High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
113 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
March 2003
A. W. Moshi vs Edson J. S Mkisi (Civil Appeal 216 of 2002) [2003] TZHC 61 (2 March 2003) 2 March 2003
Moshi vs Mkisi (Civil Appeal 216 of 2002) [2003] TZHC 3 (1 March 2003) 1 March 2003
February 2003
Ngeresa S. ngeri & others vs Ultimate Security Limited (Misc. Civil Cause No. 116 of 2001) [2003] TZHC 108 (24 February 2003) 24 February 2003
Mussa Sagamiko vs Sethlymo (Civil Case 87 of 1992) [2003] TZHC 69 (18 February 2003) 18 February 2003
Yusuf B. Mjungu & Another vs Kiuta (1998) Ltd & Another (Misc. Civil Cause 62 of 2007) [2003] TZHC 46 (13 February 2003) 13 February 2003
January 2003
Edward S/O Simkoko vs Braison S/O Hankungwe ((PC) Criminal Appeal No. 10 of 2001) [2003] TZHC 105 (27 January 2003) 27 January 2003
Swaburi Abdulkarim vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal No. 46 of 2002) [2003] TZHC 89 (27 January 2003) 27 January 2003
Swaburi Abdulkarim vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal No. 46 of 2002) [2003] TZHC 90 (27 January 2003) 27 January 2003
Impack General Agencies vs National Bank of Commerce (Civil Case 239 of 1996) [2003] TZHC 2 (17 January 2003) 17 January 2003
Impack General Agencies vs National Bank of Commerce (Civil Case 239 of 1996) [2003] TZHC 44 (17 January 2003) 17 January 2003
Impack General Agencies vs National Bank of Commerce (Civil Case 239 of 1996) [2003] TZHC 68 (17 January 2003) 17 January 2003
Firmin Aul Maliwa vs Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority (Civil Case 349 of 2000) [2003] TZHC 47 (9 January 2003) 9 January 2003
Mteteleka & Others vs Tanzanian Chamber of Commerce Industry & Agruculture Ltd (Civil Revision 67 of 2003) [2003] TZHC 1 (1 January 2003) 1 January 2003