High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
42 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
December 1986
Magesa S/O Mjunja vs Republic [1986] TZHC 28 (12 December 1986)
12 December 1986
November 1986
Safiniel Cleopa vs John Kadeghe [1986] TZHC 27 (29 November 1986)
29 November 1986
National Bank of Commerce vs Cosmas M. Mukoji [1986] TZHC 26 (21 November 1986)
21 November 1986
Morogoro Stores (1976) Ltd vs National Bank of Commerce [1986] TZHC 25 (13 November 1986)
13 November 1986
Sudi Mussa vs Republic ((HC) Criminal Appeal No. 40 of 1985) [1986] TZHC 39 (13 November 1986) 13 November 1986
October 1986
Yasini Rashidi Mwinuka and Another vs Republic (Consolidated Criminal Appeals 11 of 1986) [1986] TZHC 30 (29 October 1986) 29 October 1986
Yasini Rashidi Mwinuka & another vs Republic (Consolidated Criminal Appeals No. 11 & 75 of 1986) [1986] TZHC 34 (29 October 1986) 29 October 1986
Yasini Rashidi Mwinuka & another vs Republic (Consolidated Criminal Appeals No. 11 & 75 of 1986) [1986] TZHC 38 (29 October 1986) 29 October 1986
Republic vs Elirehema Nicolaus & Another [1986] TZHC 24 (1 October 1986)
1 October 1986
September 1986
Amulike Mwankenja vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 5 of 1986) [1986] TZHC 35 (27 September 1986) 27 September 1986
Amulike Mwankenja vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 5 of 1986) [1986] TZHC 36 (27 September 1986) 27 September 1986
Amulike Mwankenja vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 5 of 1986) [1986] TZHC 37 (27 September 1986) 27 September 1986
Festina Kibutu vs Mbaya Ngajimba [1986] TZHC 23 (23 September 1986)
23 September 1986
In Re: Application By Simeon Manyaki & In Re: Executive Committee vs Council of the Institute of Finance Management [1986] TZHC 22 (12 September 1986)
12 September 1986
Manyaki vs Executive Committee & Council of Institute of Finance Management (Misc. Application 42 of 1984) [1986] TZHC 1 (12 September 1986) 12 September 1986
Atanas B. Sangana vs Hadrian Ndunguru and Another (Civil Appeal 35 of 1986) [1986] TZHC 29 (3 September 1986) 3 September 1986
August 1986
Juma Ali Kaziyabure vs Tanzania Posts & Telecommunications [1986] TZHC 21 (21 August 1986)
21 August 1986
Republic vs Charles Kiegezo [1986] TZHC 20 (20 August 1986)
20 August 1986
Ismail S/O Bushaija vs Republic [1986] TZHC 19 (14 August 1986)
14 August 1986
Stanslaus S/O Munubi Majula vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 197 of 1985) [1986] TZHC 32 (14 August 1986) 14 August 1986
Chairman, Nyabioyonza Rural Cooperative Society Ltd vs Cosmas Rumanyika [1986] TZHC 18 (1 August 1986)
1 August 1986
July 1986
M/S Kanyarwe Building Contractor vs Attorney General & Another [1986] TZHC 17 (31 July 1986)
31 July 1986
John Sapuli & Others vs Rajabu A. Athumani Mrope & Attorney General [1986] TZHC 16 (24 July 1986)
24 July 1986
Yona Nguta Luwongo vs Austin Kapere Edward Shaba and another (Misc. Civil Case No. 2 of 1985) [1986] TZHC 33 (18 July 1986) 18 July 1986
Hemedi Saidi vs Mohamedi Mbilu [1986] TZHC 15 (5 July 1986)
5 July 1986
Shillo Mzee vs Fatuma Ahmed [1986] TZHC 14 (2 July 1986)
2 July 1986
Republic vs Sebastian Ndomba [1986] TZHC 13 (1 July 1986)
1 July 1986
June 1986
Stephen Kiberenge & Others vs Republic [1986] TZHC 12 (23 June 1986)
23 June 1986
In the matter of an Application by Asgarali Ramzanali Manekia for orders of Certiorari and Mandamus vs In the matter of the Minister for Home Affairs (Misc. Civil Cause 39 of 1986) [1986] TZHC 31 (13 June 1986) 13 June 1986
Pili Juma Bilali vs Abdullah Khalifa [1986] TZHC 10 (1 June 1986)
1 June 1986
Republic vs Mohamed Antoni [1986] TZHC 11 (1 June 1986)
1 June 1986
May 1986
Halifan Abdallah vs Republic [1986] TZHC 9 (1 May 1986)
1 May 1986
April 1986
Scolastica Paulo vs Republic [1986] TZHC 8 (29 April 1986)
29 April 1986
Samson Kayora & Leonard Msimba vs Republic [1986] TZHC 7 (23 April 1986)
23 April 1986
Lunanda Mahuruti vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 91 of 1985) [1986] TZHC 40 (22 April 1986) 22 April 1986
Francis Andrew vs Kamyn Industries (T) Ltd [1986] TZHC 6 (10 April 1986)
10 April 1986
March 1986
Mustapha Shabani vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 85 of 1985) [1986] TZHC 41 (29 March 1986) 29 March 1986
K.H. Mariri vs O. Jazza [1986] TZHC 5 (4 March 1986)
4 March 1986
February 1986
Ramadhani Kambi Mkinga  vs Ramadhani Saidi [1986] TZHC 4 (12 February 1986)
12 February 1986
January 1986
Mwanahamisi Abdallah & Hamisi vs Republic [1986] TZHC 3 (29 January 1986)
29 January 1986
Chapakazi Building Contractor vs Parokia Ya Kiwanja Cha Ndege [1986] TZHC 2 (22 January 1986)
22 January 1986
Amina Bakari vs Ramadhani Rajabu [1986] TZHC 1 (14 January 1986)
14 January 1986