High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court Dar es Salaam Zone Registry

5,275 documents

Court registries

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September 2014
Mashaka Rajabu & Others vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 110 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2224 (8 September 2014) 8 September 2014
Mic (T) Ltd vs The Editor, Mtanzania and 2 Others (Civil Case 146 of 2010) [2014] TZHC 2026 (5 September 2014) 5 September 2014
Neema Theophilus Mkonyi vs Christian Theophilus Mkonyi (Civil Appeal 56 of 2011) [2014] TZHC 2040 (5 September 2014) 5 September 2014
Donald J. Mwakipesile vs Kimbembe Auction Mart LTD & Another (Land Case 92 of 2007) [2014] TZHC 2145 (3 September 2014) 3 September 2014
August 2014
Alex Maganga vs Awadhi Mohamed Gessan & Another (Civil Appeal 13 of 2009) [2014] TZHC 2034 (29 August 2014) 29 August 2014
Tanzania International Container Services Limited vs Abdullahi Hassan Wardere (Civil Appeal 86 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2055 (29 August 2014) 29 August 2014
Raza Hussin Radha & others vs Director of Public Prosecutions (Misc. Criminal Application No. 32 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2333 (22 August 2014) 22 August 2014
All Othumani Rashid & others vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application No. 27 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2304 (18 August 2014) 18 August 2014
Leonard E. Mtepa vs The International Social Security Fund (NSSF) (Civil Appeal 137 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2059 (18 August 2014) 18 August 2014
Gulamali Shah Bokhari & Another vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 40 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2128 (13 August 2014) 13 August 2014
Mbegu Rajabu Mfaume vs Idd Hussein Mfaume & Another (Land Case 8 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2242 (13 August 2014) 13 August 2014
Adelaida Lwekorama & Another vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 120 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2227 (11 August 2014) 11 August 2014
Daniel Obeid Mashoto vs Tunu Obeid K. Mashoto (Misc. Civil Application 25 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2150 (8 August 2014) 8 August 2014
July 2014
Bestcom Company LTD vs Jacob Mtalitinya (Civil Case 160 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2063 (31 July 2014) 31 July 2014
Bestcom Company Ltd. vs Jacob Mtalitinya t.a IT Farm (Civil Case 160 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2176 (31 July 2014)
31 July 2014
Digna Laurent Mashaka vs Laurent Abdallah Mashaka (Matrimonia Appeal 76 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2182 (31 July 2014)
31 July 2014
Zanzibar Petroleum Limited vs Hussein J. Kilongo (Revision No. 313 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2367 (31 July 2014) 31 July 2014
ULF Nilson vs Tito Mziray Andrew (Land Case 66 of 2007) [2014] TZHC 2143 (25 July 2014) 25 July 2014
Frida Andrew Kaiza vs Vedasto Mugyabuso Kujwalire & Another (Probate & Administration Cause 60 of 2007) [2014] TZHC 2156 (24 July 2014) 24 July 2014
Osward Philip Swilimba vs Tanzania Zambia Railways Authority (TAZARA) and 2 Others (Misc. Civil Application 111 of 2010) [2014] TZHC 2035 (23 July 2014) 23 July 2014
Republic vs Mbegu Juma @Pazi (Criminal Session Case 36 of 2010) [2014] TZHC 2028 (22 July 2014) 22 July 2014
Hamid Mfaume Ibrahim vs KBC Tanzania Limited (Misc. Labour Application No. 245 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2298 (18 July 2014) 18 July 2014
Kilimanjaro Paints LTD vs Consolidated Holding Corporation (Civil Case 109 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2062 (10 July 2014) 10 July 2014
National Investments Company LTD & others vs Gideon Kaunda & others (Misc. Civil Application No. 297 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2338 (10 July 2014) 10 July 2014
