High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
238 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
July 2013
Veronica Charles vs Mirambo Iddy (Civil Appeal 19 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2029 (3 July 2013) 3 July 2013
Zaituni Bakari vs Salima Hamisi Saharani & Another (Misc. Land Application No. 1 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2182 (3 July 2013) 3 July 2013
John Benjamini vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 24 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2042 (2 July 2013) 2 July 2013
Clara John Masanja vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 2 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2082 (1 July 2013) 1 July 2013
Director of Public Prosecution vs Jerry Muro & Others (Criminal Appeal 112 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2057 (1 July 2013) 1 July 2013
June 2013
Issa Muhibu vs Republic (Criminal Appel No. 11 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2193 (27 June 2013) 27 June 2013
J.P International Ltd vs Consolidated Holding Corporation (Misc. Civil Cause 8 of 2004) [2013] TZHC 2116 (27 June 2013) 27 June 2013
Kikombe Mabula vs Mwenyekiti Chama Cha Ifogong'oho Habiya (Civil Appeal 44 of 2007) [2013] TZHC 2068 (27 June 2013) 27 June 2013
Ahamad s/o Hamisi Nampamba & others vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 48 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2135 (26 June 2013) 26 June 2013
Issa S/O Shashan vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 7 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2084 (25 June 2013) 25 June 2013
Hamad Rashid Mohamed & others vs Registered Trustees of the Civil United Front (CUF)- Chama cha Wananchi (Civil Case No. 1of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2127 (24 June 2013) 24 June 2013
Hassani Mawazo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 7 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2163 (24 June 2013) 24 June 2013
Nassoro Magina Ng'hosha vs Branch Manager National Microfinance Bank (DC Civil Appeal 13 of 2011) [2013] TZHC 2025 (24 June 2013) 24 June 2013
Sarah Siasi vs Rosemary Silvesta (Misc. Land Application No. 145 of 2022) [2013] TZHC 2159 (23 June 2013) 23 June 2013
Hekima Enterprises Company Limited vs NIC Bank Tanzania Limited & another (Land Case No. 90 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2158 (21 June 2013) 21 June 2013
Masasi District Council vs Moses Ambros Chiwiga & Others (DC Civil Appeal No. 4 of 2011) [2013] TZHC 2227 (21 June 2013) 21 June 2013
Mwajuma Halfan vs Amir Suwedi (PC Matrimonial Appeal No. 2 of 2011) [2013] TZHC 2233 (20 June 2013) 20 June 2013
Ramadhani Sood Balenga vs Hans Aingaya Macha (Land Case No. 66 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2200 (17 June 2013) 17 June 2013
Saidi s/o Issa vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 40 of 2011) [2013] TZHC 2223 (14 June 2013) 14 June 2013
Silverstone Proprties Co. Limited vs Dar es Salaam City Council & Another (Land Case No. 47 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2199 (14 June 2013) 14 June 2013
Miriam d/o Soko vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal No. 18 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2169 (13 June 2013) 13 June 2013
James Michael vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 5 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2083 (10 June 2013) 10 June 2013
Fimbo Guga vs Fimbo Kanuda (Civil Appeal 41 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2030 (7 June 2013) 7 June 2013
Charles Mwaleya vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application No. 16 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2148 (6 June 2013) 6 June 2013
Mussa Nkumbi & Others vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 98 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2055 (4 June 2013) 4 June 2013
May 2013
Selemani J. Shilangila Vs. Khadija Jafari Shilangila & 4 Others (Pc. Civil Appeal No. 21 of 2022) [2013] TZHC 2125 (31 Mei 2013) 31 May 2013
Dr. Omary Lushino vs Iringa Urban Water Supply & Sewarage Authority (DC Civil Appeal 5 of 2011) [2013] TZHC 2024 (30 May 2013)
30 May 2013
Abdallah Omary Kilondomala vs Joseph Paul Zenda (Misc. Land Case Application No. 5 of 2011) [2013] TZHC 2236 (28 May 2013) 28 May 2013
Ahamadi Selemani Mtipa vs CRDB (1996) LTD & Another (Land Appeal No. 10 of 2007) [2013] TZHC 2239 (28 May 2013) 28 May 2013
Hussein Issa Maftaa vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 43 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2047 (28 May 2013) 28 May 2013
Tabu S/O Joseph & Another vs Kija S/O Maliganya (Criminal Appeal 8 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2059 (28 May 2013) 28 May 2013
Magina Juma vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 69 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2053 (27 May 2013) 27 May 2013
Imani Nchimbi vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal No. 10 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2192 (24 May 2013) 24 May 2013
Leonard John vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Appeal 103 of 2004) [2013] TZHC 2117 (22 May 2013) 22 May 2013
Masumbuko s/o Kulubone vs Republic (Misc. Application 25 of 2003) [2013] TZHC 2120 (22 May 2013) 22 May 2013
Ndilandekula s/o Elias & Another vs Republic (HC Misc. Criminal Application 83 of 2005) [2013] TZHC 2115 (22 May 2013) 22 May 2013
Athumani Hassani vs Hussein Juma Mayai (3 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2031 (21 May 2013) 21 May 2013
Hamida d/o Sambamba vs Oliva Mbuja & Another (Land Appeal 30 of 2008) [2013] TZHC 2109 (21 May 2013) 21 May 2013
Mashaa Hassan vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 47 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2049 (21 May 2013) 21 May 2013
Shemsi Khamis Juma vs Moh'd Kombo Juma (Civil Appeal 43 of 2011) [2013] TZHC 2027 (21 May 2013) 21 May 2013
Almas s/o Mangapi & Others vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal No. 27 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2212 (20 May 2013) 20 May 2013
Jacob Farah Madili vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 6 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2071 (20 May 2013) 20 May 2013
Kija S/O Langula vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Appeal 61 of 2002) [2013] TZHC 2119 (20 May 2013) 20 May 2013
Michael Thomas Nyungi vs Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority & Another (Misc. Civil Cause 28 of 2011) [2013] TZHC 2111 (16 May 2013) 16 May 2013
Michael Thomas Nyungi vs Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority & Another (Misc. Civil Cause No. 28 of 2011) [2013] TZHC 2232 (16 May 2013) 16 May 2013
John Andrew Maleso & Others vs Republic (Misc. Appication No. 4 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2201 (13 May 2013) 13 May 2013
Hamidu Saleh Kungule vs Anthony Hukumu Mwalemi & another (Civil Revision No. 48 of 2012) [2013] TZHC 2131 (10 May 2013) 10 May 2013
Said Kijika vs Yohana Msaka (Civil Appeal 94 of 2000) [2013] TZHC 2121 (10 May 2013) 10 May 2013
Quality Group Limited vs Tanzania Building Agency (Civil Case 135 of 2003) [2013] TZHC 2118 (9 May 2013) 9 May 2013
Wilfed Lwakatare & Another vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 14 of 2013) [2013] TZHC 2102 (3 May 2013) 3 May 2013