High Court Land Division

High Court Land  Division was established as a result of the land reforms which were implemented by the Land Act 1999. Until 2010, the Land Court had exclusive jurisdiction to determine land disputes relating to land with a pecuniary value of TZS 50,000 or more. 

High Court Land Division

5247 documents

Title Date
April 2021
Hidaya Juma (as Adminstratrix of the Estate of the Late Juma Saidi Mtembwe)v Moshi Juma and 1 Others (Land Appeal 32 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6739 (30 April 2021) 30 April 2021
Idaya Juma (administratix of the Estate of the Late Juma Saidi Mtembwe) vs Moshi Juma and 1 Others (Land Appeal 32 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 690 (30 April 2021) 30 April 2021
Juma Mshihiri vs Gabriel Andrew and Others (Misc. Land Application 119 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 6705 (30 April 2021) 30 April 2021
Juma Musa Mtyanga vs Arois Abunuasi (Land Appeal 88 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 133 (30 April 2021) 30 April 2021
Latifa Hassan Alibhai vs Jayendra J. Amrchand and Another (Land Case 199 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 150 (30 April 2021) 30 April 2021
Lucia Elias Mhagama vs Gonzaluba Ganus (Misc. Land Application 437 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 146 (30 April 2021) 30 April 2021
Lwise Paulo vs Zaituni Abdallah Hongo and Kazimili Kailembo (Land Appeal 261 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 134 (30 April 2021) 30 April 2021
Mariam Juma Mtemvu and Others vs Baltazar Matonya and Others (Misc. Land Application 395 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 145 (30 April 2021) 30 April 2021
Msaduka Shaibu Ngumba vs Hamisi Kasubiri (Misc. Land Application 624 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 147 (30 April 2021) 30 April 2021
Sheila Ilangwa Shaidi vs Abraham Kilindo and Others (Land Case 34 of 2016) [2021] TZHCLandD 629 (30 April 2021) 30 April 2021
Bavoti Isaya Mlela vs Piusi Sigoma and 2 Others (Misc. Land Application 14 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 131 (29 April 2021) 29 April 2021
Leah Cretus Msopole vs Ally H Mahimbali (Misc. Land Appeal 139 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 135 (29 April 2021) 29 April 2021
Leah Cretus Msopole vs Ally H Mahimbali (Misc. Land Application 282 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 144 (29 April 2021) 29 April 2021
Ramadhani Hamza and Others vs Richard Bamba Seni (Land Case 79 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 189 (29 April 2021) 29 April 2021
Agness Bugingo vs Chiku Moshi Changa (Land Appeal 49 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 153 (27 April 2021) 27 April 2021
Break Point Outdoor Caterers Limited vs Dar-es-salaam City Council (Misc. Land Application 620 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 142 (27 April 2021) 27 April 2021
Kibada Faith Health Center vs Hatibu Salumu Mwinyi (Land Appeal 299 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6967 (27 April 2021) 27 April 2021
Kibada Faith Health Centre vs Hatibu Salumu Mwinyi (Lan Appeal 299 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 6969 (27 April 2021) 27 April 2021
Anseline Amiri Mrisho and Amina Amiri Mrisho vs Sophia Amiri Mrisho and Others (Land Case 105 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 187 (23 April 2021) 23 April 2021
Batholomeo Paulo Chiza vs Esau William Ndize and Others (Land Appeal 216 of 2017) [2021] TZHCLandD 151 (23 April 2021) 23 April 2021
Dua Nalondo vs Masha Mateneka (Misc. Application 289 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 688 (23 April 2021) 23 April 2021
Dua Nalondo vs Masha Mateneka (Misc. Land Application 287 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 188 (23 April 2021) 23 April 2021
Fereji Said Fereji vs Jaluma General Supplies Ltd and Another (Land Case 86 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 167 (23 April 2021) 23 April 2021
