High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
22 judgments

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Judgment date
May 2008
Amisa Kambi Kunguru vs Minister for Lands and Human Stettlement & others (Land Case No. 87 of 2006) [2008] TZHC 296 (30 May 2008) 30 May 2008
Mugeta Mwita vs Ghati Tumbo (HC Civil Appeal No. 33 of 1999) [2008] TZHC 344 (29 May 2008) 29 May 2008
Richard D. Surera vs Tanesco & Others (Civil Appeal 36 of 2006) [2008] TZHC 70 (29 May 2008) 29 May 2008
Veronica Wambura vs Seni Manumbu (Civil Appeal 37 of 2006) [2008] TZHC 71 (29 May 2008) 29 May 2008
Kakwaya Nyasahili vs Martin Nyasahili (HC Civil Revision No. 3 of 2006) [2008] TZHC 294 (28 May 2008) 28 May 2008
Marwa s/o Maranya & Another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 29 of 2007) [2008] TZHC 100 (28 May 2008) 28 May 2008
Tropical Commodities LTD vs Cashew Nut Board of Tanzania & another (Commercial No. 82 of 2006) [2008] TZHC 285 (28 May 2008) 28 May 2008
Mawazo Robert Stephen vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 130 of 2007) [2008] TZHC 113 (27 May 2008) 27 May 2008
Rupiana Tungu & 3 Others vs Abdul Buddy & Another (Civil Appeal 115 of 2004) [2008] TZHC 39 (27 May 2008) 27 May 2008
Shaban s/o Said vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 26 of 2007) [2008] TZHC 90 (27 May 2008) 27 May 2008
Almando Mbawala vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 14 of 2007) [2008] TZHC 98 (26 May 2008) 26 May 2008
Peter s/o Sengerema & Another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 101 of 2004) [2008] TZHC 206 (26 May 2008) 26 May 2008
Joseph Mkaima Matheus vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 11 of 2007) [2008] TZHC 97 (23 May 2008) 23 May 2008
Mapambano Rahisi & Another vs Republic (Consolidate Criminal Appeals 83 of 2007) [2008] TZHC 88 (23 May 2008) 23 May 2008
Ramadhani s/o Ngazi vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 96 of 2006) [2008] TZHC 144 (23 May 2008) 23 May 2008
Mussa Shabani Ngowengo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 91 of 2007) [2008] TZHC 241 (16 May 2008) 16 May 2008
Yassin Mohamed Abdallah vs Said Mohamedi Mangumbi (Civil Appeal No. 7 of 2007) [2008] TZHC 265 (13 May 2008) 13 May 2008
Yassin Mohamedi Abdalah vs Saidi Mohamedi Nangumbi (Civil Appeal 7 of 2007) [2008] TZHC 40 (13 May 2008) 13 May 2008
Yassin Mohamedi Abdallah vs Saidi Mohamedi Mangumbi (Civil Appeal No. 7 of 2007) [2008] TZHC 266 (13 May 2008) 13 May 2008
Yassin Mohamedi Abdallah vs Saidi Mohamedi Nangumbi (Civil Appeal No. 7 of 2007) [2008] TZHC 283 (13 May 2008) 13 May 2008
Zabruni Shemu vs Philipo Charles & Another (Civil Appeal 153 of 2005) [2008] TZHC 58 (8 May 2008) 8 May 2008
Simon Dunia vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Appeal 22 of 2008) [2008] TZHC 166 (7 May 2008) 7 May 2008