High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court Manyara Registry - 2023 October

25 documents

Court registries

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October 2023
Edward William vs The Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 43 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22261 (31 October 2023) 31 October 2023
Kipara Maina & Another vs Amarin Swai & Another (Land Case 3 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 22814 (31 October 2023) 31 October 2023
Mashaka Mohamed Njuju vs The Republic (Criminal Appeal 89 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22259 (31 October 2023) 31 October 2023
Petro Marmo @ Gara vs The Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 42 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22158 (31 October 2023) 31 October 2023
Katarina Paulo v Yona Oye (Misc. Land Application No. 47 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22559 (30 October 2023) 30 October 2023
Leonia w/o Hotay Ami Xwastal vs Paskali Qalway Gwangaway & Another (Misc. Civil Application 18 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22260 (30 October 2023) 30 October 2023
Mathias Damiano v Noeli Dafi (PC criminal appeal No. 35 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22247 (27 October 2023) 27 October 2023
Daniel Gidabu v Lanta Sehho (Land Appeal No. 53 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22246 (20 October 2023) 20 October 2023
Ibrahimu Idrisa v Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 82 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22239 (20 October 2023) 20 October 2023
Mwajuma Khamis vs The Republic (Criminal Appeal 67 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21948 (20 October 2023) 20 October 2023
Angela Ero v Stephano Qwarse (Misc. Land Appeal No. 1 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22238 (19 October 2023) 19 October 2023
Angela Ero v Stephano Qwarse (Misc. Land Appeal No. 1 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22558 (19 October 2023) 19 October 2023
Paulo Francis & Another vs The Republic (Criminal Appeal 64 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21871 (18 October 2023) 18 October 2023
Francis Faustine Matle v Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 44 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22240 (17 October 2023) 17 October 2023
Konstantine Adolfu vs Martin Adolfu & 2 Others (Misc. Land Aplication 45 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22817 (12 October 2023) 12 October 2023
Gilead Ndetura Lembai v Babati Town Council & another (Misc. Land Application No. 61 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21717 (10 October 2023) 10 October 2023
Gilead Ndetura Lembai v Babati Town Council & another (Misc. Land Application No. 61 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22241 (10 October 2023) 10 October 2023
Peter Machege Makolo vs Babati Town Council & The Attorney General (Misc. Civil Application 28 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21692 (9 October 2023) 9 October 2023
Magreta Basso vs Ferdinand Gilgo Lulu (Misc. Civil Application 30 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21693 (6 October 2023) 6 October 2023
Mosses Mollel vs Paschal Arusha (Land Revision 5 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21671 (6 October 2023) 6 October 2023
Naomi Peter & 3 Others vs Aines Karikia Munuo (administratrix to Dismas Linginyani's estate) (Civil Revision 1 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22818 (6 October 2023) 6 October 2023
Juma Baran v Ori Goroja (Misc. Land Application No. 44 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22244 (5 October 2023) 5 October 2023
Paulo Boay v Republic (Misc. Criminal Application No. 33 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22242 (4 October 2023) 4 October 2023
Ally Munga v The Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 26 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21718 (3 October 2023) 3 October 2023
Leonce Lulu v Kwersmul Village Council & 2 others (Land Case No. 8 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21719 (2 October 2023) 2 October 2023