High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court Arusha Registry

3,245 documents

Court registries

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September 2023
Regina Bura vs Fortunata Vincent & 2 Others (Land Case Appeal No. 170 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21181 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Baraka Daudi Ogillo vs Director Prosecution & AG (Misc. Civil Cause No. 15 203) [2023] TZHC 21389 (21 September 2023) 21 September 2023
In the matter of "P.J'' A Child of P.o.Box 1042 Arusha Tanzania and In the Matter of Application for an Adoption Order by "J.S.C'' of P.o.Box 1042 Arusha, Tanzania (Application No. 7 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21277 (21 September 2023) 21 September 2023
In the matter of the estate of the late Melleo Auye Mrema and In the matter of an application for revocation of the Grant of the Letters of Administration Granted to Janeth William Kimaro, Michelle Mrema and Viv Mrema as Administratrixes of the estate of the Late Melleo Auye Mrema by Randle Mrema & another Vs. Janeth William Kimaro & 2 othhers. (Misc. Civil Application No 170 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21257 (21 September 2023) 21 September 2023
Naftali Logilaki vs Elibariki Logilaki & Another (Land Appeal No. 78 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21377 (21 September 2023) 21 September 2023
Fadhili Sumayani Kivuyo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No 119 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21330 (20 September 2023) 20 September 2023
Halmashauri ya Wilaya ya Karatu vs Will Daffi (Misc. Application No. 8 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21321 (20 September 2023) 20 September 2023
Lightness Wilfred Kiwelu vs Peter John Levi (As Administrator of the Estate of the late Samson John Levi) (Land Appeal No. 168 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21378 (20 September 2023) 20 September 2023
Republic vs Yusuf Ally Huta @Hussein & others (Criminal session Case No. 62 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21081 (20 September 2023) 20 September 2023
Charles Marco Nabala vs Thomas Marco Nabala (Application for execution No .29 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21112 (19 September 2023) 19 September 2023
Conrad Alfred Leo and Another vs Karen Kindondechi Leo (Civil Case No. 28 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21272 (19 September 2023) 19 September 2023
Godrose Elid Molle vs Elibariki Obeid Pallangyo (Civil Appeal No 28 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21113 (19 September 2023) 19 September 2023
In the matter of "A'' A Child and In the Matter of Application for an Adoption Order by "E.S.M'' of P.o.Box 1042 Arusha (Misc. Civil Cause No. 11 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21276 (19 September 2023) 19 September 2023
In the matter of "J'' Child of P.o.Box 10896 Arusha Tanzania and In the Matter of Application for an Adoption Order by "M.S.S'' of P.o.Box 10896 Arusha (Misc. Civil Cause No. 12 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21275 (19 September 2023) 19 September 2023
Moris Mayamba vs Sikudhani Zahoro Mihayo (Misc. Land Appeal No. 35 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21110 (19 September 2023) 19 September 2023
Ndalamia Partareto Taiwap & 4 Others vs Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism & Another (Misc. Civil Cause No. 21 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21407 (19 September 2023) 19 September 2023
Joseph Yesaya Mfinanga vs Assistant Registrar of Tittles and Another (Civil Appeal No. 3 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21274 (18 September 2023) 18 September 2023
Maasai Stepps Conservancy Limited vs Shongon Nakuta & 5 others (Land Case No. 21 of 2021) [2023] TZHC 21111 (18 September 2023) 18 September 2023
Mbabayo Banakera and Another vs Nakyatu Banakera (Land Appeal No. 65 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 22075 (18 September 2023) 18 September 2023
Elisaria Ernest Nassari vs Senyaelu Solomon Nanyaro (Misc. Land Application No. 39 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21395 (15 September 2023) 15 September 2023
Ismail Fadhil Sablack & Another vs. Republic (Misc. Criminal Application No. 37 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21394 (15 September 2023) 15 September 2023
John Merendia vs Daudi Nginai (Misc. Civil Application No. 163 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21387 (15 September 2023) 15 September 2023
John Mkumbo Mkumbo vs Sinohydro Corporation Limited (Revision Application No. 65 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21185 (15 September 2023) 15 September 2023
