High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
427 judgments

Court registries

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March 2020
Mwasiti s/o Mtanda Magage vs Seleman Khalfan Mlala (PC Civil Appeal 7 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 322 (4 March 2020) 4 March 2020
Nalingigwa Nalingigwa @makala vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal 99 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 296 (4 March 2020) 4 March 2020
Republic vs Hassan Buyogera George (Misc. Criminal Revision 10 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 534 (4 March 2020) 4 March 2020
Shetul Batavia, Mr.Beejesh Kanabar and Dr. Amish Kanabar (Probate and Administration Cause 60 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 609 (4 March 2020) 4 March 2020
Sofia Hamad Tabiada vs Said Ally Mchanama (Civil Appeal 90 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 650 (4 March 2020) 4 March 2020
Suzana Kibasi vs Aswile K. Mwanjelile (Misc. Land Appeal 11 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 380 (4 March 2020) 4 March 2020
Ezekiel s/o Mandele vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 58 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 393 (3 March 2020) 3 March 2020
Hamis Babu Bally vs the Judicial officers Ethics Committe and Others (Misc. Civil Application 37 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 357 (3 March 2020) 3 March 2020
Issa s/o Paul vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 29 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 518 (3 March 2020) 3 March 2020
Joseph Mwamboneke and Another vs Magreth Mwakingili (Land Appeal 6 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 397 (3 March 2020) 3 March 2020
Registered Trustees of the Juma Mosque, Mwanza and Another vs Administror General and Another (Misc. Civil Cause 32 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 358 (3 March 2020) 3 March 2020
Republic vs Elias Singisila and Another (Criminal Session Case 16 of 2016) [2020] TZHC 290 (3 March 2020) 3 March 2020
Republic vs Masaya s/o Madeni and Another (Session Case 46 of 2012) [2020] TZHC 369 (3 March 2020) 3 March 2020
Simon Rugwana vs Tanzania Portland Cement Co. Ltd (Civil Case 151 of 2018) [2020] TZHC 610 (3 March 2020) 3 March 2020
Sioi Solomon vs Stanbic Bank Tanzania Ltd (Civil Appeal 281 of 2018) [2020] TZHC 574 (3 March 2020) 3 March 2020
Ahmed Hussein Firoz Bandali vs Sajida Mustafa Jaffer (Misc. Civil Application 381 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2011 (2 March 2020) 2 March 2020
Bakari Mussa Mere vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 2 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 453 (2 March 2020) 2 March 2020
Doreen W. Mwanri vs Wilbard T. Chuwa (Misc. Civil Application 32 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 1959 (2 March 2020) 2 March 2020
Hilary s/o Mhondele and Others vs Regional Police Commissioner of Kigoma Region (Misc. Criminal Application 7 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 332 (2 March 2020) 2 March 2020
Iddi Hassan Mbilu vs Waziri Saidi Kaanga (Land Appeal 25 of 2018) [2020] TZHC 563 (2 March 2020) 2 March 2020
Ludovick Lakindi Kway vs Felician Mallya (Misc. Land Application 15 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 443 (2 March 2020) 2 March 2020
Minani Joseph and Another vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal 50 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 9855 (2 March 2020) 2 March 2020
Minani s/o Joseph and Another vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal 50 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 324 (2 March 2020) 2 March 2020
Mwakingili Ngaile Mwalungwe vs National Bank of Commerce Ktd and Others (Misc. Land Application 14 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 408 (2 March 2020) 2 March 2020
Ramadhani Omary vs Zainabu Omary (Misc. Land Case Application 3 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 298 (2 March 2020) 2 March 2020
Shafii Ally Mangoma vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 2 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 530 (2 March 2020) 2 March 2020
Simon Mwajanga vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 144 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 365 (2 March 2020) 2 March 2020