High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court Mwanza Registry

3,041 documents

Court registries

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July 2022
Lucy Lwiza Joseph vs Salumu Ibrahim Salum & 2 Others (Civil Appeal 59 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10447 (5 July 2022) 5 July 2022
Magdalena Wiyangalila Nyanda vs National Insurance Corporation of (T) Ltd & Others (Misc. Civil Application 8 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10509 (5 July 2022) 5 July 2022
Ramadhan Jumanne vs Jerome Msumi & Another (PC Civil Appeal 46 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10457 (5 July 2022) 5 July 2022
Aloyce Batiho Kitogwa vs Mabula Kitogwa & 5 Others (Land Case Appeal 68 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10461 (4 July 2022) 4 July 2022
Alphonce Joseph vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 176 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10466 (4 July 2022) 4 July 2022
Anord Thomas vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 109 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10464 (4 July 2022) 4 July 2022
Anord Thomas vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 109 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 12253 (4 July 2022) 4 July 2022
Bon & Pat Security Ltd (Erasmus Joseph Mbalazi) vs Mponji Mhagama (PC Civil Appeal 64 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11034 (4 July 2022) 4 July 2022
Jumanne Kagoro vs John Shija (Civil Appeal 34 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10446 (4 July 2022) 4 July 2022
Access Microfinace Bank Tanzania Limited & Another vs Joel Wilson Chuma (Civil Revision 7 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 12249 (1 July 2022) 1 July 2022
asha Salum Faraji vs Silwani Galati Mwantembe (Misc. Application 104 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10419 (1 July 2022) 1 July 2022
June 2022
Access Microfinance Bank Tanzania Limited & Another vs Joel Wilson Chuma (Civil Revision 7 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10365 (30 June 2022) 30 June 2022
Amani Mafuru vs Shibide Lugoba (Misc. Civil Application 3 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10369 (30 June 2022) 30 June 2022
Elizabeth Donald Magazi & 3 Others vs Cosmas John Mdongo (PC Civil Appeal 53 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10368 (30 June 2022) 30 June 2022
Hussein Salim Kasimu vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 175 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10367 (30 June 2022) 30 June 2022
Ramadhan Shaban vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 103 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10366 (30 June 2022) 30 June 2022
Masumbuko s/o Mathias vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 25 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10317 (29 June 2022) 29 June 2022
Republic vs Leonard Elikana (Criminal Session 15 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10316 (29 June 2022) 29 June 2022
Adam Jumanne@ Rubinza vs Republic (22 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10314 (28 June 2022) 28 June 2022
Emmanuel Mgaya vs Charles Busumabu (PC Civil Appeal 25 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10291 (28 June 2022) 28 June 2022
Michael Shilole vs Elizabeth S. Magera (PC Civil Appeal 69 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10292 (28 June 2022) 28 June 2022
Nickson Frank@kichele vs Republic (Criminal Session Case 11 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10315 (28 June 2022) 28 June 2022
Yohane Ntoroki vs Marietha Machibula (Land Application 113 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10293 (28 June 2022) 28 June 2022
Peter Samwel vs James Mathayo (Misc. Land Appeal 4 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10267 (27 June 2022) 27 June 2022
Idrisa R. Hayeshi vs Emmanuel Makundi (Misc. Land Aplication 12 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10265 (24 June 2022) 24 June 2022
Nyanda Moses and Tula Moses vs Ngongo Mchenye (Criminal Appeal 7 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10310 (24 June 2022) 24 June 2022
Rosemary Nicholaus Duhia vs Municipal Director & 2 Others (Misc. Land Aplication 24 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10289 (24 June 2022) 24 June 2022
Edward Bubamu vs Pagi Kilauri & 2 Others (Land Appeal 6 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10268 (23 June 2022) 23 June 2022
Sospeter Tanu vs Halima Juma (PC Civil Appeal 40 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10240 (23 June 2022) 23 June 2022
Isack Albano @ Mlori vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 8 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10213 (22 June 2022) 22 June 2022
John Lusiano vs Simon Mabula (Misc. Land Appication 28 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10287 (22 June 2022) 22 June 2022
Seif Shaban vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 7 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10238 (22 June 2022) 22 June 2022
Alliance Insurance Corporation Limited vs George Josephat Kikene (Administrator of the estate of the late Josephat Kikene Mwita) & 2 Others (Misc. Civil Application 10 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10239 (21 June 2022) 21 June 2022
Ester Paulo vs Judith Steven & Another (PC. Civil Appeal 8 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10288 (21 June 2022) 21 June 2022
Juma Said vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 222 of 2017) [2022] TZHC 10237 (21 June 2022) 21 June 2022
Sospeter Izumba vs Roza Roki & 2 Others (Civil Appeal 7 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10266 (21 June 2022) 21 June 2022
Venance Okuku vs Thomas Jackson@otena & 5 Others (PC Criminal Appeal No. 31 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10207 (21 June 2022) 21 June 2022
Filbert Nestory & 5 Others vs Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (tbc) & Another (Misc. Land Aplication 13 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10156 (20 June 2022) 20 June 2022
Geita Gold Mine Ltd vs Samwel Japhet (Labor Revision 43 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10286 (20 June 2022) 20 June 2022
Paul Tungucha Bugarire vs G4s Secure Solutions (T) Ltd (Revision Application 38 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10155 (20 June 2022) 20 June 2022
Peter Kwadhi Aloyo vs Daudi Emmanuel Manyama & 2 Others (Civil Appeal 33 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10154 (20 June 2022) 20 June 2022
Recho Joshua vs Charles Yong'ole & Another (Misc. Civil Application 164 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 10151 (20 June 2022) 20 June 2022
Sara Richard Hamza vs Nmb Plc (Labor Revision 96 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 10152 (20 June 2022) 20 June 2022
Tanzania Breweries Ltd vs Campbell Mwanga (Labor Revision 23 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10153 (20 June 2022) 20 June 2022
Republic vs Damian andrea @ Kankono (Criminal Sessions 130 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10309 (17 June 2022) 17 June 2022
Zawadi Manyirizu vs Administrator General (Administrator of estate of Deceased Leonard T Kairu) (Misc. Civil Application 154 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10132 (17 June 2022) 17 June 2022
Republic vs Ntungimana Japhet (Criminal Sessions 41 of 2017) [2022] TZHC 10173 (16 June 2022) 16 June 2022
Republic vs Juma Gulaka and Two Others (Criminal Sessions 136 of 2015) [2022] TZHC 10170 (15 June 2022) 15 June 2022
Republic vs Mashaka Madafu (Criminal Sessions 38 of 2019) [2022] TZHC 10172 (15 June 2022) 15 June 2022
Buhinu Ng´waje vs Kephuleni Lubimbi & Another (Land Case Revision 10 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10133 (14 June 2022) 14 June 2022