High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court Mwanza Registry - 2019 January

68 documents

Court registries

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January 2019
Amos Gisunte Sererya vs Tarime District Council & Another (Land Case 10 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2073 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Emmanuel Kanisius Baritire vs Marwa Nyahosu & Another (Misc. Land Application 121 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2065 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Florida Nkola vs Engelberth Philipo Bujiku (Misc. Civil Application 17 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2058 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Geita Gold Mine vs William Swai (Labour Revision 80 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2072 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
John Chuma vs Pastoli Lubatula & Others (Misc. Land Application 13 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2089 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Jonathan Lupondije vs Neema Isaya (PC Civil Appeal 61 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2039 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Kulwa Lutandula vs Paulo George & Another (Misc. Land Application 91 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2090 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Leonard Samson Lion of Judah Academy vs Juma Samson (Revision Appl. 50 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2083 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Lugoyo Buzegwe ofisini vs Vedastus Nahonge (PC Civil Appeal 21 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2036 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Magori Thomas vs Josephat Mbiso (Misc. Land Application 164 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2092 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Mhubiri Rogega Mong'ateko vs Mak Medics Ltd (Revision 9 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2043 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Msiru Salumu vs Joram Lastom (PC Civil Appeal 46 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2038 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Mwegenya A. Alum vs Rael Akama (Misc. Land Appeal 3 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2053 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Winnie Sheba Seme vs Herman Omary Mganga (Misc. Civil Application 115 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2087 (31 January 2019) 31 January 2019
Rukansola Magere vs Serikali Ya Kijiji Kafunzo (Misc. Civil Application 62 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2075 (30 January 2019) 30 January 2019
Leonard Samson Mirondo vs Eden Nursery and Primary School (Revision Appl. 10 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2082 (29 January 2019) 29 January 2019
Richard M. Augustine vs Kampuni Ya Simu Tanzania (TTCL) (Revision Appl. 87 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2084 (29 January 2019) 29 January 2019
Moshi Juma Mzungu vs Selemani Mabuba (Civil Appeal 41 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2079 (28 January 2019) 28 January 2019
Oluwa Mkando vs Kassim Omari (Misc. Civil Application 22 of 2015) [2019] TZHC 2085 (28 January 2019) 28 January 2019
Chacha Mhogo vs Wegesa Joseph M. Nyamaisa (Land Appeal 52 of 2013) [2019] TZHC 2080 (25 January 2019) 25 January 2019
Nyamboga Magembe vs Jeremiah Nzenga & Others (Misc. Land Application 91 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2091 (25 January 2019) 25 January 2019
Abdul Kamuanda Rwenza vs Sakina Wanjiru Rwenza (Misc. Civil Application No. 107 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2060 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Alexander K. Mniko vs Beda Simion Nyaisa (Civil Appeal 61 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2033 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Ibrahim Libo vs Belita Ojeni (Misc. Civil Application 68 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2059 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Machenes Otaigo vs Sabas Mges (Misc. Land Appeal 53 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2035 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Makungu Tangawizi vs Yohana Nkali (Misc. Land Application 33 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2063 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Masato Manyama vs Lushamba Village Council (Misc. Land Application 94 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2064 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Mathias Makalwe vs Mashauri Makalwe (PC Civil Appeal 35 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2037 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Musa Mpanduje vs Jacob Mashauri Kitenge (Misc. Land Appeal 82 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2068 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Ngeche Wambura & Others vs Ibrahim Chacha Nchama (Misc. Land Application 8 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2100 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Nyaseba Mwita vs Kisiri Marwa Chacha & Others (Land Appeal 46 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2051 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Okech Akomo vs Konsilata Adoyo (Misc. Land Appeal 21 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2057 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Ruttu B. Jeremiah vs Registered Trustees of St. Augustine University of Tanzania & Another (Misc. Civil Cause 6 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2099 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Serengeti Breweries Ltd vs Mathias Ulaya (Labour Revision 47 of 2016) [2019] TZHC 2096 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Simon Machaba Mongate vs Sankey Boniphace Mwakalobo (Land Appeal 25 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2049 (24 January 2019) 24 January 2019
Jephta Jeremiah Machandaro vs National Microfinance Bank & Others (Misc. Land Application 122 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2066 (23 January 2019) 23 January 2019
Emmy Ephron Ngowi & Another vs Bank of Africa Tanzania Ltd & Others (Land Case 22 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2074 (22 January 2019) 22 January 2019
Richard Zakaria Odongo vs Alliance Boys Secondary & High School (Labour Revision 20 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2070 (22 January 2019) 22 January 2019
Richard Zakaria Odongo vs Alliance Boys Secondary & High School (Labour Revision 20 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2071 (22 January 2019) 22 January 2019
Sengerema District Council vs Juma Chasama Kamata & Another (Misc. Civil Application 132 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2061 (22 January 2019) 22 January 2019
Deus Ogola & Another vs Zedekia Oloo Siso (Misc. Land Application 118 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2067 (21 January 2019) 21 January 2019
Emmanuel Bufe Mkuyu vs CRDB Bank PLC & Another (Land Appeal 74 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2052 (21 January 2019) 21 January 2019
James Lugwigwi vs Lugwisha Ng'winamila (Civil Appeal 9 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2046 (21 January 2019) 21 January 2019
Majeshi Mapuli & Others vs Republic (Consolidated Criminal Appeals 70 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2044 (21 January 2019) 21 January 2019
Nyawaburwa Majura Kaema vs Stephen Saile (PC Civil Appeal 30 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2041 (21 January 2019) 21 January 2019
Nyerere William vs Shigongo Bunuma & Others (PC Civil Appeal 72 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2040 (21 January 2019) 21 January 2019
Saranga Wambura vs Eliza Lukiko & Another (Misc. Land Application 232 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2062 (21 January 2019) 21 January 2019
Yasinta Michael Sumuni vs Mwambao Saccos Ltd & Others (Land Appeal 34 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2050 (21 January 2019) 21 January 2019
Zaituni Jumanne vs Johanes Wambura (PC Criminal Appeal 23 of 2018) [2019] TZHC 2042 (21 January 2019) 21 January 2019
Makori Maige Tyenyi vs Maro Nyamhanga (Land Appeal 6 of 2017) [2019] TZHC 2048 (18 January 2019) 18 January 2019