George Mapunda & another vs DAWASCO (Misc. Rev. No. 1 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2357 (9 July 2014) 9 July 2014
George Mapunda & another vs DAWASCO (Misc. Rev. No. 1 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2358 (9 July 2014) 9 July 2014
Luxury Appartments Limited vs Edward Wilson Ngwale and 3 Others (Misc. Land Application 59 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2184 (8 July 2014)
8 July 2014
June 2014
St. Mary's Juniour School Limited vs Sabetha Mwambenja & another (Misc. Civil Application No. 23 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2317 (20 June 2014) 20 June 2014
Tanzania Breweries Limited vs Edson Muganyizi Barongo & others (Misc. Labour Application No. 79 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2343 (10 June 2014) 10 June 2014
Stephen Makungu & others vs A/S Noremco (Revision No. 224 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2368 (9 June 2014) 9 June 2014
May 2014
Othman R. Ntarru vs Baraza Kuu La Waislam Tanzania (BAKWATA) (Revision No. 323 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2369 (30 May 2014) 30 May 2014
Clara Kaare & Others vs Magreen Mwakitwange & Others (Probate & Administration Cause 19 of 2003) [2014] TZHC 2294 (23 May 2014) 23 May 2014
Hassan Sadick Mloto vs Knight Support (T) LTD (Labour Revision No. 266 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2387 (16 May 2014) 16 May 2014
Edward Msika & Another vs PC LEO & Others (Civil Case 73 of 2007) [2014] TZHC 2126 (15 May 2014) 15 May 2014
Awadhi Abdul Kamugisha vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 106 of 2011) [2014] TZHC 2411 (12 May 2014) 12 May 2014
Director of Public Prosecutions vs Prof. Dr. Costa Mahalu & Another (Criminal Appeal 135 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2101 (9 May 2014) 9 May 2014
Catherine Oyana vs Muhimbili Medical Hospital (Civil Case 12 of 2011) [2014] TZHC 2041 (7 May 2014) 7 May 2014
Joseph Kigua & another vs Godwin Musa Mwapongo (Land Appeal No. 2 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2362 (3 May 2014) 3 May 2014
Ramadhani Hashim Khalfan vs Editor Mtanzania News Paper & Others (Civil Case 26 of 2002) [2014] TZHC 2292 (2 May 2014) 2 May 2014
April 2014
Dr. Godbless Charles vs Medical Council of Tanganyika and A.G. (Misc. Civil Appeal 1 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2019 (30 April 2014)
30 April 2014
Gilbert Mwakyusa vs NBC. Holdings Corporation & Another (Civil Case 378 of 2000) [2014] TZHC 2296 (28 April 2014) 28 April 2014
Juma Abdallah Chembea & Another vs David Majola (Civil Appeal 106 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2056 (22 April 2014) 22 April 2014
Aurelia Temba and 3 Others vs Chief of Defence Forces, Tanzania Peoples Defence Forces (TPDC) and 2 Others (Civil Case 181 of 2011) [2014] TZHC 2177 (9 April 2014)
9 April 2014
Aurelia Temba and 3 Others vs Chief of Defence Forces, Tanzania Peoples Defence Force (TPDF) and 2 Others (Civil Case 181 of 2011) [2014] TZHC 2042 (9 April 2014) 9 April 2014
Adonchius Mulokozi vs John Mallya (Misc. Civil Application 30 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2123 (2 April 2014) 2 April 2014
Fredrick Meena vs Edha Abdallah T/A CAMEL OIL (Civil Revision 33 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2064 (2 April 2014) 2 April 2014
March 2014
William Kasian Nchimbi & Others vs Registrar of Title & Others (Misc. Land Aplication 12 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2279 (27 March 2014) 27 March 2014
Laurent Rugambwa vs Tanzania Red Cross Society and Another (Misc. Civil Cause 3 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2183 (26 March 2014) 26 March 2014
Charles Werongo vs Attorney General & Another (Misc. Civil Application 229 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2268 (18 March 2014) 18 March 2014
Charles Werongo vs Attorney General & another (Misc. Civil application No. 229 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2318 (18 March 2014) 18 March 2014