High Court Land Division

High Court Land  Division was established as a result of the land reforms which were implemented by the Land Act 1999. Until 2010, the Land Court had exclusive jurisdiction to determine land disputes relating to land with a pecuniary value of TZS 50,000 or more. 

High Court Land Division

5247 documents

Title Date
November 2021
Salum Ngwembe vs Hadija Rashid Msusa (Misc. Land Appeal 70 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 802 (18 November 2021) 18 November 2021
Daniel TRAel Lema vs Ubungo Municipal Council and Another (Land Case 139 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6793 (17 November 2021) 17 November 2021
Daniel TRAel Lema vs Ubungo Municipal Council and Another (Land Case 139 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 812 (17 November 2021) 17 November 2021
fortunatus Nyigana vs Idd Ally and Others (Land Appeal 2 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 836 (17 November 2021) 17 November 2021
Hadija Hemed vs Lugano Angetile Mwakyosi Jengela and 4 Others (Land Case 81 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 832 (17 November 2021) 17 November 2021
Kassimu Ally Abdallah Shomari vs Marry Bonaventure Mramba (Land Case 8 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 830 (17 November 2021) 17 November 2021
Mtoro Jumanne Kisina (Administrator of the Estate of the Late Jalala Jumanne Kisina) vs Lila Borrit and Others (Misc. Land Case Application 326 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 803 (17 November 2021) 17 November 2021
Restituta Frank Msongole vs Maiko Mgaya Shoo and Another (Misc. Land Appeal 132 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 6698 (17 November 2021) 17 November 2021
Restituta Frank Msongole vs Michael Mgaya Shoo & Another (Land Appeal 132 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 6974 (17 November 2021) 17 November 2021
Saada Januari Nyambibo (the Administratrix of the Estate of the Late January Bwire Nyambibo) vs Debora January Nyambibo and Another (Land Case 97 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 810 (17 November 2021) 17 November 2021
Saada January Nyambibo (the Administratrix of the Estate of the Late January Bwire Nyambibo) vs Debora January Nyambibo and Another (Land Case 97 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6791 (17 November 2021) 17 November 2021
Sefu Kondo Ngota and Others vs Ally Athuman Kinimbe and Others (Misc. Land Appeal 72 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 851 (17 November 2021) 17 November 2021
Veronica John Singano and 34 Others vs Samweli Elis Kwabu and Another (Misc. Land Case Application 423 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 876 (17 November 2021) 17 November 2021
Dora Muhoni (legal Representative )f The Late Lucy Mkwema) vs Finca (T) Ltd and 4 Others (Misc. Land Case Application 199 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 864 (16 November 2021) 16 November 2021
Dora Muhoni (Legal Representative of The Late Lucy Mkwema) vs Finca (T) Ltd and 4 Others (Misc. Land Case Application 199 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 865 (16 November 2021) 16 November 2021
Grace Nnko Bange (Administratrix of the Estate of Kenneth Bange) (Land Case 28 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 829 (16 November 2021) 16 November 2021
Halima Simbasalumu vs Zacharia Ramadhani (administratix of the Estate of the Late Ramadhani Ally Yakubu) and 3 Others (Land Appeal 115 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6763 (16 November 2021) 16 November 2021
Halima Simba Salum vs Zakaria Ramadhani Yakubu (Administrator of Estates of the Late Ramadhani Ali Yakubu) & 3 Others (Land Appeal 115 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6837 (16 November 2021) 16 November 2021
Salehe Salum Mwimba vs Huluka Said Juma (Misc. Land Appeal 99 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 801 (16 November 2021) 16 November 2021
Selemani Ally Matuwa vs Shabani Rashidi Costa and Another (Land Appeal 126 of 2018) [2021] TZHCLandD 6894 (16 November 2021) 16 November 2021
Shekhe Salim Rajab Sima vs Abdallah Mohamed Njega(mwenyekiti Wa Serekali Ya Mtaa Kifuru) (Reference 14 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6787 (16 November 2021) 16 November 2021
Star Media (T) Limited vs Gidion William Shirima and 3 Others (Misc. Land Application 500 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 800 (16 November 2021) 16 November 2021
Dilole Co- Operative Society vs Kinondoni Municipal Council & Another (Land Case 1 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6911 (15 November 2021) 15 November 2021
Edwin Shittindi and Another vs Sebastian Ngimbwa (Land Case 79 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 831 (15 November 2021) 15 November 2021
