 September 2001
August 2001
Federation of Mines Association of Tanzania & Others vs M/s Africa Gem Resources (AFGEM) & Others (Misc. Civil Case 23 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 7 (22 August 2001) 22 August 2001
Federation of Mines Associations of Tanzania & Others vs M/S Africa Gem Resources (AFGEM) & Others (Misc. Civil Case 23 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 30 (22 August 2001) 22 August 2001
Margareth Gama vs Malmo Monte Consult (Civil Appeal 100 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 18 (21 August 2001) 21 August 2001
BP Tanzania Ltd vs Nyanza Co-operative (1984) Union (Commercial Case 49 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 6 (17 August 2001) 17 August 2001
Bank of Tanzania vs Labour Commissioner & Another (Misc. Civil Cause 51 of 1999) [2001] TZHC 25 (1 August 2001) 1 August 2001
Bank of Tanzania vs Labour Commissioner & Another (Misc. Civil Cause 51 of 1999) [2001] TZHC 5 (1 August 2001) 1 August 2001
July 2001
Tanzania Saruji Corporation vs Azania Investments and Management Services Limited @AIMS GROUP (Civil Case No. 341 of 1999) [2001] TZHC 47 (28 July 2001) 28 July 2001
Kondo vs Ngulangwa (PC Civil Appeal 103 of 2000) [2001] TZHC 4 (26 July 2001) 26 July 2001
Zainabu Kondo vs Hamis Ally Ngulangwa (Civil Appeal 103 of 2000) [2001] TZHC 29 (26 July 2001) 26 July 2001
Msafiri Sidoni vs Republic ((DC) Criminal Appeal No. 141 of 2003) [2001] TZHC 46 (24 July 2001) 24 July 2001
Mwajuma Mohamed Njopeka vs Juma Said Mkorogoro (P.C. Civil Appeal No. 6 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 32 (13 July 2001) 13 July 2001
Diamond Motors Ltd vs Zakayo Daud Mabula & Another (Civil Case 389 of 2000) [2001] TZHC 23 (10 July 2001) 10 July 2001
Diamond Motors Ltd vs Zakayo Daud Mabula T/A Maka BrOthers General Enterprises & Another (Civil Case 389 of 2000) [2001] TZHC 13 (10 July 2001) 10 July 2001
June 2001
Ayaz R. Teja & another vs Crown Finance and Leasing Limited (Civil Case No. 114 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 36 (28 June 2001) 28 June 2001
Julius Ishengoma Francis Ndyanabo vs Attorney General (Misc. Civil Cause No. 2 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 44 (28 June 2001) 28 June 2001
Omary Rajabu vs Juma Sultani Langeni (Civil Appeal 94 of 1995) [2001] TZHC 11 (28 June 2001) 28 June 2001
Dar Es Salaam Education and office Stationery and Another vs National Bank of Commerce and 2 Others (Civil Case 248 of 1994) [2001] TZHC 10 (18 June 2001) 18 June 2001
Gulya Mohamed vs Ahmed Makamo (Civil Appeal No. 45 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 34 (8 June 2001) 8 June 2001
Chamlomo & Others vs Ndalahwa (Civil Case 421 of 1999) [2001] TZHC 3 (7 June 2001) 7 June 2001
Patric Chamlomo & Others vs Sospeter N. Ndalahwa (Civil Case 421 of 1999) [2001] TZHC 15 (7 June 2001) 7 June 2001
Patrick Chamlomo & Others vs Sospeter N. Ndalahwa (Civil Case 421 of 1999) [2001] TZHC 24 (7 June 2001) 7 June 2001
May 2001
CRDB Bank Limited vs Wakwetu & CO. Limited & another (Commercial Case No. 31 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 39 (28 May 2001) 28 May 2001
Erasto Nkomorwa vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 119 of 2000) [2001] TZHC 22 (2 May 2001) 2 May 2001
April 2001
Tino R. Shempemba vs C. M. Temba (Civil Appeal 131 of 1999) [2001] TZHC 12 (19 April 2001) 19 April 2001
Yesaya Tewela Mwambungu vs N.B.C. Holding Corporation (Misc. Civil Application No. 13 of 1999) [2001] TZHC 48 (12 April 2001) 12 April 2001
March 2001
Hussein vs Mjema (PC Civil Appeal 64 of 2000) [2001] TZHC 2 (1 March 2001) 1 March 2001
Salum Hussein vs Raphael Mjema (Civil Appeal 64 of 2000) [2001] TZHC 28 (1 March 2001) 1 March 2001
February 2001
Tan Clean Co. Ltd & Another vs Propriator of La Dolce Vita (Civil Revision 8 of 2001) [2001] TZHC 19 (23 February 2001) 23 February 2001
January 2001
Tanzania Habour Authority vs Kader F. Mohamed (Misc. Civil Cause 94 of 1996) [2001] TZHC 16 (19 January 2001) 19 January 2001
Tanzania Habour Authority vs Mohamed (Misc. Civil Cause 94 of 1996) [2001] TZHC 1 (19 January 2001) 19 January 2001
Tanzania Habours Authority vs Kader F. Mohamed (Misc. Civil Cause 94 of 1996) [2001] TZHC 26 (19 January 2001) 19 January 2001