High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court Dar es Salaam Zone Registry

5231 documents

Court registries

Title Date
April 2012
Ahmed Salum Katungunya & Another vs Seif Salum Katungunya (Misc. Civil Appeal No. 19 of 2011) [2012] TZHC 180 (27 April 2012) 27 April 2012
Hamad Rashid Mohamed & others vs Registered Trustees of the Civil United Front (CUF)- Chama cha Wananchi (Civil Case No. 1 of 2012) [2012] TZHC 158 (24 April 2012) 24 April 2012
Agricom Africa Ltd vs John Malya (Land Case 62 of 2010) [2012] TZHC 61 (23 April 2012) 23 April 2012
Dear Omari Mpili vs Faridi Omari Mpili (Civil Revision No. 13 of 2011) [2012] TZHC 169 (17 April 2012) 17 April 2012
Paul Elias Maro vs Mtumwa Mrisho (Civil Appel No. 47 of 2006) [2012] TZHC 195 (17 April 2012) 17 April 2012
Mehboob Fazal Rawji vs Murtaza Fazal (Civil Appeal No. 84 of 2011) [2012] TZHC 167 (4 April 2012) 4 April 2012
March 2012
Mussa Selemani Mkonge vs Mwantumu Ahmad (PC. Civil Appeal 5 of 2010) [2012] TZHC 43 (28 March 2012) 28 March 2012
Anatory T. Mugenyi vs Gordion Soko (Land Case 82 of 2008) [2012] TZHC 132 (12 March 2012) 12 March 2012
Rali Estate LImited & Another vs Leonard Mususa & Others (Land Case 16 of 2008) [2012] TZHC 134 (6 March 2012) 6 March 2012
February 2012
Amina Issah vs White Sand Hotel (Civil Revision 55 of 2010) [2012] TZHC 14 (28 February 2012) 28 February 2012
Hassan Hamis vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 4 of 2012) [2012] TZHC 12 (28 February 2012) 28 February 2012
Siwajabu Sultan vs Doto Ally Mlombo (PC Civil Appeal 34 of 2011) [2012] TZHC 13 (28 February 2012) 28 February 2012
Christopher Kimario vs Maria Joseph (Civil Appeal 96 of 2011) [2012] TZHC 5 (27 February 2012) 27 February 2012
Christopher Mtikila vs Yusuf Mehboob Manji & Others (Civil Case 86 of 2006) [2012] TZHC 25 (27 February 2012) 27 February 2012
Kabula Media Group Ltd vs Tanzania Standard (Newspaper) Ltd (Civil Case 139 of 2007) [2012] TZHC 16 (27 February 2012) 27 February 2012
December 2011
In the Matter of the Estate of the Late Francis Fundi vs In the matter of Application for letter of Administration by Festus Francis Samaka (Probate & Administration Cause 55 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2128 (23 December 2011) 23 December 2011
Michael Vincent vs Erasmo Stephano Hongoli (Land Appeal 96 of 2008) [2011] TZHC 2152 (19 December 2011) 19 December 2011
Mariam Mashaka Faustine & Others vs Attorney General & Others (Consolidated Misc. Civil Cause 88 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2024 (15 December 2011) 15 December 2011
Tanzania Telecomms Co. Ltd & Another vs Boniface Mjenjwa & Others (Misc. Civil Appeal 2 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2079 (15 December 2011) 15 December 2011
Isaack Kagambo vs Joseph Siame (Civil Appeal No. 12 of 2011) [2011] TZHC 2173 (12 December 2011) 12 December 2011
Ismail Rashid vs Mariam Msati (Civil Appeal No. 244 of 2011) [2011] TZHC 2163 (12 December 2011) 12 December 2011
Said Sultani Mwago vs Selemani Sultani Mwago (Probate And Administration Cause No. 16 of 2011) [2011] TZHC 2175 (12 December 2011) 12 December 2011
Matatizo Waziri Habibu vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 36 of 2011) [2011] TZHC 2052 (8 December 2011) 8 December 2011
November 2011
Ramadhani Salehe vs Julius Mavela & Others (PC Civil Appeal 37 of 2011) [2011] TZHC 2063 (29 November 2011) 29 November 2011
Martin Kasyanju vs Emirates Airlines (Civil Case 16 of 2007) [2011] TZHC 2051 (28 November 2011) 28 November 2011
Issa Juma @ Issaya Juma vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 44 of 2011) [2011] TZHC 2041 (24 November 2011) 24 November 2011
