High Court Land Division

High Court Land  Division was established as a result of the land reforms which were implemented by the Land Act 1999. Until 2010, the Land Court had exclusive jurisdiction to determine land disputes relating to land with a pecuniary value of TZS 50,000 or more. 

High Court Land Division

5244 documents

Title Date
November 2022
Polycarp Lazaro vs Rashid Kavikuta (Application 381 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12610 (30 November 2022) 30 November 2022
Registered Trustee of Cornelius Christian Aid to Churches and The Needy Foundation vs Equity Bank (Tanzania) Limited (Land Case 241 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12722 (30 November 2022) 30 November 2022
Registered Trustees of Cornelius Christian Aid to Churches and The Needy Foundation vs Equity Bank(Tanzania) Limited (Land Case 185 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12649 (30 November 2022) 30 November 2022
The Registered Trustees of Seventh Day Adventist Church of Tanzania vs Pius Mtengwa & 4 Others (Execution Application 65 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12576 (30 November 2022) 30 November 2022
Abdulrazak Hussein vs Dura Abeid Awadh & 3 Others (Land Case 114 of 2018) [2022] TZHCLandD 12593 (29 November 2022) 29 November 2022
Mambi Yusufu Mzee vs Dar Cool Makers & 4 Others (Land Case 193 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12590 (29 November 2022) 29 November 2022
Mohamed Selemani Suka vs Zahara Selemani Suka & 2 Others (Land Case Revision 25 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12652 (29 November 2022) 29 November 2022
Raiti Mohamed Changambere vs Salama Miraji Fundi & Another (Misc. Land Appeal 57 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12647 (29 November 2022) 29 November 2022
Sophia David Mansur (personal Legal Representative of the Late David Mansur) vs Mildred Kisamo (Land Appeal 121 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12669 (29 November 2022) 29 November 2022
Anatolia S Mutakyana vs Deogratius M. Silinde & Another (Misc. Application 534 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12654 (28 November 2022) 28 November 2022
Anatolia S. Mutakyana vs Deogratius M. Silinde & Another (Misc. Land Aplication 535 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12739 (28 November 2022) 28 November 2022
Athumani Mpate Ngonwe vs Salum Said Kuluwia & Another (Application 398 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12608 (28 November 2022) 28 November 2022
Paulo Rweyemamu vs Akiba Commercial Bank & Another (Appeal 111 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 12604 (28 November 2022) 28 November 2022
Rafikihawa Mohamed Sadiki vs Registrar of Titles & Another (Misc. Land Appication 488 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12715 (28 November 2022) 28 November 2022
The Treasury Registrar & 2 Others vs Hardian Benedict Chipeta (Misc. Land Aplication 438 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12678 (28 November 2022) 28 November 2022
Abdallah Makwaya vs Fatuma Idd Salehe (Misc. Case Appeal 48 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12656 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Abdallah Makwaya vs Fatuma Idd Salehe (Misc. Land Case Appeal 48 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12738 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Ally Omary Mtoilinge vs Shabani Rajabu Vyale & Another (Revision 53 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 12609 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Ally Shomari vs Juma Said (being Administrator of the Estate of Said Juma) (Land Revision 4 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12569 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Dhow Mercantile (EA) Limited vs Lupembe Farmers Co-operatives Joint Enterprises Ltd (muvyulu) & 2 Others (Land Application 434 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12588 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Fredrick Boniphas Kyando vs Sophia Fundikira (Misc. Land Case Application 348 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12686 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Hanna Swahiba Mapalala & Another (as Joint Administrators of the Estate of the Late James Mapalala vs Monica Lwebandiza (Misc. Land Application 319 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12691 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Hassan Abdallah Kitigi & 2 Others vs Temeke Municipal Council & Another (Misc. Land Aplication 694 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12645 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Juma Rajabu Furaji vs Kasse Peter & 28 