High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court Mwanza Registry

3,041 documents

Court registries

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September 2023
Baraka Manyama @Kumwaya& 2 Others v Republic (Criminal Appeal No.19 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21150 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Bitulo Maengera Bituro vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 84 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21526 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Deus Magili & 5 Others vs Republic (Consolidated Criminal appeals No. 54, 62 and 99 of 2023; Consolidated Criminal appeals No. 54, 62 and 99 of 2023; Consolidated Criminal appeals No. 54, 62 and 99 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21144 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Fortunatus Kasanzo vs Pauline Mahendeka (Misc. Land Appeal No. 25 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21251 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Gardaworld Security (T) Limited v Mariam Kamuli Mpemba (Labour Revision No 34 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 22288 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Juliana Kabakeza v Mery Basinga (Land Appeal No.52 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22723 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Juliana Kabakeza v Mery Basinga (Land Appeal No.52 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 23115 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Kulwa Sadick Mweche vs. Omary Nyanza Mabula (Misc. Civil Application No. 84 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21534 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Luhunga Gwanchele v Onesmo Sylivester Malulu (Misc land Application No 43 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21199 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Modester Felician Masala vs Mgreth Mapigano ( Adminiaatratrix of the estates of Leonard Kahema (Civil Appeal No. 23 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21512 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Moshi Suleiman Aman(The Administratrix of the estate of the late Ahmad Ismaillunga) vs Suzana Mafuru & 2 others) (Land Case No. 15 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21425 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Seif Shabani vs Republic (Criminal appeal No. 31 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21169 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Suzana Julias vs Elikana Sahani (PC Matrimonial Appeal No. 51 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21517 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
Yulitha Balekele & Another vs. Kapigi Nzunya (Misc. Land Case Appeal No. 21 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22132 (22 September 2023) 22 September 2023
CRDB Bank PLC & Another vs Hamida Seif Hamad & Another (Consolidated Land Appeals No. 36 of 2022; Consolidated Land Appeals No. 37 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21201 (21 September 2023) 21 September 2023
Mubehamo International LTD vs Shadrack Luhemeja (Labour Revision No. 69 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21254 (21 September 2023) 21 September 2023
Sophia Nyamalemo Mabibo (Adminstrator of the estate of the late of Makwega Matuli) v Nyangele Masonga. (Land Appeal No. 30 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21426 (21 September 2023) 21 September 2023
William Clement @Thomas @Benjamen v Republic (Misc. Criminal Application No.21 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21148 (21 September 2023) 21 September 2023
Clement Kyaro & 2 Others vs. Cyprian Victor Nyangwe (Misc. Civil Application No. 70 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21697 (20 September 2023) 20 September 2023
Ester James Magita vs Bank of Africa Tanzania Limited (Civil Reference No. 20 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21092 (20 September 2023) 20 September 2023
Marwa Joseph Wambura v Mamlaka ya Majisafi na Usafi wa Mazingira Jijini Mwanza(MWAUWASA) & 2 Others (Civil Case No.11 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22926 (20 September 2023) 20 September 2023
Geita Gold Mining Limited v BElvin Tossiri & 13 Others (Consolidated Labour Revision Application No.4&5 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21545 (18 September 2023) 18 September 2023
Mwita Chacha Timasi and Another vs North Mara Gold Mine Ltd (Misc. Land Application No. 34 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21245 (18 September 2023) 18 September 2023
Ally Abdallah vs KUGIS Transporter Ltd and 2 others (Land Revision No. 12 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21527 (15 September 2023) 15 September 2023
Msingo Investment Limited vs The Attorney General & Another Civil (Case No. 06 Of 2021) [2023] TZHC 21035 (15 September 2023) 15 September 2023
Bigarabu Raphael v. Mafuru Haroun (Civil Reference No. 4 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21064 (14 September 2023) 14 September 2023
Bigarabu Raphael v. Mafuru Haroun (Civil Reference No. 4 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21065 (14 September 2023) 14 September 2023
Katavi and Kapufi Limited v. Shukuru Jackson Mashimba (Misc. Labour Application No. 8 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21063 (14 September 2023) 14 September 2023
Mussa Ibrahim and Another vs Ramadhan Abdallah (Civil Appeal No. 111 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21255 (14 September 2023) 14 September 2023
John Boniphace (Administrator of estates of Kobiro Boniphace) vs Kazera Kabazi (Misc. Land Application No. 65 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21542 (13 September 2023) 13 September 2023
Juma Shihango vs John Ndwike (PC Civil Appeal No. 113) [2023] TZHC 21242 (12 September 2023) 12 September 2023
Charles Kahatano Lwempisi vs National Bank of Commerce Ltd and 3 Others (Misc. Civil Application No. 31 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21244 (11 September 2023) 11 September 2023
Rose Dinda Joshua vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application No. 4 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21243 (11 September 2023) 11 September 2023
Bunana Masami vs Pili Mabagala (Misc. Land Application No. 72 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 22535 (10 September 2023) 10 September 2023
Access Bank Tanzania Limited vs Collens Butambala & Another (Land Appeal No. 47 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 20896 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Buhinu Ng'waje vs Kephuleni Lubimbi & Another (Land Revision No. 7 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 20813 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Eric Shem Gwaje vs NMB Bank PLC (Labour Revision No 48 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21519 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
First Assurance Company Limited v Jumeme Rural Power Supply Co.Ltd & Another (Misc.Civil Application No.77 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 20895 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Juma Husein vs Republic (Criminal appeal No. 86 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 20835 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Magesa Mayomya v Muji Kapima (Land Appeal No 25 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 20893 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Paul Tungucha Bugagire vs G4S Security Solutions (T) Ltd (Misc. Labour Application No. 28 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21162 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Respecius Rumanyika @ Rwegoshora vs Republic (Misc. Economic Case No. 33 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21246 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Richard Majenga vs John Paul and another (Land Appeal No. 102 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21510 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Yusuph Juma Mamboleo vs Republic (Misc. Economic case No. 23 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21252 (8 September 2023) 8 September 2023
Mfwindi Chilega vs Renatus Ndageji (Misc. Land Appeal No. 9 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21249 (7 September 2023) 7 September 2023
Director of Public Prosecutions vs Abdallah Abdallah (Criminal Appeal Case 49 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21247 (4 September 2023) 4 September 2023
Joel Nyamageni Kisibike and 5 others vs. Julius Nyaga Njololo and 2 others (Land Case No 29 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21539 (4 September 2023) 4 September 2023
Winfrida Lazaro Zabron alias Winifrida Muhangwa( Administratix of Estate of the Late LAZARO ZABRON MUHANGWA v Ryaga Yuda Ryaga & 6 Others (Land Case No 30 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 22290 (4 September 2023) 4 September 2023
Zephania Mtwale Magesa (Administrator of the Estate of the Late) Mtwale Magesa (Misc. Land Appel No. 09 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 21202 (2 September 2023) 2 September 2023
Gabriel Simon vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 60 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 21066 (1 September 2023) 1 September 2023