Wambele Mtumwa Shahame vs Mohamed Hamis Juma (Civil Application 124 of 2009) [2011] TZHC 2139 (17 November 2011) 17 November 2011
Agro Impex Tanzania Ltd vs Riyaz Gulamani & Others (Civil Case 145 of 2006) [2011] TZHC 2015 (15 November 2011) 15 November 2011
Said Abdallah Nombo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 142 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2068 (9 November 2011) 9 November 2011
Amos Mahalelo vs Ally Tuwano (PC Civil Appeal No. 24 of 2011) [2011] TZHC 2172 (8 November 2011) 8 November 2011
Dar es Salaam City Council vs Hanifa Ramadhani (Civil Case 144 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2026 (8 November 2011) 8 November 2011
Jones M.K Musokwa & Others vs Attorney General & Others (Misc. Civil Case 72 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2045 (3 November 2011) 3 November 2011
October 2011
Charles Makongoro Nyerere vs Mwanachi Communications Ltd & Another (Civil Case 121 of 2008) [2011] TZHC 2022 (31 October 2011) 31 October 2011
Rajabu Mikidadi Mwilima Mfakwenda vs The Editor Hoja Newspaper & Others (Civil Case 29 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2062 (31 October 2011)
31 October 2011
William Maji ya Pwani vs Tanzania Ports Authority (Civil Appeal 19 of 2008) [2011] TZHC 2083 (31 October 2011)
31 October 2011
Omary Saidi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 37 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2057 (28 October 2011) 28 October 2011
Omary Saidi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 37 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2180 (28 October 2011) 28 October 2011
Jayantkumar Chandubay Patel @ Jeetu Patel & Others (Misc. Civil Case 30 of 2009) [2011] TZHC 2044 (25 October 2011) 25 October 2011
CPL. Emius Kayaula vsEdson Mkisi and 2 Others (Civil Appeal 160 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2087 (19 October 2011)
19 October 2011
Zebida Benson Mugasa vs The Commissioner of Customs & Excise (Civil Case 26 of 2011) [2011] TZHC 2084 (19 October 2011)
19 October 2011
Mohamed Mavukilo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 10 of 2011) [2011] TZHC 2053 (7 October 2011) 7 October 2011
Hadija Hamisi & Another vs Samwe Mkwavi Mghweno & Another (Civil Revision 33 of 2009) [2011] TZHC 2038 (3 October 2011) 3 October 2011
September 2011
Hamisi Mwinyijuma & Another vs Tigo Co. Ltd (Civil Case 38 of 2011) [2011] TZHC 2012 (23 September 2011) 23 September 2011
Fred Tungu Mpendazoe vs The Attorney General & Others (Misc. Civil Application 98 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2034 (16 September 2011) 16 September 2011
Secilius Kutisa Fussi vs Dorah Kawawa Fussi (Probate & Administration Cause 57 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2071 (13 September 2011) 13 September 2011
Abdullah Ally Ghuhad & Others vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 43 of 2011) [2011] TZHC 2169 (8 September 2011) 8 September 2011
Peter Peter Junior vs The Attorney General & Another (Civil Case 182 of 2005) [2011] TZHC 2066 (7 September 2011) 7 September 2011
Shabani Nassoro @ Teja & Anothrer vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 41 of 2003) [2011] TZHC 2073 (7 September 2011) 7 September 2011
Dhow Mercantile East Africa LTD & Others vs Yusuph N. Mulla & Another (Misc. Civil Cause No. 16 of 2011) [2011] TZHC 2176 (6 September 2011) 6 September 2011
Godson Munisi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 99 of 2010) [2011] TZHC 2037 (6 September 2011) 6 September 2011