Francis Mtumbuka (person Representative of Salvina Emmanuel) vs Damiani Shine and 4 Others (Misc. Land Application 6 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 713 (23 April 2021) 23 April 2021
Juma Maftaha vs Prosper Massawe and Another (Misc. Land Application 263 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 170 (23 April 2021) 23 April 2021
Philip Allan Lema vs Peter Tegemea Ndatele and Others (Land Revision 22 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 152 (23 April 2021) 23 April 2021
Salma Issa Nongwa vs Mahfudhi Ally Mkenena (Misc. Land Case Appeal 139 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 711 (23 April 2021) 23 April 2021
Salma Issa Nongwa vs Malifudhi Ally Mkekena (Misc. Land Appeal 139 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 6678 (23 April 2021) 23 April 2021
Selemani Rajabu vs Amina Abdallah (Misc. Land Application 53 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 143 (23 April 2021) 23 April 2021
Augustine George and Another vs Ubungo Municipal Council and Attorney General (Misc. Land Application 616 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 93 (22 April 2021) 22 April 2021
Marwa Gimero vs Maharamu Abdallah (Misc. Land Application 596 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 91 (22 April 2021) 22 April 2021
John M Mlingi vs Eliakunda E Mshana (Misc. Land Application 721 of 2018) [2021] TZHCLandD 6731 (21 April 2021) 21 April 2021
Nicolas Selestine Mtei vs Zena Humudi Salum (Land Case 74 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 84 (21 April 2021) 21 April 2021
Tumsifu Ndeshao vs Lucy Msangi and Ally Kwendo (Land Appeal 107 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 140 (21 April 2021) 21 April 2021
Alex Maganya vs Abubakar Mkakile and Another (Misc. Land Application 274 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 160 (19 April 2021) 19 April 2021
Bakari S Gonza (As Adminstrator of the Estate of the Late Omary Mbomo) vs Swalehe Kitulike (Land Appeal 118 of 2018) [2021] TZHCLandD 888 (19 April 2021) 19 April 2021
Hery Abdallah vs Salimina Ally (Misc. Land Case Application 59 of 2021) [2021] TZHCLandD 139 (19 April 2021) 19 April 2021
Hussein Juma Jaheka vs Frida Simon Milei (Misc. Land Appeal 54 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 158 (19 April 2021) 19 April 2021
Shehe Salehe vs Rose Kiluvya and Another (Misc. Land Application 218 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 159 (19 April 2021) 19 April 2021
Abdallah Mwakilendu vs Omary Mgaya (Misc. Land Appeal 31 of 2018) [2021] TZHCLandD 106 (16 April 2021) 16 April 2021
Bahati Nova and Another vs Tunu Abdallah Mgeni (Misc. Land Application 195 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 109 (16 April 2021) 16 April 2021
Bakari S. Gonza (Administrator of Estate of the Late Omary Mbomo) vs Swalehe A. Kitulike (Land Appeal 118 of 2018) [2021] TZHCLandD 699 (16 April 2021) 16 April 2021
Cassim Abas Malya vs Naim Barnabas (Land Appeal 500 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 890 (16 April 2021) 16 April 2021
Cassim Abas Marya vs Naimi Barnabas (Land Appeal 500 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 701 (16 April 2021) 16 April 2021
Faridi Omary Mpili vs Wenceslaus William Ishengoma (Misc. Land Application 460 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 108 (16 April 2021) 16 April 2021
Faridi Omary Mpili vs Wenceslaus William Ishengoma (Misc. Land Case Application 460 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 111 (16 April 2021) 16 April 2021
Hamis Moshi Kasera and 3 Others vs Temeke Municipal Council (Misc. Land Case Application 421 of 2020) [2021] TZHCLandD 715 (16 April 2021) 16 April 2021
Justine Madebe vs Ally Salehe Bondi (Misc. Land Appeal 182 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 107 (16 April 2021) 16 April 2021
Metteus Caesar and Metterplan International Company Ltd vs Hussein Msuya and Others (Land Case 389 of 2017) [2021] TZHCLandD 168 (16 April 2021) 16 April 2021
Raphael Simtoe vs Mkarambarani Village Council (Misc. Land Appeal 23 of 2019) [2021] TZHCLandD 163 (16 April 2021) 16 April 2021