High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
43 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
December 2014
Betam Communication Tanzania LTD vs China International Telecommunications Construction Corporation & Another (Civil Case No. 220 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2399 (12 December 2014) 12 December 2014
November 2014
Ponda Issa Ponda vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 89 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2223 (27 November 2014) 27 November 2014
Government of Libya vs Meis Industries Co. Ltd & Others (Civil Case 225 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2015 (18 November 2014) 18 November 2014
October 2014
Saed Kubena vs Attorney General (Misc. Civil Cause No. 28 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2339 (7 October 2014) 7 October 2014
September 2014
Tanganyika Law Society vs Attorney General (Misc. Civil Cause No. 31 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2303 (22 September 2014) 22 September 2014
Saed Kubena vs Attorney General (Misc. Civil Application No. 29 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2337 (15 September 2014) 15 September 2014
John Bosco Mriyanga vs Sheck Chimbalanga (Lan Appeal 23 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2110 (2 September 2014) 2 September 2014
Las Construction Company Limited (Misc. Civil Application 44 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2266 (2 September 2014) 2 September 2014
Wilson Fathamel Lyimo vs George Redson Lyimo & Others (Land Case 108 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2251 (1 September 2014) 1 September 2014
August 2014
Umesh M. Chohan vs Ashura J. Omari & Another (Civil Appeal 80 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2163 (6 August 2014) 6 August 2014
Shamsa Salum vs Mohamed Mackbel (Civil Appeal 42 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2161 (1 August 2014) 1 August 2014
July 2014
Nazareth Amon vs New Africa Casino LTD (Civil Revision 72 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2065 (24 July 2014) 24 July 2014
Bakari Mohamedi Rwambo vs Raiya Nassoro & Another (Civil Appeal 55 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2162 (22 July 2014) 22 July 2014
National Microfinance Bank vs Beatrice Mbasha (Civil Appeal No. 25 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2398 (10 July 2014) 10 July 2014
Luxury Appartments Limited vs Edward Wilson Ngwale & Others (Misc. Land Aplication 59 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2278 (8 July 2014) 8 July 2014
Hemed Rashid vs Salma Hussein (Civil Appeal 60 of 2009) [2014] TZHC 2050 (7 July 2014) 7 July 2014
June 2014
Ademba Gomba vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 56 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2214 (20 June 2014) 20 June 2014
Hussein Magesa Ekingo vs Dodsal Hydrocarbons and Power Tanzania Pvt (Land Case 97 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2250 (17 June 2014) 17 June 2014
Shindika Group Limited vs Norsad Finance Limited (Misc. Application 333 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2257 (13 June 2014) 13 June 2014
Niko Insurance Tanzania LTD vs Mrs Mecktilda Vanant Mugemuzi (Civil Appeal 98 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2167 (10 June 2014) 10 June 2014
Tanganyika Instant Coffee Co. LTD vs Jawabu W. Mutembei (Revision No. 210 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2409 (9 June 2014) 9 June 2014
Legal & Human Rights Center & Another vs Hon. Mizengo Pinda & Another (Misc. Civil Cause 24 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 1 (6 June 2014) 6 June 2014
Alicheraus Mwesiga & Others vs Tanzania Portland Cement Comapny LTD & Others (Civil Case No. 175 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2377 (4 June 2014) 4 June 2014
Asha Ramadhani vs Salum Saidi (PC Criminal Appeal No. 4 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2394 (4 June 2014) 4 June 2014
Jireys Nestory Mutalemwa vs Ngorongoro Conservation Area Autority (Misc. Labour Application No. 270 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2406 (3 June 2014) 3 June 2014
Jireys Nestory Mutalemwa vs Ngorongoro Conservation Area Autority (Misc. Labour Application No. 270 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2407 (3 June 2014) 3 June 2014
May 2014
Ombeni Paul Msuya vs National Insurance Corporation of (T) LTD & Another (Revision No. 367 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2396 (29 May 2014) 29 May 2014
Malaya Abdallah Mtambo vs Abdallah Mtambo & Others (Misc. Civil Application 6 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2122 (27 May 2014) 27 May 2014
Abubakar Ndimbo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 42 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2200 (20 May 2014) 20 May 2014
Faki Saidi Mtanda vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 59 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2215 (13 May 2014) 13 May 2014
Bepha Mugasa vs C.M.C Motors Limited (Civil Appeal 121 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2057 (9 May 2014) 9 May 2014
April 2014
Dr. Godbless Charles vs Medical Council of Tanzania & Another (Misc. Civil Appeal 1 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2258 (30 April 2014) 30 April 2014
Abella Bertha Vidtfeldt vs Registered Trustees of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost Epiphany Parish (Land Case 45 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2249 (16 April 2014) 16 April 2014
Deo Mwankemwa & Another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 122 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2100 (15 April 2014) 15 April 2014
Binti Pazi(Addija Ramadhan) vs Sylivester W. Mkama (Land Case Appeal 15 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2113 (11 April 2014) 11 April 2014
Eileen Swai & Others vs National Insurance Corporation Tanzania Limited & Others (Misc. Land Aplication 57 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2280 (8 April 2014) 8 April 2014
Occ Limited vs Bishan Singh & Others (Land Case 16 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2247 (2 April 2014) 2 April 2014
March 2014
Fatuma A. Mohamed vs Holo Juma and 5 Others (Civil Appeal 56 of 2010) [2014] TZHC 2027 (26 March 2014) 26 March 2014
Laurean Rugambwa vs Tanzania Red Cross Society & Another (Misc. Civil Cause 3 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2271 (26 March 2014) 26 March 2014
Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority vs Hamisi Mwangi & Others (Misc. Civil Application 244 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2269 (7 March 2014) 7 March 2014
February 2014
Ally Mwinyi Matola vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 24 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2378 (7 February 2014) 7 February 2014
Constansia Chaila & Another vs Everest & Another (Civil Appeal 122 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2058 (7 February 2014) 7 February 2014
Godbless Charles vs Medical Council of Tanganyika & Another (Misc. Civil Appeal No. 1 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2389 (4 February 2014) 4 February 2014