High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court Mwanza Registry - 2020 August

35 documents

Court registries

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August 2020
John Chuma vs Pastoli Lubatula and 3 Others (Land Case Appeal 9 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2358 (31 August 2020) 31 August 2020
Joseph Nyigana @ Baba Bhoke vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 218 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2338 (31 August 2020) 31 August 2020
Malaba Dotto vs Denisi Butondo (HC Civil Revision 9 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2506 (31 August 2020) 31 August 2020
Malambo Busiga vs Rahel Mchele (Misc. Criminal Cause 28 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 2511 (31 August 2020) 31 August 2020
Ronjino Matuli vs George Katambi (PC Civil Appeal 35 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 2289 (31 August 2020) 31 August 2020
Slivester Bujibu vs Charles Maemba (Land Appeal 12 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 2288 (31 August 2020) 31 August 2020
Mobisol Uk Limited vs Venge Masala Ngike (Misc. Civil Application 15 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2505 (28 August 2020) 28 August 2020
Umoja Wa Chama Cha Waendeha Pikipiki and 21 Others vs Levinson Levelian and 2 Others (Civil Appeal 17 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 2328 (28 August 2020) 28 August 2020
Benard M. Mashiba vs Mkukuwani Saccos (PC Civil Appeal 39 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2344 (27 August 2020) 27 August 2020
Communication and Transport Workers Union of Tanzania vs Mariam Said (Misc. Labour Application 29 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2512 (27 August 2020) 27 August 2020
Juma Hussein vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 58 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 2335 (26 August 2020) 26 August 2020
Masumbuko Christopher vs Mwajuma Lufeza and 6 Others (PC Criminal Appeal 36 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2290 (26 August 2020) 26 August 2020
Shilinde Limited vs the Attorney General (Land Case 10 of 2017) [2020] TZHC 2341 (25 August 2020) 25 August 2020
Tanzindia Assurance Company Ltd vs Farid Amour Khalfan (HC Civil Appeal 20 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2333 (25 August 2020) 25 August 2020
In Re: Estate of the Late Cecilia Laurian and In the Matter of Application for Letters of Administration by George Laurian Mabugo (Probate and Administration Cause 6 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2514 (24 August 2020) 24 August 2020
Mwatex (2001) Ltd vs Charles Guke (Misc. Civil Application 192 of 2018) [2020] TZHC 2509 (24 August 2020) 24 August 2020
Jumanne K. Sanya vs Katanya Nyantori and 2 Others (Misc. Land Application 133 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2513 (14 August 2020) 14 August 2020
Kasco Mining Limited vs Ally Mtangi Shabani (Labour Revision 36 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2339 (14 August 2020) 14 August 2020
Rachel Joshua vs Meda Joseph (Misc. Civil Application 10 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 6220 (14 August 2020) 14 August 2020
Recho Joshua vs Meda Joseph (Misc. Civil Application 10 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 6219 (14 August 2020) 14 August 2020
Sekwa Sambo and Another (administrators of the Estate of the Late Josia Methusela Mzuri) vs Methusela Josiah Mzuri 7 Another (administrators of the Estate of the Late Josiah Methusela Mzuri) (Misc. Civil Application 6 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 2508 (14 August 2020) 14 August 2020
Geita Gold Mine Limited vs Amri Mrishid (Labour Revision 65 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2340 (13 August 2020) 13 August 2020
Monica Dominiko vs Emmanuel Msula (PC Matrimonial Appeal 18 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2346 (13 August 2020) 13 August 2020
Erikana Mahukiro vs Mvalu Kalangwa @ Valu (Criminal Appeal 42 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 2354 (12 August 2020) 12 August 2020
Mtugwa Jiloya vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 90 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2510 (12 August 2020) 12 August 2020
Muhoni Kitege vs Dorica Kitamara and 2 Others (Land Case 14 of 2012) [2020] TZHC 2342 (12 August 2020) 12 August 2020
Mtaki Maingu vs Nyapilya Makuke (PC Probate Appeal 1 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 2347 (11 August 2020) 11 August 2020
Festus Katula vs Ladislaus Alumasi (Misc. Land Appeal 15 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2361 (10 August 2020) 10 August 2020
Kiruruma Village Council vs Dotto Philipo Mchelemchele and 2 Others (Land Appeal 79 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2360 (10 August 2020) 10 August 2020
Sebastian Mussa vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 171 of 2018) [2020] TZHC 2337 (10 August 2020) 10 August 2020
National Microfinance Bank Plc vs Sarah Richard Hamza (HC Civil Appeal 1 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 2331 (8 August 2020) 8 August 2020
Rehema Kenge vs Aniseti Mayala Nyanda (Land Appeal 75 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2359 (4 August 2020) 4 August 2020
Furaha Sylivester vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 84 of 2020) [2020] TZHC 2355 (3 August 2020) 3 August 2020
Republic vs Petro Sule and 3 Others (Criminal Session Case 44 of 2019) [2020] TZHC 2356 (3 August 2020) 3 August 2020
Republic vs Sitta James & Another (Criminal Session 227 of 2016) [2020] TZHC 2357 (3 August 2020) 3 August 2020