Mary Malai vs Emmanuel Marimari & 9 Others (Misc Land Application No. 12 0f 2023) [2023] TZHC 21481 (15 September 2023) 15 September 2023
Stanley Manimo vs Stanbic Bank Tanzania Ltd & Another (Civil Revision No. 10 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21170 (15 September 2023) 15 September 2023
Jeni Mushi v. Hillary Kimaro (PC Civil Appeal No. 3 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21328 (14 September 2023) 14 September 2023
Julius Cleopa (As Administrator of the Estate of the Late Cleopa Dkirikengori) & 4 Others vs. Josia Lengoya Sademaki (Civil Reference No. 2 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21374 (14 September 2023) 14 September 2023
Waziri Matogolo vs. The School of St. Jude Ltd (Land Appeal No. 206 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21381 (13 September 2023) 13 September 2023
Adoption Order by Dirk Frykowski and Sarah Heider (Misc. Civil Cause No. 09 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21388 (12 September 2023) 12 September 2023
Mohamed Saad Bin Jung and Another vs Ally Kea Ally and 4 Others (Amended Petition Cause No. 2 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 20976 (12 September 2023) 12 September 2023
The Registered Trustees of Ishik Medical and Educational Foundation v. Sheila S. Kaunda (Land Appeal No. 100 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21325 (11 September 2023) 11 September 2023
Abiduni Elifuraha vs. Yohana Aray & 2 Others (Land Appeal No. 174 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21379 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Bhikhalal Nanji Ondhia and Vineshwar Nanji Ondhia (PROBATION AND ADMINISTRATION CAUSE NO. 17 OF 2021) [2023] TZHC 21373 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Gerald s/o Efatha vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 144 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21173 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Helena Leiyaseki vs Baraka Paulo and 6 Others (Civil Appeal No. 31 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21219 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Juliana Axwesso Tlemu vs. Nasibu Gadiye & Others (Land Appeal No. 184 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21392 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Kelvin Lembris @ Ngwelenya @ Jack (Criminal Appeal No. 32 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 20977 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Magreth Qamara Xhiffi vs. Threresia Evarist Qamara Xhiffi & 2 Others (Misc. Civil Application No. 8 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21401 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Noel Mgasa vs. XINIFEIDA Technology Ltd (Revision Application No. 8 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21398 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Peter Michael Madeleka vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No.87 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 20838 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Republic vs Mkami Stanley Shirima (Criminal Session No. 111 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21176 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Samwel Leidoi & Annother vs. Sangeti Meitawas & Anoter (Land Appeal No. 216 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21383 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Marko Joseph Makollo Vs. Elewana Africa (T) Limited (Labour Revision No 51 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 20844 (7 September 2023) 7 September 2023
Kusi Fresh Limited vs Angela Paulo Boniface and 10 Others (Misc. Labour Application No. 24 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 20975 (6 September 2023) 6 September 2023
Tanzania Farmers Productivity and Development Organization (TAFAPDO) vs. The Board of Trustees of NSSF (Misc. Civil Application No. 61 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21405 (6 September 2023) 6 September 2023
Mon'gi Nangan Laizer Vs. Roberty Melnyo Mollel (Civil Appeal No 13 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 20843 (5 September 2023) 5 September 2023
Elias Masija Nyang'oro & 2others Vs. Tanzania Distillers Limited (Civil Case No 11 of 2021) [2023] TZHC 20842 (4 September 2023) 4 September 2023
Dominic Nico Mageta vs Yakobo Isaya and 5 Others (Land Case No. 31 of 2021) [2023] TZHC 21269 (1 September 2023) 1 September 2023
John Emmanuel Gadie vs Petro Meta Slaa (Misc. Land Application No. 157 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21182 (1 September 2023) 1 September 2023
John Nevava vs. Raphael Francis Kivuyo (PC Civil Appeal No. 9 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21408 (1 September 2023) 1 September 2023