Court of Appeal of Tanzania

This is the highest level in the justice delivery system in Tanzania. The Court of Appeal draws its mandate from Article 117(1) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. The Court hears appeals  on both point of law and facts for cases originating from the High Court of Tanzania and Magistrates with extended jurisdiction in exercise of their original jurisdiction or appellate and revisional jurisdiction over matters originating in the District Land and Housing Tribunals, District Courts and Courts of Resident Magistrate. The Court also hears similar appeals  from quasi judicial bodies of status equivalent to that of the High Court. It  further hears appeals  on point of law against the decision of the High Court in  matters originating from Primary Courts. The Court of Appeal also exercises jurisdiction on appeals originating from the High Court of Zanzibar except for constitutional issues arising from the interpretation of the Constitution of Zanzibar and matters arising from the Kadhi Court.

Physical address
26 Kivukoni Road Building P.O. Box 9004, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
20 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
November 1995
University of Dar es Salaam vs Sylvester Cyprian (Civil Appeal 2 of 1995) [1995] TZCA 50 (27 November 1995) 27 November 1995
Abdulrasul Ahmed Jaffer and 2 Others vs Parin A. Jaffer and Another (Civil Appeal 5 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 51 (21 November 1995) 21 November 1995
Malick Kassim Titu and Another and The Republic (Criminal Appeal 169 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 48 (6 November 1995) 6 November 1995
Mwaka Musa vs Simon Obeid Simchimba (Civil Appeal 45 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 56 (6 November 1995) 6 November 1995
Selemani Shabani vs Mwamtoro Ally (Civil Reference 5 of 1995) [1995] TZCA 59 (3 November 1995) 3 November 1995
October 1995
National Housing Corporation vs Tanzania Shoe Company and 28 Others (48 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 32 (26 October 1995) 26 October 1995
Nurdin Akasha vs The Republic (Criminal Appeal 190 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 46 (23 October 1995) 23 October 1995
Joseph K.Mlay vs Ahmed Mohamed (2) (Civil Application 39 of 1995) [1995] TZCA 58 (2 October 1995) 2 October 1995
August 1995
Nizar Shell L'adawy Muhanna vs Registeer of Titles and Anaother (Civil Appeal 33 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 55 (22 August 1995) 22 August 1995
Nizar Shell L'adawy Muhanna vs Registered of Titles and Another (33 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 31 (22 August 1995) 22 August 1995
July 1995
Capital Development Authority and Saaberg Interplan Gmbh (Civil Appeal 16 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 49 (31 July 1995) 31 July 1995
Yaledi Swai and Another vs Lilian Maro and Another (Civil Reference 7 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 35 (3 July 1995) 3 July 1995
June 1995
Tanzania Spring Industies Autoparts Limited and Essen Investiment Limited (Civil Appeal 47 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 57 (23 June 1995) 23 June 1995
G.B.L. & Associates Ltd vs Tanzania Portland Cement Co. (Civil Appeal 24 of 1984) [1995] TZCA 53 (8 June 1995) 8 June 1995
May 1995
Abdallah Salum vs William Mhode (Civil Application 51 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 34 (31 May 1995) 31 May 1995
Transport Equipment Ltd vs Devram P. Valambhia (Civil Application 46 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 33 (24 May 1995) 24 May 1995
Daudi Sabaya vs The Republic (Criminal Appeal 67 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 36 (23 May 1995) 23 May 1995
Daudi Sabaya vs The Republic (Criminal Appeal 67 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 44 (23 May 1995) 23 May 1995
January 1995
Attorney General and 2 Others vs Dr. Aman Walid Kabourou (42 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 30 (31 January 1995) 31 January 1995
Attorney General and 2 Others vs Dr. Aman Walid Kabourou (Civil Appeal 32 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 54 (31 January 1995) 31 January 1995