High Court Land Division

High Court Land  Division was established as a result of the land reforms which were implemented by the Land Act 1999. Until 2010, the Land Court had exclusive jurisdiction to determine land disputes relating to land with a pecuniary value of TZS 50,000 or more. 

High Court Land Division

5247 documents

Title Date
January 2022
Shaban Mbaraka vs Gerald Ralingo (Misc. Land Aplication 115 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 19 (31 January 2022) 31 January 2022
Angeluisye Mwakalinga vs Kassimu Libenanga (Misc. Application 302 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 63 (28 January 2022) 28 January 2022
Mwassa Jeremiah Jingi & 4 Others vs The Tanzania Railway Corporation & The Attorney General (Misc. Application 459 of 2020) [2022] TZHCLandD 65 (28 January 2022) 28 January 2022
Stivin Clemens vs Julius Pendakazi Nkwazi (Misc. Land Appeal 15 of 2020) [2022] TZHCLandD 22 (28 January 2022) 28 January 2022
Usafirishaji Mikoani Union Ltd vs Minister for Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development & 2 Others (Misc. Cause 282 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 69 (28 January 2022) 28 January 2022
Jordan Majiyamoto Mlokota vs Christom. A. Ekonga (Land Appeal 150 of 2019) [2022] TZHCLandD 100 (27 January 2022) 27 January 2022
Mudrick Rashid Hamis (Admnistrator of Estate of the Late Asha Abdul Rahman) & Another vs International Commercial Bank (Tanzania) Limited & 4 Others (Land Case 175 of 2018) [2022] TZHCLandD 9 (27 January 2022) 27 January 2022
Omary Shamte Ngweya vs Rahma Ally Mjie (Misc. Land Case Application 474 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 5 (27 January 2022) 27 January 2022
Samson Ryuba vs Edwin Karan Marko (256 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 6 (27 January 2022) 27 January 2022
Hamis Athumani Hamis & 2 Others vs Macfarlane Msechu & Another (Reference Application 21 of 2020) [2022] TZHCLandD 67 (26 January 2022) 26 January 2022
Joseph Thomas Kleruu vs CRDBPLC & 2 Others (Misc. Application 347 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 62 (26 January 2022) 26 January 2022
Msinune Seif & Another vs Hapiness E. Nkulu & Another (Land Case 33 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 59 (26 January 2022) 26 January 2022
Ruth Jackson Mpunda vs The Commissioner for Lands, Ministry of Lands and Housing and Human Settlement Development & # Others (Misc. Application 769 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12795 (25 January 2022) 25 January 2022
Yahaya Ramadhan (Administrator of the Estate of the Late Abdallah) vs Siwajui Juma and 14 Others (Misc. Land Aplication 702 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 17 (25 January 2022) 25 January 2022
Deodatus Faustine Mvula (A Personal Legal Representative of Faustine Michael Mvula) vs Kulwa Francis Mionjo & 2 Others (Misc. Land Appeal 74 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 12 (24 January 2022) 24 January 2022
Deodautus Faustine Mvula (A Personal Legal Representative of Faustine Michael Mvula) vs Kulwa Franscis Mionjo &2 Others (Misc. Land Case Appeal 74 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 40 (24 January 2022) 24 January 2022
Juma Seleman Mbweze vs Asha Rajab Fyeka (Misc. Appeal 124 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 583 (23 January 2022) 23 January 2022
Davis Jonathan Mkony vs Equity Bank Tanzania Limited & 2 Others (Land Case 123 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 10 (21 January 2022) 21 January 2022
Juma Mohamed Futo vs Shabani Selemani (Land Revision 13 of 2020) [2022] TZHCLandD 68 (21 January 2022) 21 January 2022
Samson Enocs Kameeta vs Pentecoste Christian Church Buza & 3 Others (Misc. Application 278 of 2019) [2022] TZHCLandD 7 (21 January 2022) 21 January 2022
Haji Juma Ambari vs Adam Juma Ambari (Lan Appeal 272 of 2020) [2022] TZHCLandD 31 (18 January 2022) 18 January 2022
Haji Juma Ambari vs Adam Juma Ambari (Land Appeal 272 of 2020) [2022] TZHCLandD 15 (18 January 2022) 18 January 2022
Mohamed Enterprises (Tanzania) Ltd vs Bavo Emmanuel Mzee & Another (Land Case 82 of 2018) [2022] TZHCLandD 35 (18 January 2022) 18 January 2022
Mohamed Interprises (Tanzania ) Ltd vs Bavo Emmanuel Mzee & Another (Land Case 82 of 2018) [2022] TZHCLandD 13 (18 January 2022) 18 January 2022
Salmin Mbarak Salim t/a East African Investment vs Ras Investment (Land Review 331 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 8 (18 January 2022) 18 January 2022