Godfrey Joseph vs Julieth E.Macha (Land Appeal 275 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6768 (15 November 2021) 15 November 2021
Hadija Juma Abrahaman vs Anord Mweusi (Misc. Land Appeal 108 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 799 (15 November 2021) 15 November 2021
Johson Leornard Mahururu vs Abdul Nasoro Obeid and 4 Others (Land Case 200 of 2013) [2021] TZHCLandD 813 (15 November 2021) 15 November 2021
Magdalena Mayunga vs Equity Bank (T) Limited and 3 Others (Misc. Land Application 385 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 859 (15 November 2021) 15 November 2021
Siwema Hamis Ali vs Kaisi Hamis (Suing As An Administrator of the Estate of the Late Hamis Ali) and Another (Misc. Land Application 276 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6789 (15 November 2021) 15 November 2021
Bagamoyo View Hotel Limited vs EFC Tanzania Mfc Limited & 2 Others (Land Case 54 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 6948 (12 November 2021) 12 November 2021
Bagamoyo View Hotel Limited vs EFC Tanzania Mfc Limited and 2 Others (Land Case 54 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 6714 (12 November 2021) 12 November 2021
Joyce Wambura vs Upendo Peter Chuwa (Misc. Land Case Application 482 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 869 (12 November 2021) 12 November 2021
The Registered Trustees of Msikiti Wa Ijumaa Temeke (tungi) vs Registered Trustees of El-madrasat Twayibat Islamyat and 3 Others (Misc. Land Application 540 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6709 (12 November 2021) 12 November 2021
The Registered Trustees of Msikiti Wa Ijumaa Temeke (tungi) vs The Registered Trustees of El - Madrasat Twayibati Islamyat & 3 Others (Misc. Application 540 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6950 (12 November 2021) 12 November 2021
Joseph Mshana (Administrator of the Estate of the Late Naginder Sing Mathur) vs Evelyne Mbuna (Misc. Land Case Application 196 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6782 (11 November 2021) 11 November 2021
Michael B. Masinde vs D.S Izina Alias Dhahiri Said Izina &3 Others (Land Case 3 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6866 (11 November 2021) 11 November 2021
Mohamed Juma Mrangi vs Magreth Maiko and Another (Land Appeal 6 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 751 (11 November 2021) 11 November 2021
Muhsin Ramadhani Salim vs Hossein Haji and Another (Land Appeal 271 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 841 (10 November 2021) 10 November 2021
Azizi Hamis Shomvi vs Japhery Kibana and 5 Others (Misc. Land Case Application 444 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 868 (9 November 2021) 9 November 2021
Maryam Nassoro vs Abla Estate Developers and 3 Others (Land Case 140 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 797 (9 November 2021) 9 November 2021
Abdallah Khamis Rashid vs Columba Tarimo (Administratrix of the Estate of the Late Eliuther Alphonce Tarimo) (Land Case 80 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 808 (8 November 2021) 8 November 2021
Debo Joseph Peter and Another vs Hamad Mwalim Mwandwanga and 2 Others (Land Case 324 of 2017) [2021] TZHCLandD 6718 (8 November 2021) 8 November 2021
Fulgency B. Kitigwa vs Kiparang'anda Hand Craft Group and 6 Others (Land Appeal 221 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6713 (8 November 2021) 8 November 2021
Mwanaharusi Ramadhani Said vs Ramla Ali Another (Land Appeal 200 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6696 (8 November 2021) 8 November 2021
Omary C. Chamshama vs Fatuma A. Tunu (Revision 38 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6956 (8 November 2021) 8 November 2021
Peter Richard Mwarabu vs Salma Seif Abdallah & 4 Others (Misc. Application 732 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6944 (8 November 2021) 8 November 2021
Richard Emmanuely Sonda (As Adminstrator of the Estate of the Late Emmanuely Sonda) vs Edward K Nkembo (Land Appeal 46 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6683 (8 November 2021) 8 November 2021
Amaly Mehta and Another vs Equity Bank Tanzania Limited (Land Case 63 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 807 (5 November 2021) 5 November 2021
Billionaire John Mkeu vs Gladness Hashim Rajabu (A Guardian On Behalf of Nasra Hashim Rajab and Halima Rajab (Land Revision 36 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 846 (5 November 2021) 5 November 2021
Bock Juma Rungwe vs The Grand Lodge Compay Limited and 2 OOthers (Land Case 137 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 811 (5 November 2021) 5 November 2021