High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
44 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
July 2014
Bestcom Company LTD vs Jacob Mtalitinya (Civil Case 160 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2063 (31 July 2014) 31 July 2014
Bestcom Company Ltd. vs Jacob Mtalitinya t.a IT Farm (Civil Case 160 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2176 (31 July 2014)
31 July 2014
Digna Laurent Mashaka vs Laurent Abdallah Mashaka (Matrimonia Appeal 76 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2182 (31 July 2014)
31 July 2014
Zanzibar Petroleum Limited vs Hussein J. Kilongo (Revision No. 313 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2367 (31 July 2014) 31 July 2014
Charles Petro vs St. Carol Institution (Revision No. 4 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2324 (28 July 2014) 28 July 2014
Jonathan James Palangyo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 35 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2146 (28 July 2014) 28 July 2014
Maneno s/o Mpogole vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal 12 of 2007) [2014] TZHC 2132 (25 July 2014) 25 July 2014
Said Ramadhan vs Geita Gold Mining (Misc. Labour Application 29 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2275 (25 July 2014) 25 July 2014
ULF Nilson vs Tito Mziray Andrew (Land Case 66 of 2007) [2014] TZHC 2143 (25 July 2014) 25 July 2014
Frida Andrew Kaiza vs Vedasto Mugyabuso Kujwalire & Another (Probate & Administration Cause 60 of 2007) [2014] TZHC 2156 (24 July 2014) 24 July 2014
Nazareth Amon vs New Africa Casino LTD (Civil Revision 72 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2065 (24 July 2014) 24 July 2014
Saidi Mohamed Omari vs Neema H. Malivata (PC Matrimonial Appeal 7 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2254 (24 July 2014) 24 July 2014
Osward Philip Swilimba vs Tanzania Zambia Railways Authority (TAZARA) and 2 Others (Misc. Civil Application 111 of 2010) [2014] TZHC 2035 (23 July 2014) 23 July 2014
Bakari Mohamedi Rwambo vs Raiya Nassoro & Another (Civil Appeal 55 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2162 (22 July 2014) 22 July 2014
Republic vs Mbegu Juma @Pazi (Criminal Session Case 36 of 2010) [2014] TZHC 2028 (22 July 2014) 22 July 2014
Hamid Mfaume Ibrahim vs KBC Tanzania Limited (Misc. Labour Application No. 245 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2298 (18 July 2014) 18 July 2014
Sariro R. Mwita vs Katibu Mkyy Wizara ya Maji na Umwagiliaji (Civil Case 8 of 2010) [2014] TZHC 2024 (18 July 2014) 18 July 2014
Ambela Athman vs Rashidi Mohamed Sakele (Misc. Civil Application 21 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2265 (17 July 2014) 17 July 2014
Langet Kursasy vs Republic (Criminal Application 55 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2142 (17 July 2014) 17 July 2014
Anjelina Pastory & Another vs RPC Mara Region & Another (Civil Case 22 of 2007) [2014] TZHC 2125 (16 July 2014) 16 July 2014
Chesam Mgaya vs Leiyo Latetei (Civil Appeal 2 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2151 (11 July 2014) 11 July 2014
Elias Paulo Kiboma vs Herman C. D'Mello (Misc. Land Case Appeal 17 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2283 (11 July 2014) 11 July 2014
Laurent Davico & Another vs Karim Idd Zayumba & Others (Land Case Appeal 19 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2116 (11 July 2014) 11 July 2014
Mohamed Makame vs Mohamedi & Others (Land Case Appeal 18 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2115 (11 July 2014) 11 July 2014
Omari Juma Jabiri & Others vs Hadija Omari & Others (Land Case Appeal 17 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2114 (11 July 2014) 11 July 2014
Daudi Mambea Mshana vs Mwanaidi Kihama Msangi (PC Civil Appeal 21 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2173 (10 July 2014)
10 July 2014
Kilimanjaro Paints LTD vs Consolidated Holding Corporation (Civil Case 109 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2062 (10 July 2014) 10 July 2014
National Investments Company LTD & others vs Gideon Kaunda & others (Misc. Civil Application No. 297 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2338 (10 July 2014) 10 July 2014
National Microfinance Bank vs Beatrice Mbasha (Civil Appeal No. 25 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2398 (10 July 2014) 10 July 2014
George Mapunda & another vs DAWASCO (Misc. Rev. No. 1 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2357 (9 July 2014) 9 July 2014
George Mapunda & another vs DAWASCO (Misc. Rev. No. 1 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2358 (9 July 2014) 9 July 2014
Mohamed Yasini Mkoka & Others vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 69 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2219 (9 July 2014) 9 July 2014
Luxury Appartments Limited vs Edward Wilson Ngwale and 3 Others (Misc. Land Application 59 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2184 (8 July 2014)
8 July 2014
Luxury Appartments Limited vs Edward Wilson Ngwale & Others (Misc. Land Aplication 59 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2278 (8 July 2014) 8 July 2014
Mwenyekiti Kijiji Cha Komkonga vs Omari Athuman Lungo (Misc. Land Case Appeal 38 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2136 (8 July 2014) 8 July 2014
Hemed Rashid vs Salma Hussein (Civil Appeal 60 of 2009) [2014] TZHC 2050 (7 July 2014) 7 July 2014
Farida Said Seif vs Mohamed Hamisi Mfyule & Another (Land Case Appeal No. 1 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2404 (4 July 2014) 4 July 2014
Farida Said Seif vs Mohamed Hamis Mfyule & Another (Land Appeal 1 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2243 (4 July 2014) 4 July 2014
Republic vs Majuto s/o Gohage and 2 Others (Criminal Session Case 36 of 2010) [2014] TZHC 2029 (4 July 2014) 4 July 2014
Republic vs Crospery s.o Gabriel & Others (Criminal Session Case No. 13 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2401 (3 July 2014) 3 July 2014
Baraka Nurdin Maloya vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 53 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2213 (2 July 2014) 2 July 2014
Lemi Ndengu vs Omari Issa (Criminal Appeal 3 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2069 (2 July 2014) 2 July 2014
Rehema s/o Gali ya Moshi Komba vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 105 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2138 (2 July 2014) 2 July 2014
Robiri R. Robiri vs Manjit Singh Sandhu & others (Civil Case No. 13 of 1999) [2014] TZHC 2422 (1 July 2014) 1 July 2014