High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
95 judgments

Court registries

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February 2018
Muro Investment Co. Ltd vs Alice Andrew Mlele (Civil Appeal No. 72 of 2015) [2018] TZHC 2313 (16 February 2018) 16 February 2018
Muro Investments Co. Limited vs Alice Andrew Mlela (Civil Appeal No. 72 of 2015) [2018] TZHC 24 (16 February 2018) 16 February 2018
National Ranching Co. Limited vs Interland Surveyors (Misc. Civil Application No. 775 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 20 (16 February 2018) 16 February 2018
National Ranching Company Ltd vs Interland Surveyors (Misc. Civil Application No. 775 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2482 (16 February 2018) 16 February 2018
National Ranching Company Ltd vs Interland Surveyors (Misc. Civil Application No. 775 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2489 (16 February 2018) 16 February 2018
Ramadhani Said Mussa Mukutika & Another vs Administrator General of Tanzania & Another (Land Case No. 29 of 2015) [2018] TZHC 2470 (16 February 2018) 16 February 2018
Ramadhani Said Mussa Mukutika vs Administrator General of Tanzania (Land Case No. 29 of 2015) [2018] TZHC 39 (16 February 2018) 16 February 2018
Ramadhani Umaru vs Abdu Mussa (Misc. Civil Application No. 39 of 2015) [2018] TZHC 2439 (16 February 2018) 16 February 2018
Tanzania Oxygen Limited vs William Ismail Mosha (Land Case No. 107 of 2017) [2018] TZHC 58 (16 February 2018) 16 February 2018
Amina Khalfani vs Sara Lifa Lyimo (Civil Appeal No. 10 of 2018) [2018] TZHC 34 (15 February 2018) 15 February 2018
Amina Khalfan vs Sara Lifa Lyimo (Civil Appeal No. 10 of 2018) [2018] TZHC 2385 (15 February 2018) 15 February 2018
Awadhi Saidi Yusuph vs Asha Abdallah (PC Civil Appeal No. 97 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2372 (15 February 2018) 15 February 2018
Bakari Mohamed vs Hadija John (Civil Appeal No. 21 of 2018) [2018] TZHC 2458 (15 February 2018) 15 February 2018
Bakari Mohamed vs Hadija John (Civil Appeal No. 21 of 2018) [2018] TZHC 32 (15 February 2018) 15 February 2018
Mtm Arch Contempo & 2 Others vs Fbme Bank Ltd (Civil Case No. 273 of 2013) [2018] TZHC 2459 (15 February 2018) 15 February 2018
Mtm Arch Contempo & 2 Others vs Fbme Bank Ltd (Civil Case No. 273 of 2013) [2018] TZHC 31 (15 February 2018) 15 February 2018
Jacob Marco Massawe vs Fransisco Damian Swai & other (Probate & Administration Cause No. 51 of 2017) [2018] TZHC 2500 (14 February 2018) 14 February 2018
Jamal Said & Others vs Karmal Aziz Msuya (Land Case No. 42 of 2017) [2018] TZHC 2476 (14 February 2018) 14 February 2018
Kayanda Mshangaa vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No 100 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2976 (14 February 2018) 14 February 2018
Moses Mlawa vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 396 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2326 (14 February 2018) 14 February 2018
Msafiri s/o Chitama & Another vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application No. 7 of 2017) [2018] TZHC 2495 (14 February 2018) 14 February 2018
Gold Coin Finance Co. Ltd & Another vs Lyander Sam Macha (Civil Appeal No. 233 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2310 (13 February 2018) 13 February 2018
Philibert Mtei & Another vs Ubungo District Commissioner & other (Misc. Civil Cause No. 3 of 2018) [2018] TZHC 87 (13 February 2018) 13 February 2018
Star Digital Technologies & Pritways Ltd & Another vs Stanbic Bank (t) & 2 Others (Land Case No. 35 of 2013) [2018] TZHC 2472 (13 February 2018) 13 February 2018
Abdu Said Byarushengo & Others vs Isaka Yusufu Dumba & Others (Civil Application No. 44 of 2013) [2018] TZHC 2404 (9 February 2018) 9 February 2018
Dominic M. Mgeta vs Yakobo Isaya (Misc. Land Appeal No. 25 of 2018) [2018] TZHC 2367 (9 February 2018) 9 February 2018
France Tibenda vs Anatory Kajuna (Misc. Land Case Appeal nO. 32 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2366 (9 February 2018) 9 February 2018
Garatiana Kazimoto & Another vs Modest Mfuruki (Land Application No. 23 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2427 (9 February 2018) 9 February 2018
Joseph Wegesa Wangubo vs Glorious Luoga & Another (Misc. Civil Application No. 150 of 2017) [2018] TZHC 2948 (9 February 2018) 9 February 2018
Theobald Rugambwa vs Rugimbana Divo Rugaibura (Misc. Land Application No. 20 of 2017) [2018] TZHC 2475 (9 February 2018) 9 February 2018
Theophil Andrea vs Deusi Ndyamkama (Misc. Land Case Appeal No. 73 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2365 (9 February 2018) 9 February 2018
Winnie Sheba Seme vs Herman Omary Mganga (Misc. Land Case Application No. 247 of 2017) [2018] TZHC 2949 (9 February 2018) 9 February 2018
Saidi Ibrahim Washokera vs Mary Patrick Msila & 3 Others (Civil Appeal No. 28 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2306 (8 February 2018) 8 February 2018
East Coast Oils And Fats Limited vs Motor Tanker Eva Schulte & 2 Others (Misc. Civil Case No. 228 of 2012) [2018] TZHC 2340 (7 February 2018)
7 February 2018
East Cost Oils And Fats Limited vs Motor Tanker Eva Schulte And 2 Others (Misc. Civil Case No. 228 of 2012) [2018] TZHC 59 (7 February 2018) 7 February 2018
H.H Hillal & Co.Limited vs Medical Store Deparment & others (Civil Case No. 105 of 2015) [2018] TZHC 48 (7 February 2018) 7 February 2018
H.H Hillal & Co. Limited vs Medical Store Department & Ag (Civil Case No. 105 of 2015) [2018] TZHC 2311 (7 February 2018) 7 February 2018
Khalfan Yusufu Salehe vs Sharifa Juma Salehe (Misc. Civil Application No. 108 of 2017) [2018] TZHC 2484 (6 February 2018) 6 February 2018
Augustino Elias Mdachi & Others vs Ramadhani Omari Ngaleba (Civil Appeal 270 of 2017) [2018] TZHC 33 (5 February 2018) 5 February 2018
Hilalius Anatory & Another vs Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (hkmu) (Misc. Civil Application 91 of 2017) [2018] TZHC 89 (5 February 2018) 5 February 2018
Adera Lwamgira vs Janeti Mwagama & Others (Land Appeal No. 3 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2286 (2 February 2018) 2 February 2018
Adera Lwamgira vs Janeti Mwagama & Others (Land Appeal No. 3 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2348 (2 February 2018) 2 February 2018
Amina Abdallah Amour vs Asia a.k. a Ikunda Mambo & Another (Civil Revision No. 24 of 2016) [2018] TZHC 2460 (2 February 2018) 2 February 2018
Hali Halisi Publisher Ltd vs Deputy Minister For Information Culture Arts & Sports & Others (Misc. Civil Application No. 90 of 2017) [2018] TZHC 2480 (2 February 2018) 2 February 2018
Hali Halisi Publishers Ltd vs Deputy Minister for Information Culture Arts & Sports & Others (Misc. Civil Application No. 90 of 2017) [2018] TZHC 115 (2 February 2018) 2 February 2018