High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court Mwanza Registry

3,041 documents

Court registries

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June 2021
Sam Ndege and 3 Others vs Agness Erasto Malunga (PC Civil Appeal 64 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 6773 (29 June 2021) 29 June 2021
Access Bank Tanzania Ltd vs Nyacheri Joseph Mwangwa (Misc. Civil Application 7 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3866 (28 June 2021) 28 June 2021
Communication and Transport Workers Union of Tanzania vs Mariam Said (Misc. Labour Application 12 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3852 (28 June 2021) 28 June 2021
Hamis Cosmas vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 51 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3919 (28 June 2021) 28 June 2021
Jackson John vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 30 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3920 (28 June 2021) 28 June 2021
Justine Jackson vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 58 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3810 (28 June 2021) 28 June 2021
Miraji Rwehumbiza vs Gph Industries Ltd (Labour Revision 27 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3862 (28 June 2021) 28 June 2021
Sara Kapela vs Bushesha Faustine (HC Criminal Appeal 11 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3811 (28 June 2021) 28 June 2021
Shishi Fumbuka vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 18 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3791 (28 June 2021) 28 June 2021
Beatus Gwantemi Dhidi Ya Mamlaka Ya Maji Safi Na Usafi Wa Mazigira Mwanza (Marejeo 52 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3854 (25 June 2021) 25 June 2021
Gerald Manyilizu Deus vs Ester Mangero (PC Matrimonial Appeal 11 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3790 (25 June 2021) 25 June 2021
Josephat byenobi vs Consolata Constantine (PC Matrimonial Appeal 6 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3927 (25 June 2021) 25 June 2021
Kepha Hezron Nteminyanda vs Ilemela Municipal Council and 2 Others (Land Case 8 of 2018) [2021] TZHC 3853 (25 June 2021) 25 June 2021
Mussa Daudi vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 68 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3808 (25 June 2021) 25 June 2021
Peter Gregory Makole vs Emanuel Cryspian Ngape and Another (Land Case 16 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 3849 (25 June 2021) 25 June 2021
Samson Rwechungura Fulgence and Another vs Geita Gold Mining Limited (Labour Revision 41 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3867 (25 June 2021) 25 June 2021
Thadei Setiel Minja vs Rampart Securirty Services Ltd (Labour Revision 89 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3946 (25 June 2021) 25 June 2021
Beatus Laurian Ndihaye vs Mariam Kitoleo (Misc. Civil Application 6 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3864 (24 June 2021) 24 June 2021
Hellen Gen Lucas vs Cleophace Lucas (Matrimonial Cause 1 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3785 (24 June 2021) 24 June 2021
Kulwa Ngelela Bukula vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 9 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3825 (24 June 2021) 24 June 2021
Robert Masiba Sengerema vs Erasto Masiba (Misc. Civil Application 142 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3819 (24 June 2021) 24 June 2021
Rojas fortunatus and Another vs Eva Ludigila (HC Civil Appeal 18 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3781 (24 June 2021) 24 June 2021
Sayona Drinks Limited vs Eliawon Elinamu Machange (Misc. Civil Appeal 38 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3858 (24 June 2021) 24 June 2021
Amani Mafuru vs Shibide Lugoba (PC Civil Appeal 5 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3875 (23 June 2021) 23 June 2021
Bujaga vs Komanya vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 56 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3918 (23 June 2021) 23 June 2021
Gasper Thomas vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 126 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3848 (23 June 2021) 23 June 2021
Tanzania Breweries Limited vs John Mugabe Madatta and Others (Labour Revision 81 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3925 (23 June 2021) 23 June 2021
fortunatus Clavery Magai vs A and E Security Limited (Misc. Labour Application 52 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3827 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Veronica Ntalima Magofu vs Peter Japhet (Matrimonial Appeal 12 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3744 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Agnes K. Lukandya and Others vs Faida Lunsalya (Land Appeal 60 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3818 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Kisumo Leonard vs Sumira Barnaba (PC Civil Appeal 65 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3746 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Neema Makwaiya vs Hasna Muhenga (Misc. Land Application 115 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3817 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Shija George vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 29 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3762 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Geita Gold Mine Limited vs Eliudy Gichaine (Misc. Labour Application 5 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3948 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Geita Gold Mine Limited vs Samwel Japhat (Misc. Labour Application 36 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3743 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Mhangwa Zacharia vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 34 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3922 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Wadoki Saccos Ltd vs David Mseti and Two Others (HC Civil Appeal 58 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3850 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Zubery Mustapha and Another vs Ramadhani Abdallah (Misc. Civil Application 14 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3745 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
DPP vs Judith Mfunda Mgaya (HC Criminal Appeal 26 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3782 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Happy Joseph @sengu vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 16 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3765 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Joseph Komanya vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 56 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3764 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Joyce Mboyi Sabini vs CRDB Bank PLC Geita Branch and Others (Misc. Land Application 186 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 3794 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Dolah S. J. Kitundu vs Juma Hamis Juma and Others (Misc. Land Case Appeal 20 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3950 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
Ilemela Municipal Council vs Elia Mongi and Others (Misc. Land Application 93 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3792 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
In the Matter of An Involuntary Winding Up of Eternum Limited (Misc. Civil Cause 5 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3928 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
Majige Ngolelwa vs Emiliana Kuzenza (PC Matrimonial Appeal 15 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3789 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
Restituta Epaineto Samson Ng'wananogu vs Meta Shilogile and Another (Misc. Land Application 7 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3796 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
David Samson Shunda and Others vs Mashimo Kibungi Ndulu (PC Probate Appeal 6 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3742 (14 June 2021) 14 June 2021
Devocatussuperius and Others vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 15 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3924 (14 June 2021) 14 June 2021
Emmanuel Malimi @ Maliganya vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 150 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3921 (14 June 2021) 14 June 2021