High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
42 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
May 2014
Bahati M. Ngowi vs Paul Aidan Ulungi (Misc. Civil Application 6 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2261 (30 May 2014) 30 May 2014
Invocavit Zakayo Mushi vs Mohamed Abdallah Wadi & Another (Misc. Land Aplication 35 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2277 (30 May 2014) 30 May 2014
Nathan Edward Mnyawami vs Pendamacheko Makongwa & Others (Land Case Appeal 7 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2112 (30 May 2014) 30 May 2014
Othman R. Ntarru vs Baraza Kuu La Waislam Tanzania (BAKWATA) (Revision No. 323 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2369 (30 May 2014) 30 May 2014
Patrick Simwela vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 46 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2204 (30 May 2014) 30 May 2014
Ombeni Paul Msuya vs National Insurance Corporation of (T) LTD & Another (Revision No. 367 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2396 (29 May 2014) 29 May 2014
Sabaya Loitai vs Nemanga Wanga (Land Revision 8 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2252 (29 May 2014) 29 May 2014
Eleni Papadopoulou vs Elphida Nuru Tatizo Degela (Misc. Civil Cause 4 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2272 (28 May 2014) 28 May 2014
Malaya Abdallah Mtambo vs Abdallah Mtambo & Others (Misc. Civil Application 6 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2122 (27 May 2014) 27 May 2014
Fanuel Titus Lamai & Others vs Arusha District Council (Land Case 18 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2248 (26 May 2014) 26 May 2014
Felix Chuwa vs Hassan Jumanne (Land Appeal 31 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2240 (26 May 2014) 26 May 2014
Samwel S/O Nyalada vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 121 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2188 (26 May 2014) 26 May 2014
Clara Kaare & Others vs Magreen Mwakitwange & Others (Probate & Administration Cause 19 of 2003) [2014] TZHC 2294 (23 May 2014) 23 May 2014
Vally Mwasinga vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal No. 71 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2371 (22 May 2014) 22 May 2014
Joseph Ngao vs Sungusia Tenga & Another (Land Case No. 3 of 2007) [2014] TZHC 2419 (21 May 2014) 21 May 2014
Abubakar Ndimbo vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 42 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2200 (20 May 2014) 20 May 2014
Adorati Kapinga vs Wenzeslaus Ndunguru (Misc. Land Application No. 11 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2392 (20 May 2014) 20 May 2014
Ramadhani Maabadi & Another vs Maka Serafini & Others (Misc. Civil Application 158 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2267 (20 May 2014) 20 May 2014
Ndaramia Kirasian vs Babu Lalaito (Misc. Land Aplication 212 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2135 (19 May 2014) 19 May 2014
Republic vs Elias S/O Fuko (Criminal Appeal 9 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2190 (19 May 2014) 19 May 2014
Halfan Ibrahim vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 131 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2229 (16 May 2014) 16 May 2014
Hassan Sadick Mloto vs Knight Support (T) LTD (Labour Revision No. 266 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2387 (16 May 2014) 16 May 2014
Edward Msika & Another vs PC LEO & Others (Civil Case 73 of 2007) [2014] TZHC 2126 (15 May 2014) 15 May 2014
Elizabeth D/O Joakim vs Phillipo Kulwa Maziku (Misc. Civil Application No. 17 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2315 (15 May 2014) 15 May 2014
Jactan Sigala vs Elly Ngole & Others (DC Civil Appeal No. 18 of 2008) [2014] TZHC 2420 (15 May 2014) 15 May 2014
Faki Saidi Mtanda vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 59 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2215 (13 May 2014) 13 May 2014
Awadhi Abdul Kamugisha vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 106 of 2011) [2014] TZHC 2411 (12 May 2014) 12 May 2014
Hawa Selemani Ramadhani vs Zuena Ramadhan (Civil Appeal 15 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2157 (12 May 2014) 12 May 2014
Msurupei Ndoinyo @ Hosea Daniel vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 3 of 2014) [2014] TZHC 2140 (12 May 2014) 12 May 2014
National Bank of Commerce LTD vs Mnaya Chalamila (DC Civil Appeal 7 of 2008) [2014] TZHC 2208 (12 May 2014) 12 May 2014
Bepha Mugasa vs C.M.C Motors Limited (Civil Appeal 121 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2057 (9 May 2014) 9 May 2014
Director of Public Prosecutions vs Prof. Dr. Costa Mahalu & Another (Criminal Appeal 135 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2101 (9 May 2014) 9 May 2014
Catherine Oyana vs Muhimbili Medical Hospital (Civil Case 12 of 2011) [2014] TZHC 2041 (7 May 2014) 7 May 2014
Ally Bakari Danga vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 42 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2090 (5 May 2014) 5 May 2014
Atilio Maluli vs Zacharia Maketa (PC Civil Appeal 1 of 2008) [2014] TZHC 2206 (5 May 2014) 5 May 2014
Hamidu Mrisho vs Tabora Municipal Council (Lan Appeal 32 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2111 (5 May 2014) 5 May 2014
Joseph Kigua & another vs Godwin Musa Mwapongo (Land Appeal No. 2 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2362 (3 May 2014) 3 May 2014
Ismail Rajabu vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 14 of 2013) [2014] TZHC 2191 (2 May 2014) 2 May 2014
Olympia Mkwenya vs Doroth Dinya (PC Civil Appeal No. 1 of 2011) [2014] TZHC 2418 (2 May 2014) 2 May 2014
Omari Shaban Nassoro vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 18 of 2012) [2014] TZHC 2078 (2 May 2014) 2 May 2014
Paulo Simon Mnkande vs Inspector General of Police & Others (Civil Case No. 4 of 2011) [2014] TZHC 2417 (2 May 2014) 2 May 2014
Ramadhani Hashim Khalfan vs Editor Mtanzania News Paper & Others (Civil Case 26 of 2002) [2014] TZHC 2292 (2 May 2014) 2 May 2014