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Court of Appeal of Tanzania

This is the highest level in the justice delivery system in Tanzania. The Court of Appeal draws its mandate from Article 117(1) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. The Court hears appeals  on both point of law and facts for cases originating from the High Court of Tanzania and Magistrates with extended jurisdiction in exercise of their original jurisdiction or appellate and revisional jurisdiction over matters originating in the District Land and Housing Tribunals, District Courts and Courts of Resident Magistrate. The Court also hears similar appeals  from quasi judicial bodies of status equivalent to that of the High Court. It  further hears appeals  on point of law against the decision of the High Court in  matters originating from Primary Courts. The Court of Appeal also exercises jurisdiction on appeals originating from the High Court of Zanzibar except for constitutional issues arising from the interpretation of the Constitution of Zanzibar and matters arising from the Kadhi Court.

Physical address
26 Kivukoni Road Building P.O. Box 9004, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
26 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
July 2011
Ndito Sukumawiki vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 184 of 2009) [2011] TZCA 160 (1 July 2011) 1 July 2011
Shija Shiloto vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 162 of 2009) [2011] TZCA 156 (1 July 2011) 1 July 2011
June 2011
Ahmad Seluke & Others vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 131 of 2009) [2011] TZCA 12 (30 June 2011) 30 June 2011
Layford Makene vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 45 of 2009) [2011] TZCA 75 (30 June 2011) 30 June 2011
Mahona Sele vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 188 of 2008) [2011] TZCA 130 (30 June 2011) 30 June 2011
Mahona Sele vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 188 of 2008) [2011] TZCA 173 (30 June 2011) 30 June 2011
Charles Mvaiponya & Others vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 185 of 2008) [2011] TZCA 37 (29 June 2011) 29 June 2011
Leonard Sylvester @ Kisusi & Othersvs Republic (Criminal Appeal 270 of 2009) [2011] TZCA 78 (29 June 2011) 29 June 2011
Mboje Mawe & Others vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 86 of 2010) [2011] TZCA 136 (29 June 2011) 29 June 2011
Lutamla Basu @ Ivinzi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 128 of 2008) [2011] TZCA 79 (28 June 2011) 28 June 2011
Richard Lembeli vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 130 of 2008) [2011] TZCA 140 (28 June 2011) 28 June 2011
Sungulwa Lukelesha vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 90 of 2008) [2011] TZCA 153 (27 June 2011) 27 June 2011
Hussein Salehe & Another (Criminal Appeal 88 of 2008) [2011] TZCA 87 (23 June 2011) 23 June 2011
Hussein Salehe & Another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 88 of 2008) [2011] TZCA 96 (23 June 2011) 23 June 2011
John Martin @ Marwa vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 22 of 2008) [2011] TZCA 113 (23 June 2011) 23 June 2011
Ngobeko Kasesa vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 21 of 2008) [2011] TZCA 162 (23 June 2011) 23 June 2011
Ally s/o Magnga vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 18 of 2008) [2011] TZCA 13 (21 June 2011) 21 June 2011
Emmanuel s/o James vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 463 of 2008) [2011] TZCA 62 (20 June 2011) 20 June 2011
Emmanuel s/o Migeshi @ Badatu vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 454 of 2007) [2011] TZCA 63 (20 June 2011) 20 June 2011
Hussein Ally @ Fundumu vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 462 of 2007) [2011] TZCA 86 (20 June 2011) 20 June 2011
Hussein Ally @ Fundumu vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 462 of 2007) [2011] TZCA 95 (20 June 2011) 20 June 2011
Idd Daudi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 456 of 2007) [2011] TZCA 88 (20 June 2011) 20 June 2011
Idd Daudi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 456 of 2007) [2011] TZCA 97 (20 June 2011) 20 June 2011
Shabani Haruna & Another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 247 of 2007) [2011] TZCA 157 (20 June 2011) 20 June 2011
Edward s/o Sabuni vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 446 of 2007) [2011] TZCA 59 (16 June 2011) 16 June 2011
Joseph s/o Lugata vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 317 of 2009) [2011] TZCA 120 (11 June 2011) 11 June 2011