The Registered Trustee of Kanisa La Pentekoste Tanzania & Another vs Rahmat Ally Fungameza & 2 Others (Land Case Revision 49 of 2022) [2022] TZHCLandD 12784 (17 January 2022) 17 January 2022
Aneth Dickson Maikasu vs George Vizito Luena (Land Appeal 35 of 2019) [2022] TZHCLandD 55 (13 January 2022) 13 January 2022
Juma Ally Msumi vs Reginald Jeremiah Kimambo (Misc. Land Appeal 59 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 54 (11 January 2022) 11 January 2022
Juma Ally Msumi vs Regnard Jeremiak Kimambo (Misc. Land Case Appeal 59 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 3 (11 January 2022) 11 January 2022
Roseline Leonard vs Mwajabu Said & 2 Others (Land Revision 14 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 462 (11 January 2022) 11 January 2022
Zuberi Ramadhani Shaidi vs TPB Bank Plc & Another (Land Appeal 67 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 4 (11 January 2022) 11 January 2022
Leonard Ntapula vs Vicent Kasiwe (Misc. Land Appeal 14 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 2 (6 January 2022) 6 January 2022
Fikiri Rashid vs Yohana Amosi (Land Appeal 3 of 2021) [2022] TZHCLandD 1 (5 January 2022) 5 January 2022
December 2021
Nazareno Makilika & Another vs Hamisa Abdallah Muhsin (Administratrix of the Estate of the Late Salum Mohamed Muhsin) (Misc. Land Aplication 705 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6923 (30 December 2021) 30 December 2021
Francis Magesa Msami & Others vs Jaffer Idd Msangi (Land Case No. 325 of 2017) [2021] TZHCLandD 6994 (23 December 2021) 23 December 2021
Method Milambo vs Aikos Namundujee (Misc. Land Application 69 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6865 (23 December 2021) 23 December 2021
Sami Emmanuel Kiloga vs Junior Mujuni Luhinda (Misc. Land Case Appeal 114 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6864 (23 December 2021) 23 December 2021
Benitha Thadei Chengula vs Kinondoni Municipal Council & Another (Land Case 166 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 6906 (22 December 2021) 22 December 2021
Junaco (T) Ltd & Another vs Wahenga Investment Co. Ltd & Another (Misc. Land Application 641 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6842 (22 December 2021) 22 December 2021
Nahla Development Ltd vs Anseline Amiri Mrisho & 4 Others (Misc. Civil Application 594 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6843 (22 December 2021) 22 December 2021
Sunil Zaverchand Choha & Another vs David Wilfrem Mwakitwange (Land Case 135 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6899 (22 December 2021) 22 December 2021
Esther Joseph Ogutu vs Equity Bank & Another (Misc. Land Application 523 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6819 (21 December 2021) 21 December 2021
Francis Konasi & 6 Others vs Felix Shirima (Misc. Land Application 467 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6860 (21 December 2021) 21 December 2021
Kabula Azaria Ngóndi & 2 Others vs Mariam Francis Zumba & Another (Misc. Land Application 16 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6858 (21 December 2021) 21 December 2021
Nazimin Mohamed Rwambo (Administrator of the Estate of the Late Mohamed Shweji Rwambo) vs Maulid Tagwa & 4 Others (Land Case Appeal 109 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6862 (21 December 2021) 21 December 2021
Lilian Stephen Ihema(executrix of Th Estate of the Late Stephene Ernest Ihema) vs Receivership and Mnager of Sky Developers Limited & Another (Misc. Land Application 328 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6855 (20 December 2021) 20 December 2021
Daniel Thomas Simtowe (Suing By Power of Attorney By Thomas Mengo Simtowe) vs Donald Komela Simtowe (Land Case 148 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6972 (17 December 2021) 17 December 2021
Dar es Salaam Water Supply and Sanitation Authority & Another vs Tabu Hassan (Legal Representative of the Late Salma Pili Tamaa Mbele) & Another (Misc. Land Application 247 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6874 (17 December 2021) 17 December 2021
Judith Bartholomew Makoi (Administrator of the Estate of the Late Bartholomew Peter Makoi) vs Disuza Tryphon Kajumla (Land Case 49 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6863 (17 December 2021) 17 December 2021
Khalid Simba vs L.H. Maleko (Land Case Revision 33 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6946 (17 December 2021) 17 December 2021