Others (Land Case 158 of 2019) [2022] TZHCLandD 12788 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Khamis Ramadhani Mggalu vs Attorney General & 6 Others (Land Case 164 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 12607 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Mugaya Masubo Masyaga vs Sophia H Mmary (Mics. Land Case Appl. 527 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12628 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Mugaya Masubo Masyaga vs Sophia H. Mmary (Misc. Land Case Application 527 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12742 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Richard Kimwaga Stika vs Ncba Bank & Another (Misc. Land Aplication 637 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12622 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Zengo Daudi Nzije vs Faustine Msemakweli (Land Application 424 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12573 (25 November 2022) 25 November 2022
Abbas Awes Omar vs Dezo Civil Contractors Co. Ltd & Another (Land Case 190 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12578 (24 November 2022) 24 November 2022
Abubakari Zuberi & 13 Others vs Ashura Mohamed Seng'ondo & 6 Others (Land Application 531 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12591 (24 November 2022) 24 November 2022
Imtiaz Hussein Banji vs Dilshad Hessein Banji (Land Review 593 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12582 (24 November 2022) 24 November 2022
Jamal A. Nassoro (An Attorney of Asma S. Salumu) vs Jamilaa.Mnekea & 7 Others (Land Case 245 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12621 (24 November 2022) 24 November 2022
Jamal A. Nassoro vs Jamila A. Mnekea & 7 Others (Land Case 245 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12730 (24 November 2022) 24 November 2022
Matilda Matigana vs Peter Kiula & 3 Others (Misc. Land Aplication 320 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12624 (24 November 2022) 24 November 2022
Renaltus Mponzi vs Asha Hemed Idd (Administrator of the Estate of Of The Late Hemed Idd Bomba) (Taxation Reference 16 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12668 (24 November 2022) 24 November 2022
Sabri Muslim Karim (formelly Known As Sabri Ally Saad) & 2 Others vs Muslim Shivji Karim & Another (Land Case 247 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 15710 (24 November 2022) 24 November 2022
Upendo Aron Mgogo vs Israel Aron Mgogo (Misc. Land Case Appeal 44 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 12758 (24 November 2022) 24 November 2022
Willium Levison vs Simon H Mamuya (Misc. Appeal 50 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12620 (24 November 2022) 24 November 2022
Zein Mohamed Bahroon & 2 Others vs Tanzania Railway Corporation & 3 Others (Land Case 235 of 2016) [2022] TZHCLandD 12757 (24 November 2022) 24 November 2022
Fatuma S. Mohamed vs Mzee Selemani Sokoni (Misc. Land Aplication 661 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12644 (23 November 2022) 23 November 2022
Grace Zakayo Sanga vs Elimu Daudi Sanga & 2 Others (Land Application 638 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12574 (23 November 2022) 23 November 2022
Jane Zablon Kiutesha vs Daniel Clement Nehemia Mwakasungula & Another (524 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12634 (23 November 2022) 23 November 2022
Jane Zablon Kiutesha vs Daniel Clement Nehemia Mwakasungula & Another (Misc. Land Aplication 524 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12632 (23 November 2022) 23 November 2022
Mohammed Enterprises (Tanzania) Ltd vs Stewart Manor Investment Ltd (Land Case 204 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12692 (23 November 2022) 23 November 2022
Pastory Henry & 2 Others vs Wema Gema (Misc. Land Appeal 139 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 12637 (23 November 2022) 23 November 2022
Shabani Mlisho Dilunga vs Rajabu Saidi Mgonanze & Another (Land Appeal 52 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12575 (23 November 2022) 23 November 2022
Veronica Kibwana (as The Administratrix of the Estate of the Late Jacob Kibwaga) & Another vs Khamis Ally Khamis (Execution 61 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 12627 (23 November 2022) 23 November 2022
Doto Isoda & 8 Others vs Ambogo Elly Ambogo & Another (Misc. Land Application 267 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12663 (22 November 2022) 22 November 2022
Exaud Elias Machange & 2 Others vs Victor Steven Mang'a (being An Administrator of the Estate of Steven Mang'ana) & 2 Others (Land Case 125 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12592 (22 November 2022) 22 November 2022